Here’s another one that my sister brought me back from
Canada! Today, my son Andy will be enjoying this one. He’s agreed to let me have a couple bites and a slurp of soup to do the review. Thanks, Andy and Sue!
The Definitive Source For Instant Noodle Reviews Since 2002
Here’s another one that my sister brought me back from
Canada! Today, my son Andy will be enjoying this one. He’s agreed to let me have a couple bites and a slurp of soup to do the review. Thanks, Andy and Sue!
Here’s another one my sister got me for my birthday! Here’s a brand I’ve never seen before – Mamee. It’s from Malaysia! Let’s have a look!
Here’s the second of the two packs sent to me by Chris H. of Westport, CT – thanks again! So this is the other extremely popular variety out of Korea, Samyang’s Nagasaki Jjampong. I read that ‘white broth’ instant noodles are all the rage there – none are for sale in the Asian grocery stores I frequent and the ones Chris sent are from Korea. Anyways, let’s give it a try!
Here’s something extra special, sent by Chris H. of Westport, CT. This is the extremely popular Kko Kko Myun. What I know is that this is made using chicken broth instead of spicy red peppers. It is based on a recipe created by Korean comedian Lee Kyung-kyu. It has an unusual white broth – everything for the most part coming out of Korea has that bright red chili-infused broth. In the first five months of this stuff being released in Korea, they sold 100 million packs! Very popular! So here we go with a review – this is from Korea and not a regular export so the packaging doesn’t have all of its info, but hopefully you can glean info from the nutrition facts, etc off of the label.
This the last of the noodles sent to me by Cindy C. of London, UK – your donation was so kind and so appreciated! I really had no idea about British instant noodles before!
You may have been wondering, “why so few reviews this week?” Well, to put it mildly, I’m sick. Had this horrible nagging cough for three weeks. Didn’t make it to work two weeks ago, made it this week and then the whole thing kicked into ultra overdrive. We’re talking about staying in bed all day people. Mucus flowing like the Mississippi. I’m starting the slow path to recovery thanks in no small part to my wife and my sister’s kindness. Today I decided that after being upo for quite a while I’d better make myself eat something. I decided to go with some chicken Top Ramen.
Definitely one that’s been sitting at the bottom of the noodle hamper for a while – it’s barely expired – not worried. Let’s give it a try!
This has to be one of the strangest instant noodles I’ve seen. No instructions. Strange packets. Here we go with #666!
Here it is – the new Ramen Rater Top Ten List! It was originally released on on January 9th, 2011 as an exclusive guest post I did. Now, here it is on The Ramen Rater for your perusal with links to all of the corresponding reviews! Enjoy!
This is a pretty generic looking bowl of instant noodles. However, they’re from Thailand and boast a hot and spicy Tom Yum flavor – Hopefully they’re really good!
Yesterday I went to HT Oaktree Market on 100th & Aurora in North Seattle. I went to get some things to make a batch of my curry soup and of course hit up the noodle aisle. Was thinking of re-reviewing the Mi Sedaap curry I’d had before as well, but as it turns out, I snagged a new one I hadn’t reviewed yet. Then this morning, I noticed a lot of people coming to The Ramen Rater from a forum on a Singapore website – they were all coming because of a link to Mi Sedaap Perisa Asli, something I’d reviewed a while back. I thought I should review a new Mi Sedaap today, so here we go.
The last time I had Dragonfly brand noodles they were in a bowl and cooked by steeping. This time around it’s boiling in a pot. I remember how much I really enjoyed these Chinese noodles! Let’s see how they are in a pack.
Well, this is the end of the line. A few months ago, Cindy C. from England sent a nice big box of instant noodles containing many kinds of Super Noodles and Pot Noodle and this is the last of the Pot Noodle! After this, there are two pouches I’ll review called ‘Mug Shots.’ Thanks again Cindy! This has been a lot of fun!
Well, today’s the day! The first Ramen Rater Momofuku Ando Day! I hope people out there are enjoying noodles today! Been a great day here – had some good noodles (which you’ll see shortly in the video) and was featured on the Seattle Weekly’s blog! Today I decided to review the closest thing I had to the 1958 Nissin Chikin noodles – the first instant noodles that were produced ever. I went with Nissin’s Top Ramen Chicken flavor; kind of the great grandchild of the Nissin Chikin! So sit back, relax, and check out the video. Happy Momofuku Ando Day!
Here’s another from the bottom of the hamper! My sister Sue got this one for me on a trip to Canada earlier this year. Looks like this’ll be the last noodle to be reviewed in 2011! But these aren’t your ordinary looking noodles, are they? Instant macaroni! Let’s try it!
Here’s one that we got at a northern Oregon Chevron of all places. Man, I’m still jonesin’ to try the Beef Taco and Jalapeno Cheddar flavors!!!
Here’s yet another from Michelle L. of New York. I am really digging the “A” series so far!
This one came from Cindy C. of England! Thanks Cindy- if you have a picture of where you’ve stuck your stickers, send it along, please! This is the first of the low fat Super Noodles I’ll be trying – I think there’s one or two more.
Here’s another re-review of Indomie. Special Chicken Flavor! Thanks go to Jim C. and Empire International!
Here’s the first re-review of one of the samples sent by Empire International thanks to Jim C.! This sounded really good after work!
From time to time, it’s a good idea to revisit a baseline. Top Ramen Chicken is something I compare all noodles to in one way or another. The noodles themselves are classic – they’re not bad and soak up the flavor well. They’re not mushy although not exactly what one would call chewy. When reviewing chicken instant noodles I always think to this stuff. Of course, when I see an article someone has blogged or written on the Internet about ramen, a good 80% of the time there’s a nice big picture of the product you see above. Youtube’s no stranger to this either; there are about a zillion videos telling you simply how to prepare a packet of instant Top Ramen. It’s not only good but its everywhere. Eaten raw or cooked, people seem to like it. Well, I like it too and so I revisit it with a sore throat and runny nose. Here we go!
You hungry? Ya! What joo hungry pho? Phoya? Phoshizzle… I dunno – I think they think they’re really clever with this one. So I’ll review it pho ya….
No way, really? Way. Southern fried chicken. It’s funny because it took the British to come up with a fried chicken flavor of instant noodles! I don’t have a clue why Nissin or Maruchan picks up on this kind of thing and markets it in the US – it’d be so popular here. Alas, I fear they travel the safe road and ‘crazy’ is cheese flavored noodles. I should note though that Maruchan has made a Yakisoba bowl here that is Taco flavored – wish I could get my hands on it!
Here we are with another one from England. Looks interesting! Chicken. The flavor that’s usually very boring. Well, let’s see what comes of this one.
Here’s another Dutch noodle from Michael V.N. in Holland! He informed me that kip means chicken – it’s kind of funny as almost every other noodle package that is chicken flavored usually has some kind of image of a chicken on it – this one’s covert!
Hey this looks shmancy! Nothing better than an interesting new pack of noodles from Indonesia.
Here’s another of the Yum Yum’s that were sent from Holland! Chicken flavor eh? I like chicken as well as chickens!
A new find today at a big Korean supermarket nearby. Been a while since I’ve reviewed anything by Sapporo Ichiban. What’s interesting too is that the packaging proclaims that it’s new! Also on the back it says it’s three servings! Boy, this economy sure is hitting everyone hard! Now instant noodle rationing!
This is a big bowl of noodles from China. So far, I’ve tried Dragonfly’s Onion, Seafood and Beef flavors. I’m really happy with how nice those have been and eager to try this one!
Here’s a new brand – Kailo! This is a big bowl of noodles too – and what an odd image on the front. But hey, how can chicken be fouled (it’s already been fowled HAHAHAHAHA – bad I know but I’m full of noodles now) it’s such a basic flavor. So here we go! UPDATE – This stuff is actually ABALONE CHICKEN – that explains a lot.
I’ve tried many of the Maruchan noodles line and I’d thought I’d had all of their packaged noodles for the US market – then this shows up. The Market At Anacortes had it – never seen it before. My wife loves mushrooms so hoping she likes it too.
Here’s another one sent to me by Michael M. from Staten Island, NY – thanks again, man! As I mentioned before, he found a few of them on the kosher aisle of a grocery store and sent them my direction. The last review I did was imitation chicken flavor. This one’s chicken flavor. I looked at the ingredients and don’t see any chicken… Hmm… Well, let’s try it out.
So here’s one I got from Ramen Rater contributor Michael M. from Staten Island, NY. He said he found some of these down the aisle with kosher foods at his grocery store. Well, let’s give it a try!
So I thought I’d tried every single variety of these but I found yet another in California! This is just chicken – not spicy chicken. So here we go with the noodling!
Here we have some noodles from Vietnam. I got these during the trip to California in Pleasanton. I’m figuring these won’t be too bad – in my time as a noodle reviewer, I must say that chicken flavor is pretty hard to screw up. So let’s see what we have here!
So here’s something new – Mr. Udon! These came from a Big Lots store north of here – was rather surprised to see it honestly. So let’s give ‘er a try!
I had another one of these that had ginger flavor with it – was pretty good! I think I got this one at the Seafood City in Tukwila on my birthday during the big noodle re-up of 2011.