Found this one locally last weekend. An Indonesian mukbang contender! Let’s check it out!
Category: Chicken
#3879: Baixiang Artificial Chicken Soup Flavor Instant Noodle – China
I first found Baixiang products up in Richmond, BC a number of years ago. Good stuff – always like to try new ones they make. A reader mentioned this one – I’d seen it before, and I’d thought I’d bought the chicken one and the pork one, but instead I’d gotten two pork ones. Well, when asked if I’d tried it I decided to grab the chicken one. Only one pack this time though. Let’s check it out!
#3862: Nissin Cup Noodles Teriyaki Chicken – Germany
Well this one was sent by the nice folks in Germany for review! Sounds like a nice variety too. It’s nice when something smells good – I get these reviews ready while the kids eat their dinner in the evening right before they go to bed and then we have our dinner. The actual review will happen tomorrow after the kids have their lunch. Everything revolves around our children in our house, just as it probably goes in everyone else’s house. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Let’s give this one a try!
#3861: Wai Wai Quick Chicken Pizza Flavored Instant Noodle – Serbia
A long time ago, I went to JD’s Market in Lynnwood, WA. I found a few neat things, including pizza instant noodles from Pakistan! Well, I just realized years later on a recent trip (like a few weeks ago), I picked up a pack whose flavor is chicken pizza! It’s a wellspring of unique pizza flavor in the instant noodle way. Let’s give it a try!
#3856: Morre Instant Noodles Chicken Flavored – Pakistan
Here’s another cup I found locally hailing from far away – this one’s made in Pakistan. I really like finding stuff from places I’ve not done a lot of reviews. Let’s give it a try!
#3844: Indomie Instant Noodles Special Chicken Flavour – Indonesia
This one arrived in an Exotic Noods subscription box – check ’em out and use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3837: Nissin Cup Noodles Ginger Chicken Savoury Shiitake Soup – Germany
Here’s another one of these neat cups sent by Nissin Foods Deutschland! Thanks again! Let’s check it out.
#3836: Panda Signature Ramen Noodle Soup Creamy Chicken Flavor – United States
Well, here’s another one of the Panda Signature varieties that were sent in by a reader – thanks again! As it turns out, our local Walmart Market has these now too. I’m guessing these have been phased in at all the Walmarts everywhere around the United States. Still pretty surprised by that. Many people have voiced how they dislike these, and this one in particular. Then again, some have said they like these products. I must admit, I’ve not had so many folks comment on a new variety on the market as much as with these, most likely since they’re at Walmart. I’m guessing they have the same price point the previous ones had? Well, let’s give this creamy chicken one a try!
#3823: Nissin Cup Noodles Stir Fry Hot Garlic Chicken Flavor – United States
Recently, Nissin USA sent an unannounced box, which has a take out bag with a stapled receipt and new varieties of their popular Cup Noodles Stir Fry range. Hot garlic sounds really good – and I have some chicken! Let’s hit it! By the way – 2021 is the 50th anniversary of Cup Noodles!
#3821: Panda Signature Ramen Noodle Soup Chicken Flavor – United States
This is one of the varieties sent by a reader named Daniel from Montana – thank you! He mentioned that at the local Walmart, these had replaced all of the MAruchan product. I’ve got a couple theories about this stuff. First, maybe it’s actually a rebranding of Maruchan product; that logo mentioning the 0g Trans Fat looks pretty much like the same logo does on Maruchan’s packs. Not only that, there are a lot of flavors that sound identical to Maruchan varieties. The yellow banner kind of reminds me of the one on the MExican Sopa Maruchan varieties. I dunno – I could be way off on this.
#3811: Newgate Express Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour – Ireland
Thanks to Cian from Ireland, I now understand what quality hails from Irish supermarket chains. I really haven’t enjoyed any of these up until now and not a lot of hopes for this one. But then again, how can a chicken instant noodle be all that bad, right? Let’s find out.
#3805: iMee Instant Noodles Chicken Green Curry Flavour – Thailand
These come by way of Yukhong at Golden Bay Supply – thanks! Hey sent me some neat Thai products to try recently to try out and so here we are. Very curious about this one and the noodle block looks different than most rice noodles. Let’s check it out!
#3791: iMee Chicken Red Curry Flavour Instant Noodles – Thailand
These come by way of Yukhong at Golden Bay Supply – thanks! Hey sent me some neat Thai products to try recently to try out and so here we are. Let’s give this one a try!
#3790: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Chicken Flavor – United States
I recently tried the pack version of the Hotter & Spicier and was very pleased – I have to say I liked that pack much better than the cup. Curious if the chicken flavor will have the same effect. Let’s find out!
#3781: Tapatio Ramen Noodle Soup Chicken Flavor – United States
Here’s another one of the cups the folks at the company sent – thanks you very much! The Tapatio guy always seems so awake and well rested. Let’s see if the spicy heat will wake me up!
#3768: Nora Kitchen Chicken Sotanghon – United States
Can’t remember exactly where I picked this one up, but it’s Filipino. What’s more is that it says it’s a product of the USA. Don’t think I’ve heard of this Nora Kitchen brand before – I suspect maybe it’s the same as Pamana but I could be wrong. Anyways, sotanghon time – let’s check it out!
#3764: Wai Wai Quick Instant Noodles Chicken Curry Flavour – Serbia
What a lovely surprise! I went to JR’s Market over in Lynnwood, WA when we were out getting Halloween costumes for the kids (it’s across the parking lot from the Halloween store) and found this and quite a few more varieties. I figured this was from Nepal as it’s a Chaudhary Group noodle, but after examining this one it’s from CG Europe – from Serbia! So this is another country I’ve not reviewed anything from, which is pretty neat!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3749: LonoLife Chicken Bone Broth Noodle Soup – United States
Here’s the second review of the series. Again, we have 20 grams of protein in this one, coming from the inclusion of bone broth in with egg noodles. Let’s give it a try!
#3744: Pamana Instant chicken Sotanghon – United States
Here’s another one for the Filipino market here in the states by Pamana. Sadly, this is the last Filipino variety I’ve got so I’m hoping someone who’s reading from the Philippines might be kind enough to send some new varieties I’ve not reviewed. Very hard to come by these days for me I’m afraid! Let’s check it out – but first, a little snippet from Wikipedia about Sotanghon – oh wait, I guess not. It appears it’s being confused with rice vermicelli – which this dish does use, but the translation in this instance would be to bihon instead so I don’t know what to do… A little research yielded use of mushrooms, however in my years reviewing, I’ve seen a lot of varieties including saltine crackers. We shall see.
#3740: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Mushroom Chicken Flavour – China
This one arrived in an Exotic Noods subscription box – check ’em out and use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order!
#3722: TTL Table Wine Carved Chicken Noodle Bowl – Taiwan
Alright so this one’s a little confusing. The bar code on this correlated with review #3035, however there are some distinct differences in the packaging. #3035 doesn’t have side panels and the lid is different. I’m unsure about this one so it’ll get a new review. Let’s give it a try!
#3713: Kay’s Instant Macaroni Chicken Soup – Malaysia
There’s been a lot of comment in the Instant Noodles – The Ramen Rater Facebook lately concerning ramen vs pasta. This most certainly is pasta. However, a chicken macaroni soup from Malaysia definitely an interesting thing. Plus it’s instant. Let’s give it a try!
#3705: Indomie Instant Noodles Mi Goreng Barbeque Chicken Flavour – Indonesia
Here’s another one that arrived in a box from Exotic Noods. Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3688: Mr. Lee’s Noodles Coconut Chicken Curry Rice Noodle Soup – United States
I recently did a series of the Mr. Lee’s UK varieties – and now I’m doing a series of the ones now available in the United States! This one looks like the Laksa from the UK, but they’re calling it curry. Is it different? Let’s find out!
#3686: Sapporo Ichiban Karaage Ginger Shio – Japan
Here we have one from Japan sent by Zenpop. Zenpop does a few different kinds of subscription boxes you can get and they’re pretty neat! Use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount at checkout!
#3683: Sapporo Ichiban Sekai No Yamachan (Phantom Chicken Wings) Yakisoba – Japan
Here we have one from Japan sent by Zenpop. Zenpop does a few different kinds of subscription boxes you can get and they’re pretty neat! Use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount at checkout!
#3680: Rap Snacks Icon Ramen Noodles Creamy Chicken Gumbo – United States
This is the third and final variety of Rap Snacks Icon Ramen Noodles I received from The Fat Hipster – thanks again,man! This one features Master P on the lid and some quotes from him. Let’s check it out!
#3677: Samyang Foods Challenge Buldak Bibimmyun – South Korea
A little while back, Samyang Foods produced a variety called Buldak Mini. It was a smaller noodle block, however it clocked in at 12,000 SHU. Since people like to go big or go home, they came out with this – Challenge Buldak. This time it’s a full size noodle block, and it is served cold. Again, this one comes in at 12,000 SHU. They even have a hashtag mentioning this challenge attribute. I decided to give it a go and in the video below, you’ll see I conquered in in just over 3 minutes. Let’s give this one a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3670: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Chicken Flavor – United States
We come to the end of this series with some chicken flavor. I should note again that all three varieties are vegetarian friendly. Let’s see how this one tastes as we bid a fond farewell to this range.
#3664: Rap Snacks Icon Ramen Noodles Louisiana Hot & Spicy Chicken – United States
Thanks again go out to The Fat Hipster on YouTube for sending these along. This one feature a rapper that I’ve never heard of. Boosie is on the lid so you’ll see him below. Anyways, I’m hoping this is really a spicy one. Let’s find out!
#3662: Sapporo Ichiban Karaage Garlic Shoyu – Japan
Here we have one from Japan sent by Zenpop. Zenpop does a few different kinds of subscription boxes you can get and they’re pretty neat! Use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount at checkout!
#3652: Acecook Tamago Shoyu Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came from a subscription box. Use the coupon code RAMENRATER at checkout for a discount!
#3650: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Chicken Paitan” taste – United States
Made in Japan for the US market, this one comes by way of a recent box – thank you! Use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% discount over there! Curious about this one – let’s do it up!
#3645: Miliket Pho Huong Vi Ga – Vietnam
One of the remaining few from James of California – thanks again! Here we have a chicken pho variety from Vietnam. Let’s check it out!
#3637: Samyang Foods Buldak 3x Spicy HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen – South Korea
Well, well, well. Here we are yet again. Just not hot enough for you, eh? Well, maybe this will do it for you. I mean look – Hochi (the Buldak mascot) is right there, tears streaming, breathing fire… 3x Spicy – so what it 1x spicy? Well, 4,400 SHU (scoville heat units). 3x would be 13,200 SHU – I guess we’ll have to see if that’s spicy. I know it will be. Time to burn!
#3632: Gurimi Rasa Kaldu Ayam – Indonesia
This is your basic chicken instant noodle. It’s from ABC who I just did a short series on. We’ve been out of chicken lately and this morning I ducked out of the rain into the store and got some. $1.99/lb! That’s not bad, really. Let’s chicken it up!
#3621: Sau Tao QQ Vermicelli Abalone Chicken Soup Flavour – Hong Kong
Decided to start off the week with a couple Sau Tao varieties today (you should be seeing the second one tomorrow). They sent a ton for a Meet The Manufacturer series (okay, not a literal ton – just 400lbs of samples). Let’s check out their QQ Rice Vermicelli!
#3616: Nissin Top Ramen Chicken Noodles – India
Really enjoying giving these Indian varieties a try – I don’t get a lot of them so I’m happily going through everything I got recently. Chicken sounds like it should be a good bet. Let’s go!
#3613: Sau Tao Ho Fan Abalone Chicken Soup Flavour – Hong Kong
You might be saying ‘gosh, you’re reviewing a lot of Sau Tao stuff!’ Well, yes I am – as I have a lot of different varieties in a couple boxes in our bedroom currently. I’m trying to review things that are big to shrink things down so they’ll fit in the hampers.
Meet The Manufacturer: #3606: Thien Huong Food Lemon Chicken Flavour Instant Noodles – Vietnam
Lemon chicken sounds good! This isn’t one I’ve seen a lot of. Lemon usually isn’t a pairing with instant noodle flavor profiles. Uniqueness! Hooray! Sure, there’s lemongrass, but this is different. Unique varieties pique my interest – let’s delve into this one.