Here’s another from the trip to Canada my wife took me on for my birthday – thank you, Kit! Pork. Ribs. Let’s do this.
Category: China
#1172: Koyo Seaweed Ramen Made With Organic Noodles
#1163: Chewy Rice Vermicelli Spicy Beef With Chilli Flavour
Another one from my birthday trip to Canada in March – thanks, Kit! Hot and spicy sounded like something I could go for today. Let’s see how this spicy rice vermicelli comes out – I must admit I don’t see spicy rice vermicelli variants ofter.
#1154: Golden Wheat Korean Style Shrimp Flavour Cooking Noodle
Here’s another one from my birthday trip to Canada in March! Thank, Kit! Thought it’d be nice to have something seafoody as it’s been a little while. Let’s check it out!
#1133: Kamfen E-Men Noodles Abalone Soup Flavor
Here’s one that is manufactured in Shenzhen, China and distributed in Hong Kong. Let’s check it out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All time 2013 Edition
This year, we’ve got some new fiery additions to this list of spicy and burning hot varieties. If you can find them, you’ll be feeling quite the burn! If you think you’ve found anything hotter or noteworthy of being on this list, please comment below or send me an email. Without further adieu, here’s the 2013 picks for the spiciest instant noodles I’ve found after 1,128 reviews!
#1121: Sau Tao Oat Noodle Sesame Oil Flavored
Let me say that the past couple of days have been probably a couple of the most crazy, fascinating and rewarding of my run so far as The Ramen Rater. I did am interview with Quartz (part of The Atlantic) and it went viral; Huffington Post picked it up, Grub Street, Digg,… Did an interview with South Korea’s Cultwo Veranda Show and appeared, and have two interviews with radio and television lined up in the next couple of days. A couple of interesting opportunities I can’t talk about yet have popped up and I’m very excited about them and will share as soon as I can. Thursday I went up to Canada and met with some folks at a big Asian grocery called T&T Supermarket. They were really nice people and even sent me home with some great new varieties to review and share! Thank you so much! This is one of them. Oat noodles? This sounds different – see the little circle on the lower right? It says ‘health is important. Let’s check it out!
#1111: Golden Wheat Korean Style Stew Beef Cooking Noodle
Another one we got on our trip to Canada – thank you to my beautiful wife Kit! So I recently got this comment on my Top Ten Strangest & Weirdest list:
Interview With The Ramen Rater On NTD TV!
A couple days ago, I was interviewed via Skype on NTD TV about the recent uproar over The Bottom Ten List as well as what I do. It was a lot of fun and I would like to thank NTD TV for this great opportunity! Thank you! Here’s a direct link to their site.
#1108: Chencun Noodle Spicy Beef
Earlier today, I did an interview with NTDTV about the Bottom Ten list! Should be a link coming soon! Woo-hoo!!! In the meantime, here’s a Chinese rice noodle variety from Chencun. We got it during my birthday trip up to Canada! Thank you, Kit!
The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time
So after sampling so many varieties of instant noodles over the years, of course there have been some that I didn’t like. There also were some that are so memorable for how awful they were. After people asked what my least favorites were a few times, I thought I should just make a list of them. I should point out that these are on the list because I couldn’t stand them. I’m pretty sure they are all still in production, and the only reason they would be is that people somewhere find them enjoyable. So who knows – you might have a completely different opinion on these than me, but I found them to be absolutely the worst of the worst. With that, here’s The Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time, 2013 Edition.
#1044: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Noodle Spicy Mushroom Flavour
Another from my trip to Canada for my birthday. Wow – what a past two days here! The Top Ten 2013 list came out to a clamor of Taiwanese disapproval – Taiwan didn’t make the list. But, hopefully out of it all I’ll get contacted by one of the companies in Taiwan, but so far nothing. On to other things though – that being this interesting bowl by Nongshim. This one’s made in Shanghai, China. Let’s check it out.
#1043: Chewy Rice Vermicelli Satay Chicken Flavour
#1042: Nongshim Potato Pork Ramyun
Another one I got while in Canada for my birthday. I’m sure many folks will immediately ask ‘where did you get this’ and ‘where can I get it,’ and I’ll just say I’ve only seen this in Canada. See, they get stuff in the Vancouver area from not only the Nongshim plant here in the states but the one in Shanghai, China. Got a couple more coming down the pipe of reviews soon that hail from China. Let’s check this out!
#1036: Golden Wheat Korean Style Shrimp Noodle Soup
Another one from my Canada trip! Needed something I could make quickly today so thought this would do the trick. Let’s check it out!
#1010: Golden Wheat Korean Style Spicy Beef Noodle Soup
Here’s yet another from my birthday trip to Canada! A big cup of Chinese noodles – let’s check it out!
#1005: Four Seas Chicken Flavour Instant Noodles
Here’s another one from my wife and I’s trip to Canada for my birthday! Only had a Four Seas instant once before – my sister had brought it back from Canada for me – see a theme here? Let’s check out this chicken big bowl.
#985: Ko-Lee Go Noodles Thai Hot & Spicy Tom Yum
Here’s one from Joe & Gil of the UK!!! Haven’t had anything that was Tom Yum in a little while – let’s check it out!
#973: Springlife Instant Noodles Spinach With Organic Noodles
Here’s one of the packs that came from Australia! Thanks go to Melanie I. of Jannali, NSW for sending these and also thanks to Mark K. for getting her to do it! These are from China but sold in Australia. Looks like something different – let’s check it out.
#942: Kamfen Lobster Soup Flavor E-Men Noodles
While scouring local Asian markets for varieties I hadn’t yet reviewed, I came upon these. They’re Chinese and in a really big package!
#941: Ko-Lee Go Noodles Chicken Special Flavour
Here’s another one of the new ones that Joe & Gill sent me from the UK! Never tried this one before – they sent quite a few Ko-Lee varieties and sounded like they like them a lot. Let’s check out the chicken special!
#931: Kamfen Dried-Mix Noodles Soya Bean Paste Flavored
Here’s another of these neat trays. This one’s soybean paste flavored. Interesting again how they use upper and lower case all willy-nilly.
#928: Kamfen Dried-Mix Noodles Artificial Spicy Pork Flavored
Here’s one I got the other day at 99 Ranch Market. Was hoping they had a few more varieties, but they had two – two closer to the #1000th review! I’m not going to stop, just can’t wait to hit it! I think this one would win the prize for interesting use of upper and lower case characters.
#898: Long Kow’s Crystal Noodle Soup Savory Shoyu
Here’s one I don’t have high hopes for as I’ve had a few other ones that weren’t very enjoyable in the past. But hey – this could be really awesome, right? I’m hoping so!
The Ramen Rater Noodle News #20
Been a while, but here we go with the 20th edition of The Ramen Rater Noodle News!
I search the ‘net for interesting news and view on instant noodles and beyond. Oldest articles start at the top. Here you go!
#880: Golden Wheat Korean Style Seafood Noodle Soup
Here’s the last of the instant noodles my sister brought me from Canada earlier this year. Big ol’ seafood cup – let’s give it a go.
#871: Dragonfly Instant Noodles Artificial Hot & Sour Shrimp Flavor
Time for breakfast! Been waiting to try this one for just the right day. Just look at those enormous shrimp on that package! Jeez! I’m sure this will make for a good breakfast. Got this one at the local H Mart. By the way – today is a holiday – check out what Wikipedia says about it:
#866: Master Kong/康师傅 Mianba Instant Noodle Soup
This is the last of the packs that were so kindly sent by Bo H. who works at a University in China. Thanks again! All of these were just amazing – and now… Hmm – not sure what this is! One thing says pork ribs flavor, something else says steak. I guess we’ll see how it comes out!
#860: Baijia Artificial Pickled Cabbage Fish Flavor Instant Sweet Potato Thread
In the past reviews of Baijia products, I haven’t been really stoked. I have been told by those keen on Sichuan cuisine that this is good stuff, but I think I’m not one of those who are keen on Sichuan cuisine. Regardless, I shall try this with an open mind. Let’s have a go at this one.
#854: Long Kow’s Crystal Noodle Soup Hot & Sour
Here’s an interesting one. This one’s got bean thread, something I am not usually thrilled with. Let’s see what happens.
#851: Dragonfly Artificial Pork Ribs Flavor Instant Noodles
Hey awesome – picked this up at H Mart on Friday. I’ve had the pack but not the bowl! Time to try it!
#848: Golden Wheat Korean Style Spicy Pork Noodle Soup
Mu sister got me this one on a trip to Canada earlier this year! Thanks! This one’s interesting since it has those JML logos on it. Anyways, let’s dig in!
#842: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Stew Beef Flavour
Here’s a big bowl of noodles sent a while back by Michelle L. of New York. Stew beef sounds good to me!
#840: Chewy Stir Rice Vermicelli Singaporean Laksa Flavour
Here’s one that my sister brought me back from a trip to Canada earlier this year. So to recap, bought in Canada, Singaporean flavored, made in China – capiche?
#832: Dragonfly Mee-Goreng Dry Ramen Noodles
Found this the other day at KS Mart in Lynnwood (that’s where I git my kimchi!). This is from China – never had a Chinese made mee-goreng before! Usually I like the Dragonfly stuff though. Let’s give this a go!
#821: Master Kong/康师傅 Potatoes & Stewed Beef Instant Noodles
This rather unassuming package of ramen came from Bo H. of China. I don’t know if this is exactly what this is called, but I hope it comes close to its name in taste. Potatoes aren’t something commonly found when it comes to instant noodles; there’s sweet potato noodles and potato noodles, but really nothing that involved potato flavor.
#815: Chencun Stewde Chicken Of Mushroom
See? it really says it right there – stewde chicken of mushroom! I think this has to be one of my favorite misspellings yet! My sister brought me this back from Canada earlier this year. Let’s have a look!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time
* UPDATE * See here.
A couple of days ago, I received an email from a man who was angry. He was angry that the instant noodles he bought said that they were spicy Chicken flavor but weren’t spicy whatsoever and that I needed to change the seasonings ASAP. Every once in a while, I get a comment or email from someone who thinks that I make instant noodles or am affiliated with an instant noodle company. I decided to reply and do a review of the product he had problems with, adding some hot spices, sauces and peppers from around the world to really heat it up. It then occurred to me that a lot of people really like spicy instant noodles and that there’s really no list of the hottest ones out there. I figured I’d better do something about that, and so here’s the Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time!
#812: Master Kong/康师傅 Spicy Beef
Spicy beef! This was sent by Bo H. of China! Thanks again! These have all been a lot of fun and quite good! Let’s see how Master Kong’s Spicy Beef goes.
#803: Master Kong (康师傅) Premium Taste Roasted Beef Noodle
Here’s another one of the Master Kong variants sent to me by Bo H.! Thanks again! This one is the the first Master Kong large noodle bowl I’ve tried.