Category: China

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2023 Edition


The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2023 Edition

It’s true – some like it hot. This list is comprised of the hottest varieties I’ve tried – that are currently available as far as I can tell. In prior years, there were some that were so hot that the #1 on here was like cotton candy. That being said, I’m guessing there weren’t many repeat customers. At the bottom, you’ll see those varieties. This list is current as of review #4300. Let’s get spicy with The Ramen Rater’s Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2023 Edition! ...see full post

#4278: Yumei Noodle With Peas And Miscellaneous Sauce – China

#4278: Yumei Noodle With Peas And Miscellaneous Sauce - China

You know, my favorite foods always have ambiguous and generalisms in them. Well, not really, but my favorite titles do. Miscellaneous sauce? Could be assorted sauce? This is one where the distributor’s label has a bit of a translation error I’m guessing. But this is how you’ll find it if you get it here in the United States, so I’ll leave it. Anyways, let’s give it a try. ...see full post

#4261: Hai Chi Jia Golden Soup Sour Spicy Vermicelli – China

#4261: Hai Chi Jia Golden Soup Sour Spicy Vermicelli - China

This is the third variety of the Hai Chi Jian varieties I got. They’ve been pretty fascinating so far and this one sounds pretty good -let’s give it a go! But wait – who is the guy on the cup (image is below)? I have found out. I found it on a website called – here’s what they had to say – ...see full post

#4251: Sichuan Baijia Chengdu Sweet & Spicy Noodle – China

#4251: Sichuan Baijia Chengdu Sweet & Spicy Noodle - China

Went through my bins and found everything I’d not reviewed. Guess what? Only four things. Yep – I’ve all but caught up! Which is good because more should be here tomorrow with more on the way. I’ve been on a roll lately – really found my groove again. Here’s how my day goes (if anyone cares). Get up, get stuff ready for kids, get stuff ready for reviewing. Review. Get my boy on the bus. Have some oatmeal and peanut butter with my daughter. Edit images and video for the reviews I did. Do some walking back and forth in the apartment. Get my daughter ready. Get her on the bus. Walk ten miles. Get home and get my daughter off the bus. Then my son off the bus. Then start taking pictures of the stuff I’ll review the next day and get those posts ready.  Then we get the kids dinner done, put em to bed, have our dinner, try not to fall asleep/wake up on the couch and then start the whole thing over. Today is a little different. Today is a new tradition I started a couple of weeks ago. It’s B-roll Sunday. What’s that you probably don’t ask? Well, I go out walking with my rucksack on my back with my monopod, the phone I use to shoot Instant Noodle Recipe Time, and a battery brick in search of benches that have decent views and shoot ten or more minutes of video to do time lapse videos. Today I walked to Seattle – and should have some good intros and outros in store for this and the next couple of episodes of the show. But enought about me and this behind the scenes look at things you probably aren’t interested in. Let’s try this one from China. ...see full post

#4247: Qinsheng Shaanxi Cold Noodle Sour & Spicy Flavor – China

#4247: Qinsheng Shaanxi Cold Noodle Sour & Spicy Flavor - China

This is a Shaanxi cold noodle. So, what’s that? Well, it’s from a region of China. It’s really quite good, but a bit of trouble to cook. But I’m going to cook it. You can always watch me battle with it in the episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time at the bottom of this post. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel as I have a new episode of the show every single day. Anyways, let’s give it a try! ...see full post

King David Sends Non-Fried Noodle Samples!

King David Sends Non-Fried Noodle Samples!

A company I’ve seen for a few years called King David connected with me a while back about sending samples – and they did! These are special non-fried noodles in chicken and beef. It looks like King David does a lot of ‘private label’ products. So, say you had Joe’s Snacks To Go or something like that – you could contract with King David and they would put your logo on instant noodles and you’d be selling instant noodles now. It’s interesting stuff. Well, let’s crack this box open and have a look inside! Thank you! ...see full post

#4215: Yuanxian Absolutely Yummy Hotpot Sweet Potato Noodle – China

#4215: Yuanxian Absolutely Yummy Hotpot Sweet Potato Noodle - China

Well, hello there! I haven’t been reviewing a lot lately – weather’s been nice and I’ve been walking a lot – did 22 miles last week – on Thursday! Luckily, I’m over a hundred reviews ahead so by the time you see this, it’s probably close to 4 months later than when I wrote this here. Anyways, this one came from Asian Family Market on Aurora a couple days before Lunar New Year. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2023 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2023 Edition

Often overlooked but always present, the instant noodle cups is a very common ‘on the go’ form factor for instant noodle varieties around the world. These are my favorite cup varieties from reviews up to #4120. Don’t see a variety you like I’ve not tried? Contact me! Also, here’s a link to all of my top ten lists! With that, let’s check out The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2023 Edition. ...see full post

#4196: Lin Jia Ya Tou One Noodle One Soup Pepper Noodle – China

#4196: Lin Jia Ya Tou One Noodle One Soup Pepper Noodle - China

Found this one right before Lunar New Year. Looked interesting and there were three of them we could get, so we got all three. The last one I tried said it was spicy, but didn’t seem to be so much. Luckily, this time I got some really great advice on what this was and how to cook it from Annie over at Red Chef – thanks you! Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2022 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2022 Edition

Lots of people enjoy bowls full of noodles from around the world. They often come with a utensil, and all you need it hot water. For a quick meal, they’re hard to beat insofar as convenience. Some bowls however go above and beyond a utilitarian sense and are truly gourmet. This list is comprised of my favorite bowl varieties from all reviews up to #4120. All scoring is done prior to garnish being added. Do you want me to review something I haven’t? Drop me a line! With that, let’s peruse my top picks on The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2022 Edition! ...see full post

#4164: JTM Food XO Sauce Seafood Noodle – China

#4164: JTM Food XO Sauce Seafood Noodle - China

This is another one I found a couple days before Lunar New Year. The bar code came up with nothing which was a little troublesome, but I did manage to find the website on the packaging. The XO definitely is a reference to XO sauce, and it being blue and pics of the bowl definitely mean it’s gotta be XO sauce seafood. At least, I think so. Let’s check this one out! ...see full post

#4160: Lin Jia Ya Tou 2x Spicy Salted Egg Yolk Flavour – China

#4160: Lin Jia Ya Tou 2x Spicy Salted Egg Yolk Flavour - China

I’m getting this post ready to go the day before Lunar New Year – – we went to a big Asian grocery just north of Seattle yesterday and shopped for noodles. They usually have some really neat things in store for the special holiday! This is supposed to be an extra spicy salted egg variety – very curious about it – let’s check it out and see if it’s truly ultra spicy! I should note that I had no clue my lens was so greasy – which is a bummer since I did three shows and a mukbang while it was like this… So, forgive me. It’s clean now, although a little late… ...see full post

#4141: Sichuan Baijia Lanzhou Artificial Beef Flavor Noodle – China

#4141: Sichuan Baijia Lanzhou Artificial Beef Flavor Noodle - China

I think I recently did another version of this a little while back – that’s usually means it’s been months. Anyways, pretty crazy here now what with Omicron – so I’ve gotten two emails from the kiddos school district saying be prepared if things get worse they’ll be back home with their school tablets again. That would be incredibly unfortunate; they get so much out of socializing. Then again I don’t want my kids getting sick. My son’s fully vaccinated and my daughter got her first one a day after her 5th birthday just before Christmas. ...see full post

#4140: Kang Shi Fu Braised Artificial Beef Flavor – China

#4140: Kang Shi Fu Braised Artificial Beef Flavor - China

I thought I would do three reviews in a row from China. Why? Well, it’s January 3rd here and I just got done with the arduous Christmas and New Year’s happenings and I want to show off my new musical instrument. You can watch the video below and on the next two reviews. Be kind – never played a bowed instrument before in my life and never a traditional Chinese instrument. ...see full post

#4115: Nan Chuan Dao Sheng Wuhan Sesame Hot Sauce Konjac Rice Noodle – China

#4115: Mingdao Wuhan Sesame Hot Sauce Konjac Rice Noodle - China

Konjac noodles generally are very chewy and rubbery – unless they have a gauge that works well with them. That being said, they’re also quite low in calories – extremely low. This one seems to marry konjac and rice together for the noodle. However, if it were simply konjac, it would be much lower. Anyways, let’s see what we have. ...see full post

#4087: Nanchang Rice Noodles Classic Flavor – China

#4087: Nanchang Rice Noodles Classic Flavor - China

Found these at Asian Family Market on 130th & Aurora. Don’t really know anything about these. What I can say is that they also have a crawfish flavor variety. There are so many Chinese brands that show up these days with a single variety and very little info. I should say though lots of English on this one which makes translation painless and cooking instructions are included in that. Let’s give ’em a go! ...see full post