What do corn dogs, sandwiches, burritos and instant noodle cups have in common? They’re all portable. People can’t seem to stay in one spot for very long; they want to carry their meals with them as they move about. Since the inception of the instant noodle cup in the early 70’s when Momofuku Ando saw people using coffee cups and hot water to steep their instant noodles and brought this concept to market, the noodle cup has become a ubiquitous icon in the daily lives of billions. Today, I present the best of the instant noodle cups I’ve tried in my over 1,700 instant noodle reviews. With that, please enjoy The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2015 Edition.
Category: GaGa
#1297: GaGa Mie Gepeng Kuah Rasa Ayam Lada Hitam
A friend sent this a while back from Jakarta – thank you! This is one that says kuah on it. What’s kuah? Well as far as I can gather, kuah is gravy. So instead of a broth, this one should be a bit thicker. Guess we’ll see! Black pepper chicken )rasa ayam hitam) – let’s check it out!
#1232: GaGa Mie Gepeng Kuah Rasa Ayam Bawang Pedas (Spicy Garlic Sauce Chicken)
After looking at the new The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Indonesian Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 Edition and talking with people from around the world about it all week, I felt like having some Indonesian noodles! To translate, rasa means flavor, bawang is garlic, ayam is chicken and pedas means spicy. Let’s give this one a try!
#1215: GaGa Mi Instan Cup Milk Chicken Soup (Rasa Sup Ayam Susu)
Another one from my friend in Indonesia! Milk chicken soup – sounds interesting. I had another milk chicken soup variety awhile back which I enjoyed, so maybe this one’ll be good too. Let’s see what’s in this cup.
#1203: GaGa Mie Gepeng Kuah Rasa Soto Cabe Hijau
Another one that was sent from Indonesia – thank you! Soto varieties usually have a broth with them, rather than mi goreng which are dry. Cabe means chilli and hijau means green; so green chilli flavor noodle soup. Let’s check it out!
#1191: GaGa Seribu 1000 Goreng Spesial
Here’s another from my friend in Indonesia – thank you! When I translate ‘seribu,’ it says ‘thousand.’ This may be a reference to the Thousand Islands – here’s a Wikipedia excerpt:
#1175: Healtimie Green Barley Noodle Milk Chicken Soup
Here’s something new – green barley noodles. I’ve had noodles that were green from a myriad of ingredients before (wonder if someday there’ll be blue?). These are supposed to be for the health conscious. Let’s check ’em out!
#1161: GaGa 100 Green Chilli Soto Flavour
Here’s one that was sent to me by a reader in Jakarta, Indonesia – thank you! Spicy green chilli soup – green chilli seems to be gaining popularity in Indonesia. Let’s check it out!
#1126: GaGa Mie Gepeng Goreng Rasa Ayam Lada Hitam
In the last day, lots of people have been coming to The Ramen Rater from Indonesia! One person who commented via the facebook page said”you should try this one fried noddle, it has black pepper flavour. will not disappoint you :)” (for those wondering, this is friend black pepper chicken flavor noodles). I looked through the box of varieties my friend in Jakarta sent me and lo and behold, I had it in there! Thank you very much! Let’s check this one out!