Category: Hong Kong

#5120 Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Ramen Noodles – Hong Kong

#6120 Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Ramen Noodles - Hong Kong

We went out on Saturday – the kids were so good last week at school so we had to give them an outing to the mall. Nice to get out. Well, Sunday we all had sore throats and the kids were coughing. Today is Monday and my wife Kit and I sound like we gargled with scouring pads and our throats are sore as can be. Ugh. It never fails; the kids go back to school, everybody gets sick. I’m up early – first one up and typing away at this point. No ten miles of walking for me today. I think at least one kid will be home today too. Guess we will see. Anyways, it should be an interesting episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time at the bottom of this post today – I’m guessing I’m going to sound like Barry White. But tonkotsu really sounds good – so I’ll do it up. Let’s give it a try. Oh – I found it along with two others in the range at a store at the mall called Miniso – okay, on with it. ...see full post

#4749: Knorr Shrimp Broth Quick Serve Macaroni – Hong Kong

#4749: Knorr Shrimp Broth Quick Serve Macaroni - Hong Kong

But that’s not ramen! The throng of people screamed in unison! They wept openly. Well, that was silly – this one could be found on the instant ramen aisle . This is popular stuff in Hong Kong and I found it locally and figure hey why not. Macaroni only seems to enjoy the company of cheese here, but not elsewhere. Let’s cook. ...see full post

#4726: Chewy Seafood Flavour Quick Serve Macaroni – Hong Kong

#4726: Chewy Seafood Flavour Quick Serve Macaroni - Hong Kong

Another one found at S*Mart. I know, it’s not ramen or instant noodles per se, however it’s something you might find on the instant noodle aisle as I did. Usually these aren’t bad – definitely not a thick broth or anything, but a nice flavor and thin walled macaroni. First found this kind of thing years back in Canada with some Nissin varieties. Anyways, let’s proceed. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Global Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls 2023 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Global Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls 2023 Edition

Been lagging on doing top ten list editing – my apologies. The weather’s been really good for walking, and in May I did over 500 miles. I included a special post at the bottom about it. I also included something of a change from how I’ve been doing things as well involving AI. Anyways, this is the annual The Ramen Rater’s Global Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls – these are my favorite varieties out of review up to #4440 which are in the bowl style. Hope you enjoy! Top Ten Cups and Bottom Ten lists should be coming soon! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2022 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2022 Edition

Lots of people enjoy bowls full of noodles from around the world. They often come with a utensil, and all you need it hot water. For a quick meal, they’re hard to beat insofar as convenience. Some bowls however go above and beyond a utilitarian sense and are truly gourmet. This list is comprised of my favorite bowl varieties from all reviews up to #4120. All scoring is done prior to garnish being added. Do you want me to review something I haven’t? Drop me a line! With that, let’s peruse my top picks on The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2022 Edition! ...see full post

#3971: Yamasa Artisanal Tonkotsu Broth x Sau Tao Sichuan Noodle – USA/HK

#3971: Yamasa Artisanal Tonkotsu Broth x Sau Tao Sichuan Noodle - USA/HK

Today, we combine a noodle made in Hong Kong with a broth concentrate from the United States. I decided this would be a great venue to try out the homemade chashu we made this weekend – I’ll include the recipe in a video below as well. Let’s give this combo a try! ...see full post

#3930: Doll Ramen Noodles Shrimp Wonton Flavour – Hong Kong

#3930: Doll Ramen Noodles Shrimp Wonton Flavour - Hong Kong

I must admit, it’s been an interesting stroll down memory lane retrying these about ten years after I had them previously. I remember back then I would walk every day to the Asian grocery store, pick a pack, come home, then review it. Much has changed since those reviews pre-1000, that’s for sure. This one I remember being quite nice. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3899: Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavor – Hong Kong

#3899: Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavor - Hong Kong

Haven’t had this variety in years and it looks to be a little different. There’s a fellow on YouTube named FirstNameLastName that’s been following my channel for quite a while, offering insightful comment and input on my episodes of Instant Noodle Recipe Time. He mentioned what I figure was this one, so seemed right to me to give it a go. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

Recipe: Tonkotsu Ramen Burger

#3899: Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavor - Hong Kong

I thought it was a good time to do a post with a product from Hong Kong. As it turns out, Apple Daily has closed it’s doors. What’s Apple Daily? It was a pro-Democracy newpaper that I worked with a couple of times regarding my top ten lists and ramen in general. Really nice people and it’s sad to see that they’ve been put down by the mainland Chinese government. Makes me sad. So, I’m going to d something with some noodles from Hong Kong today. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition

After one very turbulent year, The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time is back. My mother died, we had an auto accident, the kids missed in-person schooling, and of course the pandemic. It’s been a really rough go but we’re back. Vaccines are rolling out everywhere and hopefully we can all get back together someday son. One thing I’ve found inspiration and enjoyment from during these times is a book I’d been hoping to find was sent to me by a noodle company exec called Momofuku Ando Speaks. It’s a book of quotes (kind of like the Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition if you’re a Star Trek fan) by the inventor of the instant noodle. I’ve been reading one on my show Instant Noodle Recipe Time every day – a lot of fun and a very interesting perspective. Little things like that have been really important as of late. Today, I’m proud to announce the show hits its 1000th episode! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Hong Kong Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Hong Kong Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition

Tried a ton of varieties made in Hong Kong this last year or two and thought I ought to update this list. Some really great new stuff to show you! If you’re a manufacturer of varieties in Hong Kong, please feel free to contact me to try out your products! This list is current as of review #3,702. With that, let’s check out The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Hong Kong Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition. ...see full post

#3752: Nissin Demae Ramen Miso Tonkotsu Flavor – Hong Kong

#3752: Nissin Demae Ramen Miso Tonkotsu Flavor - Hong Kong

I reviewed almost all the Demae Ramen – at least I thought. I used to get them on walks about ten years ago and then I did a Meet The Manufacturer with Nissin HK and they sent over 50 different varieties. Then this one comes in an Exotic Noods box (use coupon code RAMENRATER15) and there’s a new one to do. Let’s kick the tires! ...see full post

#3633: Sau Tao Laksa Flavour Ramen – Hong Kong

#3632: Sau Tao Laksa Flavour Ramen - Hong Kong

I had this one a while back but the packaging was a little different, so this one gets a new review. I’ve been incredibly impressed with the laksa and ton yum kung flavor profiles coming from Sau Tao – so much that they’ve been on the Top Ten for 2 years now. What’s more is they pair them with a myriad of noodle varieties. Let’s do up some laksa! ...see full post