Category: Hong Kong

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition

This yeah has just been rough – for everyone I know. After the hardest part of it for me – the passing of my mother – I took a week off from walking after doing 1,000,000 steps on my Fitbit in June and dove in  to working on top ten lists. I did four of them, all current as of review 3545. This list hasn’t been updated since 2017. I’ll be rolling out lists here and there for the next couple of months and maybe do this again a little ways down the road. Here’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition. ...see full post

#3593: Doll Fried Noodle Chili Sauce Flavour – Hong Kong

#3593: Doll Fried Noodle Chili Sauce Flavour - Hong Kong

Two things about this one. First, this was got on our last trip to Canada which seems like forever ago. We used to visit the wonder of the north about once a month but now the borders are shut tight. Plus, this was one of the very few varieties I got up there that the border agents didn’t confiscate. They confiscated varieties that are now even sold here so that was kind of silly but oh well. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #3580: Sau Tao Laksa Flavour Rice Vermicelli – Hong Kong

Meet The Manufacturer: #3580: Sau Tao Laksa Flavour Rice Vermicelli - Hong Kong

There are so many varieties these folks make and I’m glad because this has been one of the most varied Meet The Manufacturer series yet. This is a flavor however I could revisit with a different noodle pairing repeatedly with enjoyment, as well as their Tom Yum Kung. Laksa is a tasty thing! Let’s make this one and see how this pairing goes as we march towards review 4000. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #3574: Sau Tao Taiwanese Style Sliced Noodle Shallot Oil Flavour – Hong Kong

Meet The Manufacturer: #3574: Sau Tao Taiwanese Style Sliced Noodle Shallot Oil Flavour - Hong Kong

I’ve had a lot of Taiwanese dry noodles in my day, but never any hailing from Hong Kong as far as I can remember. Maybe, but I don’t think so. These noodles are without a broth – they’re from simple ingredients, too. You boil, drain, add in some ingredients, stir and eat. These are also considered mix noodles. Let’s mix it up and see what we get! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #3573: Sau Tao QQ Vermicelli Pork & Pickled Mustard Flavour – Hong Kong

Meet The Manufacturer: #3573: Sau Tao QQ Vermicelli Pork & Pickled Mustard Flavour - Hong Kong

QQ is an interesting term when it comes to noodles. Michelin defines it as “QQ is the bounciness associated with fresh handmade fishballs, glutinous rice balls, and certain types of noodles. The term originated from Taiwan, where Q sounds similar to the local word for “chewy”, but it’s evolved to mean a little more than that.” ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #3571: Sau Tao Jiangnan Style Noodle – XO Shallot Sauce – Hong Kong

Meet The Manufacturer: #3571: Sau Tao Jiangnan Style Noodle - XO Shallot Sauce - Hong Kong

I thought it would be a good plan to look up Jiangnan cuisine in order to impart a little more info about this variety aside from the XO Sauce reference – if you’re interested in that, look at yesterday’s review – but I found that Shanghai is in Jiangnan and got a list of notable seafood dishes from there you might find interesting and truly wonderful from Wikipedia – ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Sun Shun Fuk – Hong Kong

You like noodles? Well, a company participating in Meet The Manufacturer (you’ll start seeing reviews soon) decided to go big. They sent a 400 pound pallet from Hong Kong! Sun Shun Fuk, maker of the Sau Tao range of noodle products (and 2 years in a row Top Ten lister I might add)thought perhaps I’d like a lot of samples! What follows is the unboxing of the century! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Sun Shun Fuk – Hong Kong

I’ve had the pleasure of working with quite a few companies on these Meet The Manufacturer series over the years. This was a very unique experience – I’ve tried many products from the company in the past but never had access to such a wide range. They send an enormous 400 pound pallet of their products! This is an interview that I conducted with Sun Shun Fuk, makers of the Sau Tao range of products. ...see full post


You like noodles? Well, a company participating in Meet The Manufacturer (you’ll start seeing reviews soon) decided to go big. They sent a 400 pound pallet from Hong Kong! Sun Shun Fuk, maker of the Sau Tao range of noodle products (and 2 years in a row Top Ten lister I might add)thought perhaps I’d like a lot of samples! What follows is the unboxing of the century! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition

.The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition

Despite all the tumultuous and unnerving events of our current age,, I am happy to announce that I’ve got a new list for our year, 2020. In the past fe hundred reviews I’ve done this past year there have been some real standouts and of course many have remained. These are my absolute favorites of reviews 1 through 3487. It’s hard – I feel like I should be doing a top 20, or even a top 50 at this point, but the sheer amount of time that would take with being a stay at home father of two while trying to get in a few hours of exercise every day just isn’t in the cards. I’m hoping in the coming months to come out with the regular top tens and maybe some new ones, but it’s a tough juggle these days. ...see full post

#3342: EDO Pack Sesame Oil Flavour Noodle – Hong Kong

#3242: EDO Pack Sesame Oil Flavour Noodle - Hong Kong

Alright so this one is made in Singapore, but it’s made for the Hong Kong market. It’s funny how products are made elsewhere for other countries, right? Well, you honestly should be used to it by now – Take the myriad of products in your home. If you have a Big Mouth Billy Bass on the wall, it’s made in China. Singing bass don’t seem like something very popular in China – could be wrong but who knows. Anyways, let’s crack this open and see what we have. ...see full post

#3282: EDO Pack Spicy Flavour Noodle – Hong Kong

#3282: EDO Pack Spicy Flavour Noodle - Hong Kong

Okay so now that I’ve been doing a lot of weight loss and walking like a fiend (one might call me a White Walker – Game of Thrones reference, sorry), I’ve been running through shoes like crazy. I really like these $30 pairs I’ve been finding at Walmart up in Canada, but as you can guess, after a week there are holes in them. We went up in search for a new pair for me again (no luck grrr) and and during our time up there we hit Lansdowne Centre, a mall in Richmond. Well, there was a new store (at least I think it’s new but I don’t know how we could have missed it) that has a staggeringly wonderful noodle selection. The place is called Smart N Save and they’ve got some really neat stuff in there, including this one. Let’s check it out. ...see full post

#3171: Doll Bowl Noodle Satay & Beef Flavour – Hong Kong

#3171: Doll Bowl Noodle Satay & Beef Flavour - Hong Kong

Here’s one I found up in Canada at Aberdeen Centre in a shop that was rife with Hello Kitty plushies and exotic candies and snacks next to the food court – I want to say it was called something like Paint Box or Art Box. This one was a nice surprise as it’s been tough to find Doll Brand varieties other than their export pack versions around here. I reall would love to do a Meet The Manufacturer series with Doll, so if you’re listening, please contact me! Let’s check out this Beef & Satay variety from Hong Kong! ...see full post

Top Ten Best Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019

Top Ten Best Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019

This is my list of my all time favorites (compiled up to review #3132). These are the best and most memorable varieties – some you’ll be able to find easily, some you won’t. In the images you see, you’ll see garnished bowls of noodles. Note – reviewing is done BEFORE products have anything externally added by myself, and I follow directions on the package – for better or for worse. I should also note that going forward, the official last day for companies to submit varieties to be considered for the annual top ten will be January 31st. That’s enough – let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition! ...see full post

#3143: Sau Tao Tom Yum Kung Flavour Rice Vermicelli – Hong Kong

#3143: Sau Tao Tom Yum Kung Flavour Rice Vermicelli - Hong Kong

Found this up in Canada at Osaka Supermarket at Yaohan Centre in Richmond, BC. I must admit that the first time I tried one of Sau Tao’s Tom Yum Kung varieties I was kind of surprised. Tom Yum from Hong Kong? That’s a way for Thailand! But one of my favorites lately has been their straight noodle variety. This one’s a rice vermicelli – sounds interesting. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition

Top Ten Best Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019

This is my list of my all time favorites (compiled up to review #3132). These are the best and most memorable varieties – some you’ll be able to find easily, some you won’t. In the images you see, you’ll see garnished bowls of noodles. Note – reviewing is done BEFORE products have anything externally added by myself, and I follow directions on the package – for better or for worse. I should also note that going forward, the official last day for companies to submit varieties to be considered for the annual top ten will be January 31st. That’s enough – let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition! ...see full post