Category: Hong Kong

#2326: Nissin Demae Iccho Tokyo Shoyu Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle (Cup Type)

#2326: Nissin Demae Iccho Tokyo Shoyu Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle (Cup Type) - Hong Kong - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

Another left over from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. I’ve reviewed many Nissin HK tonkotsu varieties thus far, and today we have yet another variety! This is a Tokyo Shoyu Tonkotsu. Shoyu translates to soy sauce, so this seems like it will be a kind of milky soy kind of thing? Let’s find out!! ...see full post

#2293: Nissin Nupasta Bacon In Carbonara Sauce Flavour Instant Noodle

Another leftover from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again! Been waiting for the right day to review this one – I should mention today actually is November 8th, 2016 – election day here in the United States. You see, I’m about sixty reviews ahead of myself. How? Well, I usually try to do two reviews a day – and been doing that for a while. I used to only do one a day and if I missed a day I would have to scramble to do a review and post it the same day etc etc. I can hear it ‘oh my god you eat two packs of instant noodles every day?’ Of course not; people reviewing wines don’t chug down a whole bottle to decide what they think of it. I take a couple spoons of broth and a few bites of noodle. In fact, I would say that after reviewing two bowls of noodles, I’ve maybe had the equivalent of 1/3 of a bowl, so there you go. This way if I need to take a couple days off, I can. Well, by now we know who is the new president when you’re seeing this. My daughter Miriam will have been born and Christmas may be over. Crazy. Well, let’s try this one – the cup version was in this year’s The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of all Time list – let’s check the pack out! ...see full post

#2288: Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yum Goong Flavour

Here’s a rather striking purple cup! This one’s from Nissin Hong Kong – they sent it along with over 50 other varieties for Meet The Manufacturer. Since I only review up to 15 varieties in a row for a Meet The Manufacturer, the rest go into the daily rotation.  I’m curious about whether this will be hot and spicy – let’s find out! ...see full post

#2272: Nissin Demae Iccho Spicy Kimchi Pot Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s one big bowl of noodles! I like these – they kind of remind me of what we have here in the US – Nissin makes a line called the ‘Souper Bowl’ and it’s big too. OF course, there aren’t any Black Garlic Tonkotsu or Kimchi Pot flavored ones here. I always wish there were, but tthe fact that every country has it’s own flavors is what I really love about reviewing, and since the USA is a country, we’ve got our own. Anyways, Spicy! Kimchi! A friend of mine sent me a jar of kimchi in the mail and I go t it yesterday! Perfect timing! Let’s check this one out! ...see full post

#2268: Nissin Nupasta Neapolitan Flavour Instant Noodle

This one is leftover from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer I did a little while back! They sent almost 60 different unique varieties of instant noodles! Thanks again – rarely does a company do something like this! So these Nupasta varieties have been really enjoyable thus far. This one looks like a noodle with marinara sauce. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2245: Nissin Vietnamese Chicken Coriander Flavour Vermicelli

If you follow my daily reviews, you might have noticed not just a lot, but a lot a lot of Nissin reviews lately. This is because I’ve done a few Meet The Manufacturers and they were kind enough to send more varieties than I review in a Meet The Manufacturer (15 maximum). Nissin Hong Kong sent around 50 different product varieties! That’s what we have today. Let’s check out this chicken flavor vermicelli! ...see full post

#2244: Kang Shi Fu Artificial Spicy Beef Flavour

Here’s yet another one sent by a reader named Colin from back east – thanks again! It’s funny how we don’t have any of these Kang shi Fu variants out west – at least not at any of the stores I’m near to. Spicy beef sounds awesome – it’s a really cloudy and rainy day here in  the Seattle area. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2243: Nissin Cup Noodles Black Pepper Crab Flavour

Here’s the last of the varieties that Prima Taste sent a while back – thanks! You might be wondering – why would they send a product they don’t make? Well, I asked for anyone who could help to send me noodles – I was down to three or four varieties in my hamper – a bad situation! Well, lots of people sent noodles – even Prima Taste! So let’s check out this one from Hong Kong with a Singaporean taste! ...see full post

#2217: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Seafood Flavour Instant Noodle

One of the many varieties sent by Nissin HK for Meet The Manufacturer. This sounds good to try today; it’s been really warm around the area lately (northwest USA) and it’s cooled off a little and so something spicy should bring the temp back up a little. I should mentioned that I have now gotten new bowls that I’ll start using today for the seasonings/oil/vegetables. They’re sake and soju cups! Let’s take a look! ...see full post

#2139: Fuku Superior Soup Instant Noodle (Made In Thailand)

Here’s a special one sent by Apple Daily news of Hong Kong. They asked if I’d do a comparison between this, the Thai version and the Vietnamese version of the Fuku Superior Soup for a special news story. Now these are both made in different places, but they’re for the Hong Kong market. anyways I figured hey – why not? This sounds interesting – let’s take a look! ...see full post

#2137: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Curry Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s the first in the special series I did for Apple Daily of Hong Kong.I have always been a fan of curry, especially spicy curry. However, lately it’s pretty far and few between I get to review ones that are this far east – usually they’ve been from Singapore or Malaysia and not Hong Kong. Sounds good to me! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2136: Nissin Demae Ramen Roast Beef Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s another I reviewed as part of a collaboration with Apple Daily news. Nothing like a good beef instant noodle! I remember a couple years ago being told that Chinese sausage is popular to put in with beef instant noodles, so I think that’ll be what gets put in today – haven’t used it in a long time. Just to reassure you, nothing gets scored after I put any external ingredients in. That’s the way I always review; I think you’ll agree that’s the only fair way to do it. anyways, let’s get started! ...see full post

#2135: Doll Instant Noodle Supreme Abalone And Chicken Flavour

Another one I reviewed as part of a series of Hong Kong varieties in conjunction with an interview by Apple Daily news of HK. I have a feeling if you dig through my reviews for the word abalone, you’re not going to find scads of varieties I’ve been very fond of. I’m hoping this might be one I enjoy, but I have my doubts. I guess the only way to find out it to try it with an open mind and mouth. Let’s give it a go! ...see full post

#2134: Four Seas Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle

Another one from the series of Hong Kong reviews I did for HK’s Apple Daily news. They sent a few varieties for me to try and review for a feature story – what’s nice is I haven’t reviewed any of them before so that’s pretty cool! Anyways, this one’s chicken flavored – let’s crack it open and see what we have here. ...see full post