Category: Japan

#2822: Nagatanien Chanko Shio Ramen

#2822: Nagatanien Chanko Shio Ramen

Found this at Yaohan Centre’s Osaka Market up in Richmond, BC Canada a few months ago. Sometimes they have a section featuring fancy import instant noodles and this was with that. I’m not really sure about this one as far as the title goes, but it’s shio – that I’m pretty sure of. But the bowl it’s being served in in the image makes me think it may be nabeyaki or some other kind. Either way, I’m fascinated. From the TV spot below, I’m thinking this is a special endorsement from this sumo wrestler, however I’ve no information about who he is. He certainly looks happy to be on the box! Let’s give this one a try. ...see full post

#2818: Nissin Donbei Green Curry Udon Cup Noodles

#2818: Nissin Donbei Green Curry Udon Cup Noodles

Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! This is a very large cup variety containing udon and green curry flavor. To be honest, I’ve not seen much if any green curry coming out of Japanese instant noodle companies in the past. Did I mention I freaking love green curry? Alright – let’s hit it! ...see full post

#2809: Acecook Shrimp Tempura Soba

#2809: Acecook Shrimp Tempura Soba

Here’s another neat one from Zenpop.JP. Thank you! So Zenpop has all sorts of monthly boxes including ramen boxes. Nine instant ramen in one box for a good price – check ’em out! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘This healthy soba is low in sodium and moreover, it contains GABA, which helps lower the blood pressure, reduce the stress, and make you relaxed. Of course, it’s tasty too. Katsuo (bonito) dashi and shrimp adds a delectable flavor to it.’ ...see full post

#2807: Maruchan Gotsumori Shio Wonton Ramen

#2807: Maruchan Gotsumori Shio Wonton Ramen

Here’s another neat one from Zenpop.JP. Thank you! So Zenpop has all sorts of monthly boxes including ramen boxes. Nine instant ramen in one box for a good price – check ’em out! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘The soup has a condensed umami of chicken, which matches perfectly with the onion-garlic flavored noodles. Additionally, delicious wontons are included to make your empty stomach happy. Like in many other ramen bowls, sesame works as a hidden hero which brings a balance to the dish.’ ...see full post

#2804: Acecook Chinese Style Yakisoba

#2804: Acecook Chinese Style Yakisoba

Here’s one I found up in Canada at Osaka Market in Yaohan Centre, which is in Richmond, BC. Sometimes they’ll have a bunch of interesting varieties that are there for a short period and this is one of them./ Let’s see what’s going on here – wasn’t able to find a whole lot about this one. At least I know how to cook it, right? Let’s begin! ...see full post

#2801: Myojo Ippei-Chan Yomise-No Yakisoba Barbeque Sauce Flavor With Mayonnaise

#2801: Myojo Ippei-Chan Yomise-No Yakisoba Barbeque Sauce Flavor With Mayonnaise

Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! This variety is a yakisoba with barbeque sauce and mayonnaise! I tell ya, this sounds really quite good to me! Here’s a little about it from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#2727: Acecook Ohmori Ika Yakisoba

#2727: Acecook Ohmori Ika Yakisoba

Found this one up in Canada – we’ve been going up there a lot lately and it’s been a nice change of pace. About 2 hours from here to the border and we’ve figured out how to time it for the quickest border crossing by avoiding peak times. LKast time going in it was one car in front of us, leaving was 2 cars in front of it – total wait time was around ten minutes! ...see full post

Unboxing Time: MYRAMEN Vegan/HALAL/Natural Japanese Ramen

I was recently contacted by a company asking if I’d like to try their noodles. I get a lot of noodles – but I always want to try them all! These noodles were supposed to be Vegan, HALAL certified, 100% natural and a few other tags like no MSG. Pretty impressive! Let’s take a look at this interesting variety. ...see full post

Unboxing Time: Umai Crate By Japan Crate

Unboxing Time: Umai Crate By Japan Crate

After a short hiatus, We have a new Umai Crate to unbox! To be honest, I really had a lot of fun opening the last one of these up. It’s been crazy lately – the day I did this video I did three other unboxing videos and there are 3 more packages coming in the next week or so.  Continue reading to get a coupon code and to see what’s in the box I just got in this last week! ...see full post

#2711: Acecook Hakodate Shio Shrimp Ramen

#2711: Acecook Hakodate Shio Shrimp Ramen

Found this one at Osaka market up in Richmond, BC. We’ve been going on little day trips to Canada a lot lately and it’s a lot of fun! At this market, we go infrequently enough that they have some neat new stuff every time. They’ve got a special section by the hot food area that has special instant noodles. They’re almost all from Japan and usually on the pricy side. I want to thank Ryuuichirou Arai for helping me with the translation. Here’s a little about shio from Wikipedia – ...see full post