So in late August 2017, a fellow named Jay from Taiwan told me about a very spicy noodle I should try. I had recently put out the new Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time for 2017 and was definitely keen on trying anything and everything spicy of course to begin the search for newcomers for the 2018 list.
Category: Japan
#2583: Daikoku Kaisen (Seafood) Shio Noodles
#2582: Acecook Super Cup Shoyu Butter Corn Ramen
Here’s one sent by Javier over at Box From Japan. At Box From Japan, you can receive boxes of instant ramen from Japan as well as different subscription boxes like Japanese candy! Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? What’s more, in the two years I’ve been reviewing these, I’ve not ever received one that I’d reviewed before!
#2580: New Touch T’s Restaurant Tantanmen
The second of two I found recently at Uwajimaya in Bellevue, Washington. The last one was good so I’m hoping this will as well. Here’s a littler about Tantanmen from Wikipedia –
#2574: Acecook Spice Deli Tantan Men With Cilantro
#2573: Ikeda Shokuhin Nabeyaki Kitsune Udon
Here’s one that came by way of the guys over at Exotic Noods. Thanks! You can subscribe and get great boxes of different noodles every month – they also have The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Box! Definitely take a look. So today it’s udon from Japan. Kitsune udon comes with some fried tofu – which is really good stuff. Udon is a very thick noodle, but what is a nabeyaki? Here’s a little from Wikipedia –
#2572: Ripe’N’Dry Hokkaido Soy Sauce Ramen
Here’s one I picked up in Taiwan last November. I’d always seen these but never really thought they existed. I’ve seen the design on t-shirts and other things. Ripe and dry sounds like a fart, too! So this one is soy sauce flavor – which would be known as shoyu in Japan. Let’s look up shoyu ramen on Wikipedia –
Unboxing Time: Something FIERY By Way Of Chicago
A reader named Jon was kind enough to send along some ultra spicy noodles. They beat me down before – watch the video below to find out all about them.
#2567: Nissin Deka Buto Kimchi Pork Flavor
Here’s one sent by Javier over at Box From Japan. At Box From Japan, you can receive boxes of instant ramen from Japan as well as different subscription boxes like Japanese candy! Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? What’s more, in the two years I’ve been reviewing these, I’ve not ever received one that I’d reviewed before! This one has a unique flavor – let’s see a little more from Wikipedia –
#2553: Nissin Hakata Ramen Noodle White Tonkotsu
Here’s another one, sent by Javier over at Box From Japan. So is a subscription service where you can get a box with four different instant ramen bowls sent to you directly from Japan every month! Rarely have I found a box from them with varieties I’ve reviewed before, and never have I seen varieties available here in the USA. Definitely worth a look if you’re a big fan of Japanese varieties.
#2546: New Touch Sugo-men Kyoto Backfat Shoyu Ramen
Here’s another one sent by Javier over at Box From Japan. Box From Japan is a subscription service where you can get 4 unique bowls of instant ramen – direct from Japan – they also have subscription packages for Japanese snacks and candy as well as some other things – definitely worth a look – thanks again for sending this along!
#2542: Acecook Super Cup Yochan Ika Yakisoba
My wife and I have been trying out something new. We trade cooking for the week. I make all the dinners one week, she the next. It’s actually been a lot of fun – some positives (I have learned how to make some pretty awesome yakisoba in the kitchen) and some fails (red curry slow cooked in a crock pot really isn’t the way to go when the beef released a thick sheen of greasy fat). Nothing better than to make something your significant other really enjoys!
Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater: Zenpop Summer Fresh Ramen Box
So has sent me another box and I thought I ought to do a video. They asked about this last time and so I figured I’d go ahead and do it. I think if, at all possible, I’m going to do this whenever I get a box from now on – kind of fun to crack these boxes open and see what’s inside! These will be called ‘Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater.’So let’s check out this box from the noodle box purveyor! I should note that they also do other boxes – stationary for example among other things.
#2534: Fujiwara Hokkaido Hakodate Shoyu Ramen
Seems like a little while since I did a pack instant ramen from Japan. This is one I found during my trip to Taiwan last November at the Carrefour in Taipei by the Miramar Entertainment Park. I tell you – they had quite an impressive instant noodle aisle – like 4 aisles really. So this one is a shoyu instant ramen. Here’s a little from Wikipedia about shoyu ramen –
#2532: Nissin Nippon Onomichi Ramen
Here’s one sent by Javier from Box From Japan is a ramen subscription service – they have boxes of neat Japanese candy too! This one was a little tough to translate. Think I got it though. Here’s a little about Onomichi from Wikipedia –
#2529: Maruchan Gotsumori Chanpon Ramen
Here’s one from Javier over at, a service where you can get a monthly box of interesting ramen from Japan! So this one is a chanpon variety – here’s something from Wikipedia about chanpon –
#2525: Sokensha Curry Udon
Here’s another one I found recently at Uwajimaya in Bellevue, Washington. Can’t pass up curry udon – I mean some on – sounds good – here’s a little about udon from Wikipedia –
#2522: Takamori Hearty Japanese Style Curry Udon
I gota ride to 99 Ranch yesterday from my sister – thanks! So I was looking for mung bean sprouts, however I found this one when we went through the store. I did a Meet The Manufacturer with Takamori Kosan a few years back and really been hoping I’d get another chance to try some more of their products. Well, this is one of them! Here’s a little about udon from Wikipedia –
#2518: Samurai Ramen Umami
This was sent to me by Ippin, a purveyor of wonderful Japanese items! Thank you again! – So these look to be vegetarian as well as HALAL. Let’s give them a looksie.
#2517: Ikeda Shoku Nabeyaki Tempura Udon
Here’s one sent by the guys over at Thanks! They have a monthly subscription box you can get! So this is nabeyaki udon – let’s see what Wikipedia has to say –
#2516: Fujiwara Hokkaido Hakodate Miso Ramen
Seems like a little while since I did a pack instant ramen from Japan. This is one I found during my trip to Taiwan last November at the Carrefour in Taipei by the Miramar Entertainment Park. I tell you – they had quite an impressive instant noodle aisle – like 4 aisles really. So this one is a miso instant ramen. Here’s a little from Wikipedia about ramen –
#2514: Ogasawara Kirin Giraffe Shoyu Ramen
Here’s one I got at the Carrefour store in Taipei at the bottom of the Miramar Entertainment Park mall. It was on sale and definitely something I didn’t expect to see. There was a bunch of articles that came out about this variety a while back – it was popular many years ago and discontinued and then brought back to the delight of consumers. Noodles with a picture of a giraffe in a bow tie on the front? Yeah; this sounds neat. Let’s check out this revisited classic from Japan!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2017 Edition
Instant noodle cups – so portable, so ubiquitous. They’re everywhere! People seem to really like them for lunch. I’ve found that people also like to take them when backpacking or camping – all you need is hot water and once done, you can flatten them so it’s easy to pack out your trash. These convenient meals have come a long way since their inception – many flavors and countries of origin. This list is a compilation of my favorite instant noodle cups from the over 2,500 instant noodle reviews I’ve done to date.
#2505: Acecook Super Cup Torigara Shoyu
Here’s one sent by Javier over at You can get a nice package of 4 varieties shipped to your door every month via their subscription service – they also do Japanese candy boxes as well. Today it’s shoyu from Acecook. So if you don’t know about shoyu, here’s a little something from Wikipedia –
The Noodle World Sampler From Zenpop Japan
Was contacted a few weeks ago by Zenpop, a company thjat specializes in neat boxes of products from Japan! They informed me they wanted me to check out their ramen box and I was alright with that of course! They also have other kinds of boxes available – check them out here! Let’s crack this one open and see what’s inside – this month it’s the ‘Noodle World Pack!’
The July Box From Japan
Every month, Box From Japan offers instant ramen subscriptions as well as candy and other special subscriptions! This is the July box. Thus far, I’ve never gotten a repeat, nor one I’d reviewed previously! Let’s have a look.
#2480: Acecook Pork Wantan Men
Here’s one from Javier over at – thank you! So Box From Japan is a subscription service – every month, you can get a different four bowls of instant ramen from Japan – pretty awesome! This one’s wantan men – let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about this variety –
#2475: Maruchan Seimen Red Spicy Dandan Men
Here’s one from Javier over at – thank you! So Box From Japan is a subscription service – every month, you can get a different four bowls of instant ramen from Japan – pretty awesome! This one’s dandanmen – let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about this variety –
#2473: Tokyo Noodle Mini Instant Noodle Mild Curry Flavor
These came by Way of my sister Sue – thanks! She found them up in Canada – I believe at PriceSmart Foods in Richmond, BC. Been a couple of years since I made the trip north in search of instant noodles for my birthday. The way I look at it, I have to lay off Canada for a little while to let the big stores up there percolate; then they’ll have new stuff I’ve not tried. Well, hopefully. Last time I found a lot of the same stuff from the time before.
#2468: Acecook Dossari Yasai Chanpon
Here’s a new one – sent by Javier at Box From Japan! Thankj you! So Box From Japan is a subscription service. Indeed, you can lay out a few bucks every month and get a box with four really decent instant ramen from Japan to your door – definitely one to check out if you’re into Japanese food and culture
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2017 Edition
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2017 Edition is a list of the best bowls I’ve tried of the over 2400 reviews posted to date. Bowls are interesting insofar as they often contain extra things, since there is more room for sachets, spoons, fork, etcetera. As always, I implore instant noodle manufacturers to contact me – I would love to review your products and all it costs is sending some samples and your time! So sit back, grab a bowl, some hot water, peel back the lid, stir – and enjoy!
#2461: Fujiwara Hokkaido Hakodate Shio Ramen
Seems like a little while since I did a pack instant ramen from Japan. This is one I found during my trip to Taiwan last November at the Carrefour in Taipei by the Miramar Entertainment Park. I tell you – they had quite an impressive instant noodle aisle – like 4 aisles really. So this one is a shio instant ramen. Here’s a little from Wikipedia about shio –
#2459: Nissin Cup Noodles MUG Shoyu & Seafood
Way, way, way back, I had one of these packs. I bought it at a local Asian grocery and never reviewed it. That was 15 years back and it has been haunting me ever since.
#2441: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Noodle (Japan Version)
Here’s the final of the three Japan version MyKuali boxes. This one’s a favorite of mine (as are the other) but lately it’s been a real treat. Here’s a little about Hokkien Prawn from Wikipedia –
#2437: Nissin Raoh Nojyuku Toro Tonkotsu Ramen
Here’s one I was sent by Javier from Box From Japan is a service you can subscribe to and receive monthly boxes of instant noodle bowls from Japan! Pretty nifty. This one is a tonkotsu variant – let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about tonkotsu ramen –
#2433: Nissin Cup Noodles Indonesia Mie Goreng
This was sent to me by Ippin, a purveyor of wonderful Japanese items! Thank you again!
Here’s something a little different. So Nissin has a series of Cup Noodles with flavors from around Southeast Asia. Laksa from Singapore, Tom Yum from Thailand and here we have Mie Goreng from Indonesia. I’m very curious how this on will be. Indeed, it looks interesting enough and a decently sized cup. If you don’t know about Mie Goreng, you should! Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about the dish:
The May Box From Japan!
My friend Javier over at sent over the new ramen box for May! Thank you! Box From Japan is a purveyor of not only monthly subscription boxes of instant ramen bowls but you can also get neat boxes of candy and other neat stuff! Let’s see what’s within!
#2429: New Touch T’s Restaurant Sura Tanmen
Went to Uwajimaya, a local Japanese grocery store chain in the northwest the other day. So I found that you can get chashu pork there – it’s really nice for Japanese instants since I can slap one on top! Indeed what I do is get a few packs of it from the deli and then bag them individually and throw them in the freezer – it’s pricy stuff, but done this way it really stretches it a long way. So $15 or pork will yield me about 18-20 slices and since it’s frozen, it’ll last nicely until I’ve done that many Japanese reviews.
#2427: Ajinatori Halal Chicken Shoyu Sauce Ramen
The nice folks at Ippin sent me this one (SG folks click here) – thanks again! They are purveyors of all things Japanese! So I would say most Japanese instant noodles contain pork. Whether it be a chicken, seafood or whatever, it’s in there. Not with this one and That’s great for those that follow Islamic guidelines. So what is Halal? Let’s ask Wikipedia:
#2419: MyKuali Penang Red Tom Yum Goong Noodle Soup (Japan Version)
A while back the folks at MyKuali sent over samples. I give reviews to different versions of products and this is certainly different. This is the Penang Red Tom Yum Goong that is now in Japan. As you can see on the front of the box, a rank #1 on the 2015 Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list. Well, what’s tom yum? Here’s something from Wikipedia: