Here’s one I’ve been wanting to get a hold of for a long time! These samples include the 9,413SHU Teumsae.
Category: South Korea
#3257: Samyang Foods Buldak Hot Chicken Flavor Topokki – South Korea
Okay, alright. It’s another Buldak spicy thing and this time its not topokki and ramen, it’s just topokki. What’s exciting about this is that this is the export version. I’m usually not happy about getting export versions; I want the local versions; te ones that people in their respective countries find at the store. But what’s cool is that this is now available in the United States – and I’ve seen it here recently. This is original Buldak Bokkeummyun flavor – there’s also a Carbo version as well. For those of you who are asking ‘what’s a topokki?!’ here’s a little info from Wikipedia –
#3248: Samyang Foods Tsuyu Soy Sauce Udon – South Korea
So mornings can suck sometimes. Waking up 2 hours late for example. With that, I better get a move on!
#3237: Samyang Cheese Ramen – South Korea
I’ve mentioned a few times recently how much I’ve really been into Samyang Ramen in the last year or so. It’s really quite good – has a ham flavor, nice level of spiciness. It’s just got a good all around comfort food thing going on. Well, here’s the same thing – but now it’s got a cheese component. I’ll admit it – I like cheese. There. That feels better. Load off my mind. I usually add cheese to South Korean ramen, so let’s see how this one with a cheese component included goes.
#3221: Samyang Foods Buldak Topokki Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen – South Korea
Spicy stuff! So this one is the latest of the standard pillow pack varieties of the ‘fire noodle’ series. For those of you who don’t know what topokki is, here’s a little something from Wikipedia –
#3213: Atomy Potato Vegetable Ramen – South Korea
Got an email from a reader named Donald J about this one and he wanted to send a sample – well, here it is! Thanks! Always very interested in Korean varieties – especially ones I’ve not seen before!
#3205: EasyBab Hot Chicken Flavor Noodles And Rice – South Korea
Here’s a spin on the fire noodle – a cook in bag noodle with rice. Definitely something different, that’s for sure! I mean, it’s one thing to copy something, but this isn’t that – it’s unique and hopefully really good – let’s find out!
Knight Of Fire Ribs – Spicy Stuff From South Korea
#3172: Samlip Hi-Myon Katsuo Udon – South Korea
Found this one at the HMart at Aberdeen Centre up in Richmond, BC, Canada. This one at this point is a little vexing as I’m having trouble with translation however I’ve asked Facebook folks to help.
#3147: Samyang Foods Hek Buldak Bokkeummyun Mini – South Korea
This is a new one – a smaller Buldak Bokkeummyun! However it packs a big punch. This one’s clocking in at 12,000SHU, the highest heat level to date in the range. This is to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Buldak Bokkeummyun – happy birthday! What’s cool too is that the character Hochi’s birthday is the same as my wife’s! I thought hey – I should put this out on her birthday! Let’s give it a try.
12,000 SHU Buldak Mini Limited Edition Fire Noodles!
So a happy birthday is in order for Samyang’s Buldak Bokeummyun range. They started 7 years ago with the first variety. What’s more, the birthday of their mascot Hochi is on April 13th – same as my wife’s! Pretty rad. So Let’s unbox this one and we’ll have a look at it up close and personal on Saturday!
#3140: Samyang Foods Buldak Ramen Topokki – South Korea
Alright. So you know about the Buldak Bokkeummyun Topokki variety – well, this one comes with actual topokki as well. It’s a big bag, too! Let’s tear into this and see what we have here!
I know how much everyone loves that burning heat of fire noodles! Well, Samyang Foods of South Korea has sent a big box of new varieties! Watch as Hans & Miles take a look!
#3107: Samyang Foods Bowl Noodle Soup Chicken Flavor – South Korea
This one might be a bit of a surprise to you – insofar that I haven’t reviewed it, that is. Well, two other brand have these ‘bowl noodle’ style products from South Korea as well. This is Samyang’s entry into the fray of this form factor and style. Don’t get me wrong – one that’s been popular for years is their Yukgaejang bowls which look almost identical – except the name. They recently sent a bunch of these in different flavors – let’s give chicken a try!
#3101: Samyang Foods Sriracha Ramen – South Korea
This looks interesting! What’s actually very interesting is that I did a Spicy Noodle Mukbang video a while back of this one I swear but I never did a regular review! So here we go. You like Sriracha sauce? I think this will interest you!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition
It’s January 2019, and so it is time for the first of many Top Ten Lists. I always start the year with the latest South Korean Top ten. This list was compiled as of posting 3,058 unique reviews of instant noodles, 349 of which are South Korean. All varieties are manufactured in South Korea. If you are a company interested in having your products showcased, please drop me a line. Let’s begin!
#3067: Samyang Foods Bowl Noodle Soup Hot & Spicy Flavor – South Korea
Got a box with a bunch of these new Samyang Foods Bowl Noodle Soup varieties in it. Definitely something fr export here – haven’t reviewed something in this style in ages! Let’s check it out!
French Fire Noodles?! – France | Unboxing Time
Saw a post from a contact at Samyang Foods mentioning France and was very curious and so asked if I could get more info. Well, a box arrived pretty quick – full of their products specifically for the French market! Since these are only for the French market, they get the France label – the first ever! Let’s have a look at these!
NEW!! Ddukbokki/Tteokbokki/Topokki Fire Noodles from South Korea | Unboxing Time
After unboxing, cooking, and tasting the new 10,000 SHU Buldak Bokkeummyun, now there’s yet another new variety! This is Samyang Foods Ddokbokki Buldak Bokkeummyun. Really excited to try this one – if you are not familiar with what this flavor is, watch the video for a little background!
#3047: Samyang Foods 10,000 SHU Hek Buldak Bokkeummyun (Nuclear Fire Noodle/2x) – South Korea
Well, it finally happened. Samyang Foods originally released their 2x Spicy Buldak Bokkeummyun in South Korea a while back – for a limited time. In fact, it was supposed to be for a limited time everywhere. Well, it was in South Korea. But as of December 3rd, 2018 they brought it back. The original 2x was 8,706 SHU. This one is 10,000 SHU. This would then be 2.25x Spicy as the original version was 4,404 SHU. But one could round it up to 2.3, and if we’re rounding up I suppose one could round 2.3 up to 2.5. Regardless of how you look at it, it is indeed spicier. Let’s take a look!
#3045: Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun Hot Chicken Flavor Gyoza Dumpling – South Korea
After searching during four – count them FOUR – trips to Canada looking or them, I finally found them with the help of a reader/viewer from YouTube – THANK YOU! So you may know these as dumplings, gyoza, or potstickers – thy’re all the same thing. Just call them dumplings, please.
#3030: Nongshim Shin Black Spicy Rich Bone Broth Flavor – South Korea
Here’s one I found at the new T&T Supermarket in Lansdowne Center up in Richmond, BC. A Shin Black bowl! I knew they must exist; I mean, there’s generally a pack, cup and bowl for everything that comes out of South Korea. Well, here it is. What’s interesting is that this isn’t available in the United States, and up in Canada it’s not a product of the Nongshim China factory, which most bowls up there seem to be.
#3012: Samyang Foods Sriracha Ramen Snack – South Korea
Here we have what you call a ramen snack or noodle snack. These are popular throughout Asia but little known in the United States. In a way. It was often I heard about people taking a domestic pillow pack of instant noodles here in the states and pulverizing it while still in the package and then the seasoning dumped on and held closed, then shaken to distribute the flavor. This was commonly considered a somewhat of a lazy teenager’s way of cooking one of the easiest products to cook around. Well, they’ve been creating products that are prepared in this way for a very long time in Asia. Spicy, sweet, salty – you name it. Here’s Samyang’s Sriracha Ramen flavored one for you to see today!
#3005: Samyang Foods Chinese Style Bibimmyun – South Korea
Here’s one the folksd at Samyang Foods sent along – thanks again! This is a bibimmyun – a cold noodle generally enjoyed during the hot summer months. I wasn’t sure what the difference was with this one was, but it appears this is a Chinese-style variety, so flavors are a little different. Awesome! Let’s give this one a try!
Samyang Bowl Noodles Unboxing – South Korea
I’ve seen bowl noodle varieties from almost every instant noodle company in South Korea – almost. Today, we have a box full of varieties from Samyang Foods – let’s check i tout!
#2982: Samyang Foods Big Bowl Artificial Chicken Flavor – South Korea
Here’s the last of the three new Big Bowl varieties Samyang Foods sent me. As you can see, they are big bowls. Also, you might be thinking ‘hey – this doesn’t look like a very South Korean variety!’ Well, this is what is called an export variety. Let’s take a look!
#2970: Samyang Foods Big Bowl Lobster Flavor
Well this is something different. I haven’t had a lobster flavor variety in quite a while – definitely well over a year – at least I think so. Let’s give it a try!
#2956: Paldo Curry Volcano Chicken Noodle
I took a look in the closet the other day and boom – hey look a six pack of these cups! Forgot about these ! You have to understand – I have a lot of noodles to review – hard to find space for them! But here they are ready to go! Thanks to Paldo for sending them along! Let’s check out these super spicy noodles from South Korea!
#2942: Paldo Teumsae Cheddar Cheese Ramyun
One of my favorite varieties has been Paldo’s Cheese Noodle – that’s a really tasty one. Well, Teumsae is one of their spiciest varieties and they mashed it up with cheese. I really want to get samples of the new ultra spicy Teumsae variety, but I can’t find it anywhere from nobody… At this point, I’m wondering if it even was produced! But it had to be… Come on. It’s hanging out somewhere! Anyways, cheese is good. It’s time to do a mukbang, so check out the video at the bottom of this review.. Let’s give this one a try!
#2934: Samyang Foods Big Bowl Seafood Flavor
Samyang Foods just came out with three varieties of these large bowls. Seafood, chicken and lobster. They definitely look to be export varieties – the nutrition panels are in English and French, which might mean they’re more tailored for Canada. Anyways, I’m curious about these – let’s have a look!
#2924: Samyang Foods Samyang Ramen Spicy Flavor
Spicy is definitely something that Samyang Foods is known for what with their ubiquitous Buldak Bokkeummyun spicy stir noodle line. This however, should also get some due attention. This is the spicy version of their first-ever product, and indeed the first ramyun to be produced in South Korea. What has come as bit of a surprise lately is that this is not a beef variety – it’s ham. Wait, what?! Ham? Yep. I thought beef was the focal point of this one, but from a TV spot Samyang Foods did, it’s pretty evident that it isn’t. Learn something new all the time. Well, let’s give it a try!
#2922 Wang Bulgogi Flavor Udon Korean Style Noodle
I think we found this one up in Canada but honestly don’t remmebr. It sounds good – I mean udon is alright but bulgogi – now you’re talking. Here’s a little about bulgogi from Wikipedia –
Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles 2018 Edition
It’s been a long year, let me tell you! I have been asked countless times about this list and what’s new. I’ve done numerous taste tests and endured lots of heat! Ready to burn? Check out the list and look down at the bottom for a way to get a great selection of some of the spiciest and tastiest varieties in one low-cost box! Indeed, it is time – here’s the official top ten – your spiciest instant noodles for 2018 from almost 3,000 reviews to date!
#2895: Fox D.J. Korean Tteokbokki Spicy Snack
Found this one up at China World in Richmond, BC. This one’s confusing as it seems to say it’s a rice cake snack, however it has flour. It doesn’t say whether it’s rice flour or wheat flour. Anyways, I thought this was relevant since it was next to ramen snacks. Let’s take a look!
#2892: Neko Ramen Snack Chicken
Okay so this one was found up in Canada at China World. It was apart from the instant noodles and looked really odd where it was sitting to be honest. So let’s crack it open and give it a try.
Re-Review: Paldo Teumsae Ramyun
This is one that’s been in the Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time lists for quite some time. It’s also now in the Gourmet Ramen Club Spicy Pack – a box that I’ve selected the varieties for! I thought it was time for a Re-Review as I’m going to be rolling out the new spicy list in early August! Let’s check out this hot one!
#2878: Samyang Foods Samyang Ramen Hot
When I first noticed these on Samyang Foods’ Instagram feed, I was really curious. I’ve had the hot Samyang Ramen in the past and liked it. But I thought I should give it a look, especially with the new red look to it.
#2874: Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun Hot Chicken Flavor Almonds
I’ll be first to say that I enjoy almonds, usually the smokehouse ones. You know the ones I’m talking about. I’m pretty partial to chocolate ones too although I don’t usually have them. I’ve had ones with crunchy candy coating too. I also tasted almond milk the other day – tasty but just seemed so weird – but I liked it.
#2873: Samyang Foods Korean Gomtang
It seems like almost everything that comes from South Korea is spicy, doesn’t it? Well, let’s break that concept right here. Gomtang isn’t spicy at all – it’s milky and beefy! Herte’s a little about it from Wikipedia –
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2018 Edition
It’s time for another top ten list and this time it’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2018 Edition! The first list debuted in 2013 – I can’t believe this is the sixth list! As always – if you are a company who would like me to review your products, please contact me via the contact link – I want to talk to you! These are my favorite instant noodle bowl selections from my over 2800 reviews to date. Let’s get started!