Lemonilo is a company from Indonesia that focuses on healthier varieties. These are non-fried, and have natural ingredients. Check ’em out and you can get them here – I made my daughter the chicken chow mein last night for dinner and she devoured it.
Category: Lemonilo
#3591: Lemonilo Naked Ramen Chicken Chow Mein – United States
This is another one sent over by James of Lakeside, CA – thanks again, buddy! So man… It’s Wednesday at least. So Monday my wife Kit got a dreaded kidney stone so if you know what that is, your know what that is. I’ve never had one, but watching her go through dealing with one before, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Luckily, when I type here it’s generally 100 days down the road that it’s published, so hopefully that stone is long gone. Evil things, these stones…
#3491: Lemonilo Naked Ramen Chicken Curry Soup – United States
Awhile back, Lemonilo started producing a Mie Goreng variety which is honestly one of the best out there. Lemonilo puts everything in a healthy light. When they sent me the samples of their Mie Goreng, they included a shirt and a workout towel. I keep the towel on the stroller actually – handy when doing a dozen miles at a fast clip. This variety’s packaging clearly denoted it’s for the US market, however it’s made in Indonesia. This pack did’n’t come from them though – it was sent by a reader named James in Lakeside, California. Let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2923: Lemonilo Mie Instan Alami Rasa Mie Goreng – Indonesia
This is the one product for this Meet The Manufacturer. Look – green noodles on the package! They mentioned that they’re green as they’re infused with spinach – plus they’re baked noodles as well. This sounds really interesting – I’ve been a huge fan of mie goreng – I might have started my interest in instant noodles with a Japanese variety, but the second one I was really enamored with was a mie goreng. Let’s crack the pack open and see how it is!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Lemonilo – Indonesia
I was immediately taken aback when this box arrived – so many stickers! Thought it was pretty cool – this little box certainly got a lot of attention! Let’s open it up!