Category: Malaysia

The Ramen Rater’s Trip To Malaysia: Day 1 – Departure & Arrival

Day 1 * Day 2Day 3 * Day 4 * Day 5 * Day 6

From September 29th to October 4th, my wife Kit and I were treated to a visit to Malaysia by the kind folks at Sky Thomas Food Industries Sdn Bhd, makers of MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodles. The purpose of the trip was not to promote for them, but to show us the foods of Penang. Here is the first day of the trip! ...see full post

Return From Penang, Malaysia!

We have returned from our journey to Penang, Malaysia!! Our flight from Taipei, Taiwan arrived in Seattle around 7pm last night. This is a picture of where we were waiting for our shuttle to the parking light where we left our car. The flight left at 11pm Taiwan time, which is the same for Malaysia too – and then arrived the same day but 4 hours earlier! So we got back 15 hours all said and done which was kind of odd – time traveling! Over the next week starting Monday, I am going to do a new daily noodle review, and then a post highlighting everything of that day during our trip. At the end, I’ll be reviewing the new MyKuali Tom Yum instant noodle – my 1,500th review. Stay tuned! ...see full post

#1484: Ibumie Mee Baa..Gus Mi Goreng Spicier Original Flavour

Here’s one that Annie T. of MyKuali sent me a while back from Malaysia – thank you again! I’ve been very curious about this Ibumie Mee Baa..Gus, mainly from the packaging and name. So first off let’s translate a little. Mi Goreng is fried noodle (mi being noodle, goreng being fried). Perisa Asli Pedas is spicy original flavor. But – what about Mee Baa.gus? Well, mee is also noodle, and bagus would be gorgeous or wonderful. So they’re going for something like ‘wonnnnderful!’ with the little extra punctuation in the middle of bagus. Another term on the front of this pack is ‘Shiok.’ Shiok basically is an exclamation – you might have a really great bowl of noodles and say ‘wow – these noodles are really shiok!’ Urban Dictionary said it is a way to express pleasure and happiness. So! Now that we’ve had a little language lesson, let’s see how this mi goreng variety comes out! ...see full post

Invitation To Visit MyKuali In Penang, Malaysia!


Well I’m really excited today! My wife and I have been invited to visit MyKuali in Penang, Malaysia! Wow! Our flight’s booked and we’re getting ready for it later this month! The furthest from home here in the northwest I’ve been was the east coast in Georgia way back in 1995, and the only other country I’ve visited has been Canada. This is going to be really amazing! Thank you so much to MyKuali – this is absolutely great and I can’t wait to share pictures and words about our trip with everyone when we return! It’s still a few weeks away and we’re really excited! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1467: Ruski Creamy Tom Yam Instant Noodles

As I mentioned yesterday, I was nominated by my sister to do the ALS ice bucket challenge – it’s the thing everyone is doing these days to bring awareness and donations for people with this debilitating condition. You have to have a bucket of ice dumped on you! Well, I did it with a little help from my pal Jason Warden – the video is at the bottom, so be sure to check it out and also have a look at and consider donating to help find a cure! ...see full post

#1445: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Noodle

The day is upon us – the day to review the new Hokkien Prawn Noodle – the second instant noodle from the company that made the number one on my 2014 Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list! As with their Penang White Curry Noodle, Hokkien Prawn Noodle is a bit of a mystery for me. I had never tried White Curry before I tried their product, nor have I ever had Hokkien Prawn Noodle before. I did a little digging online and found the Penang Hawker Food Blog. I found this text there: ...see full post

#1439: Adabi Mi Segera Mi Goreng Pedas Instant Noodles


Here’s the last of the Adabi varieties I received from Annie T. of MyKuali in Malaysia – thank you! It’s a wet and rainy day outside this morning. It started raining just before 7am and has been ever since! In northwest Washington state, we sometimes get a big dump of rain in the summertime – even got some thunder! You can see how easily amused I am! Anyways, spicy mi goreng sounds like a nice accompaniment for the day’s weather. Let’s have a look at this one. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1434: Maggi Hot Cup Perisa Kari

Here’s one I’ve been most eager to try. The Ramen Rater is also on Instagram, and I peruse for instant noodle related things. I’ve seen these cups quite a few times and people seem to enjoy them! They come in other varieties such as chicken and tom yam aside from this curry one. This Hot Cup was sent by Maggi Singapore, but made in Malaysia by Maggi Malaysia. Let’s have a look at this one and see what’s inside! ...see full post

#1425: Hao Way Instant Penang White Curry Noodles

It was only a matter of time that I would get to try yet another Malaysian Penang white curry variety. There are quite a few out there now! Unfortunately, most of them are only available in Malaysia, so it’s tricky to get them. If I can get enough of them, I’d like to do a top ten of those! As far as I know, there are ten varieties, but now there could be more. Win Onn makes this Penang white curry  – and they really wanted me to try it! After the first try and the noodles being destroyed by the US Department of Agriculture for having a little chicken in them, they tried again with some documentation – and the USDA saw fit to let them through! Yay! Let’s have a look at this, the third Penang white curry variety I’ve gotten my hands on. ...see full post

#1410: Adabi Mi Segera Tom Yam Instant Noodles

Here’s another one sent to me by Annie T. of MyKuali awhile back – thanks! Today I took a walk in my new neighborhood to HMart. HMart is a big Asian supermarket chain. What’s awesome is they have a little endcap in the frozen foods section devoted to fishballs, little crab claws and seafood flavor tofu pieces! I thought maybe I’d get some and try it with this tom yam. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

Top Ten 2014 Re-Review: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle

Last June, I’d never heard of Penang, nor really had tried many varieties of Malaysian instant noodles for that matter. I had no clue what to expect and was absolutely elated with this one – my core interest in reviewing instant noodles is that I want to try new things every day. This was definitely something new to me. Let’s look inside the package and see why it’s on the 2014 top ten list! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1362: Mamee Mi Segera Perisa Kari

Today’s the last of the Mamee Double-Decker Meet The Manufacturer. It’s been really neat trying all these varieties – not a single re-review – really shows how few of their products I’d tried previusly. Today I thought I’d go with one of my favorite all time flavors in the world – curry. There are so many different takes on curry in the world – Malaysian, Singaporean, Japanese, South Korean, Indian and British to name a few. Let’s check this one out as we bid a fond farewell to this 15 day journey through some of Mamee’s products. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1361: Mamee Chef Creamy Tom Yam Flavour

This Meet The Manufacturer has been a lot of fun. Over the last year, I’ve been finding myself enjoying curries and tom yum varieties a lot more, and Mamee makes some great ones. Thisd is the last of the Mamee Chef varieties I have to review – the pack version of the Creamy Tom Yam. I reviewed the cup version a week or so ago. Let’s see how this one fares. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1360: Mamee Monster BBQ Flavour Snack Noodle

Mamee Monster is a snack noodle. Snack noodles are instant noodles that aren’t cooked, but rather crushed into snack bits and enjoyed as a crunchy snack. I’d always wanted to review them and I got my first chance to try them a few days back when I reviewed the chicken flavor variety. First I’ll show your this, the ten pack and then the individual pack. Let’s check this one out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1357: Mamee Mie Goreng Indonesia Spicy Sambal Flavour

This is the second of the two Mie Goreng Indonesia cup varieties Mamee Double-Decker sent me for Meet The Manufacturer. The first one was really good! This one sounds good too. Sambal is spicy stuff! I like spicy. Today before I do the review, I’m going to trek up to our local Indonesian grocery Waroeng Jajanan. They clued me in about a couple of great additions to mie goreng – Kerapuk Aci and BonCabe! Kerapuk Aci is a big round Indonesian cracker made with tapioca and other ingredients. It’s crunchy and goes really well with mie goreng when I’ve made it in the past. BonCabe is a spicy chilli seasoning – bits of chilli powder, flake, some salt and crunchy bits as well as other spices are in it and it’s great stuff! Off I go to the Indonesian grocery to find some additions… ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1355: Mamee Instant Vermicelli Chicken Flavour

Looks like today is going to be one of the nicest weather-wise yet this year. Here in the northwest, it’s been raining. A lot. We had the wettest March on record last month, which has hindered my exercise. I usually take a mile or two walk everyday, but that’s fallen by the wayside as of late. Definitely have been feeling the effects of not walking… So off I go! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1354: Mamee Chef Creamy Tom Yam Flavour

In the last year, I’ve got to say I’ve had the fortune to learn about and try a lot of new additions to instant noodles. Most of them have been seafood related – which I’m really lucky to have access to. I’ve gotten many emails asking where to find kamaboko or fish cake etc – I always thought all of those things were easily accessed by all, but as it turns out, I’m lucky to live in an area with lots of Asian grocery stores that specialize in such things. The latest I’ve been really enjoying are fish balls, particularly ones from Singapore that I get at a store that’s a short walk away. I usually only buy a couple, and the seafood counter guys usually look at me a little funny; “5 pounds?” they’ll ask. “No – just five fish balls.” My son and I walked over a couple of weeks ago and he wanted to buy me a whole pound of fish balls which I thought was very nice of him – and so I let him ask them himself. Then, my eight year old boy kind of puffed out his chest and exclaimed “excuse me – I would like one pound of those fish balls please!” Definitely a proud moment for me – sounded so authoritative! When we got home, I boiled some up and let him try – I received a resounding “yuck!” and a look of disgust. At least he tried them – he’s more a fan of macaroni and cheese and pizza, but I try to get him to try new things as much as possible. But I digress. Today’s noodle review will include the last of the fish balls from that trip to the store. I’m going to also follow the microwave instructions for this one, something I don’t usually do. Let’s see how it goes! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1353: Mamee Instant Noodles Vegetarian Flavour

Today we have a bright green package – vegetarian flavor. It seems most product lines have at least one variety that’s vegetarian. The approximations of what a general ‘vegetable’ tastes like however has differed from brand to brand, from the vile to the exalted tasty treat. This one’s made with the ‘Mi Tarik’ technology at Mamee’s factory. This is where they emulate the technique of hand-pulling noodles with their equipment. Hand pulling noodles is interesting; the chef starts with a long thick roll, doubles it up, flours it, then swings it around a bit. This is repeated, doubling the amount of strands every time until there are a couple hundred noodles. I’ll put a video at the end showing someone doing this. Anyways, let’s give these vegetarian noodles a try! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1351: Mamee Monster Chicken Flavour Snack Noodles

Mamee Monster is Mamee’s line of snack noodles. I’ve been really wanting to try these for a long time. Snack noodles are noodles that are seasoned and crushed and eaten without any cooking; kind of like potato chips or corn chips. I’ve seen these online quite a few times and always though hey – look it’s a blue monster and it’s instant noodles – rad!! So let’s have a look at this popular Malaysian snack. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1350: Mamee Chef Curry Laksa Flavour

The 2013 top ten list I did was highlighted by two flavors at the very top: laksa and curry. Here we find both together! This is one of Mamee’s new Mamee Chef line of premium instant noodles. They use a technology that emulates ‘la mian,’ or hand-pulled noodles. I went to the store yesterday to see if I could find some nice acompaniments for this special pack – let’s check out how laksa and curry play together! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Mamee Double Decker

Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Mamee Double-Decker


Pinky sent me a tracking number and I waited. Packages containing food products from overseas are often scrutinized by the Department of Agriculture, and more than once I’ve found they’ve not made it through. Happily, this big, awesome box of goodness came through! Let’s see what’s within! ...see full post

#1326: Mamee Mi Segera SLLRRRP! Perencah Kari Xtra Pedas

Here’s another one sent to me by Annie T. over at MyKuali – thanks again! As I’ve said before, I love curry. There are so many different curries out there – sweet, spicy, slightly bland. Pastes, powders, sauces… It’s pretty enjoyable! I’ve been really enjoying reviewing curries from this region – Malaysia and Singapore – wonderful places that make some awesome curry instants! This one purports to be ‘xtra pedas’ which translates to extra hot. Let’s see if this stuff is really spicy or not. ...see full post

#1319: Adabi Mi Segera Kari Ayam Instant Noodles

Here’s one that Annie T. from MyKuali sent me from Malaysia – thanks again! It’s been a lot of fun trying varieties from Malaysia and Singapore in the last year. Usually they’re pretty hard to come by where I live, so new stuff is always welcome. I’d never heard of Adabi brand until a couple of months ago. The first one I tried was #1276: Adabi Mi Bandung Prawn Mee – and it was really good! I’m curious if this is going to be your standard chicken curry or something a little different. Let’s have a loot inside! ...see full post