Category: Myojo

#1446: Myojo Ippei-Chan Jumbo Night Market Style Yakisoba

To start off, thanks to Raissa T. and Andre L. for their help on translating! Today feels like a yakisoba day. I really like yakisoba! It’s a pretty versatile dish; you can add anything to it and it’s still good! Well, strawberry jelly probably isn’t the best add-in… Then again, with that mention perhaps someone will try it and make it the new craze? The latest weird add-in craze was adding those little pudding cups or flan into a Cup Noodle. Bizarre… Well, let’s see how this comes out – looks good on the package! Especially with the amazingly cool little recommendation to… ...see full post

#1401: Myojo Yomise No Yakisoba Shiodare Flavor With Black Pepper Mayonnaise

I’m pretty excited – we’re moving to a new apartment soon! I’ve been going through everything, boxing stuff up. Actually, I’m currently flanked by a stack of boxes that’s getting really high – and they’re pretty heavy, too. What’s going to be insane is that we will be moving to a place on the top floor – only one flight of stairs, but it’s a decent amount of stairs. Should be quite a workout! What’s nice is that it’ll be close to a nice big Asian grocery – an HMart – so there will be easy access to everything I need to add to my noodles. Anyways, yeah – pretty big thing. I thought I’d have one I found while packing – no idea how it got to where it was as I usually keep everything in a couple big totes. Let’s check out this yakisoba – with black pepper mayonnaise! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Japanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014 Edition

It’s only a few days until Momofuku Ando Day, and what better time to introduce the very first Japanese Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list? In 1958, Momofuku Ando initially brought these convenient products to the world. At first seen as an overpriced novelty, they’ve grown in popularity; 100 billion instant noodle products were enjoyed in 2012! Here are my favorites, manufactured in the instant noodle’s birthplace of Japan. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2011 & 2012 Editions

Here it is – the new Ramen Rater Top Ten List! It was originally released on on January 9th, 2011 as an exclusive guest post I did. Now, here it is on The Ramen Rater for your perusal with links to all of the corresponding reviews! Enjoy! ...see full post

#560: Myojo Soy Sauce Flavor Ippei-Chan Japanese Style Soup Noodles

Had a hell of a day today. Tried my bus card but it didn’t beep (figured the reader was at fault) so hopped the bus. Well, the fare cops had me get off the bus and checked out my card and it was screwed up. The fare cop said don’t worry just hop back on and get a new one at the bus station. Thinking ‘hey that went well ,” a different fare cop pulls me off the bus further down the line! Ugh. Long story short, I eventually got to the bus sttion and got a new card that won’t work for 24-48 hours… But I got to and from work and now I’m home – and hungry. This sounded especially good. ...see full post

Indigestion: Reader’s Digest Article Way Off The Mark

This was found, given to my sister and passed along to me. This is from a Reader’s Digest. I haven’t seen the Lucky Peach yet but boy is this stuff screwed up. I really liked how Nong Shim was just a Californian company – no mention of the fact that it’s Korean.  The Myojo Chukazanmai is a line of noodles by Myojo and has such an array of types (some are even to be served cold) that this broad review makes no sense. I think everyone knows how I feel about the GreeNoodle – try and try again I find them detestable. The Kamfen was the kicker for me though. Which one was reviewed? There’s a ton of varieties… Finally the article’s name kind of peeves me, but at least someone might go ahead and see f people review instant noodles online. The kicker? Not any mentions of anything from Indonesia, Thailand or Vietnam. Shameful! ...see full post

#452: Myojo Hyoubanya no Chukasoba Japanese Style Noodles Soy Sauce Flavor

Well lookie here! My wife and I were at H-Mart and she spied these on the lower shelf. We tried the ones in the blue packaging – the Oriental flavor – awhile back and those were quite delicious. Since these must be purchased in a five pack, I figured let’s give them a go – she should dig ’em! ...see full post

#401: Myojo Suudon-Desse Soy Sauce Flavor Japanese Style Soup Noodles

So some of the comments I’ve received lately have been from folks who really liked Maruchan Kitsune Udon bowls. Unfortunately, those aren’t being produced anymore, at least for the USA. So I thought maybe to begin the 400’s here we’d look at a couple of Myojo’s bowls which I’ve found to be quite good. ...see full post

#345: Myojo Charumera Shoyu Noodles With Soup

This is one of those that I’ve only found in 5 packs and had to go ahead and get it. Been so curious about this one and I mean the packaging is probably one of the coolest I’ve seen yet. I wish this guy would come to my town and toot on his trumpet – I’d gladly buy a bowl of noodles from him! I think I can say happily, “screw the ice cream man – this guy’s way cooler.” ...see full post

#162: Myojo Chukazanmai Japanese Style Noodles With Soup Base Oriental Flavor

So I got these noodles yesterday up the road at 99 Ranch and wow everyone else wanted to be there at the same time! Was absolutely amazing how many people were in that store all at once!  Surprisingly, it took maybe 8 or so minutes to get rung up and on my way home with some nice noodles that were on sale! ...see full post

#31: Myojo Ippeichan Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles

Myojo: Ippeichan Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles
Stars: ****
Notes: This stuff was way cool – it comes in a box with four seasoning packets. So ya take em’ out and fill it up to the line with boiling water for 3 minutes. Then, you drain it [the lid has very keen drain spouts] and mix in the flavors. There’s vegetables, nori, soba sauce and this very odd packet of mustard mayonnaise. Wish that Dijonnaise tasted half as good. So yeah – very good box of ramen, and lives up to it’s claim of being Japanese style. [AMAZONPRODUCTS asin=”B0028PDFQG”]
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