Category: * News / Noodle News

The Ramen Rater’s 3rd Annual Momofuku Ando Day

Momofuku Ando (安藤 百福) – (March 5, 1910 – January 5, 2007)

Today is January 19th, 2014 – and you know what that means? Momofuku Ando Day! In 1958, Momofuku Ando invented the very first instant noodles and started Nissin Foods. I do a special video every year to commemorate the occasion (see below). First, here’s what the Nissin Foods USA website has to say about the man: ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Japanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014 Edition

It’s only a few days until Momofuku Ando Day, and what better time to introduce the very first Japanese Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list? In 1958, Momofuku Ando initially brought these convenient products to the world. At first seen as an overpriced novelty, they’ve grown in popularity; 100 billion instant noodle products were enjoyed in 2012! Here are my favorites, manufactured in the instant noodle’s birthplace of Japan. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014 Edition

It’s no secret that I eat a lot of instant noodles. Last year alone, I did 320 new reviews! I’m often asked, “when you aren’t reviewing, what instant noodles do you like to eat?” South Korean ramyun is the answer. In 1963, instant noodles were first introduced to South Korea as ‘ramyun.’ People were a little confused at first; they thought it was a textile! They also weren’t super keen on it being chicken flavored; South Koreans prefer rich beef flavors as opposed to lighter poultry tastes. With a little tweaking, the spicy rich beef noodles synonymous with ramyun were born.  The thick noodles, rich broth and spiciness keep me coming back for more. This list contains my favorites from the 1272 reviews I’ve done thus far. They are all made in South Korea, and many will be hard to find in the United States, if not impossible. With that, here’s my list. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater Appears In TV Ad For O’Live South Korean Show

So I did a live taping a few weeks ago for a brand new show on South Korea’s O’Live TV network. As far as the guys on the show, I think one is a K-pop star and the other was on South Korea’s Master Chef. Could be very wrong about that though! If anyone knows, clue me in in a comment. The first episode of the show is all about spicy South Korean ramyun. Here it is! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Indonesian Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 Edition

When I was very young, I first discovered a satay variety of Indonesian mi goreng and loved it. I would go on special trips to Seattle just to get tons of it! The many seasoning sachets, oils, and the exotic flavors – it was great! I have been very fortunate to be able to try many, many more varieties of Indonesia instant noodles. I think what makes them distinctly different from others in the world are the use of sweetness and spiciness. These flavors balance so well in mi goreng. Then there’s flavors like lime, hot chillies and the crunch of fried onion. Reviewing such exotic varieties are what makes being The Ramen Rater so enjoyable! With that, I proudly present The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Indonesian Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 edition!!!!! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Additions To Instant Noodles 2013

I eat instant noodles. Every day. As of writing this list, I’ve reviewed 1,219 different varieties of instant noodles. Many people ask me if I get sick of instant noodles. Part of the reason I always say no is that I add things to my noodles to make them a more complete meal after I’ve reviewed them. I have seen quite a few lists online purporting to ‘hack’ or ‘pimp’ your ramen. Well, I’m not going to say that you will be able program it or hire it out, but it should be a bit more enjoyable and well-rounded. With that, here are my top ten favorite things to add to instant noodles for 2013. ...see full post

Recipe: Stir Budalk Bokkumyeon

I saw a recipe that sounded interesting a few weeks ago, and decided I wanted to try it. The issue: I only had one bowl of Samyang Foods’ Budalk Bokkumyeon, a fiery and spicy fest whose close relative the package version made the Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 list. I emailed Samyang Foods about it and they kindly sent some as well as some other new varieties. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater Tests The Rapid Ramen Cooker

Just wanted to congratulate Chris Johnson on his success with his Rapid Ramen Cooker – his invention that allows you to cook a standard pack of instant noodles in 3-4 minutes in the microwave with 1/2 the sodium. He was on Shark Tank last week and got himself a great deal! Here’s the interview I conducted with him last December and my rigorous test of The Rapid Ramen Cooker – see the video below! ...see full post

South Korean Samples From Samyang Foods!

Recently I heard about this recipe using Samyang Foods Budalk Bokkumyeon (Hot fried chicken flavor ramyun). I only have one of the bowls so I needed at least onhe more so I could do a regular review as well as try the recipe. I asked a friend at Samyang Foods if they could possibly send some more and I got a yes! Today this box arrived. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013

Earlier this year, people from Taiwan voiced their displeasure with not being included in the 2013 Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time. They came in droves, shouting the praises of their beloved varieties. They were equally unhinged by having two varieties listed in my Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 list. Two were included there. After all of this outcry and seeing the pride and passion about their noodles, I thought it was a must to do a Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 list; these people are easily as interested in noodles as much as I am! This new list encompasses all of the Taiwanese varieties that I’ve reviewed thus far. So, without further ado, I hope you will enjoy The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 edition! ...see full post

VIDEO: Grand Tsukemen Fest Live Chat

I was invited by Brian over at Ramen Adventures to take part in a Google Hangout to discuss the upcoming Grand Tsukemen Fest in Japan. I’ve never had tsukemen before, but I sure a lot of you have. Tsukemen is different from traditional ramen in that you have a bowl with broth and toppings and then a bowl of (usually) cold noodles. It sounds really good to me! Here is a video of the chat which includes an appearance by the reigning Grand Tsukemen champ! ...see full post

A Wonderful Package From Record China News Of Japan!!!

I did an interview with a news agency in Japan recently called Record China –

  • September 3, 2013 – Record China – 米国のラーメン通、日・中・韓の即席麺を斬る<前編>「欧米人には韓国のものがイチバン」 – Japan Part 1 – Link
  • September 3, 2013 – Record China – 米国のラーメン通、日・中・韓の即席麺を斬る<前編>「欧米人には韓国のものがイチバン」 – Japan Part 2 – Link

They sent a box of amazing goodies from Japan I’ve been hoping to finbd for a while! ...see full post

Please Vote For The Ramen Rater For Best Food Blog In Western Washington!

Hey everyone! Thanks to those who have voted so far! The contest is the KING5/Evening Magazine BEST In Western Washington – an annual list of the best of the best of Western Washington state here in the USA. I would be extremely thankful if everyone would vote for me – this would really help the site out a lot! Click on the above image or here to vote. I was on Evening Magazine (a local TV show) earlier this year – Jim Dever and a cameraman came into our little apartment and set up a miniature film studio here in Edmonds, WA (the clip is below). ...see full post