I sent an email to Jerry at www.cbsop.com (which stands for ‘Cooking By The Seat of Our Pants) about doing a guest post. He was more than happy about it and here’s the post entitled, “The Gentle Art Of Making Indonesian Instant Noodles: The Finest Of The Fine.” Thanks again, Jerry!
Category: * News / Noodle News
Superbowl 2012 Food: Spicy Ramen Nachos
Click image to enlarge. Yes it’s true. It’s the Tat Hui Koka Tomato flavor ramen with guacamole and sour cream and Texas Pete hot sauce. Eat this and your team will win.
It’s Total Ramen-nation In Louisiana!
Click poster to enlarge. I saw this online and thought – hey – everyone should know about it! If you live around Lafayette, LA, be sure to check out the Total Ramen-nation! Here’s more info!
The Ramen Rater: Noodle News #4
Welcome to the fourth installment of The Ramen Rater Noodle News – I search the Internet to find current info and news on instant noodles and bring it here.
The Ramen Rater: Noodle News #3
Here are some articles from the Internet and such tyhat the Ramen Rater reader may find fascinating!
Guest Post On The ‘One Pan Wonders’ Blog!
I was invited to write a guest post on the One Pan Wonders blog this week, and so I did. Here’s the post. As you can see from the image, Teresa Dicentra Black is an author and has written a book about recipes for hiking and backpacking! I never equivocated hiking and instant noodles being connected, but it makes sense; they’re easy to pack and all you need is some hot water. Here’s a link to her website – check out her book! Thanks again for the invite – it was fun to write about noodles in a different way!
In The Seattle Weekly
Here’s the article! Click image below to enlarge.
The Ramen Rater: On CNN
Woke up and noticed a lot of people checking out the site and lo and behold – the CNN Article came out! Enjoy! Thanks to Daphne Sashin for the interview! Click image below to enlarge or use this link.
Happy Momofuku Ando Day!!!
Well, today’s the day! The first Ramen Rater Momofuku Ando Day! I hope people out there are enjoying noodles today! Been a great day here – had some good noodles (which you’ll see shortly in the video) and was featured on the Seattle Weekly’s blog! Today I decided to review the closest thing I had to the 1958 Nissin Chikin noodles – the first instant noodles that were produced ever. I went with Nissin’s Top Ramen Chicken flavor; kind of the great grandchild of the Nissin Chikin! So sit back, relax, and check out the video. Happy Momofuku Ando Day!
The Ramen Rater Reddit
…is here! Enjoy!
The Ramen Rater: Momofuku Ando Day January 19th, 2012
How Instant Noodles Are Made – Around The World
It dawned on me – why not a ton of videos about how instant noodles are made around the world? Well, here you go!
A Donation From Florida!
Got a package from Greg B. of Marathon, Florida today! I wonder what’s inside?
Rad box, btw!
My Awesome Ramen Christmas
My lovely wife gave me a couple ramen related things for Christmas! This poster is from the late 70’s!
Check Out This Awesome Blog – EKP Adventures
So I was looking around for ramen news to post here one day and I came across a blog post about bizarre foods. I put it on TRR and got a nice note frtom the bloggers! Now they’ve done a part two and been kind enough to mention The Ramen Rater! Here is a link to their blog. I spent some time reading and it looks really cool – they’ve done an entire travelogue of their trip to Nepal and climbing 18,250 foot Kala Patthar! See? Instant noodles aren’t so bad for you, are they?
A New Donation Arrives!
Wasn’t expecting any more presents – Christmas is over! A lightweight box… Hmm…
The Ramen Rater: In The Everett Herald – For The Second Time!
Hey so I’m coating page B3 of the Everett Herald today! I scanned the page below (click the image to enlarge it) – here’s a link to the article on the Everett Herald’s website.
The Ramen Rater News: Korea Yakult (Paldo) Will Be Exporting Kkokkomyeon Soon!
I’ve heard now from two separate sources that this Kkokkomyeon stuff is really popular and is going to be a really big deal when it comes to the USA. Both a seller of instant noodles alluded to it as well as a mention by name by the lady at the Kitty House at 99 Ranch Market (they sell Hello Kitty stuff there).
The Ramen Rater: Noodle News #2
Here are some new articles about instant noodles you might find interesting.
Instant noodles and anti-regime leaflets rain down on North Korea
Show Your Noodles: Week 1 Results
For the first week of “Show Your Noodles,” I received only one entry. Hoping some more of you decide to send some pictures! All you need to do is take a picture of the instant noodles you’re eating and send it to me at info@ramenrater.com. Here’s the entry sent by Annika from Estonia! Thanks, Annika! Happy New Year!!!
The Ramen Rater: 2011 In Review
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.
Here’s an excerpt:
The Ramen Rater: Noodle News Links!
Thought I’d toss out some links to some interesting noodle-related stories I’ve been checking out. Enjoy!
New Year, New Domain: www.theramenrater.com
For awhile now, I’ve known that having the site be The Ramen Rater and having the ‘the’ out of the domain name was a kind of bad idea, I thought I’d fix it by adding wwww.theramenrater.com. So you will be able to go to www.ramenrater.com or www.theramenrater.com. Like that? No? Yes? Well, okay then.
UPDATE – Participate: Show Your Noodles!
So only one entry so far! Send me a picture of a bowl of noodles you’re eating and a little info and I’ll post it on the blog! Sunday’s the last day for this first round! Email to info@ramenrater.com.
The Ramen Rater Skagit Valley Herald Article Scanned
So I finally got my copies of the big Sunday article in the Skagit Valley Herald (thanks to my sister Sue!) and now have scanned them to view here. Click on the images to see a readable image.
Participate: Show Your Noodles!
I was thinking it would be cool to have a page of just pictures of noodles that people had prepared for their lunch or whatever. Well, all I need is people to send in pictures of themselves eating noodles! Every week I’ll post them and put the best one at the top! Sound like fun? I’m really curious what people will come up with! Email your pics to info@ramenrater.com and put “Show Your Noodles” in the subject. Also, first name and last initial and city you hail from if you’re so bold. Can’t wait to see if this happens!
Skagit Valley Herald Article: Which Ramen Is Top? Anacortes Native’s Noodle Blog Is Internationally Acclaimed
Update – I also have a scanned copy of this article – you can find it here!
Which ramen is top?
Anacortes native’s noodle blog is internationally acclaimed
Donation – Some New Arrivals From New York!
Got an email a week or so ago from Michelle L., a fan of the blog. She asked if I wanted to try some varieties she could get in the New York area – you know it!
Donation – A Box Full Of Indonesian Delights!
A fellow named Jim C. from Canyon Country, CA dropped me a line a short time ago asking if I was interested in some Indomie stuff. Of course I replied in the affirmative!
Tipping Point: Is There Really A Danger From Cup Noodles?
I’ve seen a few articles as of late about people burning themselves because they tip over cups of instant noodles. This is ridiculous. These articles start citing that the design of these cup is flawed. Also, it is mentioned that many of the victims are children! I think anyone saying “here little tyke, be careful, it’s hot” ought to have their heads examined. . If you don’t know how to correctly operate and consume a cup noodle, I will herein inform you as to how.
Delivery From OrderRamen.com!
Despite some trouble with FedEx, I got a box in the mail yesterday from Nick at OrderRamen.com!
Help The Ramen Rater’s Story Take Wing!
So I saw an i-Report article on CNN about ramen noodles and it mentioned they wanted people to write about their experiences with noodles from restaurant style to instant. I decided I’d write a short article and if it gets enough attention, it will be included in a big article CNN will be running at the beginning of next year! What I ask is that you click this link and check out the story yourself – share it on your facebook and twitter if you’re up for it! I feel The Ramen Rater blog isn’t just about my reviews; its about everyone who comments and participates. The more coverage it gets, the bigger the community and the more useful the site becomes. Thanks to everyone who comes to the site every day!
UPDATE – What Ramen Rater Donors Have Done With Their Stickers
So apparently I’m not the only one who put the empty instant noodle packaging in a binder! Michael V.N. does too!
A Package From Genji!
I got an email a while back mentioning how Whole Foods Market and Genji were teaming up to have a kind of ‘grab’n’go’ ramen at their stores. I posted about it and was eager to try it, but there aren’t any locations nearby – San Francisco’s about 14 hours away by car. So our of kindness, they sent me some tasty stuff! I’ve tried the Tokyo Snack Mix and it was really good – I’m looking forward to the Wasabi Peanuts and the Miso Teriyaki sauce too – I’ll add what I thought of those to this post in the future. So thanks Naomi S. for sending these out for my family to try! Visit Genji @ www.genjiweb.com.
Indigestion: Reader’s Digest Article Way Off The Mark
This was found, given to my sister and passed along to me. This is from a Reader’s Digest. I haven’t seen the Lucky Peach yet but boy is this stuff screwed up. I really liked how Nong Shim was just a Californian company – no mention of the fact that it’s Korean. The Myojo Chukazanmai is a line of noodles by Myojo and has such an array of types (some are even to be served cold) that this broad review makes no sense. I think everyone knows how I feel about the GreeNoodle – try and try again I find them detestable. The Kamfen was the kicker for me though. Which one was reviewed? There’s a ton of varieties… Finally the article’s name kind of peeves me, but at least someone might go ahead and see f people review instant noodles online. The kicker? Not any mentions of anything from Indonesia, Thailand or Vietnam. Shameful!
Noodle Freak Goes Offline?
Saw this message at The Noodle Freak website today and must say I’m bummed. I think the more reviewers that are out there having fun and doing what we do in glorifying the lowly instant noodle, the better. I must say I’m quite flattered and honored that he has told his readers to frequent my site though. Thank you very much!
Massive Donation From The U.K.
Recently, I got an email from in the UK named Cindy C. offering to send me some instant noodles. I said sure! Well, she really came through and I want to say thanks! Here’s the box they came in, a Dell laptop box! When I picked it up and carried it back to my apartment, I was really curious why it was so heavy – surely she didn’t send me a laptop!
Want To Help The Ramen Rater?
Every day, I’m trying to get more and more people involved in this website, whether through comments or recommendations, criticisms or donations. So I’m going to go out on a limb and ask if some of you could help out. If there’s a review or particular page or just the whole site you enjoy, talk about it on Facebook or Twitter or Reddit. StumbleUpon (www.stumbleupon.com) is a great spot to thumbs up pages and write reviews – This month a ton of people checked out the site’s recipes pages because someone wrote a one-line review on StumbleUpon!
The Ramen Rater Noodle Timer 3.0
Here’s the newest, latest and greatest noodle timer. Just hit play when you add water to your cup noodle or drop your noodle block in the pot and when the somewhat annoying music is over, you may calmly enter a zen state and enjoy some instant noodles.
From Rolls to Bowls: Genji Sushi Launches Freshly Prepared All-Natural Ramen Noodle Soup at Whole Foods Market
So I found out about this today and thought it sounds rather interesting. I’m hoping I might be able to do an actual review of these soon as they sound quite good! Here’s a press release about it: