I got an email a couple weeks ago from Kimmy N. or Connecticut asking if I’d tried Binh Tay Crab noodles. I haven’t, and she offered to send some!
Category: * News / Noodle News
The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
So today it’s the fifth annual The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time. On my other lists, I exclude varieties that no longer are on the market. On this list, everything’s fair game for the bottom ten. As I say in the video presentation, if you like some of these, there’s nothing wrong with you – I just find these detestable personally. These are my least favorite varieties of the over 2400 varieties posted to date. Without gurther ado, the bottom ten.
New Product Samples From Nissin Hong Kong
Two boxes arrived taped together from Nissin Hong Kong! Awesome! What could be inside? Let’s have a look!
Product Samples From Yamachan (Take 2)
I got a box the other day with refrigerated samples that t had thawed. Yamachan decided to send another box – this time with overnight shipping to make sure everything stayed cold.
Samples From Saraga – Columbus, OH
So a reader sent me an image of the 2016 Toip Ten list image that was at a grocery store in Columbus, OH called Saraga. They hadn’t asked to use it and so I got on their case a bit, although asked if we could work together. As a kind gesture, they sent some Korean noodles!
New Samples From Yamachan (Take 1)
Yamachan let me know about some new varieties! They sent some on ice – let’s check ’em out!
2x Spicy Buldak Bokkeummyun Cups & More From Samyang Foods
Got an email from Samyang Foods asking to verify my address for a shipment of samples a week or so ago! Today the box arrived in all it’s glory! Wonder what’s inside? Let’s see!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2017 Edition
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2017 Edition is a list of the best bowls I’ve tried of the over 2400 reviews posted to date. Bowls are interesting insofar as they often contain extra things, since there is more room for sachets, spoons, fork, etcetera. As always, I implore instant noodle manufacturers to contact me – I would love to review your products and all it costs is sending some samples and your time! So sit back, grab a bowl, some hot water, peel back the lid, stir – and enjoy!
Box From Japan – The June Box
My friend Javier over at www.BoxFromJapan.com sent over the new ramen box for June! Thank you! Box From Japan is a purveyor of not only monthly subscription boxes of instant ramen bowls but you can also get neat boxes of candy and other neat stuff! Let’s see what’s within!
라면 완전정복 저 지영준 / ‘Ramen Conqueror,’ By Ji Young Jun
About a year ago I was contacted by a man in South Korea. He was very interested in knowing my story – he also wanted me to help him and contribute to a book he was writing. He seemed like a nice guy so I figured hey – sounds like fun!My only stipulation was that when done, that he would send me three copies.Well, the book is finished! It’s in Korean and I can’t read it unfortunately, but I’m hoping someone will be able to help me out on that soon.
The May Box From Japan!
My friend Javier over at www.BoxFromJapan.com sent over the new ramen box for May! Thank you! Box From Japan is a purveyor of not only monthly subscription boxes of instant ramen bowls but you can also get neat boxes of candy and other neat stuff! Let’s see what’s within!
Mama Pat’s Sends Varieties From Africa!
Chef Ron wanted me to try some varieties from Africa and find out how his varieties stack up against them. So I figured, why not?
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
Well folks it’s that time again. This one’s a big deal – the list that people from around the world have been waiting for every year. Since the last list came out, I’ve reviewed over 400 varieties of instant noodles – a new record in one year for me. So many good ones this year! These are my absolute favorites of the over 2,400 reviews of instant noodles I’ve posted to date. There are some big announcements at the end of the video, so make sure to check them out! As always, I invite instant noodle makers to contact me so I can try your noodles! Now without further ado, The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition!
Product Samples From CarJEN Of Malaysia
Got a big package today! In fact, two packages wrapped together! Let’s take a look!
Product Samples From CarJEN – Malaysia
In the smaller of the two packages (click to enlarge), instant noodle varieties!
April’s Box From Japan
Javier over at www.boxfromjapan.com is working hard to bring you the best from Japan! He hand picks the best every month – ones you definitely can’t find here in the United States. Box From Japan is a subscription service – check it out! Here’s this months offering.
Pounding A Plate Of Paldo Volcano Curry Kokomen
I was sent these by Anders and Ji-Min to try a few weeks back and although I’m not posting the review today, I thought it would be fun to do a video and put it out there.
The Ramen Rater Interviews: Happy Souper Of Germany
This is the 15th year that I’ve been running The Ramen Rater and I thought it was about time I did some of the things I thought might be kind of fun during the past years. One of these is the idea that it would be interesting to find out about other bloggers who review instant noodles. Indeed, there are a few of us out there.
Prima’s Juzz’s Mee Samples For The United States
A knock at the door and a package in my hand. Wasn’t sure what this is but let’s open it and find out!
The Definitive Guide To Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun
Fire Noodle Samples From Samyang Foods
You’re probably thinking ‘wow – he’s sure getting a lot of stuff from South Korea lately’ and you’re right! My birthday is on Tuesday and I’ll be rolling out something special – The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Buldak Bokkeummyun. The ‘Fire Noodle Challenge’ has been done over on YouTube plenty of times and I thought it would be good to give a little background on these noodles and what they’re all about. Let’s have a look in this box.
The March Box From Japan
Javier over at www.boxfromjapan.com is working hard to bring you the best from Japan! He hand picks the best every month – ones you definitely can’t find here in the United States. Box From Japan is a subscription service – check it out! Here’s this months offering.
Samyang Foods Sends 2x Fire Noodle & Others
Buldak Bokkeummyun is the Korean name for what people all over the world have been enduring in the Fire Noodle Challenge. It’s a seriously spicy variety – #3 on my Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 Edition. Well, they’ve come out with a spicier version that’s supposed to be just amazing. I contacted them and they sent me some along with other varieties – let’s check it out!
A Package Of Spicy From 1theKorea’s eBay Store
Check it out (click to enlarge)! So I decided for the first time to get some noodles off of eBay. 1theKorea has a TON of great South Korean instant noodles – definitely check them out if you’re in the mood for some! Let’s look at what’s inside!
Nissin Mexico Sends Cup Noodles Gourmet!
I recently did a Meet The Manufacturer of Nissin Mexico and they said if I needed anything, let them know. Well, there was one thing. I really loved the Nissin Cup Noodles Gourmet Caldo De Camaron, a really tasty shrimp variety. They were very kind and sent some! Let’s see!
Spicy Korean Noodles From Anders & Ji-Min!
I got an email a few weeks back asking if I’d tried the new 2x Spicy Buldak Bokkeummyun. I hadn’t and really wanted to. The email was sent by Anders and his girlfriend Ji-Min who live in South Korea and were kind enough to send some varieties along! Let’s see what’s inside!
Prima Taste Ready Meal – Curry Chicken With Rice
I know, I know – you don’t have to tell me that this isn’t an instant noodle, but the folks at Prima Taste sent me some of these neat meal pouches and I wanted to let people know about them. You cut a little slit in the side towards the top and microwave for 90 seconds. Boom – curry chicken rice! Here’s a quote from the company:
Another Big Donation From Colin
I got an email a week or so ago from Colin, a reader from Massachusetts who has been regularly sending me noodles from time to time. Let’s see what’s inside this big box!
Box From Japan: Ramen Subscriptions Are Back!
After a short hiatus, I received an email from Javier. Javier runs Box From Japan, a website where you can get different subscription boxes full of interesting Japanese things! They have a ramen box – which comes with 4 varieties of instant noodles from Japan. They also have a cando box which has a ton of different kinds of Japanese candies which are odd and interesting. Even a Pokemon box! Let have a look inside this one!
Exotic Noods Sends Their New Premium Box
Exotic Noods (www.exoticnoods.com) is a monthly subscription box – 4 varieties from around the world arrive at your door with chopsticks and info on them. Pretty great, especially if you don’t know what to try, don’t have an Asian grocery anywhere near where you live… Many reasons to check out an instant noodle subscription service. I think the best reason is to try something new and expand your palate! This box is a ‘premium’ box – wioth a lot of extras! Let’s look inside!
More Product Samples From Prima Taste
When I get a package here, it’s turned into a kind of celebration. So the head of festivities is Miles – a box comes and he’s ready to beat on it like a drum! I think he’s going to be a percussionist when he grows up – which I’d definitely be okay with. However, maybe he’ll be a noodle reviewer and follow in my footsteps – who knows; he’s not even two years old yet haha! Let’s open the box!
Ramen Posters & Stickers By Fanny Chu
I was contacted last year by Fanny Chu, a California artist with a true love for ramen. In fact, she designed a ramen poster, highlighting many of the different varieties of ramen in Japan. Well, she’s done a big update to the poster and now it includes a whopping 42 different varieties. They can be bought here. Let’s have a look!
More New Samples From MyKuali
Here’s another box from MyKuali – hoping that it’s got what I am hoping it has inside! Let’s see!
Chinese Instant Noodles From A Reader In China
I got a message from a reader whose name is Zou from China. He has this instant noodle he said I have to try – and so we start chatting. So it came in the mail a couple days ago! Let’s check out what he sent!
Donation From ‘Ramen Regret Rater’ of Australia!
I found out recently there’s now a group that’s reviewing spicy instant noodles in Australia – they call the blog RamenRegretRater, and they talk about the poops they have after eating spicy instant noodles – I shit you not! I’ve been chatting a lot with Kamran R. about instant noodles a lot recently and kindly sent some stuff he found while on vacation in Bali. Thanks, man! Let’s take a look!
Product Samples From Prima Taste
Got this neat dual box package in the mail the other day! What’s inside? Let’s see…
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
恭喜发财 and Happy Lunar New Year to all! I had a look at my lists I hadn’t updated in a while and saw it was in January of 2014 last I did a top ten Chinese list. Why so long? Well, I like to have done quite a few reviews in a year when it comes to country lists for that specific country. If I’d done only two and there weren’t any big changes, I’ll kind of let it go until the next year. This one seemed ripe and ready for a new version. Of the almost 150 reviews I’ve done of Chinese instant noodles, these are my favorites. I should mention that if you are an instant noodle in mainland China and interested in having me review your products, please contact me to set up a review series. With that, let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles 2017 Edition
South Korean instant noodles are known around the world as being spicy and beefy for the most part. However, there are many different styles. In fact, seafood jjamppong, black bean jjajang, cold noodles, and creamy beef noodles exist in the scene. Today, I’ll do a rundown of my favorites – the best of the highest rated South Korean varieties from over 2,300 unique varieties I’ve reviewed from around the world. Finally, I would like to note that it’s tougher to find South Korean varieties. Therefore, any instant noodle companies from South Korea should contact me promptly to be considered for upcoming top ten lists. Let’s get started.
MyKuali Sends Long-Awaited Samples From Malaysia!
Hooray a new box of MyKuali samples! I’ve been a big fan of their products ever since they released their Penang White Curry way back in 2013 I believe. Since then, they appeared on my top Ten Spiciest list and then my Top Ten annual. They’re known nowadays worldwide as something unique and different. Let’s see what’s in this package!
The Ramen Rater’s 6th Annual Momofuku Ando Day
Every year, I celebrate the life and innovative achievements of Momofuku Ando, the inventor of the instant noodle. This year, I thought it’d be neat to show different varieties of Cup Noodles, a global brand that celebrated its 45th anniversary last year.
The January Box From Exotic Noods!
Exotic Noods is a monthly subscription service where you can get a few neat varieties of instant noodles shipped to your door! This is really great for those who are nowhere near an Asian grocery – or those of you who are but have no idea where to start or what to try. Their picks are usually pretty good – stuff most people will enjoy. Let’s crack this box open and see what’s inside!!