Hey look! This is the last of the Nissin varieties made for Colombia. They’re made here in California by Nissin Foods USA, but only for sale in Colombia. This is identical to the beef flavor Cup Noodles we have available here. I reviewed that one way back – #334 in March of 2011 – seems like forever ago. Let’s see what I think about this one nowadays. Let’s check it out!
Category: Nissin
The Ramen Rater’s 3rd Annual Momofuku Ando Day
Momofuku Ando (安藤 百福) – (March 5, 1910 – January 5, 2007)
Today is January 19th, 2014 – and you know what that means? Momofuku Ando Day! In 1958, Momofuku Ando invented the very first instant noodles and started Nissin Foods. I do a special video every year to commemorate the occasion (see below). First, here’s what the Nissin Foods USA website has to say about the man:
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Japanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014 Edition
It’s only a few days until Momofuku Ando Day, and what better time to introduce the very first Japanese Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list? In 1958, Momofuku Ando initially brought these convenient products to the world. At first seen as an overpriced novelty, they’ve grown in popularity; 100 billion instant noodle products were enjoyed in 2012! Here are my favorites, manufactured in the instant noodle’s birthplace of Japan.
Christmas Review: #1263: Nissin Cup Noodle Curry X Gunpla RX-78-2 Gundam
I’ve been really wanting to review this one before now but I decided to do it for the Christmas review quite a while back. I don’t usually barge in with a different review during Meet The Manufacturer, but it’s Christmas so here it is. The ABC President Meet The Manufacturer will continue after Christmas. For now, let’s check out this cup. I’ve had cups that have come with little doo dads before; a ticket for a contest, a sticker, a little card… But this is something completely different. A little model kit! Let’s check it out!
#1253: Nissin Chow Mein Teriyaki Chicken Flavor Chow Mein Noodles
Here’s one I’ve had lurking in the bin for a while – I figured it was time to haul it out and give it a try. Let’s check it out!
#1249: Nissin Cup Noodles Sabor A Pollo Sopa Con Fideos
Here’s another one that’s new in Colombia. How does it translate? Chicken flavor soup with noodles. Let’s check it out!
#1243: Nissin Demae Rice Vermicelli Chicken Flavour Instant Rice Vermicelli With Soup Base
Here’s one my wife got me earlier this year on my birthday trip to Canada! Thanks, Kit! Today I’ll be using the very last of the amazingly succulent and perfect turkey Kit made this Thanksgiving – trust me – it was absolutely perfect. That’s why it’s chicken flavored noodles today; I don’t think it’d be very logical to add it to shrimp or beef flavored. Maybe duck, but I don’t believe there’s any duck flavored in my stash. So the noodles were bought in Canada, distributed in Hong Kong and a product of Thailand – got all that? Let’s check it out!
#1241: Nissin Donbei Kansai Soy Sauce Flavor Udon
Was digging through the box today and decided I’d better get on this one. I couldn’t really find a lot about it other than the Google translation from Nissin Japan’s site. It mentions something about being special for the rainy season. Also mentions seaweed. Let’s give it a try!
#1235: Nissin Demae Ramen Miso Tonkotsu Artificial Pork Flavor Ramen Noodle
I was pretty surprised my son wanted to try this one; he asked if it was spicy or bitter. I told him I wouldn’t imagine so. Well, I guess we’ll find out!
#1233: Nissin Sabor A Pollo Sopa Instantanea Con Fideos
I thought today I’d do a couple reviews. My son had a craving for some noodles for lunch and I thought hmmmm… Which one? I’ve currently got a ton of varieties to pick from right now, but there are many he will definitely not like. One of his faves is Nissin Top Ramen Chicken flavor and so thought he might like this one. This one’s for sale in Colombia, made by Nissin here in the US, and is basically a repackaged version of the chicken Top Raen. Let’s see how it goes!
#1225: Nissin Pan Asian Kitchen Sweet & Sour Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodles
Man I’m beat and my feet hurt. Maybe Birkenstock sailboat deck sandals aren’t the best choice for walking 2 miles. This sounds good though – I really like sweet and sour! This one’s made in the United States, too! Let’s give this one a peek.
#1222: Nissin Soba Classic Noodles With Japanese Yakisoba Sauce
Here’s another my friend Scott A. over at Nissin USA sent – thanks! These neat cups are made for sale over in Europe by Nissin Germany. Let’s check it out!
#1220: Nissin Ultraman Instant Noodle Pork Flavor
This was sent by Abbie C. of Hong Kong – thank you! She offered to find a Pokemon cup for my son but couldn’t find one, so this is an Ultraman cup! Awesome! It’s really small – smallest sized noodle cup I’ve tried yet! Let’s check it out!
#1211: Nissin Demae Iccho Instant Noodle With Soup Base Artificial Chicken Flavour
Hey welcome to November! Here’s another one we got on my birthday trip to Canada in March! I was just looking at the little kid caricature on the side of this bowl and was thinking how it looks like he’s sick. I mean he has a very red nose and his cheeks are red and covered in spots. Measles? Mumps? I think I’m reading too much into it. Let’s check it out!
#1207: Nissin U.F.O. (Unidentified Flying Object) Yakisoba With Wasabi Mayonnaise
Yakisoba is great but add some mayo with wasabi? Man that sounds really good! Let’s have a look at this one!
#1204: Nissin Cup Noodles Sabor A Gallina
Here’s another one of the new varities available in Colombia. Gallina means hen
and from what I was told by Hector C. from Panama (who lives in Costa Rica) that
it is kind of like the veal of chicken ; young hen. I researched a bit online and
found a few recipes for soups from Colombia mentioning Gallina. Wikipedia had
this to say of the Colombian variety of ‘Sancocho:’
#1197: Nissin Cup Noodle Chili Tomato
Robert F. of Hoboken, NJ was kind enough to send one of these – thanks! Very curious how it will be… Only one way to find out!
#1196: Nissin Bowl Noodles Chicken Flavor
Here’s another one from Scott A. over at Nissin Foods USA – thanks! This is a straight chicken flavor bowl – a new product. My son Andy really likes chicken noodles – I’ll steal a taste of it and let him demolish it! Let’s check it out.
#1193: Nissin Soba Curry Noodles With Japanese Yakisoba Sauce
Here’s another one from Scott over at Nissin USA – thanks! These are neat little cups. They’re made in the EU for the European market. Let’s check it out!
#1186: Nissin Sabor A Carne Sopa Instantánea Con Fideos
I read an article recently about Nissin starting to sell instant noodle in Colombia, so I shot an email to my friend Scott over at Nissin Foods USA and asked if I could maybe get some samples. He sent some! Thanks, man! This is pretty much identical to beef Top Ramen, but packaged for the Colombian market. Speaking of Top Ramen, Nissin is having a neat contest (here’s a link). Neat prizes and it’s easy. Anyways, let’s check it out!
New Product Samples And More From Nissin Foods USA
My friend Scott A. over at Nissin Foods USA asked me to verify my mailing address the other day – I thought ‘hmmm a package?’ Yesterday, the FedEx guy came to the back deck of our apartment and brought me this! What wonders are within? Let’s see!
#1168: Nissin Donbei Curry Udon (West Japan Style)
First I want to thank Ken P. from twitter and Mari S. on facebook for help withe translation! Donbei is a kind of personalized donburi. The east is usually more of a salty flavor than the west as well. Many little difference! Pretty neat! Let’s have a look.
#1165: Nissin Chow Mein With Shrimp Chow Mein Noodles
Really? I haven’t reviewed this? Nope! Wow – who’dathunkit? Well then, without further ado, let’s check out these chow mein noodles – with shrimp!
#1162: Nissin Chanpon Ramen
Here’s another I got at T&T Supermarket up in Canada recently. This one’s frozen! Chanpon is a special thing; seafood and pork are sauteed and special ramen noodles and a little broth is added. Sounds awesome – let’s check it out.
#1158: Nissin Demae Iccho Instant Noodle With Soup Base XO Sauce Seafood Flavour
Here’s another one my wife got me up in Canada on my birthday earlier this year! This is one big cup of noodles! You might be wondering what XO Sauce is. Well, the ‘XO’ part is a status thing; it’s considered to be a prestigious prefix in Asia denoting luxury or high quality as in cognac. As for what’s in it, Wikipedia says:
#1136: Nissin Yakisoba
Here’s another one from T&T Supermarket up in Canada. From my research, I found that this product was first introduced in 1963. The little medal on the mid-right is about this – it’s the 50th anniversary of Nissin Yakisoba this year! Let’s check this one out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Made In The USA Of All Time 2013 Edition
The instant noodle originated in 1958 in Japan, but since that time, they’ve expanded in popularity all over the world, including of course, the United States. Seeing this, instant noodle companies thought it wise to start building plants here in the 1970s. Since then, many brands operate factories here in the US, mostly in southern California. This is a list of my favorite varieties produced here, encompassing my over 1,100 reviews to date. With that, here’s your top ten, America!
#1130: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Habanero Lime Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
#1115: Nissin Pan Asian Kitchen Sukiyaki Beef Flavor Savory Soy Sauce Ramen Noodles
Here’s another one sent by Scott over at Nissin USA – thanks! Some may be wondering what sukiyaki is – here’s what Wikipedia had to say:
#1107: Nissin Demae Ramen Kimchi Flavour Instant Noodle With Soup Base
Another one from my birthday trip to Canada – thanks, Kit! I’ve seen plenty of Demae Ramen varieties, but not until I visited Canada did I find bowls! Let’s check it out.
#1106: Nissin Raoh Rich Soy Sauce with Roast Pork (2 Slices)
Here’s another one from Scott over at Nissin! Thank again, man! This one has two – count ’em two – slices of pork! Let’s check it out!
The Ramen Rater Top Ten Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2013 Edition
After more than a year of pondering and reviewing since the last list, here’s the new top ten instant noodle bowls. This encompasses all instant noodle bowls reviewed up to today, June 15th, 2013. With no further adieu, the top ten instant noodle bowls of all time, 2013 edition.
#1083: Nissin GooTa Demi Hamburg-Men
Well looky what we got here! This was one of the new varieties sent by Ichiro Yamoto of Yakantei! So if you’re wondering what this is, it’s a special cup of noodles that includes a dehydrated hamburger patty. No joke! Let’s have a look at this one!
#1071: Nissin Raoh Soy Sauce Taste
Here’s another one from Scott at Nissin. Noticed this was another one that was needing review as it’s a little past its date. Let’s check it out!
#1069: Nissin Raoh Rich Miso Flavor
Here’s another one sent by Scott over at Nissin – thanks! Turns out the expiration dates on these are short so thought I’d better hit it up! Rich miso flavor… Pretty fancy bowl – let’s give it a try!
#1067: Nissin Cup Noodle Red Shock
Whoa check this one out! Scott over at Nissin sent me this one that he got on a recent trip to Japan – thank you! Bazinga! Let’s see what is in this trippy cup!
#1045: Nissin Chow Mein Chicken Flavor Chow Mein Noodles
This is one you can probably find quite easily in a grocery store here in the United States. Let’s have a look.
#1033: Nissin King Cup Noodle BBQ Chicken & Onion
Check this sucker out – this is one huge Cup Noodle! Scott from Nissin got this one for me during a recent trip to Asia – thanks! Let’s see what’s going on here…
New Varieties From Nissin Foods
A package from Scott A. over at Nissin Foods USA!
Scott recently traveled to Asia and brought some really neat varieties back for me! Notice that cup on the lower left? That’s a King Cup Noodle – it’s friggin’ huge! The trays on the right are a new line from Nissin Foods USA called Pan Asian Kitchen. Thanks!
#1016: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Habanero Lime Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s something people should be able to find easily at their supermarkets – at least here in the United States. Lime… Habanero… Let’s check it out!