Got an email telling me a package had arrived last week. It was from Scott A. over at Nissin Foods USA! Wonder what is inside…
Category: Nissin
Re-Review: Nissin Top Ramen Cucharealo Home-Style Tomato Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Thought I’d try this one again – it’s pretty sad – I have nothing new to review! Looking forward to some new varieties coming soon though hopefully! A couple from the UK have informed me that they’re sending a treasure trove of interesting varieties! Can’t wait! In the meantime, here’s the elusive Cucharealo – haven’t seen it for sale anywhere yet. Good stuff! Here’s the original review here.
Re-Review: Nissin Spoon it Rich & Hearty Beef Stew Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s another one from the already reviewed box. Thought it’d be a good one for today as it’s quite cold outside. You can check out the original review here.
Re-Review: Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkortsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Since I don’t have a huge amount of noodles that haven’t been reviewed yet (around 8 at the moment and I could go through those in four or five says possibly), I’ve decided I should hit the overstock box and see what’s in there. My wife Kit got me a five pack of these for my birthday back in March and so I figure I should eat ’em up! Here’s the original review – look there for the original pics I did of the packaging, packets, etcetera.
#914: Nissin Ramen Shop Sapporo Miso Flavor
Here’s something I picked up at the Bellevue Uwajimaya. So this is Sapporo miso flavor. What’s that? Here’s what Wikipedia says:
#911: Nissin Top Ramen Cucharealo Home-Style Habanero Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s the last of Nissin’s Cucharealo – the Habanero Shrimp. Been waiting for the right time to try this out and today is the day!
#878: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Lime Chili Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
So here’s the last of the top Ramen Short Cuts varieties that Nissin Foods USA sent me. Thanks again! Lime chili flavor eh? Sounds interesting. Its kind of funny; I got an email from someone at a company called Citrojugo the other day. Citrojugo is a company in Mexico that makes lime juice. I think they saw one of my reviews mentioned ‘jeruk nipis,’ which is ‘lime juice’ in Indonesian. Well, Citrojugo was curious if my company would be interested in it for my products. I told them that I only review products related to instant noodles, but that I could probably try their stuff and work it into a review of another product, such as marinated chicken with their lime juice. Well, they immediately dispatched a liter of clarified preserved lime juice. Serious stuff! I open it up and stuck my nose in the Nalgene containment vessel and got a real nosefull of powerful lime! I’ll be mentioning more about their stuff in upcoming reviews – haven’t marinated chicken with it yet but will be soon and it should be quite amazing!
Re-Review: Nissin Demae Ramen 出前一丁 Artificial Chicken Flavor (Hong Kong)
My son Andy, my wife Kit and I walked to the local 99 Ranch Market on Friday. He decided he needed more kamaboko and wanted to pick out some ramen himself to try. Here’s one he picked (he likes all things chicken flavored) and will get to try today. He’s letting me have a bite and a slurp of broth for making it for him.
#862: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Roast Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s another one of the samples sent to me by Nissin Foods USA! Thanks again! So Roast Chicken flavor… I’m thinking I’m going to have fun with this one… Hmmm… Well, here we go!
#850: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
#849: Nissin Top Ramen Cucharealo Home-Style Tomato Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s another one of the new varieties that Nissin Foods USA sent me earlier this month to review. I got a comment from someone saying Cucharealo means ‘spoon it up.’ Makes sense – Nissin has a similar product called ‘Spoon it’ with flavors like chicken, beef and beet stew while the Cucharealo line is more hitting the Mexican flavors. The last one I tried was awesome – let’s give this one a try!
#843: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Hey look at this! Something new the folks at Nissin Foods USA sent. I’ve never seen anything like this is the instant noodle world before; it’s kind of like instant potatoes meets instant noodles. You scoop out as much or as little of the noodles as you want (which have the flavoring already infused into them), and then add the mentioned water amount, and there you go! Let’s have a look under the hood of this new product.
#837: Nissin Top Ramen Cucharealo Home-Style Picante Chicken Flavor
Here’s one of the new one Nissin Foods USA sent recently. Cucharealo, eh? Couldn’t find out what that exactly means, but it looks like it’s something new and geared towards the Latino market. Interesting that it says Top Ramen on it too – brand recognition! Awesome – let’s give it a go.
#783: Nissin Cup Noodles Salsa Picante Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
This one was taking a little punishment in the noodle hamper, so I decided it better see the light of day and become ingested.
#769: Nissin Cup Noodles With Shrimp Picante Style
Yep – a Cup Noodle! Just sounded good. I reviewed one that I ate much earlier and just got done reviewing three that I only had a bite of each. This sounds like something tasty.
#760: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Roast Chicken Flavor
Here’s a big cup from Nissin. Roast chicken sounds pretty good – especially to my son!
#738: Nissin U.F.O. (Unidentified Flying Object) Yakisoba
This one is a donation from Courtnay N. of Surrey, BC! She brought some back from a trip to Japan! Thanks! So this looks really interesting – let’s give it a try!
#719: Nissin Spoon it Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Yep – yet another one of these. So far I’ve enjoyed them as lot! They’re part of the box of samples that Nissin Foods USA sent for Meet The Manufacturer week. Anyways, check it out!
#717: Nissin Ramen Bowl Spicy Chicken Flavor
Here’s another one of the samples Nissin Foods USA were kind enough to send me. Thanks! Spicy chicken today huh? sounds good to me.
#713: Nissin Spoon it Creamy Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Last evening, my wife and I both started really getting attacked by an insidious enemy. One that doesn’t show itself but just occurs without warning. Allergies. Eyes, nose throat; everything just seemed to be very busy making us miserable. At this point, I would usually turn to an old standby my mother used to make for me when my face’s innards went awry like this – Mrs. Grass Chicken Soup Mix. Wonderful stuff – it has a little rubbery golden egg shaped thing called (I’m totally not kidding about this) ‘The Golden Flavor Nugget.’ Lots and lots of noodles and chickenny goodness. Well, we don’t have any, so I thought I’d go ahead and hit up this one. Creamy chicken flavor is one of my favorites – and Nissin doesn’t make creamy chicken Top Ramen anymore so I wonder how this stuff is. So off we go intgo noodle land!
#709: Nissin Original Chow Mein Spicy Chicken Flavor
Here’s another Nissin – had to make something quick today – it’s my wife’s birthday! Happy birthday, Kitten!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Demae Ramen With Sesame Oil
Well folks, this is the last one I’ll be reviewing for Meet The Manufacturer: Nissin week. There will be more Nissin reviews coming of course so don’t worry. The ramen hamper runneth over with new varieties to try! So this is a very old one – old as in I reviewed it was back at number #85 – over 600 reviews ago. I think it’s due.
#704: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Original Chow Mein Chinese Chicken Vegetable Flavor
#703: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Spoon it Rich & Hearty Beef Stew Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s another of the new Spoon it line of noodle soups from Nissin! Beef stew sounds tasty…
#702: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
My lovely wife got me this for my birthday! Ooh black garlic oil tonkotsu? I can’t wait to try this! Sounds awesome!
#701: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Big Cup Noodles Lime Chili Shrimp
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Top Ramen Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Last time I had a bowl of Beef Top Ramen was way back at review #221! That seems like forever ago! Well, it’s Meet The Manufacturer: Nissin week and I couldn’t go without reviewing some Top Ramen, right? Decided I’d go with beef. Here we go!
#700: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Chikin Ramen (Local)
Here we go – this is the original instant noodle. This is what Momofuku Ando first sold in Japan! This is the real deal. Here’s a link to my post on Momofuku Ando Day!
#699: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Cup Noodles Salsa Picante Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
#698: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Original Chow Mein Orange Chicken Flavor
Here’s a new flavor of chow mein to check out! Sounds pretty good – I like orange chicken.
#697: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Spoon it Rich & Hearty Savory Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Whoa check this out – Spoon it? This is something brand new from Nissin. Apparently, it’s been released on the east coast. I was told that noodles like this do better in colder climates (funny how the weather worked this year!). A box of noodles… Let’s check this out!
#696: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Big Cup Noodles Spicy Chicken Flavor
Here’s a new one from Nissin – Spicy Chicken Big Cup Noodles. Let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview with Nissin Foods USA – Makers of Top Ramen, Cup Noodles & More
Welcome to the second installment in the ‘Meet The Manufacturer’ series! This one’s with Nissin, makers of the ever-popular Top Ramen, Cup Noodles and the like. They sent a nice package of different instant varieties to sample – most of them new to me. The following interview is with Senior Marketing Manager, Linda Chung, facilitated by Senior Marketing Coordinator Scott Akazaki.
Big Donation: Nissin USA
This big box was at the office today for me to pick up after work – it’s samples from Nissin USA! I’ve been talking with one of the people in their marketing department lately and we’re going to do a Meet The Manufacturer week pretty soon – just waiting for the answers to the interview questions to come back from the Sr. Marketing guy! Well, let’s open it up and see what’s inside!
#687: Nissin Cup Noodles XO Sauce Seafood Flavour (Hong Kong)
Here’s another that my sister brought me back from Canada! XO Sauce Seafood flavor sounds good – I think I’ll drop a couple discs of naruto in it too!
Ramen For What Ails Ya – Special Recipe
You may have been wondering, “why so few reviews this week?” Well, to put it mildly, I’m sick. Had this horrible nagging cough for three weeks. Didn’t make it to work two weeks ago, made it this week and then the whole thing kicked into ultra overdrive. We’re talking about staying in bed all day people. Mucus flowing like the Mississippi. I’m starting the slow path to recovery thanks in no small part to my wife and my sister’s kindness. Today I decided that after being upo for quite a while I’d better make myself eat something. I decided to go with some chicken Top Ramen.
#669: Nissin Gozen Tempura Soba
Today, my Top Ten List has made news in Japan (Google Translate here) and so I thought it would only be proper to try a nice Japanese bowl of noodles by Nissin. This one’s packing some tempura!
#667: Nissin Ramen Bowl Kimchi Flavor
Today seemed like a good day to have some Kimchi noodle bowl action. Here we are and here we go!
The Ramen Rater Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2011 & 2012 Editions
Here it is – the new Ramen Rater Top Ten List! It was originally released on on January 9th, 2011 as an exclusive guest post I did. Now, here it is on The Ramen Rater for your perusal with links to all of the corresponding reviews! Enjoy!
#659: Nissin Ramen Bowl Spicy Shrimp Flavor
Decided to go with quick and easy and those words had Nissin Ramen Bowl written all over them. (?)