It’s really funny; someone just emailed me asking if I had noticed that Nong Shim’s Bowl Noodle had changed since they repackaged – I haven’t tried it yet. One thing they also said was they couldn’t find the Hot & Spicy variety anywhere anymore. I picked up a few of these Nissin Ramen Bowls at H Mart the other day. 99 cents apiece and they’re very much like the size of the Nong Shim – and lo and behold, Hot & Spicy! Let’s see if it’s a good one.
Category: Nissin
Happy Momofuku Ando Day!!!
Well, today’s the day! The first Ramen Rater Momofuku Ando Day! I hope people out there are enjoying noodles today! Been a great day here – had some good noodles (which you’ll see shortly in the video) and was featured on the Seattle Weekly’s blog! Today I decided to review the closest thing I had to the 1958 Nissin Chikin noodles – the first instant noodles that were produced ever. I went with Nissin’s Top Ramen Chicken flavor; kind of the great grandchild of the Nissin Chikin! So sit back, relax, and check out the video. Happy Momofuku Ando Day!
The Ramen Rater: Momofuku Ando Day January 19th, 2012
#639: Nissin Gozen Kitsune Udon
Kitsune Udon Gozen, as I type thy name into here, I am pretty sure you’ll be remembered as one of my all time favorites. This was purchased during a recent trip to Seattle to Uwajimaya. It was there that I truly began my journey into the world of the instant noodle so many years ago.
#617: Nissin Demae Iccho Sesame Oil Chicken Flavour Instant Macaroni In Soup
Here’s another from the bottom of the hamper! My sister Sue got this one for me on a trip to Canada earlier this year. Looks like this’ll be the last noodle to be reviewed in 2011! But these aren’t your ordinary looking noodles, are they? Instant macaroni! Let’s try it!
Re-Review: Nissin Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
From time to time, it’s a good idea to revisit a baseline. Top Ramen Chicken is something I compare all noodles to in one way or another. The noodles themselves are classic – they’re not bad and soak up the flavor well. They’re not mushy although not exactly what one would call chewy. When reviewing chicken instant noodles I always think to this stuff. Of course, when I see an article someone has blogged or written on the Internet about ramen, a good 80% of the time there’s a nice big picture of the product you see above. Youtube’s no stranger to this either; there are about a zillion videos telling you simply how to prepare a packet of instant Top Ramen. It’s not only good but its everywhere. Eaten raw or cooked, people seem to like it. Well, I like it too and so I revisit it with a sore throat and runny nose. Here we go!
#550: Nissin Taisho Fried Noodle Yakisoba Flavor Instant Noodle ( Hong Kong )
#524: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavor Instant Ramen Noodles ( Hong Kong )
Whilst digging through my bin of packages of instant noodles for a particular one I was sent to review tomorrow, I realized I wasn’t hungry for a big pack tonight so went for the cup noodle you see here. Spicy seafood sounds relaxing.
#497: Nissin Demae Iccho Instant Macaroni In Soup Seafood And Abalone Flavour
My sister brought these back for me from Canada a while back and I’ve been coveting them for a special occasion. I thought closing in on the 500th review would be a good time to break out the tippy macaroni! So here we go!
#465: Nissin Souper Meal Picante Shrimp Flavor Hot & Spicy
I thought I’d tried all of these but it appears I was wrong. So here’s yet another Souper Meal – Nissin’s answer to America’s need for another ‘Hungry Man’ style food product.
#462: Nissin Top Ramen Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
“The hell you say!” you may be saying, but yes indeed my fellow noodleheads, it’s true. I reviewed 461 other instant noodles but decided to have today be the shrimp flava Top Ramen. Why you ask? Why not is your answer. So the package is very pink is just itching to be reviewed so here we go.
#400: Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood Curry Flavour (Hong Kong)
So for the 400th review, I went with one I’ve thought should be interesting – seafood curry. These are Cup Noodles that are not for sale usually in the United States. I’ve found two – Crab Flavour and Seafood Flavour, but this Curry Seafood Flavour came from Canada.
#392: Nissin Yakisoba Noodles Karashi Flavor
I have to say, when I see a box like this with any kind of mayonnaise-like stuff going on, I get really hungry!
#387: Nissin Bowl Noodles Rich & Savory Beef Flavor
Well this should be a tasty and tame one after the horror of the zero star review #386. So on we go with some beefiness!
#384: Nissin Demae Iccho Instant Macaroni In Soup Tom Yam Goong Flavour
So I’ve been doing these slowly because they’re so cool! Another my sis brought back from Canada. Tom Yam eh? Should be interesting!
#379: Nissin Chow Mein Thai Peanut Flavor Chow Mein Noodles
Haven’t reviewed one of these in a while. I did do the Alfredo recently but that’s a little further off track than this. Anyways, Thai Peanut Flavor…
#373: Nissin Cup Noodles Chicken Vegetable Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
So here’s one my lady Kit brought me back from California! Cup Noodles Chicken Vegetable time!
#371: Nissin Chow Noodles Alfredo Ramen Noodles
#365: Nissin Cup Noodles Prawn Flavour
So here’s another one my sister brought me back from Canada! Definitely a flavor you can’t find here in the states.
#363: Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Macaroni
Since I did my first radio interview today, I thought I’d review something equally interesting – Japanese macaroni weirdness!
#360: Nissin Cup Noodles Hearty Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Another one from California! Thanks my lovely Kitten! So this should be good I hope! Onward!
#359: Nissin Bowl Noodles Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor
So here’s one we got a Megalomanianmart the other day. Was nice to see there was another flavor out there; I think this stuff’s pretty okay. One thing I noticed – the other two I’ve reviewed say ‘with chicken’ or ‘with shrimp,’ and this one just says ‘beef flavor.’ Kind of interesting I thought.
#353: Nissin Top Ramen Chili Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
So here’s one my lady got for me – chili flavor Top Ramen! So cool – dueling Chili flavor products back to back! Let’s rock!
#351: Nissin Top Ramen Picante Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
So today I opted for something different from Nissin – Top Ramen Picante Beef. Kind of funny; why don’t they make a teriyaki beef or a stir fry flavor over here? Anyways, here we go…
#350: Nissin Souper Meal Tomato & Garlic Shrimp with Premium Straight-Cut Noodles
Alright -first off, it’s my lady Kit’s birthday today! Happy Birthday I love you!!! She was just in California and brought me back some noodles. I thought there were only two varieties of this stuff – apparently I was wrong! So here we go!
#338: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Chicken Flavor Spoonable Noodles & Soup Ramen Noodle Soup
So as far as I know, this is the third in the trifecta of big cup noodles that they’re putting out here in the USA. I have seen reviews of Japanese-market big cup noodles though… Anyways, big!
#334: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Beef Flavor Spoonable Noodles & Soup Ramen Noodle Soup
So this is the second of these – I imagine there’s a chicken one too.
Today, my lady Kit decided to try one so I sneaked a taste so I could review it. This one was interesting as the last one I’m afraid…
#333: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Shrimp Flavor Spoonable Noodles & Soup Ramen Noodle Soup
So my lady found this one at a supermarket a couple days ago – we go there all the time so I’m thinking this is extremely new so Check it out!
#296: Nissin Cup Noodles Crab Flavor ( Hong Kong )
So here’s the second Hong Kong Nissin Cup Noodles I’ve found. I’m really hoping to find some more flavors because they’re really awesome! Well, here we go…
#284: Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood Flavor ( Hong Kong )
Well look at what I found! I’ve never seen anything like this before – these are manufactured in Hong Kong and look really interesting! Let’s see what’s going on with the seafood flavor – a variety not available in the USA Cup Noodles live!
#268: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Chile Chicken Flavor
Again another flavor of Nissin Cup Noodles! Spicy Chile Chicken! Let’s see if this stuff packs any heat!
#265: Nissin Cup Noodles Chicken Flavor
Yeah okay I know… After 264 reviews I’m finally getting to the Nissin Chicken Cup Noodles. Let’s get to it.
#263: Nissin Chow Mein Kung Pao Chicken Flavor
So here’s a new one. Let’s see how we fare…
Instructions under the plastic labeling…
#260: Nissin Bowl Noodles Hot & Spicy With Shrimp
Some hot & spicy up in here!
Clockwise from top left: powder soup base, veggies and shrimp, ‘soup booster.
#257: Nissin Cup Noodles Beef Flavor
So here’s another good ol standby – beef cup noodles.
Very easy instructions…
#256: Nissin Cup Noodles Shrimp Flavor
So we went to the grocery store and got a bunch of Cup Noodles – at only 25 cents a piece why not, and they haven’t been reviewed yet! So here’s shrimp.
#244: Nissin Karashi Mayonnaise Flavor Yakisoba Pan-Fried Noodles
So look upon this with awe and silent adoration. Mayonnaise flavor noodles. Mayonnaise on the noodles. Mayonnaise. It’s just so amazing. This one is using something called Karashi Mayo. Wikipedia says lends some light to this situation…
#226: Nissin Chow Noodles Cheddar Cheese Flavor Ramen Noodles
Before anyone gets their panties in a proverbial ruffle, look at the lower right hand corner. It says ramen noodles.
#221: Nissin Top Ramen Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Yep – surprising isn’t it? When you see that I’ve reviewed well over 200 unique packs of instant noodles to think that I haven’t done beef flavored Top Ramen yet. So here we go!
#209: Nissin Souper Meal Beef Flavor Minestrone with Premium Straight-Cut Noodles
It’s big, it’s burly, it’s insanity. I really think the USA is the only country that this is marketed to. Super size me ramen! 2960mg of sodium and 560 calories. But hey, that 14g of protein will help on the jog you take after eating this!