Category: Nissin

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2020 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2020 Edition

Bowls, cups, , trays, packs, and boxes. Well, I haven’t done a list of boxed or tray-style instant noodles – maybe that will come soon. But I think that separating these is important. The experience that a cup is meant for is different than a cup or bowl. Cups are more for a snack on the go, packs for when you’ve got a stove, and bowls are, well, for lunch. Although in the finished shots of these you’ll see them plated here, generally people will be looking at the bowl they came in, possibly using the plastic fork they came with, and tossing everything once they’re done. These are my favorites, current as of review #3545. Let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2020 Edition. ...see full post

#3547: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Sabor Galinha Caipira – Brazil

#3470: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Sabor Galinha Caipira - Brazil

This one came from Mr. Saturn – thanks again! I know galinha is a kind of young hen – a little oilier than standard chicken, but not exactly up on the whole caipira. I’m getting ‘bush cutter’ which seems a little odd. Maybe one of you will know. Not only that, this is review #3470 and I think 3470 was a standard of terminal emulation from back in the finer days of computer stuff. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#3513: Nissin Demae Ramen Original Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States

#3513: Nissin Demae Ramen Original Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup - United States

Last night, we had to do a Walmart Neighborhood Market run. It’s basically just a grocery store Walmart – kind of nice – wide aisles, lots of stuff… Anyways, I always look in the noodle aisle. There are two areas actually; domestic and ‘ethnic.’ Well, this was in the ethnic category. What is very interesting is that this is made in California. What’s kind of funny is how it says ‘#1 Ramen Noodle Soup In Hong Kong.’ This version is much different. The Hong Kong version includes fishcake with the little delivery guy’s face on it. Also, the bowls are more like the king cups – much taller. ...see full post

#3431: Nissin Raoh Grapefruit Shio Ramen – Japan

#3431: Nissin Raoh Grapefruit Shio Ramen - Japan

I’m getting grapefruit from a Google translation, but it might be yuzu. Got this up in Canada at a rad store called Smart’n’Save – it’s my personal Disneyland I think. They’ve got a lot of varieties I’ve not seen elsewhere – like a specialty shop for snacks, noodles, and treats from Hong Kong and China and Japan. Let’s give this one a try! ...see full post

#3394: Nissin Top Ramen Soy Sauce Bowl – United States

#3394: Nissin Top Ramen Soy Sauce Bowl - United States

This is the third and final variety of the new Top Ramen bowls – Soy Sauce. Originally called oriental flavor, Nissin decided to change it over to soy sauce flavor. It’s kind of interesting; I’ve been to Asia a handful of times and seen the term oriental all over the place, however here in the states I’ve heard of some discontent with the term, possibly the impetus for this change. Anyways, let’s give this one a try! ...see full post

#3393: Nissin Anpanman Soy Sauce Flavor Cup Noodle – Japan

#3393: Nissin Anpanman Soy Sauce Flavor Cup Noodle - Japan

A huge shout out and thank you to Breeze K – a regular reader and commenter – for sending these along! She got them from a friend who visited the Cup Noodle museum in Japan! Man, I want to check that place out someday – what a humbling experience that would be… All those Cup Noodles… Anyways, the guy on here’s name is Anpanman. He’s a comic/cartoon hero of sorts from Japan you may have seen before. This cup is very small – only calls for 170ml boiling water to cook it. Shall we give it a try? Let’s! ...see full post

#3389: Nissin Menshokunin Tantanmen – Japan

Nissin Menshokunin Tantanmen - Japan

Here’s one that was in a box from Zenpop. Their monthly boxes feature a slew of varieties from Japan – use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount! Here’s what they have to say about this one – “Why not bring this ramen for your lunch at work? Whole wheat flour is added to the non-fried noodle so it is a healthier but delicious choice! The authentic noodles and appetizing savory soup match very well. Plus we really like the package of this cup too. It has Japanese modern and beautiful designs so that’s another reason for you to bring it to work.” ...see full post

#3381: Nissin Pasta U.F.O. Sabor Alitas Hot – Mexico

#3381: Nissin Pasta U.F.O. Sabor Alitas Hot - Mexico

Alas, we come to the end of the road on the samples from the last box from Nissin MExico. They were all fascinating and different, but this I’m hoping is a case of saving the best for last. Their Intensos Cup Noodles Alitas Hot was sensational, and hoping that same flavor carries over to this one. Let’s find out! By the way – Alitas Hot means ‘hot wings.’ ...see full post

#3372: Nissin Cup Noodles Stir Fry Teriyaki Beef Flavor – United States

#3372: Nissin Cup Noodles Stir Fry Teriyaki Beef Flavor - United States

Continuing the reviews of this new range from Nissin USA, we have the Teriyaki Beef variety of the Stir Fry range. Sounds good to me; Nissin’s take on teriyaki beef has been enjoyable in the past. I saw a comment a day or two ago from someone hoping that they’d be good (specifically this one). So, I figured if someone wants to get my take on it, I’ll expedite it, and here we are. Let’s give ‘er a go! ...see full post

#3350: Nissin Miojo Cremoso Costela Barbecue – Brazil

#3350: Nissin Miojo Cremoso Costela Barbecue - Brazil

I really like it when readers send me a ton of varieties from somewhere I’ve never been able to get them before. This is one of those! I know there’s lots of cups and other brands out of Brazil to try as well. Brazilian varieties have very savory flavors, centering mostly on meat. This one’s barbecued ribs flavor! Let’s check it out. ...see full post

#3313: Nissin Raoh Kogashi Spicy Tonkotsu Ramen – Japan

#3313: Nissin Raoh Kogashi Spicy Tonkotsu Ramen - Japan

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘This is called geikikara’ (extremely hot); however, it’s not as hot as it thinks it is. We bet you will like this even if you are not a big fan of spiciness. The rich tonkotsu soup contains delicious ma-yu (burnt sesame oil and garlic), and it creates an irresistable smell for your appetite. The unique octagonal form of the box is to let it stand out from other noodles.’ ...see full post

#3290: Nissin Men Shokunin Tonkotsu Ramen – Japan

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Indulge yourself freely with this dish because these are non-fried noodles with whole grains. We LOVE how healthy the noodle tastes, and no wonder it is very popular. The tonkotsu soup has much depth of flavor matching perfectly with garlic. Toppings are chashu, wood ear mushrooms and scallions. Since it is the lightest one out of this month’s pack, when you crave ramen in the middle of the night, this is the best bet.’ ...see full post

#3233: Nissin Cup Noodles Soup’D Up Zesty Chicken Flavor – United States

#3140: Nissin Cup Noodles Soup'D Up Zesty Chicken Flavor - United States

This came by way of Robert over at – thanks! I’ve never seen hide nor hare of this variety ever before – anywhere. Test market in Kentucky? Perhaps. It looks like these are a meat version of the Very Veggie really; lots of meat instead of vegetables. My thought – screw it – I mean put lots of meat AND vegetables in there. In fact, screw that – do a retort pooch with meat and vegetables – now you’re talking! Nissin – you’re here in the United States already – use real meat! Retort pouches are the salvation – they shall bring a whole new age to the domestic instant noodle industry in America! At least that’s my vision. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3225: Nissin Cup Noodles Singapore Laksa – Japan

#3225L Nissin Cup Noodles Singapore Laksa - Japan

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Laksa, a spicy noodle soup dish of Singapore, joins Zenpop Ramen this month to try and win the Zenpop Ramen Cup. The creamy coconut flavor is spiced up with chili and coriander. How do you like this iconic Asian taste?’ ...see full post

#3181: Nissin Yakisoba Instant Pancit Savory Beef Flavor – Philippines

#3181: Nissin Yakisoba Instant Pancit Savory Beef Flavor - Philippines

This one was found up in Richmond, BC at the SuperStore. What’s funny about this one? Well, it shows chopsticks on the cup and has a fork inside. I’ve been given a ration of insults and criticism for using a fork. I really don’t understand why; I mean, here’s an Asian variety with a fork. I think it’s common for Westerners to immediately go to ‘Asian people use chopsticks and if you use them wrong you suck’ kind of thing. My logic is that if I’m in Asia, I’ll use a pair of chopsticks. In Thailamd they use a fork to push food onto a spoon and then eat it, so I did that while there. It really doesn’t matter what tool you decide to use, it’s about eating a meal, right? ...see full post