So this guy named Dave P. posted a YouTube video on the Ramen Rater Facebook page showing some people in Korea making a bowl of Shin Ramyun a little different that I’ve made it in the past. I thought I’d try to get the ingredients and give it a try. Here’s the video:
Category: Nongshim
The Ramen Rater News: Korea Yakult (Paldo) Will Be Exporting Kkokkomyeon Soon!
I’ve heard now from two separate sources that this Kkokkomyeon stuff is really popular and is going to be a really big deal when it comes to the USA. Both a seller of instant noodles alluded to it as well as a mention by name by the lady at the Kitty House at 99 Ranch Market (they sell Hello Kitty stuff there).
#602: Nongshim Oolongmen Cup Noodle Soup With Artificial Seafood Flavor
We went and got makings for Korean BBQ at the store yesterday and I found this unreviewed cup so I figured let’s do two cups today. Here we go!
Re-Review: Nongshim Ansungtangmyun Hot & Spicy Noodle Soup
Say that three times fast, why don’t you?! This is one sent to me by Nick at Looks like some spicy good noodles!
Delivery From!
Despite some trouble with FedEx, I got a box in the mail yesterday from Nick at!
#593: Nongshim Chapagetti Chajang Noodle
#578: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Noodle Soup
UPDATED REVIEW – uses a recipe from! See it HERE!
First off, I want to thank Greg B. of Florida for sending this one in. Shin Ramyun Black – wow. So I should mention about the ‘ controversy in South Korea about this product. Nong Shim advertised that it had more nutritional value than it really did and was fined for misleading advertising ( Korean Herald article here ). It was extremely popular and I believe it still is. It costs much more than regular Shin Ramyun too. I’ll have to say that I’ve been waiting for just the right day to review this one! Let’s see what’s inside this interesting package of South Korean instant noodles!
Indigestion: Reader’s Digest Article Way Off The Mark
This was found, given to my sister and passed along to me. This is from a Reader’s Digest. I haven’t seen the Lucky Peach yet but boy is this stuff screwed up. I really liked how Nong Shim was just a Californian company – no mention of the fact that it’s Korean. The Myojo Chukazanmai is a line of noodles by Myojo and has such an array of types (some are even to be served cold) that this broad review makes no sense. I think everyone knows how I feel about the GreeNoodle – try and try again I find them detestable. The Kamfen was the kicker for me though. Which one was reviewed? There’s a ton of varieties… Finally the article’s name kind of peeves me, but at least someone might go ahead and see f people review instant noodles online. The kicker? Not any mentions of anything from Indonesia, Thailand or Vietnam. Shameful!
#506: Nongshim Oolongmen Cup Noodle Soup With Artificial Beef Flavor
Today there was an open six pack of these so I decided even with a zillion ramens I’d get this one to try. Oolongmen!
#501: Nongshim Neoguri Udon Type Noodles Mild Seafood
Let’s start the road to 1000 reviews with this gem I’ve been looking for for a while now. I really like the regular old Neoguri and hopefully I like this one too.
#479: Nongshim Potato Noodle Soup
I’ve been waiting for the right time to review this and today is it. Potato noodles eh? I’ve had sweet potato noodles in the Baijia brand offerings and been quite unhappy with them. Hopefully Nongshim can make the potato happy again…
#453: Nongshim Savory Bowl Noodle Chicken Flavored Noodle Soup
So I thought I’d tried every single variety of these but I found yet another in California! This is just chicken – not spicy chicken. So here we go with the noodling!
#442: Nongshim Kal Guk Soo Korean Style Noodle Soup
Okay so I reviewed Samyang’s Kalgugsu a long time ago and it said it was assorted clam flavored noodle soup. This one just says its Korean noodle soup, however its got mussels, anchovy, bonito, shrimp tuna and mushroom going on too. I wouldn’t call it assorted clam flavor this time around – more like assorted flavor flavor.
#437: Nongshim Big Bowl Spicy Noodle Soup With Kimchi Flavor
Honestly instead of Big Bowl I think these should be marketed as Huge Bowl, but honestly this is about what you would get if you bought a pack of Nongshim Kimchi noodles in a pack, except you would get better quality noodles there. These noodles are built for fast inflating and absorbency.
#423: Nongshim Shin Cup (Shin Ramyun)
So here’s the last (as far as I know) of the Shin Ramyun line from Nongshim. Shin Ramyun (pack), Shin Cup, Shin Bowl and Shin Big Bowl. Let’s give it a go.
#355: Nongshim Noodle Lite 275 Lite Udon Flavor With Mushroom & Agar Jelly
So here’s something interesting. This is for the health conscious noodle fan – from Korea, we have Nongshim’s Noodle Lite 275.
#342: Nongshim Shin Big Bowl Gourmet Spicy Noodle Soup
So here we go – an even larger container of Nong Shim Shin Ramyun!
Styrofoam! Ready for battle!!!
#332: Nongshim Champong Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup (Cup)
So it’s time for some spiciness! Champong! Bring it!
Was a little surprised to see this one has over 2200mg sodium! It’s just a cup for cryin’ out loud!
#328: Nongshim Big Bowl Udon Japanese Style Noodle Soup
Ladies and gentlemen, the enormous Ramen Box has been opened and we begin. This one comes from Korea.
#324: Nongshim BIG Bowl Spicy Noodle Soup With Shrimp Flavor
So here’s a big sucker – the name says it’s big. So let’s see if bigger is better with Nongshim Spicy Shrimp…
#298: Nongshim Hearty Rice Noodle Soup Spicy Veggie Consommé
So here’s something a little different! Healthy and consomme usually aren’t words I see one packages of instant noodles!
#291: Nongshim Gourmet Spicy Shin Bowl Noodle Soup
Shin Bowl. So this should be exactly like Shin Ramyun but in a bowl, right? I’m going to figure it isn’t because the noodles usually seem different with bowl noodles.
Re-Review: Nongshim Neoguri Udon Type Noodles Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup
So here’s a classic – Nongshim’s Neoguri. I haven’t had this in a few years so I suppose I’d better have some!
#253: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Seafood Flavor
At long last! Yesterday we found the elusive Nongshim Spicy Seafood Bowl Noodle Soup!!! Very awesome! There’s a review of the place we found it at under the Where to Get It tab up top – check out HT Oaktree Market! Now check out this review of Nongshim Spicy Seafood Bowl Noodle!
#213: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Artificial Lobster Flavor
So found the sixth of seven varieties of Bowl Noodle! Kit you rock!!! She saw it at Uwajimaya in Bellevue and boom – here we go!!!
#204: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Shrimp Flavor
So here’s the last Bowl Noodle I have on hand, Spicy Shrimp Flavor. I’m hunting for the Seafood and the Lobster flavors currently. I think that’s all of them…
#203: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Hot & Spicy Flavor
So going to have another one of these today. This looks like the most basic one.
Again, only one packet.
#202: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Cabbage Kimchi Flavor
So here’s the third of these Bowl Noodles I’ve tried, Cabbage Kimchi. Some not so keen on Kimchi might not know that its not only made of cabbage but other vegetables too, such as radish. Anyways, Let’s get started.
#201: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Beef & Ginger Flavor
Beef & Ginger? Sounds really good! Surprising that I haven’t stumbled upon more packs of instant noodles that have ginger as a main ingredient – it’s so tasty and all…
#200: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Chicken Flavor
So this is the 200th instant noodle I’ve reviewed! So bright eyed and vaguely bushy tailed at 6:30am, here we go! I’d like to first thank Kit for picking #199 and #200 for my reviews and also for cruising us around and going to all of these Asian groceries around here. If you like the Ramen Rater, go see her Asian and otherwise snack reviews site at – she just started it last week and she’s got her first few reviews up! Looking good!
#188: Nongshim Udon Japanese Style Noodle Soup
Seen this around for a long time but have never tried it.Always looked kinda plain and boring.
#144: Nongshim Noodle Soup Kimchi Ramyun
So some Korean kimchi flavored ramen. Looks good to me, especially since we’ve been trying out Korean BBQ lately – so let’s go!
#129: Nongshim Mupama Tang Myun Noodle Soup
Neat looking stuff with a funny name… Looked it up online and it mentioned beef and radishes… Hmm…
#113: Nongshim HooRooRook Premium Korean Noodle Soup
So I’ve been walking by this one for a couple months now debating when to get it. I got it the other day and now I’m going to try it out. Looks interesting – the name certainly is.
Re-Review: Nongshim Shin Ramyun
So these instant noodles are very prevalent in this area and I imagine easily procured anywhere in the USA. This is Nongshim Shin Ramyun Gourmet Spicy flavor and it was purchased at a regular grocery store.
#22: Nongshim Ansungtangmyun Noodle Soup
Nong Shim: Ansungtangmyun Noodle Soup
Stars: ***
This stuff was very odd – I enjoy odd things,
so that’s why the 3 stars. It was like an udon
style noodle first off, and came with a
seasoning packet that was enormous. I ended
up having jalapeno bread with it because it comes
out more like a hot flavor spaghetti than anything.
#21: Nongshim Champong Oriental Style Noodle
Nong Shim: Champong Oriental Noodles
Stars: **
Notes: First off, this was a pretty big package; more like very big. There was
a pack of dehydrated fish as well – octopus, cuttlefish, seaweed etc.
Also, the noodles were Udon style [extra thick]. After I made it, I
realized that the broth was quite dark and deep red. The octopus was
black too – and after the noodles, drinking the last bit of broth was
what I imagine a ton of fish blood and salt would be like.
#20: Nongshim Neoguri Seafood & Spicy Noodle Soup
Nong Shim: Neoguri [Seafood’n’Spicy]
Stars: **
This stuff is salty and weird. The noodles are nasty, but
the broth is very potable and potent. Becomes a
darkish red rust color and is strangely thick with bits
of octopus etc in it. Get it here.
#19: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Noodle Soup
Nong Shim: Shin Ramyun
Stars: ***
Much better than the Neoguri but much the same.
This stuff’s pretty spicy and salty, and the noodles
are a bit better than Neoguri. Like Neoguri, they
are udon style and the noodles are in a condensed
round shape out of the package, easily dropped into
a small round pot. Get it here.