Here’s one that came in a recent box from Exotic Noods! Exotic Noods delivers monthly boxes with instant noodles varieties from around the world. Go check ’em out and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
Category: Other
#4218: Instant Spreads – The Original Mix – United States
For those who aren’t familiar, a ‘spread’ is a term referring to a special meal made in prison by inmates. Here’s what Wikipedia had to say about them –
#4217: Lin Jia Ya Tou One Noodle One Soup Spicy Noodle – China
One noodle, one soup. You get some dry noodle with sauce and a bowl of soup on the side – okay? This is the last of this series I found just before Lunar New Year. Let’s check it out!
#4216: Ocean’s Halo Organic Vegan Thai Coconut Big Bowl Of Noodles – United States
My wife went to Whole Foods the other day (not a place we usually frequent, however she’s trying out the gluten free thing) and she came across three of these Ocean’s Halo varieties. The first I’m trying if this Thai coconut. Sounds pretty good in theory at least. I guess we should take a look!
#4215: Yuanxian Absolutely Yummy Hotpot Sweet Potato Noodle – China
Well, hello there! I haven’t been reviewing a lot lately – weather’s been nice and I’ve been walking a lot – did 22 miles last week – on Thursday! Luckily, I’m over a hundred reviews ahead so by the time you see this, it’s probably close to 4 months later than when I wrote this here. Anyways, this one came from Asian Family Market on Aurora a couple days before Lunar New Year. Let’s check it out!
#4213: Wei Lih Instant Noodles With Spicy Hot Pot Flavor – Taiwan
Wei Lih is probably most well known for their Wei Lih Men, a variety which has both a soup and a noodle with black bean paste. I’ve never seen this variety before, and it’s been a while since I’ve reviewed anything new from them – or at least new to me. Excited to try this – let’s check it out!
#4209: Kings Noodle Hot & Sour – China
The last Kings Noodle variety I tried was absolutely phenomenal, so I’ve got high hopes for this one. This is a single serving variety with a whole lot going on in the box – let’s check it out!
#4208: Acecook Debitto Kansyu Toriton Shio Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4207: Xijiu XO Sauce Noodle – China
This is a tricky one to translate. Big thank you to Kyle over at Mom’s Dry Noodle for your help! I found this one 2 days before Lunar New Year – fancy stuff. XO sauce is really nice stuff too. Let’s give this a go.
#4206: Menraku Udon ‘Spicy Kimchi Jjigae’ Taste – United States
Here’s another one from James of Lakeside, California – thanks again! This one sounds really good. Once again into the bowl!
#4205: Snapdragon Garlic Pho – United States
This one came by way of James of Lakeside, California – thanks again! So these Snapdragon varieties haven’t fared well in my reviews in the past. Hopefully, this one will be a little different. We shall see – let’s give it a go.
#4204: Yopokki Kimchi Rapokki – South Korea
Okay so for those of you who don’t know what tteokbokki is, you needsta figure that out because it’s really quite nice! This is both tteokbokki and ramyun; hence, rabokki. Let’s give this a try.
#4203: Maruchan Shiroi Chikara Mochi Udon with Kohaku Mochi – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4202: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Hot & Spicy” Flavor With Chili Garlic – United States
Here’s yet another Menraku variety and it came from James of Lakeside, California – thanks again! I thought this would be a dry variant, but it’s definitely not. I should mention that yes, while this is made in Japan, it’s definitely an export version and that’s why it gets the United States tag at the end. Let’s give it a try!
#4201: Itsuki Kumamoto Red Spicy Ramen – Japan
This one was in an Umai Crate – a monthly subscription box from the folks at Japan Crate! If you order one, be sure to use coupon code THERAMENRATER to get a nice little discount!
#4200: John’s Beautiful Hot And Sour Noodles – Taiwan
This is the third of three varieties from this company and I’m very curious. This one has a lot of sachets with it – a lot. Check them out below! Let’s give it a go!
#4199: John’s Taiwanese Fried Sauce Noodles – Taiwan
Here’s a big box with two servings. This looks really fancy – curious about it – let’s give it a try!
#4197: Yamamoto Seimen Rich Chinese Miso Ramen – Japan
This one came from an Umai Crate – check ’em out at and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER! So this sounds good – a Chinese take on miso – or a miso with Chinese elements? Fascinated! Let’s give it a try!
#4196: Lin Jia Ya Tou One Noodle One Soup Pepper Noodle – China
Found this one right before Lunar New Year. Looked interesting and there were three of them we could get, so we got all three. The last one I tried said it was spicy, but didn’t seem to be so much. Luckily, this time I got some really great advice on what this was and how to cook it from Annie over at Red Chef – thanks you! Let’s give it a try!
#4195: Pokémon Noodle Butter Shoyu Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4194: Igarashi Seimen Kitakata Curry Flavor Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came from an Umai Crate – they’re subscription boxes full of all sorts of Japanese ramen and DIY stuff! Check ’em out at Japan Crate and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#4193: Bull Head Dry Noodle Spicy Sichuan Pepper Flavor – Taiwan
Here’s one that came from Daniel over at – check ’em out – you can use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount, too! So I saw these at a local Asian market and was curious, but didn’t want to buy a multipack, so receiving this was really great. Taiwanese dry noodles. Let’s check ’em out!
#4191: Kung Fu Noodle Spicy Duck Blood With Mung Bean Noodle Soup – Taiwan
The guy in the corner says ‘hey check this out’ and hey I will buddy just hold on a second! I’ve had duck and pork blood many times in the past. While many Westerners might think this is far too exotic and wouldn’t ever think of trying a dish with blood as it’s main feature, let me tell you a little something about it. Pork blood cake in Taiwan is exquisite. It’s a little wonderful square with a very rich and tasty flavor. Duck blood is a bit different, but very, very rich. Coagulated duck blood is popular in white curry in Malaysia as well, and pork blood is popular in dishes from Thailand and Vietnam too. The last Taiwanese duck blood noodle I tried was exquisite; let’s see how this one is!
#4190: A-Sha Meteor Noodles With Fried Sauce – Taiwan
Got a new one the other day that the folks over at A-Sha Dry Noodle sent. I really don’t know anything about it other than that they were interested in me trying it. Looks really good with that chunky paste on top – let’s give it a try!
#4189: Kings Noodle Chongqing Instant Pea Noodles – China
Another one found just before Lunar New Year at a local market. These have all been fun to review as they’re all very mysterious; the way to translate and research these is always different and usually requires a lot of digging. Let’s check it out!
#4187: Poco Kitchen Thai Peanut Saute – United States
Here’s the second variety from Poco Kitchen I’m trying that comes with noodles. I think I’ll probably do their broth as well. Thai peanut saute sounds interesting – let’s give it a go.
#4186: Shoo Loong Kan Hot Pot Vermicelli Hot and Sour Rice Noodles – China
Here’s another one I found at Asian Family Market in 99 in Shoreline. We got so many that day. Wow. Still a ton to do! Let’s check it out!
#4185: Myojo Sapporo Ramen Shingen Koku Miso Flavor – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4183: Nissin Raoh Mala Tantan – Japan
This looks like a fancy one – it came in a 5am Ramen subscription box! Check em out at and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#4182: MAMA Singapore Noodles Meal Kit – Thailand
I think I was able to try the non-export version of this when I was in Thailand at the MAMA rice noodle factory. I was part of an Iron Chef judging competition where a contestant from Iron Chef Thailand was there and she made all the varieties from this range.
#4181: Nissin U.F.O. Rayu Mayo Soy Sauce Mazesoba -Japan
Another one kindly sent from James of Lakeside, CA – thanks again! This one had a distributor’s label on it, but it didn’t quite make sense so a little digging found a more correct translation. Chili mayo? That sounds awesome! Let’s give it a go!
#4179: Sad Super Hot Noodles Spicy Glass Noodle Soup – Taiwan
Got this during the days before Lunar New Year and it looked fascinating. Turns out the brand is Sad Super Hot Noodles. Looks like you get the noodles and a couple big sachets. I’m game – let’s check it out!
#4175: Peyoung Noodle – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4174: 7 Select Cheese & Herbs Pasta Cup – United States
This is the second of two instant cups found at a local 7-Eleven store. 7-Eleven is based in Japan and a mainstay throughout Asia. I remember check it out in Taiwan and holy cow – they have tons of stuff. People go there to pay their utility bills, make their car payments, and buy all sorts of stuff. This reminds me of the kinds of products they have overseas, but more localized for the US consumer. Let’s check it out!
#4173: Acecook Chiba Hamaguri Dashi Shio – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4172: Daikoku Kinemochi Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4171: Nissin KyoUdon – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4170: Sapporo Ichiban Maikohan Hi-hi- Kyoko Miso Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4169: Maruchan Fuji no Miya Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4167: Myojo Megami Cup Noukou Shoyu – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!