Category: Other

#3863: Sanyang Yishi Classic Guilin Rice Noodle – China

#3863: Sanyang Yishi Classic Guilin Rice Noodle - China

This one has an interesting preparation method and I’m honestly really excited to try it. I’ve seen many varieties that kind of look like this. My wife Kit was awesome – while our car has been down for the count, she went out shopping and checked whether I’d tried varieties and got me this one to try! She’s the best – let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3849: Muso Organic Ramen Shoyu – United States

#3849: Muso Organic Ramen Shoyu - United States

This one’s made in Japan, however it’s definitely for sale in the United States and so that’s why it’s getting that country at the top. I found this at a local grocery store this morning and have been thinking about giving it a try. Well, today’s the day – and it’s going to be a post featuring the 1001st episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time – one probably very hurried as my kids are doing online schooling and everything is such a rush with what I do these days. It will be interesting to look back at this time in our lives. Hopefully somewhat findly, but with some relief. Let’s check this one out. ...see full post

#3847: Chef Woo Thai Lemongrass Ramen – United States

#3847: Chef Woo Thai Lemongrass Ramen - United States

I’ve been spacing these out a little bit. They’re really fascinating to me. I discovered the Ramen Express By Chef Woo a while back at a local grocery store – these products are very different – and quite good! Good for Vegan folks, plus 20g of protein in a cup which is pretty neat. Definitely worth a try. Let’s see how this one pans out! ...see full post

#3842: Panda Signature Ramen Noodle Soup Soy Sauce Flavor – United States

#3842: Panda Signature Ramen Noodle Soup Soy Sauce Flavor - United States

First off, today I’m doing two reviews – 3842 and 3843. I ran a GoFundMe in February 2021 to help with an emergency situation and for some upgrades around here. Well, one of the upgrades is being used for the first time today! I got a print/scan/copy etc printer. This thing has an 11×17 scanner on it. The old scanner had condesation under the glass and that was affecting quality. This one’s extra nice since I can scan a wide label or package in a single pass without having to do two scans and patch them together! Thank you to all who donated and support the site and what I do! ...see full post

#3841: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Hotter & Spicier Ramen – United States

#3784: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Hotter & Spicier Ramen - United States

I remember the first time I found out about this company. Finding a new domestic brand is a particular thrill for me. A new Malaysian, Thai or Chinese brand is expected, but here in the US, there aren’t as many new ones that often. Let’s check out this pillow pack version of their spicy variety! ...see full post

#3835: Acecook Mochichi Shio Yakisoba – Japan

#3732: Acecook Mochichi Shio Yakisoba - Japan

Here’s a fancy one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount! The last time I tried one of these mochichi varieties I remember it mentioned ‘pinching one’s cheek’ to tell if they’re not really in a fancy ramen restaurant in Tokyo. It was pretty good, but no pinching occured. Let’s give it a try. ...see full post

#3827: Lee Kum Kee Hong Kong Style Chow Mein – United States

#3827: Lee Kum Kee Hong Kong Style Chow Mein - United States

They did a big reset at the local Safeway. They redid their produce section which was kinda nice. The also really updated their Asian foods section. Lots of instant noodles there! Then, there’s this. These are $4.99 each. The only reason I got one is because we love this brand’s Korean BBQ sauce. I’m guessing there’s a good chance this will be pretty good. Let’s chek it out and see if it warrants this price tag. ...see full post

#3817: WhatIf? Foods Bamnut Noodles With Sweet Hot Seasoning – Singapore

#3817: WhatIf? Foods Bamnut Noodles With Sweet Hot Seasoning - Singapore

I did a bunch of preliminary work with an interviewer from Channel News Asia a while back for a program they were developing. They chose to not include me in it, which does happen. I was disappointed, but the interviewer was really nice and connected me with a company who was to be featured on the show. The show was focusing on the trend of more health focused noodles around the world, and these are some from that company, WhatIf? Foods. Definitely a unique box! Let’s look within and give them a try! ...see full post

#3813: Morre Instant Noodles Chatt Patta – Pakistan

#3812: Morre Instant Noodles Chatt Patta - Pakistan

Okay so on New Year’s Eve back in 2017, I did a different brand’s version of chaat patta and ran into the same issue: no info. I am not sure what the heck it’s supposed to taste like, but this time I’m kind of leaning towards this tasting like the little break/dough flavts that have stuff on top of them in Indian/Pakistani cuisine. I could totally be wrong too. So, I suppose it’s time to try something and not know what it’s supposed to remotely taste like and enjoy or dislike. Here we go. ...see full post

#3793: Sutharos Organic Yellow Curry Thai Cooking Set – Thailand

#3793: Sutharos Organic Yellow Curry Thai Cooking Set - Thailand

These come by way of Yukhong at Golden Bay Supply – thanks! Hey sent me some neat Thai products to try recently to try out and so here we are. This one isn’t with noodles – for some reason I just ended up assuming they all had noodles although the first one I saw was a Pad Thai which I’m pretty sure will have noodles included. But I’ll give this a try noodles or no. I love curry so here we go! ...see full post

#3789: Myojo Charumera Artificial Tonkotsu Flavor – United States

#3789: Myojo Charumera Artificial Tonkotsu Flavor - United States

This one gets the USA tag since it is made in Japan but only for sale over here in this packaging. This comes by way of James from LAkeside, CA – thanks! So the charumera is the horn the little guy on the pack is holding up. The ramen guy would come to the neighborhood and toot that thing (kind of like the ice cream man playing Camptown Races) and you’d know to go get your noodles. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3785: Panda Signature Ramen Noodle Soup Chili Lime Flavor – United States

#3861: Panda Signature Ramen Noodle Soup Chili Lime Flavor - United States

This is the second of the Panda Signature variety cup style noodles I’ll be trying today. I must say, the video where I unboxed a ton of varieties a reader in Montana sent me has done really well. Sadly, it’s not because people are excited about the products. They’ve been much maligned by folks who were sad to see their former favorite get replaced by this brand. One thing people have brought up too is the country of origin on these. You see, on the single packs, the closest thing I could find to a country of origin was from the HALAL seal being from Malaysia. People kept saying that they said ‘product of PRC.’ PRC is People’s Republic Of China. Well, this cup says that, so I have visual confirmation that these are manufactured in China. To me, this isn’t a big deal; a LOT of instant noodles are manufactured in China. However, many are incensed by this insofar that the product it replaced was made in the United States. I’m sure some other reasons have led to their anger about this, which I’m not sympathetic to.  But I can see their point on the made in the USA viewpoint. More importantly, they’ve been extremely critical of the flavor of these products being different, and have been downright disgusted by them. I won’t say any have been favorites of mine, but I haven’t found them as a range to be incredibly bad or worth of my bottom ten list. This being said, I have heard that 12 packs of the noodles around around $2 – which is pretty inexpensive. I wouldn’t expect filet mignon at under twenty cents per portion,. Anyways, I was able to contact the company that produces these and they’ve mentioned that they are going to be producing a reformulated version (aka a new recipe). So, I’ll of course try them when they debut and hopefully be able to do an interview with them when that time comes. If you’re wondering that since they’re made in China why the title up top says United States, this product isn’t for sale like this in China and specifically made for Walmart stores here. Let’s check out this one out – sounds tasty enough from the name. ...see full post