Category: Other

#3696: Nissin Top Ramen Masala Noodles – India

#3696: Nissin Top Ramen Masala Noodles - India

Well, here’s the last of my Nissin India products. Sad to see them end but it’s really been fun. If you happen to work for Nissin India, please contact me? Heck, if you’re with any instant noodle company in India – I’d love to review all your products. I foresee some happy day doing a top ten Indian varieties list! But until then, here’s the last of the Nissin stuff I found at India Supermarket in Bellevue, Washington. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #3674: Noodles Accompanied By Happiness Red Oil Sesame Paste – Taiwan

Meet The Manufacturer: #3674: Noodles Accompanied By Happiness Red Oil Sesame Paste - Taiwan

Okay so here’s another one with really colorful graphics. Silhouetted celebratory humands, against a scenic backdrop with the night sky. This one has ‘red oil’ – which I’m guessing is going to be a spicy one – but I could be wrong. Let’s find out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #3673: Noodles Accompanied By Happiness Fragrant In Original Taste – Taiwan

I really have to give it to Noodles Accompanied With Happiness – their packaging is really nice. The photo doesn’t fully get the vibrancy in color of the packaging – really nice. This variety is a wider gauged Taiwanese dry noodle – let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#3671: Kiseki Foods Kiseki Ramen – United States

#3671: Kiseki Foods Kiseki Ramen - United States

Alright so here we have a prototype. I love prototypes; I feel so honored and humbled that companies would let me try a product before it goes on the market. This one’s a little different – here’s why. It’s 20 calories. For the pack. That’s it. Konjac noodles – these things are like eating food on the holodeck on Star Trek (note – for the ultra nerdy out there who do know that holodeck food is actually replicator food – yeah I know that too – but if the food was holographic – that’s what I’m getting at). At this point they have shared with me their pending Kickstarter campaign but it will be live soon and I’m guessing by the time this posts. Anyways, let’s see how good 20 calorie ramen can be! ...see full post

#3658: Samyang Foods Buldak HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen Tomato Pasta – South Korea

#3659: Samyang Foods Buldak HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen Tomato Pasta - South Korea

Well, here’s the first of a whole slew of new Buldak varieties. If you’ve never seen or heard about this range (you’ve probably been under a rock), just know these are probably the most popular spicy range of products around when it comes to noodles. They came out with a Christmas themes variety – meat spaghetti. I’m wondering if this one will be similar? Let’s find out. ...see full post

#3639: Love To Share Xiangnian Daoxiao Noodles – China

#3639: Love To Share Xiangnian Daoxiao Noodles - China

Found this neat little box of noodles recently at 99 Ranch Market and thought oh yeah I’m trying this. The name is kind of hard for me to say – pretty long too. I don’t always like to share which has been a failing of mine I’ll admit. Maybe my daughter will try it. Then I can say I shared, but I won’t say I love to share. ...see full post

#3638: Hi-Lai Foods Lai Noodle – Taiwan

Hi-Lai Foods Lai Noodle - Taiwan

I was contacted in July 2020 about a new variety of noodle hailing from Taiwan. I was very interested in trying and gave the company the go ahead. Fast forward to mid September and I’m going to give it a try – they arrived last week. These sound interesting; they’re Vegan friendly and have a minced pork sachet which is made with so  protein, mushrooms, white fungus, celery and other vegetables. A chewy noodle and a ‘secret sauce’ with Sichuan pepper is mentioned in the promotional sheet that accompanied these. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post