Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
Category: Other
#3555: Daikoku Shokuhin Big Sauce Yakisoba With Mayonnaise – Japan
I’ll be honest – I really don’t know for sure where this one came from. I’m going to guess Uwajimaya but I could be totally wrong on that. Either way, noodles, yakisoba sauce – usually something good comes of this combination! Let’s find out.
#3553: Mom’s Dry Noodle Sichuan Spicy Duck Blood Bean Vermicelli – Taiwan
Here’s another fancy one from Mom’s Dry Noodle! Now, many of you probably haven’t tried anything with blood in it. Let me reassure you that I have and there are some really great foods that do contain it from many places. Malaysian White Curry often contains coagulated duck blood, while in Taiwan I’ve tried pork blood rice cake which was absolutely wonderful stuff. I know it’s popular in a Vietnamese soup as well.
#3550: Hakubaku Restaurant Style Fresh Ramen Umami Shoyu – United States
First off, yes – this is produced in Japan, however this product is packaged for distribution in the United States.
#3546: Toei Mini Non Cup Soba – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3545: Cao Is Starving Dried Noodles Tomato Flavor – China
This is the next to last one of these I’ve got. They’re been fun to be honest! Freaky dude freaking out on the packaging – that’s fun. But what I enjoy is trying new varieties, especially from China. Let’s give this one a go!
#3543: Micoem Cung Dinh Kool Spaghetti – Vietnam
A big thank you to Daniel from – her recently traveled to Taiwan and brough me back a trove of neat varieties and this is one of them!This is the second I’ve tried from this company. The last one was a delightful salted egg. Now it’s spaghetti. Let’s do this.
#3540: Sapporo Ichiban Double Wasabi Yakisoba – Japan
This one comes from – a subscription box service. If you want to check out their boxes and get one, use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount.
#3539: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodles Soup Chinese Herb – Angelica Flavor – Taiwan
Here’s another one from James of Lakeside, California – thanks again! Sounds interesting – let’s give it a go!
#3536: Daikoku Chikara Udon – Japan
Here’s one from an Umai Crate subscription box! Go to and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount.
#3532: Boys & Girls Steam Noodle Tomato & Egg Flavor – China
Here’s another one I got at the Osaka Supermarket up in Richmond BC at the Yaohan Centre. These style cups have been a lot of fun and I’ve got three more! I think I’m going to do them all in a row.
#3531: Maruchan Karakuro Black Style Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s a fancy one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#3530: Shi Zu Ren Energy Instant Hot & Sour Flavor Vermicelli – China
Continuing the cavalcade of Chinese varieties lately, here’s a neat one. These cups so far have been a real treat. Hot and sour sounds like it could be really good – or a deluge of Sichuan peppercorn which might not be so great for me personally. But I’ve got high hopes. I think the number six on this one refers to the tons of sachets in there – it’s pretty ridiculous as you’ll see below.
#3527: Mr. Meng Tomato Egg Instant Noodles – China
I got this one up in Canada just like the one yesterday. I’ve seen a lot of these ice cream pint style noodle cups lately from China… I like them they’re pretty neat. Unsure who Mr. Meng is, but I found it at the Osaka Market in Yaohan Centre up in Richmond, BC. Now, let’s give it a go.
#3524: Myojo Charumera Shoyu Ramen – Japan
Here’s a fancy one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#3523: Little Couples Dry Noodle Sesame Flavor – Taiwan
Little Couples sent me two varieties – an Onion one that was about as good as can be, and this one which I’m curious about. This one won’t be noodles with sesame oil. Instead, in Taiwan sesame is more of a sesame paste with peanut notes and soy sauce which pulls it all together. My wife found this out in the early years of my reviewing one time when we got some sesame noodles and she was very excited, but when she tasted peanut she was really quite unhappy. She is not a fan of peanut butter, and that’s what it reminded her of.
#3521: Maruchan Sesame Tan Tan Udon – Japan
#3516: Paldo Jjol Bibim Men – South Korea
Looks like this is a local version (I do’t know that there is export ones) of Paldo’s Jjol Bibim Men. After a little researxh, it looks lik the difference between this as their Bibim Men are the noodles are chewier in this one. Let’s give it a try!
#3515: Daisho Kimchi Rice Vermicelli – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3513: Nissin Demae Ramen Original Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
Last night, we had to do a Walmart Neighborhood Market run. It’s basically just a grocery store Walmart – kind of nice – wide aisles, lots of stuff… Anyways, I always look in the noodle aisle. There are two areas actually; domestic and ‘ethnic.’ Well, this was in the ethnic category. What is very interesting is that this is made in California. What’s kind of funny is how it says ‘#1 Ramen Noodle Soup In Hong Kong.’ This version is much different. The Hong Kong version includes fishcake with the little delivery guy’s face on it. Also, the bowls are more like the king cups – much taller.
#3512: Samyang Foods Buldak 2x Spicy HOT Chicken Flavor Topokki – South Korea
First off, let me say that I did a mukbang with this one an it’s at the bottom. Definitely the spiciest one I’ve done in quite some time.
#3505: Myojo Spicy Yuzu Mazesoba – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off!
#3504: Sapporo Ichiban Sundobu Karakuchi Ramen – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off!
#3499: KOKA Baked Multi Grain Noodles Five Spiced Duck Flavour – Singapore
KOKA released 3 varieties in this range and this is the second of the three I’m reviewing today. Duck is a bit of a mystery to me. I love duck and I feel that it is the most neglected meat in Western cuisine. In Asia I’ve had duck on every visit – it’s everywhere and it’s such wonderful, tasty meat.
#3497: Kenmin Shisen Shirunashi Tantanmen – Japan
Here’s another one from James of Lakeside, CA – thanks again! This is an interesting one – a rice noodle tantanmen from Japan. The packaging certainly is neat looking, and it’s gota brand I’ve not heard of which is always something I like. New is goo, although from what I see this brand has been around for some time. Let’s take a look.
#3496: Menraku Sichuan-Inspired Ramen “Spicy Sesame” – United States
Here’s one from Menraku – these are indeed made in Japan, but definitely for the US market. This was sent by James, a reader from Lakeside, CA. I’ve reviewed a slew of Menraku varieties in the past, but recently seen a few new varieties and have been rather impressed. Let’s check this one out.
#3488: Cao Is Starving Dried Noodles Chongqing Style – China
Right now it’s about 3 weeks until Lunar New Year aka CNY. This is another neat variety found at 99 Ranch Market. They’ve got lots of treats and specialty items to celebrate the holiday and to be honest, this is one of my favorite times of year. This will post probably 3 months afterwards though. Special thanks to Annie T. for help in translation! Let’s check it out!
#3487: Itomen Sansai Udon – Japan
Here’s one from the trove of varieties sent by James from California – thanks again! I swear I had tried this but nope – never had. Let’s check it out!
#3486: Gurimi Mi Goreng – Indonesia
We didn’t stay up to ring in the new year. Sad I know. Must be getting old. We did however head up to Canada on new year’s day. Found this while up there! Let’s give it a try!
#3485: Taihodien Restaurant Spicy Sesame Noodles – Taiwan
Here we are, yet again. It’s hard – I really like the packaging at least. I’ve tried two of these Taihodien varieties and hoping this will be one I like. Thus far, they’ve been just to violently filled with Sichuan pepper. Just mean stuff! Hopefully for them the third time is the charm. Let’s give ’em a go.
#3482: KOKA Baked Multi Grain Noodles Hot Mala Tofu Flavour – Singapore
I saw these on KOKA’s Instagram feed and thought they looked interesting! I sent them a message and in a couple weeks they arrived. These feature a non-fried noodle with different grains and purple corn! Let’s give them a try!
#3480: Sapporo Ichiban Momoya Kimchi No Moto Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a Zenpop box. Zenpop is a subscription box service – check em out and use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#3479: Yamamoto Seifun Spicy Cheese Napolitan – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3477: Sapporo Ichiban Maruhon Sesame Oil Shoyu Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a Zenpop box. Zenpop is a subscription box service – check em out and use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#3475: Paldo Mr. Kimchi Stirfried Kimchi Ramen Cup – South Korea
Thus far, I’ve been quite pleased with all the different Mr. Kimchi varieties – soups and dry noodles. This is the cup, so I’m guessing it should be about the same as the dry noodle pack and bowl. Let’s find out.
#3471: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodles Soup Chinese Herb – Ginseng Flavor – Taiwan
I really love Taiwan. I have been through Taiwan a couple times and visited a couple times. If you’ve never been, go. That’s all I have to say on the matter. It’s a neat place with so many different things going on. Let’s try this one!
#3470: Myojo Ippei-chan Rich & Sweet Thick Yakisoba – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $3 off!
#3467: Sapporo Ichiban Mentai Agodashi Shoyu Ramen – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off!
#3465: Mamee Monster – Malaysia
If you didn’t know, Mamee Monster is a snack noodle. It’s all over – you should have known by now. You smash the bag, open it up and eat it. Yes, really. This is popular and common is Southeast Asia. Yup! Let’s take a look.
#3463: Wai Wai Brand Oriental Style Instant Noodles – Thailand
Okay so there’s Wai Wai in Thailnd, then Wai Wai in India, which I suspect is an exponentially larger affair. However I think they are part of the same company. It’s uncanny – Thai instant noodle companies have names with repeating syllables.