Category: Other

#2911: New Touch Classic Shouyu Ramen

#2911: New Touch Classic Shouyu Ramen

Here’s another neat one from Zenpop.JP. Thank you! So Zenpop has all sorts of monthly boxes including ramen boxes. Nine instant ramen in one box for a good price – check ’em out! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Simple, classic shouyu ramen will never be boring. Flavorful vegetables, roasted garlic, and black pepper boost the savory taste of shouyu based chicken soup. The toppings include chopped roasted pork, shrimps, scrambled eggs and green onions.’ ...see full post

#2910: Nissin Top Ramen Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

#2910: Nissin Top Ramen Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

Well would you look at that! Top Ramen. An American original. You might be thinking ‘aww that’s Japanese,’ but this stuff is as American as it gets. The flavor is made to appeal to the local market. What bums me out is when I say ‘an American original’ all I can think about is my favorite political show which is no more. My dad used to watch The McLaughlin Group for years and I finally hit an age after he was gone that I checked it out and got hooked on it. I’d torture poor Andy and make him watch it all the time. But Dr. McLaughlin died a couple years ago, and they ended the series long run. I would be curious how it would have been if he would have stayed alive longer – how the show would be these days. Anyways, I’ve gone way off track. So soy sauce is known as Shoyu in Japan. This is a kind of Shoyu ramen. Let’s check i tout! ...see full post

#2905: Sapporo Ichiban CupStar Hokkaido Potato Miso Ramen

Here’s another neat one from Zenpop.JP. Thank you! So Zenpop has all sorts of monthly boxes including ramen boxes. Nine instant ramen in one box for a good price – check ’em out! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘thanks to its fertile land, Hokkaido produces a wide variety of foods, and this ramen includes potato that grew in the rich land. The soup is seasoned with Red Miso, which has a strong taste and dark red color. You’ll be surprised to find how potato tastes in a great miso soup.’ ...see full post

#2897: Big Bon Spice Mix Hot & Spicy

#2897: Big Bon Spice Mix Hot & Spicy

This one came by way of the – thank you! I’ve followed them for a while on Instagram and they’ve done posts about noodles before. They were in Uzbekistan visiting and showed some noodles in a shop – and I commented and they offered to send me some – and here is one of them! Very nice of them. So after a little research I’m finding that these are made in Russia – at least I’m 99% sure.  This is the first Russian variety I’ve reviewed! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2896: myramen Japanese Vegan Noodle & Soup Soy Sauce

I haven’t seen my friend Matthew Bellah in quite a while and he’s stopping by today to hang out. So he’s a writer (you can read some of his stuff at and also an odd sort as far as food goes. He’s a vegetarian, however I’ve known him to enjoy bacon and Jack In The Box tacos regularly. Anyways, I thought this myramen would be a good one to let him try. ...see full post

#2893: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Hot Sabor Mexicano

#2893: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Hot Sabor Mexicano

A big thanks to Daniel down in Brazil for sending this along! It’s been really hard to find varieties from South America over the years. So Daniel told me to be wary of the labelling that this is HOT as Brazilians don’t tend to eat a lot of spicy foods. This kind of surprised me; I would have thought they would have. Learn something new every day! Let’s take a look at this Mexican themed variety from Brazil. ...see full post

Re-Review: Paldo Teumsae Ramyun

Paldo Teumsae Ramyun

This is one that’s been in the Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time lists for quite some time. It’s also now in the Gourmet Ramen Club Spicy Pack – a box that I’ve selected the varieties for! I thought it was time for a Re-Review as I’m going to be rolling out the new spicy list in early August! Let’s check out this hot one! ...see full post

#2876: nunu Fresh Flavors For Life Creamy Curry

#2876: Nunu Fresh Flavors For Life Creamy Curry

Here’s one I picked up while waiting to go to Din Tai Fung at the Taipei 101 – this was at the Jason’s Market there. First off, it’s curry – a flavor I always gravitate towards. Second, the graphics on this one just kind of dragged me to it. Never seen this brand or anything before so I guess the only thing to do now is crack it open and give it a try! ...see full post

#2874: Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun Hot Chicken Flavor Almonds

#2874: Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun Hot Chicken Flavor Almonds

I’ll be first to say that I enjoy almonds, usually the smokehouse ones. You know the ones I’m talking about. I’m pretty partial to chocolate ones too although I don’t usually have them. I’ve had ones with crunchy candy coating too. I also tasted almond milk the other day – tasty but just seemed so weird – but I liked it. ...see full post

#2872: Chongqing Suanlabao Food Co., Ltd. Hot Pot Mala Seasoning & Sesame Oil Package

#2872: Chongqing Suanlabao Food Co., Ltd. Hot Pot Mala Seasoning & Sesame Oil Package

Hey it’s a self heating hot pot! I got this one at China World on St. Patrick’s Day this year. The weekend before, we drove up to Canada and checked out China World in Richmond, BC. It was amazing – awesome! Got two baskets of noodles. Went tot he front and boom – cash and Canadian debit only. That sucked. So we came back the next weekend! I found about eight different varieties of these hot pots and so here’s the first. I’ve reviewed two others in the past. Let’s open this thing up and see what makes it tick – yeah – it cooks itself! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2860: Wu-Mu Jing Xiang Ban Mian Ramen With BBQ Sauce

Meet The Manufacturer: #2860: Wu-Mu Jing Xiang Ban Mian Ramen With BBQ Sauce

Next up is a BBQ flavor noodle – here’s what Wu-Mu has to say about these –

The middle of wavy noodles are thick, while the both sides are thin, that is why the sauce is more easily stuck in the noodle itself, creating different layers of the tastes!
The sauce is made of 100% pure sesame oil, soy sauce and Mirin, simmer until the Cantonese BBQ sauce is cooked. Sweetness and light spiciness blending harmoniously in the mouth, the BBQ sauce is finger-licking. ...see full post

#2851: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Dry Noodles With Basil

#2666: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Dry Noodles With Basil - Taiwan - The Ramen Rater

Here’s one sent by a fellow named Jay from Taiwan – thanks! I did see these and another variety at Uwajimaya in Beaverton, OR on our way back from California a couple of months ago. So these are dry noodles. Dry noodles are prepared by cooking, draining, then adding sauce and stirring. Pretty easy to do. These sound interesting – basil! Let’s have a look and give these a try. ...see full post

Restaurant: #2848: Kizuki Ramen & Izakaya – Shio Ramen – Bellevue Square

Restaurant: #2848: Kizuki Ramen & Izakaya - Shio Ramen - Bellevue Square

Thanks as always to Aunt Cindy for watching our rugrats and giving us an fternoon out ! It’s been awhile – last time we had an outing just us was around review #2761 – another ramen restaurant – in December! Further back we went to Hokkaido Santouka in Bellevue, WA and people there as well as at the mall mentioned this Kizuki place. So this time we thought we’d give it a try. ...see full post