Category: Other

#2846: myramen Japanese Vegan Noodle & Soup Salt

#2846: myramen Japanese Vegan Noodle & Soup Salt

Here’s one that’s new to me – my ramen. my ramen is a range of Japanese instant ramen that are Vegan, HALAL, animal free, dairy free, shellfish free, fish free, alcohol free, and dairy free. That’s a lot of bases covered. I was very happy to say that the miso variety they produce is very good – and now we try the Salt variety. This is what is usually known as Shio ramen – here’s a little about Shio from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#2845: LeeZen Hot & Sour Instant Noodles

#2748: LeeZen Hot & Sour Instant Noodles

Found this one up at Hen Long Market up in Canada recently. It was kind of spendy, actually and I remember seeing they had a miso variety too. These are made in Taiwan by Chering Chang- I had a little trouble figuring out what the brand was/what they’re called, but on a bar code search I found them on a Vegan website, so I’m guessing they may be Vegan friendly. Anyways, let’s take a look and give these a try! ...see full post

#2844: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Dry Noodles With Soy Bean Sauce

#2844: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Dry Noodles With Soy Bean Sauce

With the advent in the popularity of the Taiwanese dry noodles sector, larger companies have entered the fray. For those of your that don’t know, dry noodles basically are noodles with a sauce – dry meaning that they do not include a broth. They’re also not fried but either air or sun dried.  They’re gaining popularity – let’s have a look at this mainstream Taiwanese brand’s take on a standard dry noodle variety. ...see full post

#2841: Nissin Ramen Shop Asahikawa Shoyu Ramen

#2841: Nissin Ramen Shop Asahikawa Shoyu Ramen

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Asahikawa, a city in Hokkaido, is famous for its ‘ramen village’ and has its own regional ramen like many other cities in Japan. You don’t have to fly all the way to this old city in winter because Asahikawa will come to your warm, cozy home with this tasty version of shoyu ramen.’ Sounds interesting – let’s hit it! ...see full post

#2840: Samyang Foods Potato Ramen

#2840: Samyang Foods Potato Ramen

Spud noodles! I’ve liked pretty much every potato noodle variety I’ve tried. Potatoes are a good way to increase the chewiness of noodles in a pretty inexpensive way. Potatoes are pretty easy to produce I’m guessing – just find some land and throw stuff in the ground and sooner or later – hey – potatoes. Well, let’s check this one out! ...see full post

#2838: Nissin Hot & Spicy Blazing Hot Flavor

#2838: Nissin Hot & Spicy Blazing Hot Flavor

Alright o as you all know (at least I think you all do), I do a Top Ten Spiciest list every year. I used to review hot sauces (did 250 of them on Saucerater), and do a series of YouTube videos called Spicy Noodle Mukbang on YouTube. So when a variety with a pepper gauge and mention of being XXtra hot crosses my desk, I’m interested. So let’s see if this one is truly as spicy as it certainly looks like it’s going to be. ...see full post

#2834: Wei Lih Good Good Eat Mexican Spicy Flavor Noodle Snack

#2834: Wei Lih Good Good Eat Mexican Spicy Flavor Noodle Snack

Here’s another one I dragged back from Taiwan. I’ve tried a lot of these noodle snacks, but ones with Mexican flavor kind of have a special place in my heart. You see, the day my daughter Miri was born, I was up early in the morning and I thought I’d do a review. It was a Mexican snack noodle. My plan is to attempt to review something somewhat like it every year on her birthday. I can already see the confused look on her face as a teenager… Well, let’s crack this one open – by the way it’s a long ways until she has her birthday. ...see full post

#2832: Nissin Cup Noodle Curry Ramen Noodle Soup

#2832: Nissin Cup Noodle Curry Ramen Noodle Soup

Well, this was something that upon hearing about, made me extremely happy. Curry. From Nissin Foods America. I mean wow – this is something now made and available in the United States! How awesome is that? Not only this one, but the Seafood Cup Noodle is available too. They’ve changed the recipe a little and now have no artifical flavors and no MSG. Plus, you CAN MICROWAVE IT! Wow – pretty awesome! The lid says these are the #1 curry cup noodles in Japan. I’m going to go out on a limb and say these are the same for the United States as I do believe they’re the ONLY curry cup variety in the United States. So let’s see if these are good – I really, really hope they’re going to stick around for a while! ...see full post

#2830: Ve Wong Dried Instant Noodles Assorted Hot Chili Flavor

#2830: Ve Wong Dried Instant Noodles Assorted Hot Chili Flavor

Here’s another one I hauled back from the wonderful land called Taiwan. God, I love it there. It’s generally hot and sticky humid, but I don’t care – I would happily acclimate to live there. Anyways enough emoting over that wonderful place. This is a variety I found in RT-Mart, which is a gigantic grocery store I visited in Taipei. In fact, it’s an everything store. Let’s crack this open and see what we have in here. ...see full post

#2827: Myojo Ippei-chan Yomise-No Yakisoba Aurora Sauce Flavor

#2827: Myojo Ippei-chan Yomise-No Yakisoba Aurora Sauce Flavor zenpop

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Yakisoba noodles seasoned with Aurora (French for sunrise) sauce. The pinkish sauce with the fancy name is basically a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise, which are both favorite for the Japanese. It’s unique but addictive!’ Sounds interesting – let’s crack it open and have a look! ...see full post

#2822: Nagatanien Chanko Shio Ramen

#2822: Nagatanien Chanko Shio Ramen

Found this at Yaohan Centre’s Osaka Market up in Richmond, BC Canada a few months ago. Sometimes they have a section featuring fancy import instant noodles and this was with that. I’m not really sure about this one as far as the title goes, but it’s shio – that I’m pretty sure of. But the bowl it’s being served in in the image makes me think it may be nabeyaki or some other kind. Either way, I’m fascinated. From the TV spot below, I’m thinking this is a special endorsement from this sumo wrestler, however I’ve no information about who he is. He certainly looks happy to be on the box! Let’s give this one a try. ...see full post

#2818: Nissin Donbei Green Curry Udon Cup Noodles

#2818: Nissin Donbei Green Curry Udon Cup Noodles

Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! This is a very large cup variety containing udon and green curry flavor. To be honest, I’ve not seen much if any green curry coming out of Japanese instant noodle companies in the past. Did I mention I freaking love green curry? Alright – let’s hit it! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Chow Mein

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Chow Mein

Well, hello there! You know, if I’m not mistaken, we’ve met here before. Oh yeah – multiple times on the top ten list back in it’s infancy! To be honest, this has been one I’ve loved for ages – perhaps decades. Boy, that makes me feel old… I think I should just let this variety speak for itself – let’s have a look at the contents and give it a try! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Shio Ramen Japanese Style Noodles

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Shio Ramen Japanese Style Noodles

Hey cool! I’ve been really looking forward to reviewing this one. You might not know, but this is the background for The Ramen Rater logo! It was review #652 – posted February 1, 2012. Six years ago! I really liked how the picture came out and thought hey – let’s make a new logo! But only recently have I said what the background was – didn’t think anyone would be interested. Anyways, now you know! Here’s a little about Shio ramen from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#2804: Acecook Chinese Style Yakisoba

#2804: Acecook Chinese Style Yakisoba

Here’s one I found up in Canada at Osaka Market in Yaohan Centre, which is in Richmond, BC. Sometimes they’ll have a bunch of interesting varieties that are there for a short period and this is one of them./ Let’s see what’s going on here – wasn’t able to find a whole lot about this one. At least I know how to cook it, right? Let’s begin! ...see full post

#2803: World O’Noodle Curry Flavour Instant Noodle

Curry #2803: World O'Noodle Curry Flavour Instant Noodle

Found this one in November 2017 at the same place I found some by this brand in 2016 as well – at the Jason’s Market at the base of the Taipei 101. I thought today would be a good day for some relaxing curry – I spent the weekend videotaping and video editing. Curry sounds good to me. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#2801: Myojo Ippei-Chan Yomise-No Yakisoba Barbeque Sauce Flavor With Mayonnaise

#2801: Myojo Ippei-Chan Yomise-No Yakisoba Barbeque Sauce Flavor With Mayonnaise

Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! This variety is a yakisoba with barbeque sauce and mayonnaise! I tell ya, this sounds really quite good to me! Here’s a little about it from Wikipedia – ...see full post

Re-Review: Prima Taste Singapore Curry Wholegrain La Mian

Re-Review: Prima Taste Singapore Curry Wholegrain La Mian

Ah, curry. I’ve loved curry since I was very young. My mother would make a curried chicken liver over rice dish that to this day I crave. Unfortunately, she’s not keen on the chicken liver that they sell at the store anymore. Thankfully, curry is popular around the world and there are no end in sight of options to get my curry fix. When it comes to the instant noodle realm, this is one of my my absolute favorite avenues. It’s been on the Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list for years – both in Wholegrain form and the original. Let’s crack it open and see what’s in this big pack of noodles! ...see full post

#2798: Indomie Instant Noodles Mi Goreng Fried Noodles (Taiwan-only Version)

#2798: Indomie Instant Noodles Mi Goreng Fried Noodles (Taiwan-only Version)

Alright so about these – I received a 5-pack from the nice folks at the Indomie booth at the Taiwan International Food Expo in Taipei, Taiwan in November 2017. I asked a little about them. This pack you see here is specifically for Taiwan. So, what’s different? Well for starters, lots of Chinese on the pack. The main difference however is the actual soizie of the package. This one’s a little bit bigger than the ones found elsewhere, and this is unique to Taiwan. You can’t get them like this anywhere else in the world. Period. A huge difference? No, but still a difference. Here’s a little info from Wikipedia – ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2790: Mike’s Mighty Good Craft Ramen Savory Miso Ramen Soup

Meet The Manufacturer: #2790: Mike's Mighty Good Craft Ramen Savory Miso Ramen Soup

Okay now I’m seeing a pattern. The cups exclaim that they have rich broth while the packaged versions contain insanely rich broth. All I can say is in the last two, I liked the broth. Now to the topic of miso – here’s a little from Wikipedia – ...see full post