Category: Other

#2195: Nissin Gyorai Inaniwa Chuka Soba

Here’s a new one from Javier over at Box From Japan offers subscription boxes of instant noodles and other Japan related awesomeness like candy! For $25/month, you get 4 really unique instant noodle bowls to your door – that includes shipping. What’s more, so far I’ve not received one duplicate or any I’ve ever reviewed before, which is quite amazing since I’m approaching 2,200 reviews. Here’s what they had to say about this variety – ...see full post

#2185: Nissin Raoh Hot & Sour Ramen

Here’s one that’s been lingering in the hamper a little – sent by a reader named Colin who sent a ton of varieties a few months ago – thanks again! So this is hot and sour – kind of surprised that his even exists as all the Raoh varieties I’ve tried in the past were traditional – shoi, miso, shoyu , tonkotsu et al. Let’s give this one a try! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2184: President Rice Coriander Instant Rice Noodles

As we wind down this Meet The Manufacturer, I’ve been saving one that I found very interesting to be towards the end. I use coriander in the ‘finished’ photo of many instant noodle varieties – but never have I seen an instant noodles whose primary flavor is coriander. I’m very curious about this one – let’s check it out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: MAMA Instant Rice Vermicelli Bihun Goreng Perisa Asli

Today, we bid a fond farewell to the President Rice instant series with this Bihun Goreng. This product is probably self-explanatory to many, but I’ll give a little more to those who are unfamiliar. Mee goreng is a noodle that is boiled, drained and then seasoned and garnished. Bihun goreng is basically the same, however done with rice vermicelli. Let’s give it a try – and my thanks to President Rice Products for making this Meet The Manufacturer happen! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2175: MAMA Instant Flat Noodles Clear Soup

It’s been fun trying these rice noodles – I don’t often have a bunch of them in a row and I was curious how it would be after a couple days but I’ve really enjoyed it thus far. Usually Meet The Manufacturers can honestly be a little trying – the same brand for a couple weeks. But I’m definitely enjoying this one! On with the show! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2172: MAMA Instant Rice Noodles Phnom Penh Style

It’s kind of neat – this is the first Meet The Manufacturer I’ve done with only rice noodle varieties! Today, it’s Phnom Penh style. Phnom Penh is the biggest city in Cambodia and this variety purports to take the flavors of the place and bring them to the rice noodle. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#2161: Nongshim Chal Bibim Myun

After perusing Nongshim America’s website, I saw these noodles I hadn’t heard of before. A quick message to my contact at Nongshim and these magically arrived in a couple days! This is what you would call a Summer variety – the noodles are served cold with a spicy sauce. It’s made in South Korea, but definitely in packaging for the United States. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#2156: A-Sha Chow Mein Oyster Sauce BBQ Flavor

The next edition of The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time will be coming out in about a month, and so I’ll be cramming in as many late ones to arrive as possible. Today, one of a trifecta by A-Sha Dry Noodles – microwavable trays! Definitely something I’ve not seem out of Taiwan before that I can think of. Anyways, let’s give it a whirl in the ol’ microwave! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2152: Jingqi Black Eyes Bean Cyanobacteria Noodles With Ginger Oil Sauce

Now I’ve tried all the different sauces with one type of noodles – now we’ll go through and see how they work with the other noodle! Today it’s the cyanobacteria noodle once again – good stuff! Instead of the wider lasagna-like gauge, this is the thinner one. Ginger oil sauce too! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2149: Jingqi Aloe Vera Guan Mian Cyanobacteria Noodles With Ginger Oil Sauce

Not often do I come across a noodle product with the word ‘bacteria’ in the title, but I am definitely not fearful of it. I found this post about cyanobacteria, also known as spirulina/blue green algae. Very interesting! Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2148: Jingqi Black Eyes Bean Pumpkin Noodles With Basil Sauce

As there are 2 kinds of noodles and 4 flavors of sauce, I’ll be alternating back and forth between the noodles during this Meet The Manufacturer to keep things lively! This one looks interesting – the noodles are infused with pumpkin and comes with a thick basil sauce. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2137: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Curry Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s the first in the special series I did for Apple Daily of Hong Kong.I have always been a fan of curry, especially spicy curry. However, lately it’s pretty far and few between I get to review ones that are this far east – usually they’ve been from Singapore or Malaysia and not Hong Kong. Sounds good to me! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2129: CarJEN Hot & Spicy Dry Curry With Chives Soup

CarJEN has come up with something new! This one has not only a dry mee goreng, but a companion soup that you can enjoy alongside it. I’ve seen this before, but never in Malaysian varieties. There’s a popular Taiwanese instant that has a noodle and a soup separate kind of thing going too. Very curious about this one indeed. Let’s see how this all works! ...see full post

#2128: Sapporo Ichiban Taimeiken Yousyoku Yasangatsukutta Omumen

Here’s another one from They’re a subscription service where you can get a box of noodles from Japan every month (they also have neat candy boxes from Japan as well). Still to this date I haven’t gotten a repeat or anothing I’ve ever reviewed in the past – pretty awesome! Here’s what they have to say about this one: ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2087: Nissin Mie Goreng Indonesia Stir Noodle Original Flavour

Here one of the more unique varieties Nissin Hong Kong sent. Mie goreng is definitely an Indonesian dish – not something that jumps at me as something from Hong Kong. However, it tastes quite nice anywhere you are, and so I imagine that’s why they’ve added it to their lineup. Let’s have a look at this one from Nissin Hong Kong! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2086: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s an interesting one – probably the most recognizable Demae Ramen. When I first tried it, I was around 18 years old and I couldn’t get past the sesame oil smell – didn’t like it back then. It’s funny since I really like sesame oil scent and flavor now… I guess years change the palate! Let’s have a look at this iconic noodle – Hong Kong style! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2083: Nissin Taisho Fried Noodle Sesame Paste Flavour Instant Noodle

Last night, we went to a little Taiwanese restaurant nearby and I brought home some leftovers. I got some Hakka style fried tofu, squid and pork belly with vegetables; not covered in sauce but nicely seasoned. I immediately though ‘what noodles night this go well with for Meet The Manufacturer?’ This one sounds like a good bet! Let’s check it out! ...see full post