Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
Category: Other
#4871: Snapdragon Spicy AF Ramen Super Spicy Noodle Soup – United States
Okay so yes, these are made in Vietnam but made for the US market. Interesting name for starters – kind of surprising. That aside, I’m kind of curious about thsi one. I’m guessing it isn’t going to be AF’ing spicy as the nomenclature connotes. I am noticing in the ingredients this stuff employs capsicum oleoresin which is extractive of peppers. Let’s find out – an eating video at the bottom.
#4867: Seventeen EatsOn Sweet & Spicy Topokki – South Korea
Looks like we have a Korean boy band with a ton of dudes. Yep. There’s a lot of these tie-ins in Korean varieties. There used to be one that was called DJ Doc which was a tteokbokki and ramyeon variant that was really great – that was the first one I’d seen. Anyways, can’t complain about tteokbokki, that’s for sure. Let’s give it a try!
#4864: Maruchan Ore no Shio – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4855: Ibumie Penang LadMee – Malaysia
So here’s one I reviewed way way way back – here’s the last time I tried it, review #923 – from November 20212. That’s a while back! Curious what I’ll think of this this time around. Let’s find out!
#4854: Baijia Shanghai Onion Oil Dry Noodles – China
I thought this one sounded interesting while I perused the noodle aisle at the Edmonds, WA 99 Ranch Market. I suppose it could be full of Sichuan peppercorn, either oil or dry powder, but I tend to doubt it. But, the proof is in the tasting – let’s give it a try.
#4852: Saymyeon Janchi Noodle Soup – United States
Big thanks to James from Lakeside, California for sending this along! Never heard of this brand before, nor this variety. Let’s give it a try!
#4851: Maruchan Tounyu Goma Miso Udon – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4849: Tokushima Seifun Kin Chan Noodle Tenshinmen Fu – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4845: Men-No Sunaoshi Miso Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – here’s what they had to say about it – ‘Miso is a paste created by fermenting soybeans with other ingredients. So if you think about it, as the bean “dies” in the process of returning to life as tasty miso, it’s almost like the Zombie of the soy world! …what, no? A bit of a stretch to fit the Halloween theme, perhaps? No matter, the taste of the miso speaks for itself. This bowl is very portable and has wakame seaweed topping, really adding to the volume of ingredients.🎃’
#4842: Maruchan Men-no-suke Sukiyaki Flavored Udon – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4840: Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Soto Banjar Limau Kuit – Indonesia
This one comes by way of Pher Engi – thanks again! So, maybe Wikipedia has a clue…
Soto Banjar is a typical soto from the Banjar tribe , South Kalimantan , with the main ingredient being chicken and having the fragrant aroma of spices such as cinnamon , nutmeg and cloves . This soto contains shredded chicken, with the addition of perkedel , boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, pieces of carrot and ketupat . [2]
#4837: Mie Sedaap Kari Spsial Bumbu Kari Kental – Indonesia
This is pretty awesome. First, thanks to Pher Engi for sending this one! Second, I reviewed this waaay back in 2011 (right here in fact). Thirdly, it says baru in the corner – baru translates to new. Twelve years later, it’s still new! Let’s cook it up! Last time I had it I gave it five stars.
#4836: TableMark Homerun Ken Wantanmen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4833: Yamadai Sugomen Toyama Black – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4828: Sakurai Foods Genuine Ramen – Japan
I have to say since I first tried Sakurai Foods varieties, I’ve been impressed. This one looks interesting – very basic packaging and simply called ‘genuine ramen.’ Very curious! Let’s give it a go!
#4823: Omsom Saucy Noodles Coconut Lemongrass Curry – United States
Well, this is the last of the products from this brand that I have. I think this is all of them. This sounds good in name. What I expect is a kind of sauce with a light sweetness, maybe a seafood element, a a little heat and lemongrass bite. I’m hopeful we don’t have yet another one that has a strong Italian vinaigrette element to it, but it won’t surprise me. My mind is open – and hopeful.
#4822: Ginding Batagor Kuah Express – Indonesia
Here’s another one from Pher Engi – thank you! This is one she sent a picture of and asked if I wanted to try it to which I said yes. I also got this when searching Batagor kuah on Google from a generated AI response – ‘Batagor kuah is a soup made from batagor, an Indonesian dish that’s a shortened form of “bakso tahu goreng” (fried meatball and tofu). The soup can be made by boiling chicken broth. Batagor is traditionally made from minced tenggiri (Spanish mackerel), although other types of seafood such as tuna, mackerel, and prawn may also be used. The fish paste is stuffed into wonton skins or filled into tofu, and then deep fried in palm oil. Batagor is a popular street food in the city of Bandung in West Java. It began appearing in various Indonesian cities throughout the country in the 1980s, and is believed to have been invented in 1968 in Bandung. According to legend, batagor was created as a way to salvage unsold bakso meatballs. ‘
#4821: Omsom Saucy Noodles Garlic Black Pepper – United States
This one’s a little different from the last two I tried. The last two at the top mentioned Vietnamese rather than Chinese on the packaging. So far, no good for this company insofar as my reviews. The last two scored very low – rather non-nom – and I’m hoping there’s going to be one that I like as these were pretty expensive. With an open mind, let’s give it another go.
#4820: Marutai Hakata Nagahama Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! This was in a triple box they sent – basically three boxes all at once. It didn’t come with any documentation, so I don’t know much about it. It only takes two minutes to steep which is pretty short. Let’s give it a try!
#4819: Pamana Ginataang Mais – United States
Finishing up a week of reviewing today (it’s Friday for me) in early October, 2023. It’s pretty nutty – I’m now over 200 reviews ahead, and I’ve got a feeling this is coming out in late March of 2024, maybe April. While this isn’t ramen, it’s another thing you might find on the noodle aisle. It’s a Filipino porridge made in the United States. Let’s give it a try!
#4818: Dongwon Cheese Topokki – South Korea
Ah, tteokbokki. I really wish I knew about this stuff when I was a kid. Wondrous tubes of rice flour – like big Beefaroni, slathered in a nice sauce. Better yet, with cheese. If you’ve not tried it, you’re really in for a treat once you do, trust me on this. No, not ramen, but definitely something you’ll find on the instant noodle aisle at a Korean market.
#4816: Omsom Saucy Noodles Soy Garlic – United States
Time to try another one of these. There’s four varieties. The last one I tried was rather disappointing, so I have high hopes for this one. Will it be good? Let’s find out.
#4812: Yumei Spicy Braised Instant Vermicelli With Pickled Cowpea – United States
Here’s one my lovely wife Kit looked at and said ‘what about this one?’ I’ve found there’s a universal truth in the universe: when she sees one and questions me about it and if I’ve not had it, it’s one I should review. This one’s made in China, let packaged for sale in the United States. So, let’s do so!
#4809: Shoo Loong Kan Instant Sour Spicy Noodle – China
Another flower pot cup of noodles. Let’s see how this one treats us.
Shoo Loong Kan Instant Sour Spicy Noodle – China
A distributor / import sticker (click to enlarge).
#4808: Sugakiya Negi Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4807: Maggi Oats Masala Noodles – India
I was down to three varieties to review, then two boxes of noodles showed up, then after doing Chuck E. Cheese’s for Miles’ 8th birthday, turned out a few feet from there was an Indian grocery in Bellevue, WA called Apna Bazar. Found this and five other varieties I’d not reviewed – so that’s pretty good! This is a Maggi Masala with oats in the noodle. Let’s cook them up!
#4806: Nissin Cup Noodles Everything Bagel With Cream Cheese Ramen Noodles In Sauce – United States
Well, here we go again. This is the third in a series of interesting and very different varieties by Nissin Foods USA. First, the Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice – which people really had strong feelings about. Second was Cup Noodles Breakfast which was kind of like a McGriddle morphed into a Cup Noodles. Finally, (shouldn’t say finally and hope this isn’t the end of the road for these interesting flavors) is Everything Bagel with Cream Cheese Ramen Noodles In Sauce. This is an interesting flavor to me. A big thank you to my wife Kit for getting two of these for me, and also to Nissin Foods USA for sending me an interesting influencer box – very cool! Alright – let’s give this a try – I should note I put this in a bagel with cream cheese – see videos at the bottom of this post.
Nissin Sends Cup Noodles Everything Bagel!
In the last couple of years, there have been some interesting changes of varieties coming from Nissin Foods USA – neat ones! The biggest are these limited edition varieties – first we got Pumpkin Spice, then Breakfast – now it’s Everything Bagel. I still have high hopes for a pizza in a cup but we will have to wait and see. I think it’s a logical next step. Maybe a cheeseburger one. What’s also cool are the media kits they send out. This one’s especially cool – it makes noise! Yup – watch the video and check it out!
#4746: Current Instant Noodles Chatpata Masala – India
An interesting name for an instant noodle range. It could be construed in different ways; pertaining to it being in the now, or having to do with weather. It also says ‘yummy & mummy’ on there – never heard this phrase before – mummy? In the UK, a ‘yummy mummy’ means an attractive mother. Couldn’t find exactly what this meant in India except possibly a slang pertaining to children that are picky eaters and that mothers could give them this and they’d eat it? Fascinating. Let’s cook – I’m doing the fried directions on this one.
#4743: Yamadai Sugomen Wakayama Chuka Soba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4738: Maruchan Seimen Goma Abura Kaoru Toridare Hiyashi – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box -here’s what they had to say about it – ‘This is a delicious cup of chilled Mazesoba.🍜 The noodles have a chewy texture, combined with a flavorful chicken sauce infused with sesame oil and green onions🍗✨ It’s a refreshing and savory dish, perfect for summer.🏖️🍉 冷やし中華 (Hiyashi Chuka) is a popular Japanese summer dish.🌞 It features chilled noodles topped with ingredients like cucumber, ham, and eggs, drizzled with a tangy soy-based sauce. This Toridare Hiyashi takes inspiration from this dish, offering a unique twist with its chicken sauce and sesame oil😊🍽️ Enjoy this delightful, cool meal to beat the heat!👊🌞 ‘
#4804: Nissin Cup Noodles Korean Army Stew Flavour – Singapore
Hey check this out! It was sent by Nissin SG (thanks again!) as part of their Cup Noodles 52nd Anniversary promo.
Revisiting Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast – The Definitive Guide
A couple years ago, Nissin Foods USA came out with something called Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice. Honestly, I really enjoyed it and made many different recipes out of it, stretching it to the limit. This time, it’s a breakfast variety. I couldn’t find it, but luckily Stumpy from North Little Rock, AR, James from Lakeside, CA and Nissin Foods sent me cups which I truly appreciate. Here, I will go into meticulous detail about the product, and create five different things with it. With that, here’s The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast.
#4801: Omsom Saucy Noodles Chili Sesame – United States
Been wanting to try these for a while. We found them at Whole Foods market in Lynnwood, Washington. I’ve tried emailing the company a couple of times, but never received a response. Ah well. These are curious – they really look like Taiwanese dry noodles. Let’s check out this one with more to follow soon.
#4800: Yumsu Chilli Fire Extreme Instant Noodles – United Kingdom
This one was sent by His Grace, the Rev. Dick Gazinya of the UK – my gratitude knows no bound, my friend. This one is of a brand I’ve not seen previously. It’s also made in Bangladesh for the British company Meeran. Anyways, let’s crack this one open and check it out.
#4798: Sugakiya Men Dokoro Inosho Kansyu Kara Kara Uo Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Get ready to spice up your taste buds with the “Spicy fish ramen” (辛辛魚らーめん) supervised by the famous restaurant “Mendokoro Inosho” (麺処井の庄) in Shakujii, Tokyo! This ramen has been causing a stir since its release and has been on the market for a whopping 15 years – that’s some serious longevity for a single cup of noodles! But that’s not all – Sugakiya has upped the flavor ante with a special spicy fish powder and tantalized taste buds with delicious bonito flakes that bring out the full flavor of the soup. With every slurp, you’ll feel like you’re dining at the “Inosho” restaurant and savoring their rich and savory flavors. So why not give your taste buds a wild ride and spice up your day with this irresistible cup of ramen? (It’s quite spicy: if you’re sensitive, add the powder little by little).’
#4796: You Us GS Retail Premium Gonghwachun – United States
Here’s one made in South Korea for the US market. GS25 is a convenience store chain in South Korea – and I believe all their instant noodles they have as a house brand are made by Paldo. Let’s give this one a try.
#4795: Pamana Ginataang Monggo Mung Bean Porridge With Coconut Milk – United States
Now this is a name I can get behind – Ginataang Monggo sounds like something from Flash Gordon! But it’s not. It’s porridge – I really like foreign languages! Anyways, yeah this one sounds interesting – let’s give it a go – by the way big thanks to James from Lakeside, California for sending this along!
#4794: Maruchan Wantanmen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box. This one came from their ‘triple box’ which didn’t come with any literature. Basically, it’s a bowl of ramen with wantan in there. Usually pretty good – let’s check it out!