Category: Other

#1213: Nan Jie Cun Hot-Dry Instant Noodles Chilli Flavour

Here another one I got up in Canada at T&T Supermarket in Richmond, BC. Never have I seen this brand before and thought ‘hey – this in interesting!’ What’s more, it’s actually heavy! What’s inside this thing making it so heavy? It took me a bit of looking to find out about this brand and it’s products. Here’s a little something I read on Wikipedia about where the manufacturing facility is: ...see full post

#1184: Sapporo Ichiban Pokemon Shoyu Ramen

Here’s another one from the folks at Record China news in Japan – thank you! My son is a really big fan of Pokemon. He’s got every one’s name, what they evolve into and all Pokemon lore stuffed in that PokeDex brain of his! If any of you reading have kids that like Pokemon, you know of what I speak. Well, I’ve wanted to get some Pokemon noodles for him and this is the first! I know there are more out there and hopefully I’ll find them sooner or later! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1176: Maruchan Old Style Shio Ramen

Here’s another I got at T&T Supermarket up in Burnaby, BC. Took a bit of research, but yep – old style shio ramen is what this is. Shio means salt. – but this isn’t a bowl of saltiness. Shio is light and savory stuff! By the way – did you know that salt was a way to pay people in the past? That’s where the term ‘worth your salt’ and the word salary come from! It brings out flavors, but was also used as a way to keep meats for longer when freezers and refrigerators weren’t around. Anyways, let’s check this one out! ...see full post

#1121: Sau Tao Oat Noodle Sesame Oil Flavored

Let me say that the past couple of days have been probably a couple of the most crazy, fascinating and rewarding of my run so far as The Ramen Rater. I did am interview with Quartz (part of The Atlantic) and it went viral; Huffington Post picked it up, Grub Street, Digg,… Did an interview with South Korea’s Cultwo Veranda Show and appeared, and have two interviews with radio and television lined up in the next couple of days. A couple of interesting opportunities I can’t talk about yet have popped up and I’m very excited about them and will share as soon as I can. Thursday I went up to Canada and met with some folks at a big Asian grocery called T&T Supermarket. They were really nice people and even sent me home with some great new varieties to review and share! Thank you so much! This is one of them. Oat noodles? This sounds different – see the little circle on the lower right? It says ‘health is important. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1118: Mr. Noodles Kimchi Bowl Noodles Oriental Style Noodle With Soup Base

Here’s another one we found in Richmond, BC during my birthday trip! Thanks yet again to my wife Kit! By the way today is out 3 years and 7 months first meeting anniversary! I’m curious about this one since it’s a Canadian product and it’s a South Korean theme. My hopes are high! Kind of an interesting one to pick as well as I got an email today from MBC , a South Korean TV network, and I’m going to do an interview with them tonight for the Cul-Two TV show! When it’s out, I’ll share a link. As for this noodle bowl, let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1109: La Fonte Spaghetti With Bolognese Sauce

You’re probably wondering what the deal is here. Well, I’ll tell you! These were sent along with a slew of other Indonesian (yep – it’s from Indonesia!) instant noodles. These are made by Indofood, the same company that makes Indomie! They only take 4 minutes to make, and I think they’re unique enough that I’d review them. Thank you to my friend from Indonesia for sending me noodles I could never lay my hands on here! Let’s check ’em out! ...see full post