Category: Other

#483: Itomen Yellow Buckwheat Ramen Bowl

This one was a puzzle – the only things in English on the packaging wwas a website called I sent out a call for help in identifying this one and got help from a reader named Eric Z. from Parkland, FL! He scanned the bar code on the image and found it on Google! Not too shabby! Thanks again! Now let’s open this one up and see what’s inside. ...see full post

#471: Koyo Lemongrass Ginger Ramen Made With Organic Noodles

The first thing I noticed about this one was that it was expired. I got these at The Market At Anacortes on July 4th or 5th this year. I’m sure they’re still fine but jeez! Lenmongrass ginger… I like ginger that’s for sure. Wondering about lemongrass though – I guess we’ll see… ...see full post

#460: Menraku Japanese Tempura “Udon”

Got a new ramen container – we moved some stuff around and now I have our wicker laundry hamper for noodle storage! It’s actually quite nice – and also makes it easy to just put my hand in and grab a random ramen to rate. I’m sure I’ll post a picture of it sooner or later. Anyways, today I picked  This one – hoping that it’s good as I’m famished and this just isn’t the day for a bad bowl of noodles. ...see full post

#455: Baijia Single Noble Pickled Radish And Duck Flavor Instant Sweet Potato Noodle ( Cup )

Baijia. Probably the single brand with the lowest consecutive ratings I’ve given. But lo and behold, I continue reviewing them – I believe that at some point there will be something awesome from them! Perhaps this pickled radish and duck flavored sweet potato noodle cup will be the holy grail? We shall see… ...see full post

#452: Myojo Hyoubanya no Chukasoba Japanese Style Noodles Soy Sauce Flavor

Well lookie here! My wife and I were at H-Mart and she spied these on the lower shelf. We tried the ones in the blue packaging – the Oriental flavor – awhile back and those were quite delicious. Since these must be purchased in a five pack, I figured let’s give them a go – she should dig ’em! ...see full post

#450 Ottogi Ppushu Ppushu Tteobokki (Hot Rice Cake) Flavor Instant Snack

So you’re hungry, lazy, and you’re 12 years old or in a college dorm. Well, I’m sure most of you know the rest – you smash up a pack of Top Ramen and sprinkle the seasoning pack in, shake it and you’ve got some kind of funky potato chip bizarro-land thing. Well, in Korea they took that concept a step further and have products that are marketed to be enjoyed that way! ...see full post

#437: Nongshim Big Bowl Spicy Noodle Soup With Kimchi Flavor

Honestly instead of Big Bowl I think these should be marketed as Huge Bowl, but honestly this is about what you would get if you bought a pack of Nongshim Kimchi noodles in a pack, except you would get better quality noodles there. These noodles are built for fast inflating and absorbency. ...see full post

#412: Maruchan Midori No Tanuki Instant Soba Bowl

Okay so here’s something completely different for the most part. You’ll possibly remember my review on Maruchan’s Kitsune Udon? Well, this looks the same except its in a bowl whose label has more of a green label. I found the name after a search on Google as all I could read was Oriental Noodles. So something interesting I found was what this stuff’s title translates to – green raccoon! Here’s an except from a page on ...see full post

#401: Myojo Suudon-Desse Soy Sauce Flavor Japanese Style Soup Noodles

So some of the comments I’ve received lately have been from folks who really liked Maruchan Kitsune Udon bowls. Unfortunately, those aren’t being produced anymore, at least for the USA. So I thought maybe to begin the 400’s here we’d look at a couple of Myojo’s bowls which I’ve found to be quite good. ...see full post

#372: Noodle Time Spicy Thai Instant Ramen Noodles With Real Vegetables

So let’s start with the name – Noodle Time. Apparently, this is a Canadian brand. They started in 2001 in Edmondton, Alberta and they make this stuff in a few flavors. They pride themselves on No MSG, althought the bowl if consumed entirely contains about 1,500mg of sodium. ...see full post