Category: Other

#4475: Samyang Rosé Buldak Stir-fried Noodles – South Korea

#4475: Samyang Rosé Buldak Stir-fried Noodles - South Korea

First – this doesn’t taste like roses. This was sent by The Fat Hipster – thanks man! So, rose is like a chili-cream kind of thing.  I tried a rabokki that was rose before and loved it, so we’ll give this a try with high hopes. I want to also thank Samyang Foods for something very exciting to hear – from the Korea Times: ‘For customers who are blind or visually impaired, the company for the first time printed Braille dots on the packaging of Rosé Buldak Stir-fried Noodles.’ This is referring to the cup versions. I think this is truly excellent. I’m legally blind and while I don’t read braille, I think some day I may need to. Really top notch of them – high marks from me. Let’s see if the flavor matches this kind innovation. ...see full post

#4467: Samyang Buldak Cream Carbonara Artificial Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen – South Korea

Here’s one of the last two from The Fat Hipster – check him out on YouTube as he has eaten pumpkin spice cup noodles, topped with pumpkin spice spam, with whipped cream atop. This is really great. So these noodles are like an extra creamy carbonara as far as I can tell without knowing anything about them. But, I will cook them up and then do a mukbang where I eat them and I will let you know how they taste. Let’s get started. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast

A couple years ago, Nissin Foods USA came out with something called Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice. Honestly, I really enjoyed it and made many different recipes out of it, stretching it to the limit. This time, it’s a breakfast variety. I couldn’t find it, but luckily Stumpy from North Little Rock, AR, James from Lakeside, CA and Nissin Foods sent me cups which I truly appreciate. Here, I will go into meticulous detail about the product, and create five different things with it. With that, here’s The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast. ...see full post

#4450: Myojo Hiyashi Chuka Mazesoba – United states

#4001: Myojo Cold Ramen Soy Sauce Vinaigrette - United States

Here’s a neat cold variety from the United States! Summer months are great for cold noodles as they are more refreshing. My friend Taku-san from Myojo was kind enough to share some new refrigerated varieties  recently and here’s one – arigato! This is going to be a little different though – it’s not summer when I’m making this – it’s late fall and there’s frost every morning. I got a recipe for Hiyashi Chuka Mazesoba from Myojo – a twist which will end up as a hot noodle dish! Shall we give it a try? ...see full post

#4449: Myojo Ippei-Chan Yakisoba – United States

#4449: Myojo Ippei-Chan Yakisoba - United States

I can’t tell you how stoked I am about these! I’ve been a huge fan of Myojo Ippei-Chan in the tray – the ones you make by steeping. This is something different – these are refrigerated section yakisoba! They’re made in the United States! I am really looking forward to this – got the chashu ready! Let’s make it so! ...see full post

#4448: Vite Ramen Vegan Sichuan Chili Edition v3.0 – United States

#4448: Vite Ramen Vegan Sichuan Chili Edition v3.0 - United States

The guys over at Vite Ramen recently sent their entire range of the v3.0 products. I should stress that these guys are pretty amazing – healthy ramen isn’t a small feat. Look at the nutrition facts on the backshot of the package. Protein, fiber, vitamins up the wazoo. I’m really curious about this new patch version. It’s neat – they’re always working to improve their products – something I remember hearing that the street hawkers in Malaysian food courts would do as well which I think is admirable. Let’s see how this new version tastes! ...see full post

#4446: A-Sha BT21 Dan Dan Noodle Dream Team Scallion Sauce – United States

#4441: A-Sha BT21 Dan Dan Noodle With BT21 Sauce - United States

First off, thanks to the folks at A-Sha USA for sending these over! There are two different boxes, four varieties in total. I thought I’d go with this box first. So, I live under a rock; I’m not exceedingly hip to things that aren’t noodle related or politics related. God, I’m old. I do know there is a Korean group called BTS that’s quite popular, and a messaging service called LINE. Well, LINE did a collab with BTS and made BT21 characters, and A-Sha collaborated with LINE and made these noodles featuring these characters. ...see full post

#4444: Aces Sriracha Ramen Noodle Soup Original – United States

#4444: Aces Sriracha Ramen Noodle Soup Original - United States

Well, the name Aces reminds me of playing cards, and the number 4 sort of looks like an A missing a leg, and 4444 looks like 4 of a kind, so I thought this seemed a fitting review number for this one. My wife said something earlier about the number four being unlucky – never heard that before. Well, I like the number four so there. Let’s try ...see full post

#4441: A-Sha BT21 Dan Dan Noodle With BT21 Sauce – United States

#4441: A-Sha BT21 Dan Dan Noodle With BT21 Sauce - United States

First off, thanks to the folks at A-Sha USA for sending these over! There are two different boxes, four varieties in total. I thought I’d go with this box first. So, I live under a rock; I’m not exceedingly hip to things that aren’t noodle related or politics related. God, I’m old. I do know there is a Korean group called BTS that’s quite popular, and a messaging service called LINE. Well, LINE did a collab with BTS and made BT21 characters, and A-Sha collaborated with LINE and made these noodles featuring these characters. ...see full post

#4440: Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast Ramen Noodles In Sauce – United States

#4440: Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast Ramen Noodles In Sauce - United States

Well, I got one. More coming. There will be a definitive guide. That being said, it’s spring break and the kids are home with me. I’ve been walking ten miles a day for the past 44 days. I think I broke them; I did almost 7 with them today in two walks. I think they had fun, but they look pretty tired. Only four more days of it, kids! Anyways, I went crazy on the Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Ramen Noodles In Sauce a couple years back; did a whole definitive guide and even a poster heralding it’s existance, with a graphic combination of that cup, a 2001: A Space Odyssey (it was review 4001) as well as references to Dune which had just come out. Now it’s time for a Cup Noodles Breakfast meltdown. Let’s give it a try. ...see full post

#4438: Samyang Foods Buldak Lovely Hot – South Korea

#4438: Samyang Foods Buldak Lovely Hot - South Korea

A big thank you to The Fat Hipster from YouTube for sending this over – so I figured this sounds like a good place to start. Why? Well, I realized in my post schedule for YouTube that this would come on Valentine’s Day, so hearts, Valentine’s day – not an extreme stretch. This appears to be a less spicy version – but it’s also got something else going on. The packaging scheme looks a lot like Buldak Light. ...see full post

#4430: Nongshim Shin Kimchi Big Bowl – South Korea

#4430: Nongshim Shin Kimchi Big Bowl - South Korea

I’ve a couple fascinating varieties from the Shin range by Nongshim which came by way of  The Fat Hipster – thanks man! He’s got a YouTube channel where does reviews you should check out. This is one I though was only in the UK but from the labeling it’s distributed throughout Europe – there fore its getting the South Korea stamp as it’s not just for one country but many.  Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#4427: Homiah Malaysian Red Curry / Laksa Noodle – United States

#4427: Homiah Malaysian Rec Curry / Laksa Noodle - United States

I was contacted recently by a woman named Michelle over at – a website specializing in the flavors of Indonesia, singapore, and Malaysia. She asked if I’d like to try some of their products and of course I’m all in on that. So this is the first of three reviews I’ll be doing – stay tuned for the other two. The products are gluten free and as I’m writing this after trying this red curry, so far so very good. Let’s cook some red curry! ...see full post

#4424: Dongwon Spicy Topokki With Rose Sauce – South Korea

#4424: Dongwon Dpicy Topokki With Rose Sauce - South Korea

I thought this one was a combo tteokbokki and noodle like the other one I reviewed a little while ago but that isn’t the case. Rose is when you have a carbonara and a spicy tteokbokki sauce mixed together – spicy and creamy. I couldn’t just let it be so I made it and it’s freaking good – here you go. ...see full post

#4421: Ottogi Kimchi Ramen – South Korea

#4282: Ottogi Kimchi Ramen - South Korea

So this one might look like a variety simply for the US market but there’s a difference. The nutrition facts are valid for Canada as well. This one get’s the country of origin’s tag on it, although it’s most certainly an export product. It’s been quite a while since I’ve reviewed a South Korean variety I’ve not reviewed. Quite a while! Let’s hit it up and give it a try! ...see full post

#4420: Samyang Buldak Cheese Artificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen – United States

#4420: Samyang Buldak Cheese Artificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen - United States

So I’ve not reviewed this one in a long time. Way back when it was introduced, it had a black background, then changed to cheese colored to lessen confusion. That was back when the import version looked like the original Korean version with the Hangul text. Well, this is the current version for the US market. They’ve changed the recipe for a few of these and so curious about how this one is these days. Let’s find out. Oh – and by the way – this isn’t chicken flavored – it’s based on the spicy sauce you put on Korean BBQ chicken, so calling this chicken flavored is like calling Sweet Baby Ray’s beef flavored – but that explanation would really make for a long title. Ok let’s do this. ...see full post

#4418: ShanShi Garlic Spicy Noodles – Taiwan

#4418: ShanShi Garlic Spicy Noodles - Taiwan

I was contacted recently by a company called ShanShi, asking if I would sample their product. I never turn down the chance to try something new (it’s what I do) so ofr course I accepted with gratitude. Here’s a little background from them – ‘It is a dish from QinWeiGuan. The Garlic Noodles comes with a very strong garlic taste and is quite spicy. It is an easy and fast way to enjoy garlic without the burden of peeling garlic and getting it ready to eat. About QinWeiGuan QinWeiGuan is a restaurant in Taipei that is established for almost 20 years. Inspiring from different Chinese traditional local cuisine, in addition with years of research and feedback from customers, QinWeiGuan has developed its unique taste that can only be found in our restaurant.’ ...see full post

#4412: Sapporo Ichiban Sriracha Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles – United States

#4412: Sapporo Ichiban Sriracha Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles - United States

Here’s something new from a company that doesn’t roll out new products every day! I emailed them asking for a sample and here it is. A spicy yakisoba? Interesting – and it looks like it gets prepared in the same fashion as their knockout Chow Mein noodle – let’s get to trying this! ...see full post

#4410: Nissin Lamen Doce Sabor Chocolate – Brazil

#4410: Nissin Lamen Doce Sabor Chocolate - Brazil

After over 4400 reviews, finally. It’s happened. A chocolate instant noodle. To make things even more wonderful, it’s from Brazil. Thank to Cian for sending this along – yeah this has been a dream of mine for quite a while. Dessert ramen is a very fascinating thing to me. I’m guessing if you’re reading this, you’re somewhat fascinated as well. So let’s give it a try. ...see full post

#4409 Norita Dan Dan Noodle Meal Kit – Sichuan Style Hot & Spicy Sauce – United States

#4409 Norita Dan Dan Noodle Meal Kit - Sichuan Style Hot & Spicy Sauce - United States

This was an interesting find in the Asian foods section of Fred Meyer on 164th in Lynnwood, Washington. Never heard of this brand; only thing I can think of with this name is Pat Norita who played Mister Miyagi in The Karate Kid. He was also on M*A*S*H a few times. Oh snap – that’s Pat Morita not Norita. Anyways, this sounds interesting and worth a try, so let’s give it a try. Made in China for a distributor in Kentucky. ...see full post

#4407: A-Sha BT21 Universtar Noodle With Galaxy Spicy Sauce – United States

#4407: A-Sha BT21 Universtar Noodle With Galaxy Spicy Sauce - United States

Here is the second variety from the Galaxy Variety Noodle Box – this one’s spicy! As mentioned in a review posted a few days ago, this is a tie in with LINE, a messaging/social app, and A-Sha. Also, the BT21 characters have something to do with Korean popular music group BTS. With that, let’s cook up some noodles. ...see full post