So this looks like a regular boring pack of noodles. Soy flavor – nothing special here right?
Category: Paldo / Korea Yakult
#187: Paldo Hwa Ramyun Hot & Spicy With Soy Peptide Oriental Style Noodle With Soup Base
So I thought after yesterday’s meeting with the super spicy noodles, I thought I’d see if two days in a row of pain would work out pretty well. So Here’s some hot & spicy with soy peptide! Yum!
#186: Paldo Teumsae Instant Noodles With Soup
So first off, help with translation here would be great. I think the words on the front of the package have a bit more going on than Paldo Teumsae. Teumsae seems to be another company.
#176: Paldo Dosirac Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodle
So I have seen these all over the place but don’t think I’ve ever tried it. I’ve seen red background ones with a lady that looks like a nurse. Anyways, Kit picked this one out of my ‘vault’ to try today.
#161: Paldo Green Tea Chlorella Noodles
Green tea noodles? Cool – something unique right? Hmmm… When I opened the package I was greeted with the odor of green tea. Yup – the noodles are infused with green tea powder and the odor is very strong.
#118: Paldo Bibim Men Oriental Style Noodle
So sometimes I’m looking for some new ramen and see it but it only seems to come in a 5 pack. Nowhere else in the noodle aisle do they have it… That’s really annoying! This was one such variety but I finally found it at a new Asian market I found today out of nowhere across from 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds. Anyways, here’s Paldo brand Bibim Men Oriental Style Noodle
#533: Paldo Gomtang Oriental Style Noodles With Soup Base
Gomtang huh? Sounds like a Star Trek alien creature that’s been traveling possibly hundreds of thousands of years across space to find it’s final resting place in the vicinity of a star about to go nova. But I don’t think that’s what they’re going for here.
#88: Paldo Korean Noodle Chicken Flavor
So I think its kind of funny – the last ramen I rated was Wai Wai Tom Yum Shrimp – it used only 1 1/3c of water. This stuff used 2 3/4 cups – the most called for yet! This is Paldo Korean Noodle Chicken flavor. This’ll be my first review of a Paldo product.