Here’s another I got at T&T Supermarket up in Canada recently. This one’s frozen! Chanpon is a special thing; seafood and pork are sauteed and special ramen noodles and a little broth is added. Sounds awesome – let’s check it out.
Category: Pork
#1152: Sapporo Ichiban Tomato & Basil Shio Ramen
Check this big sucker out! This one was sent by a guy who runs a store in Japan called Yanaktei ( Kind of looks pizza minded eh? Let’s check it out!
#1122: Nagao Noodle Ramen Kamen Thasos Galle Pork Bone
This one was sent by Mr. Yamato of Yakantei in Japan! Thank you! First off – if someone has a better translation of what this particular instant noodle is called, please let me know? The original text is 長尾製麺 ラーメン仮面・タソガレトンコツ. This is quite unique in that the outer packaging is paper. Yes – paper! Let’s have a look at this artsy ramen!
#1106: Nissin Raoh Rich Soy Sauce with Roast Pork (2 Slices)
Here’s another one from Scott over at Nissin! Thank again, man! This one has two – count ’em two – slices of pork! Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1092: Amianda Noodle Tachia Dried Noodles – Rou Zhao Meat Sauce
Today, we have the Tachia noodles again but with rouzao. What is rouzao? Wikipedia mentioned that it involves minced pork (Amianda mentioned this one includes it in the sauce) and minced pork rice is the common rouzao:
#1070: HoMyeonDang Premium Noodle House Pork & Seafood Flavor
Here’s one of the leftovers that didn’t get reviewed during the Samyang Foods Meet The Manufacturer. I review up to 15 varieties max in an MTM and they sent over 20 kinds! Awesome! Let’s check it out – I think there’s something neat inside…
#1069: Nissin Raoh Rich Miso Flavor
Here’s another one sent by Scott over at Nissin – thanks! Turns out the expiration dates on these are short so thought I’d better hit it up! Rich miso flavor… Pretty fancy bowl – let’s give it a try!
#1067: Nissin Cup Noodle Red Shock
Whoa check this one out! Scott over at Nissin sent me this one that he got on a recent trip to Japan – thank you! Bazinga! Let’s see what is in this trippy cup!
#1050: Knorr Japanese Pork Bone Flavour Quick Serve Macaroni
I’ve had other macaroni quick serve products before by a different brand. I always thought these were interesting. Usually the only thing you’d find in the United States coupled with macaroni would be cheese, but elsewhere, the options are much different. Let’s check it out.
#1042: Nongshim Potato Pork Ramyun
Another one I got while in Canada for my birthday. I’m sure many folks will immediately ask ‘where did you get this’ and ‘where can I get it,’ and I’ll just say I’ve only seen this in Canada. See, they get stuff in the Vancouver area from not only the Nongshim plant here in the states but the one in Shanghai, China. Got a couple more coming down the pipe of reviews soon that hail from China. Let’s check this out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1031: HoMyeonDang Premium Noodle House Don Ramyun
Today is the last review of the Samyang Foods Meet The Manufacturer spotlight. Rest assured, there will definitely be more of their products reviewed in the future – I only do a maximum of 15 reviews in a row for a company during a Meet The Manufacturer and they sent more than 15, so lots of neat stuff coming! I want to thank Samyang Foods for their samples and everything else – really nice people!
#1013: Vina Acecook Oh! Ricey Hủ Tiếu Sườn Heo (Pork Spareribs Flavour)
Here’s a variety of Oh! Ricey I’ve not seen before – we found it on our trip to Canada. Pork spareribs sound good!
#1004: Wai Wai Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodles
Here’s a little pack of Wai Wai noodles!
Here’s the sticker put on by the distributor.
#978: Meet The Manufacturer – Sun Noodle Ramen Pork Flavor
Here’s another of the Sun Noodle line – pork flavor ramen! Let’s check it out!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Annie Chun’s Ramen House Soy Ginger Ramen
Here’s one I reviewed a long time ago. Soy ginger sounds good to me! Let’s check it out.
Momofuku Ando Day! #964: Nissin Raoh Backfat Rich Soy Sauce Flavor
#963: Pot Noodle Mr. Chu’s Golden Noodle No. 7 Sticky Rib
Here’s another one from Joe & Gill of the UK! Thanks again! I’ve heard of this one and always wanted to check it out. Definitely one of the more odd flavors out there!
Re-Review: MAMA Jumbo Pack Pork Flavour Oriental Style Instant Noodles
I’ve been having fun re-reviewing these MAMA packs lately – it’s been a while that’s for sure. Here’s another one – pork flavor. It probably won’t be like a Tom Yum kind of thing, so I’m curious how it’s going to taste.
#943: Amino Kuchnia Polska Żurek
Here’s another new one from Joe & Gill of the UK! Wow! This is something brand new to me – instant noodles from Poland?! Yup they sure are. But what the heck is ‘Żurek?’ Well, Wikipedia has this to say:
#936: Yamachan Tonkotsu Ramen Mild Pork Flavor Soup Base
I did a Meet The Manufacturer on Yamachan a little while back and found their products to be quite good! Here’s a new one they’ve come out with – a mild Tonkotsu! Sounds excellent! Thanks to the folks at Yamachan in San Jose, California for sending this! Now, to the review!
#934: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja Flamin’ Hot & Nutty Noodle Soup
I got a couple of these family packs sent as samples from Nongshim America the other day…
Samples From Nongshim America!
Hey – a package from Nongshim America – but what’s inside?
This just came out for sale in the USA and I can’t wait to try it! If it’s the same as what they make in Korea (see review), then it’s some serious 5.0/5.0 star stuff. Made for sale here in California! Awesome! Thanks to Ray A. and Hanna C. over at NSA! Might do this review later today!
Pardoning The Turkey Until Tomorrow: The Ramen Rater’s Thanksgiving Breakfast Feast
I am in charge of throwing the turkey in the oven this year at noon. I figured breakfast shouldn’t have anything turkey like involved and pardon the turkey at least ramen-wise for a day. Then Black Friday will be a day that the turkeys will cower – planning on using turkey in some ramen meals for the next week or so – should be awesome! But for now, here’s something I decided to make for breakfast. By the way, here’s what I did for 2011’s Thanksgiving.
#929: Vina Acecook Good Artificial Minced Pork Flavour Bean Vermicelli
Here’s the last of the ones my sister brought me back from Hawaii! Minced pork bean vermicelli… Sounds kind of interesting! A very dark day here – wet, cold and windy.
#928: Kamfen Dried-Mix Noodles Artificial Spicy Pork Flavored
Here’s one I got the other day at 99 Ranch Market. Was hoping they had a few more varieties, but they had two – two closer to the #1000th review! I’m not going to stop, just can’t wait to hit it! I think this one would win the prize for interesting use of upper and lower case characters.
Re-Review: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja (Really Really) Ramyun
You’re probably wonder ‘gee, he sure reviews that Jinjja Jinjja quite a lot – what gives?’ Well, they sent me a lot of it and since I really like it, I want to enjoy it before it expires. Well, actually it expired in September, but I’m just about out of it. Here’s the last full review of it.
Re-Review: Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkortsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Since I don’t have a huge amount of noodles that haven’t been reviewed yet (around 8 at the moment and I could go through those in four or five says possibly), I’ve decided I should hit the overstock box and see what’s in there. My wife Kit got me a five pack of these for my birthday back in March and so I figure I should eat ’em up! Here’s the original review – look there for the original pics I did of the packaging, packets, etcetera.
Meet The Manufacturer #886: Yamachan Ramen Tonkotsu-Shoyu Rich Pork Flavor Ramen
Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja For Lunch
Click image to enlarge. Not a new review today – here’s the last full review of Nongshim’s Jinjja Jinjja. Today I thought I’d add some peanut butter, a could slices of processed cheese, some oven baked chicken, an egg and some veggies. Was really good. Hope everyone’s having a good Saturday! [AMAZONPRODUCTS asin=”B00DSXERRI”]
#866: Master Kong/康师傅 Mianba Instant Noodle Soup
This is the last of the packs that were so kindly sent by Bo H. who works at a University in China. Thanks again! All of these were just amazing – and now… Hmm – not sure what this is! One thing says pork ribs flavor, something else says steak. I guess we’ll see how it comes out!
#851: Dragonfly Artificial Pork Ribs Flavor Instant Noodles
Hey awesome – picked this up at H Mart on Friday. I’ve had the pack but not the bowl! Time to try it!
#848: Golden Wheat Korean Style Spicy Pork Noodle Soup
Mu sister got me this one on a trip to Canada earlier this year! Thanks! This one’s interesting since it has those JML logos on it. Anyways, let’s dig in!
#832: Dragonfly Mee-Goreng Dry Ramen Noodles
Found this the other day at KS Mart in Lynnwood (that’s where I git my kimchi!). This is from China – never had a Chinese made mee-goreng before! Usually I like the Dragonfly stuff though. Let’s give this a go!
#816: Vina Acecook Oh! Ricey Phnom Penh Style Instant Rice Noodles
Back in Washington! We had a great trip down to the Bay Area – saw the San Francisco Giants play (and win) at AT&T Park, went to Six Flags in Vallejo, CA and lots of other fun things. On the way home, we stopped at the Uwajimaya in Beaverton, Oregon. Found ten new varieties I’d never seen before and here’s one of them. Sounds good! Gonna give it a try.
Special: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja + Peanut Butter, Kimchi & BACON!!!
Good news and bad news. Bad news: no reviews for about a week (we’re going on vacation). The good news: I will leave you with the first ever bacon monstrosity!
#798: Golden Wheat Korean Style Pork Flavour Noodle Soup
Here’s a big cup my sister brought me back from Canada this year. Sounds good on a nice sunny day.
#795: Master Kong Red Oil Dan Dan Noodles
Here’s another one that Bo H. sent me from China! Thanks again! So what are Dan Dan noodles? here’s what Wikipedia says:
#791: Acecook Super Big Ramen Tonkotsu Flavor Japanese Style Instant Noodle
Here’s one I got a while ago at Uwajimaya in Seattle. It’s big, Japanese and tonkotsu flavor – sounds much better than the last one I had!
#773: Little Cook Instant Noodle TVP Stewed Pork Flavor
Here’s another one that was sent in by Michelle L. of New York, New York – thanks again! TVP? What’s TVP? Well, I’ve had it quite a few times before. TVP stands for ‘textured vegetable protein’ and is basically fake meat. Usually you couldn’t get pork in a packet coming from Thailand into the states – fake pork on the other hand is doable.
#758: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Stew Pork Flavour
Here’s another one of the big bowls that Michelle L. of New York sent. Stew Pork eh? Let’s give this one a try.