So this one confused me a little; I was sure I’d reviewed it before. In fact, here is review #1069. I’m noticing a couple of differences though. First, different bar code. Second, different water amount. Notice this one says 400ml for 5 minutes whereas the other says 430ml for 5 minutes. Curious. Let’s take a look and see what makes this big fancy bowl tick.
Category: Pork
Meet The Manufacturer: #1999: Nissin Curry Udon
Wow – the cusp of history with this review, folks. The next post will be #2000. That’s a LOT of reviews. It’s funny though; it’s such a regular part of my day that it doesn’t seem too insanely crazy to me anymore. But then again, yeah – most people think I’m pretty nutty, but hey it’s a fun hobby and it’s unique – I dig my niche. Anyways, one of my favorite flavors is curry. Since I was a kid and my mom would make curried chicken livers for dinner (she hasn’t made that in years; she questions the quality of chicken livers these days), I’ve enjoyed it a lot. Well, this is Japanese curry; usually not super spicy and leaning towards the sweet side which is always nice. Let’s have a look at this cup.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1997: Nissin Cup Noodle Vegeta Buta-kyabetsu Tonkotsu
This is a very yellow Cup Noodle! It’s a pork and cabbage tonkotsu andc I noticed that it mentions ‘1/3’ in a few spots. I believe this is denoting that this contains 1/3 of the daily intake of vegetables one should get. That’s great – I really like it when lots of vegetables are included in a variety! As for tonkotsy, tonkotsu is a pork bone milky broth ramen – one of my favorites. Let’s take a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1993: Nissin Raoh Tonkotsu
Usually when I make tonkotsu, I add on some barbecue pork. This is what you’d usually find as an appetizer at a Chinese-American restaurant – the bright red edged tasty sliced pieces. Well, I was fortunate and on my birthday, my wife and two sons accompanied me to Uwajimaya, a Japanese supermarket in downtown Seattle. I wanted to find the real stuff – the chashu pork. After a lot of going from one end of the deli to the other, confusion with what I was looking for and finally almost giving up, a man brought me a nice package of freshly sliced chashu pork. I had him slice even more and now I have a nice stash of it in my freezer. This will be the first one I’ll be using this with – pretty excited! Now the bowl version of this product no doubt comes with a dehydrated slice of chashu pork which is very nice too! Let’s have a look at this one!
#1982: Master Kong Assorted Pork Bone Noodle
Here’s one sent by Colin from Massachusetts – thanks! I used to work with a lady who couldn’t say Massachusetts. It seemed a little ridiculous to me, but she would stumble over the word repeatedly and it would sound like massive two shits. Anyways, this one seems interesting – why assorted pork bone? Are they from different kinds of pigs? Well, let’s give this one a try!
#1973: Nissin Cup Noodles Sabor Calabresa
Wow okay so I have been wanting to get my hands on noodles from Brazil for a while now – at least a couple of years. Luckily, my cousins Mike and Adriana frequently visit Brazil and brought me some back! Thank you so much! While these are Cup Noodles, they’ve got some interesting flavor. This one, calabresa (aka linguica) is sausage flavored! Here’s a little about linguica from wikipedia:
#1943: New Touch Sugomen Niigata Seabura Shoyu Ramen
Here’s the last of the January box that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! This one looks really fancy – I like the pic on the bowl with that nice looking broth! Let’s have a closer look!
#1940: Nissin Cup Noodle Pasta Style Bolognese
Here’s another one sent by Casey P. from Hong Kong – thanks again! So bolognese… Wikipedia?
#1929: MAMA Instant Noodles Minced Pork Flavour
The next to last Cambodian variety I got from the Thai President Foods folks back in May of ’15. Minced pork! Let’s crack it open!
#1927: Marutai Kogashi Negiiri Tonkotsu Kagoshima Ramen
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! From the description, this almost sounds like it might be a vegetable tonkotsu, but I don’t know. Says lots of cabbage – interesting! Let’s hit it up!
#1920: Itsuki Ramen Tonkotudou Kumamoto Noodles
Here’s yet another one sent to me by Casey P. from Hong Kong! Thanks again! This one screams fancy – big and gold packaging. Shiny! Let’s see what we have here.
#1908: Nissin Kuroma-yu Tonkotsu Kumamoto Ramen
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! Today it’s a tonkotsu variant, Kumamoto style. Javier’s leaflet about this one mentions a chewy noodle with sesame notes and mincemeat – sounds interesting – let’s tear into it!
#1903: Higashimaru Tonkotsu Ramen
Here’s another one that came by way of Casey P. from Hong Kong – thanks again! This is a pork tonkotsu – sounds good to me – let’s hit it!
#1895: Maruchan Seimen Houjyun Koku Shoyu
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! This one looks really fancy – the whole thing is shiny and gold! Let’s have a look inside!
#1871: Nissin Cup Noodles Minced Pork Flavour
Here’s yet another one I got from the 7-Eleven next to our hotel from last May’s Bangkok trip. Like some others, this one got banged up pretty good, but still made it through in good enough condition to review. What’s a trip about this one is that it’s showcasing Manchester United. I’ve seen a few products with Manchester United footballers on them. Let’s check it out!
#1872: Itsuki Hakata Ossyoi
Here’s another one I got from Casey in Hong Kong – thank you! This one’s going to be interesting – not only because I like Hakata varieties, but because I’m videotaping the creation of this review. There’ll be a full video of the beginning to end of my review, editing and presentation process! Hope you enjoy! Let’s have a look at Itsuki Hakata Ossyoi!
#1868: Marutai Kuroma-yu Tonkotsu Kumamoto Ramen
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! Today it’s a tonkotsu variant, Kumamoto style! It’s known for a blending of two different kind of garlic which are fried in something called mayo oil which bring out a black color – sounds interesting! Let’s check it out!
#1867: Yum Yum Premier Bowl Instant Noodles Stewed Pork Flavour
The next to last variety I found while in Thailand – there was a Seven-Eleven next to our hotel which we visited countless times; so different from the ones we have here! Slurpee machines in the back as always, but you make a 180 degree turn and boom – a huge assortment of instant noodles. It was amazing and burned into my mind! Some companies do special partnerships with Seven-Eleven all over Southeast Asia and have special varieties only available there – this is one of them. Let’s check it out!
#1832: Yum Yum Instant Flat Shaped Noodles Boat Noodles Nam Tok Flavour
Here’s one of the last ones I got during my trip to Thailand to visit the nice folks that make MAMA noodles in May. It was really great over there – really hot, but wow – the 7-11 next to the hotel was a treasure trove as far as instant noodles I can’t source here are concerned! Let’s check this one out.
#1809: Marutai Nagahama Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! From what I’m reading, it sounds like this one has a tonkotsu broth – with pork bone flavor! Let’s check it out!
1801: Sichuan Baijia Spicy Artificial Fei-Chang Flavor Instant Vermicelli (New Version)
To those of you have followed my blogs and my Bottom Ten lists for a while, you know what this is. To those who haven’t, let me introduce you to this one. In my original review, I was really put off by this one. I thought it had some kind of ‘dirt and urine’ odor to it. But this is a new version. First, what’s fei chang? Here’s something I found on a blog called Food And Drink Chengdu:
#1784: Torishi Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen
This one came from Shinichi over at Ramen Mania, a new monthly subscription box you can check out! They have special regional Japanese ramen varieties – good stuff so far! Thanks! So today it’s Hakata tonkotsu. So, what’s tonkotsu? Wikipedia, if you please:
Meet The Manufacturer: #1774: JML Spicy King Spicy Pork Noodle
We started this Meet The Manufacturer with the bowl version of this variety. Today, it’s time for the pack version! Let’s see if there’s any difference with this one.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1773: JML Supreme Bowl Noodles With Stewed Egg Sour Beans With Pork Flavour
Here’s one that’s truly unique – not only does it have a stewed egg but something called sour beans. I’m wondering if they’re akin to something I tried in Penang at a Nyonya restaurant. Hmmm. Well, I just looked them up and from what I gather, what is in this may be pickled Chinese long bean whereas the smelly beans I had in Penang are somewhat akin to looking like a lima bean but bigger. Anyways, let’s have a look at this one!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1770: JML Spicy King Bowl Noodle Spicy Pork
So to start things off, I thought this looked like an interesting cup. I had one that had a smiliar design quite a while back – and it ended up on the Top Ten Spicy list for 2015! So, I’m wondering how this one’s going to be – spicy? I’m going to bet it’s spicy. Let’s open the lid and look within!
#1760: New Touch Homestyle Tonjiru
Here’s one I got in the package sent by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a monthly subscription service that delivers different varieties of instant noodles to your door each month – fancy stuff like this one! Definitely worth checking out. Also, thanks go to Shinichi S. for help in translation! So let’s ask Wikipedia about Tonjiru:
#1759: Nissin Cup Noodles Moo Manao Flavour
Here’s yet another one I got from the 7-Eleven next to our hotel from last May’s Bangkok trip. Like some others, this one got banged up pretty good, but still made it through in good enough condition to review. What’s a trip about this one is that it’s showcasing Manchester United. I’ve seen a few products with Manchester United footballers on them. As far as the flavor, I looked aoround and it sounds like Moo Manao is a popular dish with pork and lime. Let’s check it out!
#1752: Kuriki Mayo Ramen
Okay so you might be wondering – mayo ramen – that couldn’t possibly mean… Yes. Where did I get it though?
#1746: Marutai Ramen Shoyu Taste
Here’s another one from Box From Japan! Thanks, Javier! I also want to thank Shinichi S. for helping with the translation! Shoyu translates to English as ‘soy sauce.’ Shoyu ramen is one of the classics from Japan – been around forever. Let’s see what makes this particular bowl variety tick!
#1739: Nissin Raoh Tanrei Koku Shio Ramen
Here’s one I got in the package sent by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! So shio is a classic style of ramen – here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it:
#1730: Wu-Mu BBQ Pork Flavor Chow Mein
Here’s yet another I got up in Canada during my birthday trip this last year. This one sounded especially good – chow mein! BBQ pork! How can you go wrong? Well, my hope is that one can’t go wrong! Let’s find out.
#1719: Wai Wai Grilled Pork Flavour Instant Noodles
Here’s another one I got at a 7-11 in Bangkok in May. Yep – they have 7-11’s there!
#1715: Yum Yum Instant Noodles Minced Pork Flavour
Here’s another one I got at 7-11 on our recent trip to Thailand. There were so many varieties there; didn’t really know what was what, but luckily found some English text on the back of the package. Let’s have a look!
#1697: The Kitchen Food Instant Kampua Dark Soy Sauce
When I was asked if I wanted to try some instant noodles from Sarawak, I was immediately interested. I’ve been trying to get my hands on some for a while but haven’t had any luck. Until now, that is! So first off, where is Sarawak?
#1691: MAMA Instant Cup Noodles Minced Pork Flavour
I got this one during my trip to Thailand. I was absolutely stoked to find out there was a 7-11 right next to the Chatrium hotel in Bangkok! To many, this will be a ‘so what?’ but to me, visiting Asian 7-11 stores have been something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1688: Wugudaochang Sea Tangle & Spareribs Flavor Noodles
Now, we again return to the tangle of the sea. This is the package version of the first variety I tried on this Meet The Manufacturer. Is there a difference? Let’s see!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1681: Wugudaochang Sea Tangle & Spareribs Flavor Noodles
If you’re unsure of what sea tangle is, maybe you’ve heard of kelp. It’s like thick seaweed. When I was a kid, I’d go down to the shoreline and when the tide was out, you’d see these long whip like greenish things every once in a while – big bulbs on the end and long flat leafy looking things. We used to step on the bulbs at the end which were hollow and they’d pop! It was good fun – never thought part of these things would be something I’d look forward to in a noodle dish! Let’s check out this one from Wugudaochang to start off their Meet The Manufacturer!
#1624: Baixiang Noodles Artificial Pork Flavour
Last year, I found this Baixiang brand up in Canada and tried the spicy beef variety. I found this one down here in the USA a month or so ago. Let’s check it out!
#1621: Myojo Men White Creamy Tonkotsu
A while back I reviewed the Myojo Men Black Seafood Tonkotsu. Well, this is the white creamy variety. Tonkotsu is usually made from pork bone broth – pork bones and boiled for quite a while to pull out the flavor, and it gets a milky color. This one’s manufactured in the United States by Myojo, and so pork products are present. Let’s see how this creamy tonkotsu variety stacks up/.
#1601: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja (New)
A big thank you to reader Anders E. of South Korea for sending this along!For a long time, Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja was my absolute favorite ramyun from South Korea. They even made it here in Rancho Cucamonga, California for a while with the subheading of ‘flamin’ hot and nutty.’ Jinjja Jinjja means ‘really really.’ Well, they stopped making them. I’m not exactly sure why; some people said that South Koreans aren’t big fans of pork broth. Nevertheless, Nongshim has brought Jinjja Jinjja back – here’s a little something I found on Nongshim’s South Korean website: