Category: Seafood

#2094: Nongshim Champong Noodle Soup Spicy Seafood Flavor

There’s been a lot of hub bub coming out of South Korea lately – all the big companies have brand new Jjajang and Jjamppong varieties it seems. They’re all going a little more premium than their old offerings. This is awesome for me, well – as long as I can get my hands on them. I finally was able to score this one at the local South Korean grocery. Let’s crack it open and see what we’ve got here. ...see full post

#2091: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Noodle Authentic Taste

The third and final of the cups I received from MyKuali – thanks again! The Hokkien Prawn (aka Spicy Prawn Noodle) was #2 on this year’s The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Instant Noodles Of all Time 2016 Edition. I recently read a little about these cups – the noodle they are using is referred to as ‘shabu noodle.’ Just a little something you might be curious about. Anyways, let’s see how the sweetness of Hokkien Prawn translates with this new noodle! Let’s crack it open! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2090: Nissin Nupasta Salmon In White Sauce Flavor Instant Noodle

Well folks, today’s the last day of this Meet The Manufacturer. It’s been a lot of fun – been great to try some new products I’ve never had the chance to before! This will be the 15th review, however Nissin Hong Kong sent me 47 different varieties, so rest assured you’ll be seeing a lot more in the future. I thought I’d go out with something really interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen a salmon instant noodle before. The Nupasta Carbonara cup I had a week or so ago was really quite good and so I’m curious about this pack version. Let’s have a look and bid a fond farewell to Nissin Hong Kong’s Meet The Manufacturer! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2077: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Spicy Seafood Flavour

Today I think we’ll take a look at this bigger Cup Noodles. Spicy seafood sounds tasty to me! What’s also interesting about this one is that it can be microwaved, although my microwave is 1100W so unsure how to try it at 800W. It has different power levels, 1-12 (which seems kind of illogical since I wuld think they’d number 1-11). Boiling water time! Let’s go! ...see full post

#2062: Ottogi Ramyon Sabor Mariscos

Here’s another one sent by Colin, a reader from back east – thank you! He went to Mexico recently and sent me a ton of varieties that he found there. You’d think with Mexico being next door I’d be able to find more varieties, but actually it’s been really hard. This one’s made in South Korea for the Mexican market. Instant noodle are hugely popular in Mexico, and with spicy flavors coming out of South Korea, it’s a pretty good fit. Let’s have a look! ...see full post

#2061: Kamfen Dried-mix Noodles Scallop Seafood Flavoured

Here’s one I picked up at 99 Ranch Market a couple months ago. I have a couple brands that I have as ‘reserves’ – if I run low on instant noodles, I know certain stores have always had certain varieties and I can get them at any time. This is one of them. At that point I was running low (although now I’m not). Let’s crack this tray open and give it a try! ...see full post

#2055: Nissin Tokyo Tokunou Gyokai Tonkotsu

Here’s one from the Box From Japan box from March! is a monthly subscription service – you get 4 neat and very unique bowls of ramen sent from Japan along with a few chopsticks and a little letter! Really awesome – I’ve not gotten any that I’ve reviewed before at this point which is really quite amazing! Anyways, check them out! Today’s variety looks really great – here’s what Box From Japan has to say about it: ...see full post

#2028: Maruchan Ramen Sopa Maruchan Sabor A Camaron, Limon Y Habanero

Here’s one I got from Paul S. – also got one from Colin. Thanks guys! What’s kind of crazy here is that this is the first Minstant noodle I’ve reviewed from Mexico (or at least made for the Mexican market). Instant noodles (fideos instantanea) are extremely popular in Mexico, as well as by the Latino population in the United States. Sopa means soup, sabor a camaron, limon y habanero means shrimp, lemon and habanero flavor. Anyways, let’s crack this sucker open! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2002: Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yum Goong

This is one of Nissin Japan’s ethnic series – this one being Thai in origin, they also have a Singaporean Laksa and an Indonesian Mi Goreng. This one looks a lot like the Nissin Cup Noodles that come from Thailand – usually there’s the guys from Manchester United on there as well. Let’s have a look inside and see what’s what. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2001: Nissin BIG Cup Noodle Seafood Clam Chowder

What – you thought I’d quit at #2000? Surely you jest. The beat goes on and on and on and on, folks. What’s crazy is I’ve never reviewed the regular Nissin Seafood Cup Noodle – however one has come into my possesion recently thanks to a reader, so I will be very soon. This is a very new one from Nissin – let’s check it out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1999: Nissin Curry Udon

Wow – the cusp of history with this review, folks. The next post will be #2000. That’s a LOT of reviews. It’s funny though; it’s such a regular part of my day that it doesn’t seem too insanely crazy to me anymore. But then again, yeah – most people think I’m pretty nutty, but hey it’s a fun hobby and it’s unique – I dig my niche. Anyways, one of my favorite flavors is curry. Since I was a kid and my mom would make curried chicken livers for dinner (she hasn’t made that in years; she questions the quality of chicken livers these days), I’ve enjoyed it a lot. Well, this is Japanese curry; usually not super spicy and leaning towards the sweet side which is always nice. Let’s have a look at this cup. ...see full post

#1979: Nissin Big Cup Noodle Ajillo

I could be wrong, but I believe this is the last one of the donations sent by Casey P. of Hong Kong – huge thanks to you! So this one looks interesting – it’s definitely much bigger than the standard Cup Noodle, that’s for sure. After a little research, it looks as though ajillo is a Mexican/Spanish dish which features shrimp, vegetables and sliced garlic. That definitely sounds good – let’s have a look. ...see full post

#1978: CarJEN Nyonya Curry Laksa [Improved Taste]

The other day I got some samples from CarJEN – this one piqued my interest. First off, the ‘Improved Taste’ sticker – it actually if from the outside of a 4 pack but I figure since I always just do pics of the individual packs, I’d just unstick it and restick it. It was #4 on last year’s big The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2015 Edition. Wonder what’s changed? Let’s have a look! ...see full post

#1970: MyOri Malaysia Penang Red Curry Noodle

Really excited about this one! I think you’ll understand why when you see the back of the package! I’ve taken an offer by MyOri to be their brand ambassador!  I’m honored do to so – not only is it a really neat gig, it’s for products I honestly enjoy and find innovative and a real compliment to the market. I reviewed these last year as part of a Meet The Manufacturer with MyOri. Ther’s a difference now – they’ve changed the name to red curry, given the packaging a real facelift and now the noodle are not fried – the first white curry featuring the healthier noodle. Let’s give ’em a look! ...see full post

#1965: MyKuali Penang Spicy Prawn Soup Noodle Authentic Taste

MyKuali has been tinkering with upgrading their recipes during the last year or two. One thing they told be when I visited in 2014 was that the hawkers are always fine-tuning their recipes, and that they planned on doing the same thing. When I asked what the difference is with this new iteration, I was told that an aspect of the shrimp powder has been altered to give it an even more authentic taste. I found tha the Hokkien Mee I had in Penang a couple years back was very close to what I got from the MyKuali Hokkien Mee. Let’s see how this one tastes. ...see full post

#1953: Prima Taste Singapore Fish Soup La Mian

I’ve been wanting to try this one for a really long time and the folks at Prima Taste were kin enough to send it to me recently! Thank you very much! Pretty sure this has been around just as long as the curry and laksa la mian varieties – been a long wait! As I don’t have any fish really, I’m going to go with a little assortment of seafood – sounds good to me! Let’s dig in! ...see full post

#1948: Sichuan Baijia Artificial Pickled Cabbage Fish Flavor Instant Vermicelli


I’ve been checking out a few of these Baijia varieties recently, and they’ve been interesting. When I first started reviewing, I generally found the flavors and varieties to be pretty horrid, but after a few years , I’m starting to come around. Pickled cabbage and fish, eh? Well, let’s have a look. ...see full post

#1947: Prima Taste Singapore Laksa Wholegrain La Mian

So Prima Taste has recently come out with wholegrain varieties. It was explained to me that wholegrain noodles can tend to be brittle or crumbly – so to prevent this, Prima has created a superfine powder. Indeed, the curry whole grain la mian was absolutely wonderful stuff! The noodles were perfect and had a kind of rustic, artisan kind of character to them. The point of wholegrain noodles is to promote a healthier alternative to white flour. Not only that, these are not fried noodles. Instant noodles are now starting to attempt to please the consumer with more healthy options. Pretty cool! I’m very curious how this laksa does! Let’s dig in and find out! ...see full post

#1939: MAMA Instant Noodles Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum Flavour

Another one from the big batch I got after our Thailand trip from the MAMA noodles people. Thanks again! So this has been one of my favorites in the past – the regular Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum has been on my annual top ten list in the past – but this is the Myanmar version. I’ve noticed in some varieties a little but of a smoky taste – wonder what we’ll find here? One way to find out – let’s check out this shrimp creamy tom yum! ...see full post