I’ve been asked about this special series from Indomie for a long time and finally got my hands on some! Indomie’s Taste Of Asia line has three components: Laksa representing Singapore, Bulgogi representing South Korea, and finally Tom Yum to represent Thailand. I thought since I embark on a new Meet The Manufacturer tomorrow, I’d try something a little different. So Tom Yum is a Thai soup, usually with very strong spiciness and citrus flavors. I’m very curious as to how they’ll do this one. Let’s check it out!
Category: Seafood
#1325: Koka Noodles Spicy Shrimp Tom Yam Flavour
Here’s another one sent by Charles, a serviceman in Afghanistan – thanks! I’ve seen these cups for a long time online but never have I tried one. It seems KOKA sells their noodles in three places – Singapore, the US and the UK. They have different kinds available in each market too which is logical. Most large noodle manufacturers do this actually; look at the flavors sold here in the US versus the ones by the same company sold in Japan. It’s kind of the ‘when in Rome’ logic and it works for them. Let’s have a look inside this cup by KOKA.
#1322: Hi-Myon Instant Noodle Udon Hot & Spicy
Here’s one a got quite a while back. It’s a cold day out and I picked up some squid yesterday to try out for the first time. I’ve eaten squid before, but never prepared it myself.
#1320: MAMA Instant Noodles Cup Seafood Flavour
My nose is running, my throat is sore and I feel pretty crummy. Sneezing, sore eyes and sore everything – I’ve got a cold and a bad one at that. Not a fun day, that’s for sure – it’s raining and windy outside as well which makes taking our dogs out a real chore, especially when they’re pugs. Pugs don’t like to get wet; they (at least the pugs we have) aren’t very rugged creatures; they like to sleep and be constantly comfortable.
#1318: Nissin King Spa王 (Spa Oh) Tarako Spaghetti
I’ll admit when I first saw the packaging, I thought this stuff was called Spaz! I kind of wish it was as that would be exceedingly humorous, but I digress… This is Tarako Spaghetti; so what is tarako? Wikipedia tells us:
#1309: YumYum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Seafood Flavour
Here’s another one from Charles in Afghanistan – thanks again! So this one’s made in Thailand and sold a lot in Holland. Let’s check it out!
#1306: KOKA Oriental Style Instant Noodles Tom Yam Flavour
Here’s one that was sent by Martin A. of Devon, England. Thanks again! I’ve really been into fish balls lately. They’re tasty, lots of varieties, and pretty low cal. Anyways, they tend to go better in spicy varieties of instant noodles and I think they are wonderful in tom yum/yam. Let’s check this one out!
#1301: Knorr Quick Serve Macaroni Shrimp Broth
Here’s another one my lovely wife got for me on our trip to Canada for my birthday last year – thanks! Interesting – tube shaped ramen? A couple of brands make these – kind of a neat twist on it. Let’s check it out!
#1300: Samyang Foods Red Nagasaki Jjampong
Wow – number 1300! Would’ve ever thought I would’ve done this many reviews; seems like I did the 500th review not very long ago. Let’s check this one out – a spicy South Korean jjampong!
#1293: Myojo Prawn Noodles
Here’s another one sent by Annie T. of MyKuali! Thanks! This one sounds interesting, and I have something neat to go with it considering my recent fascination with fish balls – prawn flavored fish balls! These noodles are from Singapore, as are the fish balls! Let’s check it out!
#1291: A-One Mì Ly Instant Noodles Mì Tôm Shrimp Flavor
My son and I walked to the store the other day for some flowers and kamaboko. Of course, I can’t resist the noodle aisle and found 6 different styles of these little plastic noodle cups! Thought I’d try this one today. Let’s check it out!
#1288: Sau Tao QQ Scallop Seafood Flavoured Vermicelli
I thought why not have something a little different today. This cup’s been around the bottom of the hamper for a while… So, what does QQ mean? Pretty much really thin noodle. Let’s check it out!
#1285: Lucky Me! Supreme Chow Mien Seafood Flavor Instant Stir-Fried Noodles
Don’t see new Filipino varieties often these days, so was very pleased to come across this one. Wondering about the spelling? Well, it’s spelled many ways – mein, mien, mian… Basically, mien means noodles. Anyways, let’s check this one out!
#1277: Vifon Mì Gà Tìm Chua Cay Hot & Sour Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles
I thought this one interesting; it says hot and sour chicken, but those are shrimp on there too. I decided I’d walk to the store and try something new. Fish balls! I’ve had them in hot pot before, but thought I’d get some golden fish balls with shrimp for this one. Let’s check it out!
#1276: Adabi Mi Bandung Prawn Mee
Here’s something from a brand I’ve never tried before called Adabi. It was sent to me by Annie T. of MyKuali in Malaysia – thank you! This is a take on a traditional dish – let’s check it out!
#1271: Prima Taste Singapore Chilli Crab La Mian
At the beginning of this year, I’d never tried any of their products. When I did, I was blown away; so much so that they ended up ranking 1st and 2nd place on my Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Tiume 2013 Edition list. I’m very curious how this one will fare. Chilli Crab is considered to be the signature dish of Singapore. To ring in the new year, I thought I’d start out with this one. I decided to post it right when the clock strikes midnight the very first time of 2014. Where’s that? Turns out it’s in Kiribati, which is GMT+14! For those in my timezone which is GMT-8 (Seattle time), that will be 2am on December 31st. With that, I wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2014 – let’s check this out! By the way – I just found out there are a couple new ways to cook this one – check them out here!
#1270: Ko-Lee Instant Noodles Taste Sensation Creamy Shrimp Tom Yum Flavour
Thought this sounded good for today. Made in Thailand for the UK market. Gonna use a new bowl that was made in Thailand I received from my sister in law Dee for Christmas. She just had her birthday! Happy birthday!!! Let’s check it out!
#1269: Chewy Rice Vermicelli Scallop With XO Sauce Flavour
Thought Andy might like this one with some shrimp in it perhaps. Told him if it’s spicy and doesn’t like it he can have something different. I guess we’ll see! Let’s check it out.
#1255: Thai Choice Instant Noodles Shrimp Flavour
Here’s one that Charles, a serviceman deployed in Afghanistan sent me recently – thank you very much! Never seen this brand before. Looks really interesting! Let’s check it out!
#1245: Sau Tao Instant Noodle King Abalone & Chicken Flavoured
Hey – who’s the instant noodle king? Always kind of hoped I held that throne… anyways, I kind of miss the Thanksgiving turkey, but I’m not a turkey cooking kind of guy – so going with something chicken flavored. Let’s check it out!
#1224: HoMyeonDang Premium Noodle House Premium Seafood Ramyun
First, I’d like to send my best wishes to those affected by Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines. Latest news reports another storm on the way. Like to help? Check out www.redcross.org to see how you can.
#1223: Sawadee Instant Noodles Prawn Oriental Flavour
Andy decided to pick this one to try today after I told him we had shrimp. I know, I know – shrimp aren’t prawns but he likes both and they’re both sea crawlies so he’s happy. Let’s check this one out.
#1212: Ruski Instant Noodles Tom Yum Flavour
Here’s another one sent by Samonporn. This one’s by the same company that makes MAMA noodles in Thailand. Let’s check it out!@
#1202: Sugakiya Foods Udon Miso Stew
Hey this looks really good! It’s a foggy day here and I can hear the ships out in the sea blowing their horns in the distance. Time for seafood! Let’s check this one out!
Re-Review: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Mì Tôm Chua (Sour Shrimp Flavor) Instant Noodles Vietnam Flavor
I recently got a nice box of samples from Duncan T. over at Gemini Food Corp in California. I’d already reviewed them, but I definitely wanted to re-review this one for sure. I last had this in my 97th review – over 1000 reviews ago. Curious about what I’ll think of it these days; it got a low rating at that time and looking at it now makes me think it can’t be that bad! But I guess we’ll see. Let’s check it out!
#1174: Itomen Crab Flavor Instant Ramen
Here’s one my lovely wife got me during a birthday trip to Richmond, BC on my birthday! I really like this packaging; very retro! Let’s check it out!
#1166: Unif Man Han Feast Sichuan Chili Eel Flavor Instant Noodle
Here’s one from T&T Supermarket up in Vancouver, BC! Many Taiwanese extolled the virtues of these Man Han Feast varieties, especially a beef version. I had the Spring Onion Eel flavor a while back and this is the only other one I’ve seen available in North America. So what does Man Han Feast mean? Wikipedia says:
#1165: Nissin Chow Mein With Shrimp Chow Mein Noodles
Really? I haven’t reviewed this? Nope! Wow – who’dathunkit? Well then, without further ado, let’s check out these chow mein noodles – with shrimp!
#1162: Nissin Chanpon Ramen
Here’s another I got at T&T Supermarket up in Canada recently. This one’s frozen! Chanpon is a special thing; seafood and pork are sauteed and special ramen noodles and a little broth is added. Sounds awesome – let’s check it out.
#1158: Nissin Demae Iccho Instant Noodle With Soup Base XO Sauce Seafood Flavour
Here’s another one my wife got me up in Canada on my birthday earlier this year! This is one big cup of noodles! You might be wondering what XO Sauce is. Well, the ‘XO’ part is a status thing; it’s considered to be a prestigious prefix in Asia denoting luxury or high quality as in cognac. As for what’s in it, Wikipedia says:
#1156: Vifon Oriental Style Instant Vermicelli Sour Crab Flavour Soup
Been some time since I’ve had a crab flavored noodle from Vietnam, so I thought why not today.. Looks cool – let’s check it out!
#1154: Golden Wheat Korean Style Shrimp Flavour Cooking Noodle
Here’s another one from my birthday trip to Canada in March! Thank, Kit! Thought it’d be nice to have something seafoody as it’s been a little while. Let’s check it out!
#1137: Koka Oriental Style Instant Noodles Crab Flavour
Here’s one that was sent by Martin A. of Devon, England. Thanks again! There are many varieties of Koka noodles that aren’t yet available in the United States and this is one of them. Let’s check it out!
#1134: Hi-Myon Katsuo Udon
Here’s an udon variety – katsuo udon. So what’s katsuo? Katsuo is also called Skipjack Tuna. Here’s an excerpt from a Wikipedia article:
#1133: Kamfen E-Men Noodles Abalone Soup Flavor
Here’s one that is manufactured in Shenzhen, China and distributed in Hong Kong. Let’s check it out!
#1130: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Habanero Lime Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Meet The Manufacturer: #1093: Amianda Noodle Hakka Flat Noodles – Satay Sauce
I don’t know what made me do it, but I felt a need to consult Wikipedia on satay and Taiwan. So I did and found this:
Meet The Manufacturer: #1087: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle
2/19/2014 – SPECIAL NOTE: I’ve received many emails and comments from people asking where to purchase these noodles. Here is a list that was posted on MyKuali’s facebook page – check it out!
#1085: Vina Acecook Hao Hao Mi Goreng Shrimp & Onion Flavour
Thought this sounded good on Father’s Day. Mi Goreng’s usually an Indonesian or Malaysian find, but this one’s from Vietnam. Let’s check it out!
#1070: HoMyeonDang Premium Noodle House Pork & Seafood Flavor
Here’s one of the leftovers that didn’t get reviewed during the Samyang Foods Meet The Manufacturer. I review up to 15 varieties max in an MTM and they sent over 20 kinds! Awesome! Let’s check it out – I think there’s something neat inside…