Here’s one that came in a box . Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘Who needs a Michelin star restaurant when you have ZenPop? This bowl is a remarkable dish to have been transformed into instant format, thanks to master chef Kasahara-san, who supervised its creation while also running several restaurants and writing a million seller cookbooks.
Category: Seafood
#4881: Menraku Shrimp Miso – United States
Here’s another one from James of Lakeside, California – thank again! This is another in a long range of Menraku varieties that just keep coming very regularly. Let’s see what we wend up with here.
#4879: Vifon Hot & Sour Shrimp Flavor Asian Style Instant Noodles – Vietnam
Here’s one that haiols from Vietnam for the US market – and 99 more, so it’s getting the label of it’s country of origin. . This came by way of James from Lakeside, California – thank you! Let’s give it a try.
#4875: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavour – Singapore
Here’s a Singaporean variety – thanks to the folks in SG! As I write this, it’s 16 degrees farenheit – wind chill puts it at 7 degrees! What a brisk walk it will be this morning! On the episode of Instant Noodle recipe time at the bottom, I’ll probably talk about my frozen bones! Let’s cook this up!
#4870: KampongKu Curry Laksa Soup Noodles – Malaysia
Curry laksa? Oh yeah – sign me up! I’ve been a big fan of curry laksa for some time now and very curious how this one will be. Let’s cook it up!
#4869: Nissin Cup Noodles Singapore-fu Laksa – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4866: Sugakiya Ippin Sozai Toyama Shiro-Ebi Shio – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4865: KampongKu Penang Prawn Soup Noodles – Malaysia
Just found out about this one recently and I’m hot on giving it and another variety they make a try! I’ve been a huge fan and booster of Malaysian varieties – let’s see how strong a prawn punch this comer will have!
#4862: Kiki Noodles Mixed With Crispy Garlic & Seafood Sauce – Taiwan
Here’s one that came by was of James from Lakeside, California – thank you! I haven’t reviewed anything by Kiki in quite a while – really great stuff from these folks as I remember and looking forward to this! Let’s give it a try!
#4856: Acecook Uchiko Park Karari Mochimugi Udon – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4852: Saymyeon Janchi Noodle Soup – United States
Big thanks to James from Lakeside, California for sending this along! Never heard of this brand before, nor this variety. Let’s give it a try!
#4850: Meet Mee Tom Yum Pan Mee – Malaysia
Well, I’ve got one more from this company after this one. They’ve been fun to try! Let’s give their tom yum a try.
#4847: A1 Abalone Noodle – Malaysia
This is an interesting one – made in Malaysia for export. It’s got abalone in there – I’ve tried this one in the past but this is for export. Anyways, let’s check it out!
#4844: Meet Mee Chili Pan Mee (Dry) (Fish Cake) – Malaysia
Here’s another one in the Meet Mee range – I do enjoy fish cake and what I’ve tried from this company has been quite good. Let’s get cooking!
#4843: Nissin Cup Noodles Laksa Flavour – Singapore
Here’s another one of the Nissin Singapore Cup Noodles sent recently by the company – thanks! I really like laksa – let’s give it a shot!
#4839: Meet Mee Kam Heong Pan Mee – Malaysia
I can’t figure in any universe that this won’t be something I dislike. I mean come on curry crab paste? That’s gotta be good! Let’s find out.
#4838: Nissin Cup Noodle Oishii Spicy Seafood – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – which no longer exist.
This came out of one of their ‘triple box’ offerings. It’s a spicy and extra savory version of their seafood variety. Let’s check it out.
#4835: Assi Spicy Seafood Noodle Bowl – United States
This sounds interesting. I know there are Assi grocery stores around the US here and there… This sounds from the name like either a jjambbong or a kind of ganjjambbong – let’s find out what we have here.
#4832: Meet Mee Yee Mee Anchovies Broth – Malaysia
All I can say about this one is that the letter E is well represented in the title. Let’s cook it up!
#4827: Meet Mee Mum’s Pan Mee – Malaysia
Here’s something very different – this is one I’ve not tried before, and it’s a soupy version instead of a dry pan mee. Let’s see what Mum has in store!
#4824: Nissin Cup Noodles Fish Head Curry Flavour – Singapore
Here’s a variety which has been released for Nissin Cup Noodles’ 52nd anniversary – one that was a limited edition, but now a full part of the Nissin SG lineup. When I had it a while back, it was great – let’s give it another try – new and improved style!
#4817: O’Food Korean Style! Rice Noodle Seafood Flavored – United States
This is the second of two varieties I found semi-recently. The other was a spicy one, this one seafood. Bah – it’s early morning – let’s get this day going!
#4810: Mie Sedaap Mi Kuah Instan Rasa White Curry – Indonesia
A huge thank you to Pher Engi of Australia for sending me this – I’ve been wanting to try it for easily 5 years – probably more. An Indonesian take of white curry just sounds so interesting – let’s give it a try!
#4747: YumYum Thai Spicy Soup (Tom Yum) – Thailand
Here’s a Thai variety sent by Pher Engi of Australia – thank you very much! This is definitely an export version for a great many places. Tom yum sounds really wonderful – I love it and looking forward to seeing how this one tastes. So, time to try it.
#4741: Sichuan Yumei Night Market Chow Mein – Grilled Squid Flavor – China
Another one found at HMart. – the last one I think I found towards Seattle at Asian Family Market on 130th and Aurora. The other one I’ve tried was a soy sauce flavor, but I’m guessing this one will be way better. Let’s find out!
#4791: Samyang Nagasaki Jjambbong – United States
This is one I tried when it debuted way back. There were a couple of versions as well. This one is made in South Korea and packaged for sale in the US market. Jjambbong is like a spicy seafood stew. This on the other hand is the same but with a more milky broth. This is a really great one when I’ve had it in the past – let’s visit it again!
#4787: Miliket Mix Instant Noodles With Seafood Flavour – United States
Got this one at HMart recently. This one’s made in Vietnam but packaged for the US market. I’ve not tried a lot of Vietnamese varieties that blow me away, but I have high hopes for this dry noodle variant. Let give it a go!
#4785: Vite Ramen Radiant Crab Rieu Instant Noodle Soup – United States
Here’s the last of the Vite Ramen varieties, and this one sounds like a departure from the other. Bun Rieu is a Vietnamese soup – this is made in California and boasts crab flavor. We shall see how it goes!
#4774: Nissin U.F.O. Koikoi Seafood BBQ Fu Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘Nissin’s popular UFO series gets its name from the shape of the bowl. The UFO line are all Yakisoba, or fried noodles. These are eaten without soup, but with amazing topping, spices and sauce. This month’s ZenPop UFO is a summer limited edition BBQ cup, only accessible in Japan and will be sold out once summer is over.’
#4755: Indomie Mi Goreng Rasa Cakalang – Indonesia
A big thank you to Pher Engi for sending these along! I’m getting really low on varieties to review at this point – I’ve been doing four reviews a day lately and have been trying to do so all the way up to my kids going back to school. Twenty days to go until they’re back! They’ve had a lot of fun this summer, but they miss their friends from school of course. So – what is cakalang? It’s skipjack tuna. Many years ago, you could easily find an Indomie variety here (among others you can’t anymore) which mentioned skipjack tuna flavor. Let’s give this one a try.
#4754: Mom’s Dry Noodle Oyster Flavor Vermicelli With Scallop – Taiwan
Here’s something not seen before – a bowl from the folks at Mom’s Dry Noodle! Not only that, it’s got a pop-top – you’ll see that below. Let’s give this soup with scallop a try!
#4749: Knorr Shrimp Broth Quick Serve Macaroni – Hong Kong
But that’s not ramen! The throng of people screamed in unison! They wept openly. Well, that was silly – this one could be found on the instant ramen aisle . This is popular stuff in Hong Kong and I found it locally and figure hey why not. Macaroni only seems to enjoy the company of cheese here, but not elsewhere. Let’s cook.
#4726: Chewy Seafood Flavour Quick Serve Macaroni – Hong Kong
Another one found at S*Mart. I know, it’s not ramen or instant noodles per se, however it’s something you might find on the instant noodle aisle as I did. Usually these aren’t bad – definitely not a thick broth or anything, but a nice flavor and thin walled macaroni. First found this kind of thing years back in Canada with some Nissin varieties. Anyways, let’s proceed.
#4713: Pulmuone Crab Ramen – United States
This one came from James of Lakeside, California – thanks, man! Pulmuone leans towards the healthier end of the stick when it comes to food manufacturing. I believe I read a while back about how there is in fact a large farm Pulmuone runs that is also a school on heritage farming for students in South Korea – pretty cool. Let’s make some crab ramen!
#4711: Wai Wai Quick Zabb Hot & Spicy Shrimp Flavour – Thailand
Big thanks to Pher Engi for sending this over from Australia! I haven’t reviewed one of these in such a long time, and I remember they were pretty darn good. I’m also going to guess this is pretty spicy as well. Let’s cook it up and give it a try.
#4704: Sapporo Ichiban Miso Ramen Donburi Iseebi Dashi – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4699: Acecook Tomyum Soup Instant Noodle – South Korea
Thisd is a very interesting one found at GMart in Lynnwood, Washington state. This is made by Acecook Vietnam for the South Korean market. Honestly, I’ve never heard of tomyum eaten in South Korea. Do they do that? Thai food is popular in Taiwan, that much I know. Malaysia too – but they’re neighbors so that makes sense. I suppose they wouldn’t make this is nobody liked tomyum soup in South Korea. Anyways, it’s interesting – let’s checkk it out.
#4691: You Us GS Retail Extra Spicy Jjamppong – South Korea
Ahhhh jjamppong! Awesome – I freaking really love jjamppong. Seafood and spicy and sometimes smoky – kind of imparts a grilled seafood flavor – those are the best. Let’s waste no time and give it a try!
#4675: Nissin Cup Noodles Thai Style Crab Curry Flavour – Hong Kong
Another great one sent by Pher Engi – thanks again! I used to see these very commonly – never this variety though. They’d have ton of them at 99 Ranch Market and now I don’t see them at all. Very strange. Well, this one looks really good so without further ado let’s cook ’em up!
#4668: FF (Fashion Food) Tom Yum Shrimp – Thailand
Another great one sent by Pher Engi – thanks! This should be pretty good – tom yum is an excellent flavor. Let’s give it a try!