Something else from Saigon Ve Wong – Shrimp & Crab flavor! I sure found a lot of these down in California at the Dublin 99 Ranch Market. They’re pretty cheap too – I think these were around a dollar. I recently had a request that I include the prices of these noodles on my reviews – and that’s going to be a little tricky… See, when I go noodle hunting, I end up getting as many new kinds as I can and a lot of the time the receipt has a list – and extremely cryptic listings. So I’ll do my best – I can do an ‘around’ pricing kind of deal. So yeah – this was around a buck. Anyways…
Category: Seafood
#467: Vifon Tu Quy Sour & Spicy Shrimp Flavor Instant Noodle
It certainly looks like shrimp and very enjoyable in the picture. I wonder how it will taste though. That’s kind of the question I ask myself 50% of the time. The other 50% is kind of a oh look it’s chicken this should be chicken like. This on the other hand is Vietnamese, and sour and spicy and shrimp. So we shall see…
#465: Nissin Souper Meal Picante Shrimp Flavor Hot & Spicy
I thought I’d tried all of these but it appears I was wrong. So here’s yet another Souper Meal – Nissin’s answer to America’s need for another ‘Hungry Man’ style food product.
#462: Nissin Top Ramen Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
“The hell you say!” you may be saying, but yes indeed my fellow noodleheads, it’s true. I reviewed 461 other instant noodles but decided to have today be the shrimp flava Top Ramen. Why you ask? Why not is your answer. So the package is very pink is just itching to be reviewed so here we go.
#457: Ibumie Penang Harmee Mee Goreng Prawn Flavour Fried Noodles With Fried Shallots
Lookie here, lookie here! This came from 99 Ranch near Disneyland in California! I’m hoping it’s as good as the Indomie Mie Goreng – possible? I suppose we’ll have to see!Now first off, Indomie is an Indonesian company while Harmee is Malaysian.
#446: Sau Tao Wonton Soup Flavored Hong Kong Style Instant Noodle King
Once again, here we go – back from vacation and back to instant noodle reviewing! First we have some Sau Tao brand Wonton flavored noodles. Always seems to be in a cup… They’re going to be extremely good I hope.
#442: Nongshim Kal Guk Soo Korean Style Noodle Soup
Okay so I reviewed Samyang’s Kalgugsu a long time ago and it said it was assorted clam flavored noodle soup. This one just says its Korean noodle soup, however its got mussels, anchovy, bonito, shrimp tuna and mushroom going on too. I wouldn’t call it assorted clam flavor this time around – more like assorted flavor flavor.
#441: Ottogi Asian Style Instant Noodle Spice Seafood Noodle
I was very much on the fence as to whether I’d tried this one before, but as it turns out I haven’t. Looks like something tasty.
#439: Little Cook Tom Yum Seafood Premium Noodle
So the idea of a seafood noodle soup with fake seafood has been kind of daunting for the past couple months. However, today was the day. I must fear no ramen! So, here we have some seafood tom yum from Thailand.
#432: Ve Wong Instant Bean Thread Seafood Flavor (Bowl)
So here’s one of the noodles I reviewed during my interview with Rachel Belle at KIRO 97.3FM. I didn’t take a lot of pictures at all, but here’s a video of the making and eating of this one- it’s ghe larger of the two being tested.
#427: Koka Mi Hai Cua 2 Crab Flavour Oriental Style Instant Noodles
Look at the angry little crabs! They’re saying ‘eat the noodle soup!’ I’m agreeing with them and thusly, I portend to make said soup and have it for breakfast.
#425: Chikara Shrimp Flavor Udon
So something a little more tame. Shrimp udon! Should be good and tasty I imagine. Fresh noodles are always good.
#411: Sunlee Crab Flavour Instant Vermicelli
So here’s an interesting looking one. The noodles are made of mung bean! Bean thread! Let’s check out these noodles from Thailand!
#408: Gomex 3 Mien Gomex 3 Miến Mì Tôm Chua Cay Hot Sour Shrimp Instant Noodles
So here’s the second of the Gomex noodles. I’ve never seen them other than the two I’ve rated – pretty interesting. They’re from Vietnam and sound interesting, so let’s give em’ a try…
#405: Ibumie Penang Harimee Prawn Flavour Mi Perisa Udang Instant Noodles
This is a brand new one from Malaysia I found at 99 Ranch today. Looks like it’ll rock!
#403: Maruchan Instant Lunch Lime Flavor With Shrimp Ramen Noodles With Vegetables
So this looks kind of interesting. Hmmm… I should make a list of the Maruchan Instant Lunches I’ve ingested and then I can go to the store and get all the ones I have not and then bam bam bam… Cheap noodle week!
#402: Sau Tao (Thick) Instant Noodle King Scallop Soup Flavor
I think this is the last of the Sau Tao’s I have for reviewing at this point. This one’s Scallop flavor with thick noodles. Again, these noodles aren’t fried. If you notice to the upper right of center, you are being informed that ‘Health is important.’ Looks like 4g fat and 7.5g fiber – not too bad actually.
#400: Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood Curry Flavour (Hong Kong)
So for the 400th review, I went with one I’ve thought should be interesting – seafood curry. These are Cup Noodles that are not for sale usually in the United States. I’ve found two – Crab Flavour and Seafood Flavour, but this Curry Seafood Flavour came from Canada.
#399: Paldo Spicy Seafood Flavor Noodle Soup Cup
Ah the fruits of the sea! I wonder if it’ll be a fishy spicy thing going on? I sure hope so…
#396: Vina Acecook Best Cook Hot & Spicy Tom Yum Shrimp Flavour Instant Noodles
So far I’ve been so pleased with the Vina Acecook products. Everything’s been so nice about them. So let’s try a new one – a bowl noodle this time.
#391: Myojo Hyoubanya no Chukasoba Japanese Style Noodles Oriental Flavor
So on our recent trip to the new Bellevue Uwajimaya, we got a 5-pack of this stuff. My lady Kit really enjoyed the Myojo Charmela stuff so I thought maybe this would be something she would like too.
#386: Fu Chang Chinese Noodle Company Pork, Seafood & Noodles Combo
Well, this looks like a lot of insanity! Here we go!!!
Wait – I thought this was pork and seafood flavor, not shrimp flavor…
#384: Nissin Demae Iccho Instant Macaroni In Soup Tom Yam Goong Flavour
So I’ve been doing these slowly because they’re so cool! Another my sis brought back from Canada. Tom Yam eh? Should be interesting!
#377: Sau Tao Ho Fan Abalone Chicken Soup Flavored
Yep – here’s another of the Sau Tao’s. I’m just going to go through all of them in a row I think. This is Chicken and Abalone – kind of a new twist on ‘surf and turf’ eh? Anyways…
#376: Sau Tao Lobster Soup Flavored Thick Instant Noodle King
So here’s another of these Sau Tao’s by Sun Shun Fuk (heh heh) and hopefully it’s some good stuff.
#374: Vifon Shrimp Flavor Mi Tom Asian Style Instant Noodles
I rarely have any issue with a nice shrimp flavor bowl of noodles. These are from Vietnam by Vifon – I’d better cook them up and review them ‘cuz I’m hungry!
Re-Review: Tat Hui Koka Mi Hai Tom 2 Prawn Flavour Oriental Style Instant Noodles
So I reviewed this one a really long time ago and thought it really needed to be brought out again. I don’t even remember what score I gave it, but it’s being prepared no doubt a little different this time and so we shall see how it fares. I remember liking it a great deal.
#362: Vina Acecook Daily Instant Noodles Mi Canh Chua Hot & Sour With Shrimp
So here’s another of Vina Acecook’s line of ‘Daily’ instant noodles, hot & sour with shrimp. Sounds good to me; the picture on the front is definitely enticing…
#350: Nissin Souper Meal Tomato & Garlic Shrimp with Premium Straight-Cut Noodles
Alright -first off, it’s my lady Kit’s birthday today! Happy Birthday I love you!!! She was just in California and brought me back some noodles. I thought there were only two varieties of this stuff – apparently I was wrong! So here we go!
#336: Six Fortune Instant Noodles With Soup
Here’s a Six Fortune – I think this is their flagship or ‘original’ flavor. Anyways, hope its good!
#333: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Shrimp Flavor Spoonable Noodles & Soup Ramen Noodle Soup
So my lady found this one at a supermarket a couple days ago – we go there all the time so I’m thinking this is extremely new so Check it out!
#332: Nongshim Champong Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup (Cup)
So it’s time for some spiciness! Champong! Bring it!
Was a little surprised to see this one has over 2200mg sodium! It’s just a cup for cryin’ out loud!
#331: Sunlee Crab Flavour Instant Noodle (Bowl)
So here’s something I’ve not tried before – Sunlee brand from Thailand! Crab is usually a pretty good instant noodle flavor… Let’s see how this tastes…
#328: Nongshim Big Bowl Udon Japanese Style Noodle Soup
Ladies and gentlemen, the enormous Ramen Box has been opened and we begin. This one comes from Korea.
#327: Gomex 3 Miến Mì Tôm Hùm Lobster Flavour Instant Noodles
So here’s a brand I’ve never tried before. Gomex is produced by Viet Hung Food, another brand I’ve never heard of before. So I suppose its time to strap on the old noodle bowl and try this stuff.
#324: Nongshim BIG Bowl Spicy Noodle Soup With Shrimp Flavor
So here’s a big sucker – the name says it’s big. So let’s see if bigger is better with Nongshim Spicy Shrimp…
#322: Unif Shrimp Fish Flavor Instant Noodles
So here’s some Unif Shrimp Fish… What’s funny is that I have had the Super Bowl’s lately and they looked exactly the same as this, but this one doesn’t say Super Bowl on it so go figure.
#313: Paldo Dosirac Shrimp Flavor Instant Noodle
Next to last one of these. Shrimp flavor sounds pleasurable – I shall eat it!
Veg on top, soup base powder below.
#306: Rhee Bros Assi Brand Wellbeing Rice Noodle With Anchovy Flavored Soup
So I have been waiting to have the last Rhee Bros Assi Brand pack – some really good stuff in the past. I am curious how anchovy will be!
#301: Dragonfly Guilin Style Flavor Guilin Rice Vermicelli Bún Quế Lâm
So three hundred reviews behind this and onward we go! So here’s a brand I’ve never seen before. A lot of funny stuff on this package – shrimp flavor, bad English… But proof is in the eating right?