Category: Seafood

#141: Six Fortune Seafood Flavor Instant Noodles

Got this package at a very weird little asian grocery. Very weird. The place was dirty, in extreme disarray and after we left we saw a cop pop in. Most of the signs were in sharpie on cardboard and on the way in instead of a mat or carpet, cardboard was used. Very ghetto. But I haven’t seen this stuff elsewhere so hooray! ...see full post

#538: Lucky Me! Instant Lomi (Seafood Vegetable) Instant Noodles Artificial Seafood Flavor

So I’m going to make a special dinner tonight for my lady and I – we’re gonig to have Nissin Chicken Top Ramen and Nissin Demae Ramen concurrently and review and compare both. Well, I thought hey why not have a small pack of this filipino ramen noodle stuff, I mean, I’m a little hungry so why not. ...see full post

#97: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Mi Tom Chua Sour Shrimp Flavor Instant Noodles Vietnam Flavor

So today I thought I’d try some more of these interesting Vietnamese noodles. Yesterday’s review was very enjoyable – especially with the little thing about ‘spicery’ on the packet. So here we go with Sour Shrimp Flavor. Yup – another really long named instant noodle pack. I’m kind of liking it. ...see full post

#87: Wai Wai Tom Yum Shrimp Cream Soup Flavour Instant Noodles

So here we go with some Wai Wai. This stuff is made in Thailand and the noodles can be eaten straight out of the bag like a bag of chips. This was a much smaller package than usually seen here on In fact, the directions call for a mere 1 1/3 cups of water [320cc] instead of the usual 2 to 2 1/2 cups. ...see full post

#78: Nissin Demae Ramen Seafood Flavor Instant Noodle

Seeing things like this make me want to break out into a musical number like Peter does on Family Guy. Nothing more lovely than a huge mountain of instant noodles. I really enjoy seeing such things. Today, I got an extra ingredient for dinner, but I’m also going to toss it in the instant noodles too so we’ll see if it works. ...see full post

#67: Maruchan: Ramen Noodle Soup Lime Chili Shrimp Flavor

So this looks to be one of the more exotic flavors out there as far as the more ‘domesticated’ ramens go. What I find curious is whether this is marketed towards the Hispanic or the Filipino populations. The combination of chili and lime are popular in both cultures and products marketed with a pepper and a green lime are very common. ...see full post

#58: Ve Wong A One Bun Tom Shrimp Rice Vermicelli

A One: Bun Tom Shrimp

Stars: ***

Notes: This stuff was really good – had had a few beers beforehand and decided to
try it as a preventative hangover cure. Didn’t work all that great for it’s intended purpose, however it was good. The package contained a packet of dried green onions, seasoning oil and soup base. The noodles [rice variety] were strangely enough sealed in their own plastic bag. I cooked the noodles and green onions and dropped in a couple eggs and then dropped that mixture [drained of course] into a bowl with the oil and flavor base and stirred. Was a very burly dealio. ...see full post

#54: Hua Feng Noodle Expert Spicy Instant Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavor

Hua Feng Noodle Expert: Spicy Instant Noodles – Spicy Seafood Flavor
Stars: ***
Notes: This stuff’s actually quite different – it comes in a round cake of noodles, and fits quite snugly into the cooking pot. After cooking it, it really sucks up water and basically turned into a big bowl of seafood spaghetti! Wasn’t too shabby with some roman peasant bread left over from mother’s day. ...see full post

#34: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Shrimp Flavor

Maruchan: Noodle Soup – Shrimp Flavor
Stars: **

Notes: I don’t know why, but the ramen companies that cater to the U.S. customer really dropped the ball here – there’s only one packet and the noodles are of very poor quality. However, this type of ramen’s saving grace is it’s ability to be used to make a bastardized version of ‘Spaetzel,” a Scandinavian dish. Get it here.
...see full post

#29: Namchow Mee-Jang Tom Yum Shrimp Bowl

Namchow: Tom Yum Shrimp Bowl Stars: *** 1/2
Notes: Just polished it off a minute ago. Not extremely complicated but a very satisfying bowl.
Upon opening the packaging, the consumer is greeted by two small but very clear pouches
of which one contains a mix of chili oil/seasoning oil, and the other a base with
dehydrated meat ad vegetables. After leaving it to steep with some boiling water, the
end product is a bowl full of bright red broth and some really greasy noodles. Wasn’t a
really hot bowl; on the contrary, it was very citrussy flavored. But very very greasy. I
can’t begin to describe how greasy it is! A worthy bowl of noodles on it’s own. ...see full post

#21: Nongshim Champong Oriental Style Noodle

Nong Shim: Champong Oriental Noodles
Stars: **
Notes: First off, this was a pretty big package; more like very big. There was
a pack of dehydrated fish as well – octopus, cuttlefish, seaweed etc.
Also, the noodles were Udon style [extra thick]. After I made it, I
realized that the broth was quite dark and deep red. The octopus was
black too – and after the noodles, drinking the last bit of broth was
what I imagine a ton of fish blood and salt would be like. ...see full post

#16: Samyang Kalgug-Su (Spicy)

Samyang: Kalgug-Su (Spicy)
Stars: *** 1/2
Notes: A very good package of noodles. This one took quite a bit of looking around to find out what brand/type it is. So the noodles are very much like Indomie’s special – but they are VERY wide – wide as egg noodles! Was a great bowl of soup with the
only exception being that it had some dehydrated mushrooms in it that were
extremely foul. I thought since the name Kalgug sounded like an overture to regurgitation, that word must refer to the mushrooms. ...see full post

#15: Samyang Pojangmacha U-Dong

Samyang: Pojangmacha U-Dong
Stars: ** 1/2
Notes: These were some interesting noodles. First off, they are called ‘u-dong’ and not ‘udon.’ Second, they had something called ‘sea tangle.’ I believe that the sea tangle is the true redeeming quality of this package. As far as the flavor, it wasn’t the best in the world. Wasn’t really seafoody… I dunno – didn’t really taste different – just ‘other’ seafoody, and smelled good. I mostly enjoyed the very exciting sea tangle. ...see full post

#12: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Shrimp Flavor Soup

Sapporo Ichiban: Shrimp Flavor
Stars: ** 1/2
Notes: Wasn’t all that jazzed about this stuff – I do think I like the Maruchan Shrimp a
tad bit better. The difference however, is that this package of noodles is very
dense – lots of noodles! A plus, but not enough to make me stoked. Get it here.
...see full post