Category: Seafood

#3548: KORMOSA Kiss My Food Shrimp Instant Noodles – Taiwan

#3548: KORMOSA Kiss My Food Shrimp Instant Noodles - Taiwan

Okay. This one’s interesting. This product is produced by Paldo Vina, a Vietnamese branch of Paldo Food of South Korea. It is for sale in Taiwan (formerly called Formosa). It was sent to me by Daniel – one of the guys from who visited Taiwan recently and brought it back for me – thanks again! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3481: MyKuali Penang Spicy Prawn Soup Noodle (2019 Recipe) – Malaysia

#3481: MyKuali Penang Spicy Prawn Soup Noodle (2019 Recipe) - Malaysia

A new recipe for 2019 – they change recipes a lot at MyKuali. It’s definitely a Malaysian thing, that’s for sure. I like that though – definitely neat to see companies tweak recipes every so often and see what they come up with. Let’s give this one a try – I’m guess it’s going to be strng with a sweet prawn flavor. ...see full post

#3478: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Seafood Tonkotsu” Taste – United States

#3478: Menraku Japanese Ramen "Seafood Tonkotsu" Taste - United States

This one comes by way of James in Lakeside, CA. Thanks! Okay so yer it’s made in Japan but this is obviously packaged for US sale. I generally classify things for the country you’ll be able to buy them in. If it’s an export product that would go to a region, say Europe, it’d get given the originating country’s name at the end of the title. So there. ...see full post

#3472: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (New Recipe) – Malaysia

#3472: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (New Recipe) - Malaysia

I gotta say, there have been a TON of new recipes for this instant noodle. I don’t know how many brands are changing recipes out there, but it’s nice to know when they do. This is something they do in Malaysia, specifically Penang, Malaysia, an awful lot. The folks at MyKuali told me how you might go to a hawker stall one day and have something really great and a week later it’s almost unrecognizable in hopes of having the next super popular food item. Food creators there never seem satisfied with ‘good enough.’ Let’s see what this iteration of the legendary MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle has to offer. ...see full post

#3469: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Rice Vermicelli Soup – Malaysia

#3469: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Rice Vermicelli Soup - Malaysia

Simply looking at this bowl evokes memories of travel for me so happy… Penang is such a place of wonder and fascination. The sights, scents and sounds crescendo in a vibrant, harmonic din that haunts my soul in such a way  that not a day goes by without a sigh of returning. As the mighty salmon is compelled to return whence it came, so I must return to old Penang someday to experience its charm. ...see full post

#3437: Red Chef Green Tom Yum Soup Noodles [New Formulation Dec-19] – Malaysia

#3512: Red Chef Green Tom Yum Soup Noodles [New Formulation Dec-19] - Malaysia:

This is always something that really humbles me. I review instant noodles, and getting new varieties is always a good thing, albeit difficult oft times. Well, this is a definitely new variety. The former version has been on my The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list – now I’m curious… Isn’t that good enough? Apparently not! Let’s see what’s different! ...see full post

#3428: Wu-Mu Mandashi Sakura Shrimp Scallion Oil Noodles – Taiwan

#3428: Wu-Mu Mandashi Sakura Shrimp Scallion Oil Noodles - Taiwan

I found another one of these export Mandashi varieties at the local 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds the other day. Nice to find stuff at the regular haunts. I still think the man on the front is going to strike me if I don’t prepare his noodles correctly! Although I have worked with the Wu-Mu folks before and did a Meet The Manufacturer and they are really very nice people. Anyways, shrimp and scallion? Sounds good! Let’s see if it is! ...see full post

#3399: INA Pan Mee Goreng Dried Chilli Shrimp Flavour – Malaysia

#3318: INA Pan Mee Goreng Dried Chilli Shrimp Flavour - Malaysia

My posts for the most part come out about 100 days since I wrote them. A lot happens in those 100 days, personally and globally. About 60 days ago I found out I’d lost 65 pounds when I visited the doctor – 2 days ago I found out I’ve lost 30 more. Last night was the second night of the Democrat primary debates. Kamala Harris did incredibly well and we now have a new race.When this posting, I’m sure a few candidates have dropped off and declared their support for others. I like politics – it’s fun and matters. ...see full post

#3303: Chil Kab Farm Products Spicy Sujebi – Seafood Flavor – South Korea

#3303: Chil Kab Farm Products Spicy Sujebi - Seafood Flavor - South Korea

Found this one yesterday at Boo Han Market in Edmonds, Washington. So it had a sticker on the side which pulled a bit off but I can still make out the cooking instructions from what’s left. The sticker mentioned ‘Korean pasta’ which I found compelling. This is sujebi – let’s see what Wikipedia has to say – ...see full post