Here’s another one I got up at the new T&T Supermarket up in Richmond BC that’s at Lansdowne Centre. Or is it Lansdowne Mall? Either way, it’s a big T&T inside what used to be a Target store. Oh – and sad parents can rejoice – TOYS R US IS STILL IN CANADA. Also, if you go to the Walmart in Richmond, you will often see Teslas, Ferraris and the odd Buigatti. It’s like a mirror universe. Let’s check this one out!
Category: Seafood
#3037: Yum Yum Spicy Thai Seafood Flavour – Thailand
Here’s another one sent by the nice folks at Yum Yum – thanks again! It’s been crazy lately – doing the whole YouTube thing is very time consuming and had a couple weeks recently where reviewing has kind of hit the back burner. This week has been different and it’s really nice. I’ve been able to crank out quite a few reviews and get to many varieties I’ve wanted to. Here’s one of them – let’s check it out!
#3025: Uncle Sun Dry Black Pepper Crab Noodle – Malaysia
Got an email awhile back about a couple new Uncle Sun varieties. I’d not tried anything from them since their white curries and was happy to hear about their black pepper crab and chili crab offerings. Really want to try this one… Well, no time like the present!
#3019: Sau Tao Tom Yum Kung Flavour Ramen – Hong Kong
Found this at the brand spanking new T&T Supermarket at Lansdowne Centre up in Richmond, BC recently. That place was a zoo the day we visited – so many people! But got out of there with a couple things. Anyways, a straight noodle tom yum sounds just bizarre – and possibly really good! Let’s find out.
#3018: Sapporo Ichiban Spicy Champon – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one –
#3007: Myojo Ramen Char Mee 100 – Singapore
Here’s one that was sent by Myojo of Singapore – thanks again! So, what’s char mee? I did a bit of research on Wikipedia about char mee. It was a little vague but I am hoping what I gleaned was right. So, this is like Hokkien mee without broth. Let’s see what this is all about.
#2997: Rooster Chili Seafood Flavour Noodle Soup – Canada
Oh – Canada! How you doin’? So we went up to Canada as we usually do about once a month and we’d been seeing the place called ‘The Real Canadian Super Store’ every time but never visited. So it’s part of Loblaw’s, a mega supermarket group in Canada – the have lots of different stores up there under different names like T&T Supermarket, Loblaw’s, – I think London Drug? Anyways, yeah. This store was like a mega Walmart – but the difference is that it’s real and it’s Canadian. Great noodle aisle – lots of things I’ve not seen elsewhere. Let’s give this one a try – it’s made in China for the Canadian company.
#2995: Uni-President XO Sauce Stir Noodle Bowl
We found this one up at Foodyworld in Richmond, BC. They were on a great sale – 2 for $3CAD! Not bad at all! I have to say I love this packaging’s graphic. The food is all sharp and colorful and contrasts so well with the background. Very old school Chinese! Let’s have a look!
#2994: Sapporo Ichiban Ise Ebi Soup Noodles – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one –
#2986: Yum Yum Instant Dried Noodles Pad Kee Mao Flavour – Thailand
Alright here we have a variety that’s been one of my favorites – and it translates to Drunken Noodles! Here’s a little something about it from Wikipedia –
#2980: Sapporo Ichiban Pokemon Seafood Noodles
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one –
#2973: MAMA Oriental Kitchen Shrimp Stir Fried Tomyum Sauce Noodle
Here’s a new variety sent by the nice folks over at Thai Foods in Thailand – thank you! I’m really excited – my son Miles and I haven’t done a spicy noodle challenge with anything from Thailand thus far and I think this might be the one we’ll try. For those of you who haven’t tried before, tom yum is a spicy, citrussy and tasty flavor from Thailand usually in a soup form, but here is a dry noodle. Let’s give it a try!
#2970: Samyang Foods Big Bowl Lobster Flavor
Well this is something different. I haven’t had a lobster flavor variety in quite a while – definitely well over a year – at least I think so. Let’s give it a try!
#2961: Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood Flavor
Yep – another one from our trip to the Real Canadian Superstore! Cup Noodles from the Philippines! Rad! You know, it can be real tough for me to find new stuff from the Philippines and when I do,m I’m very happy. This is a little plastic cup victory, finding this! Let’s check it out.
#2948: Itomen Kaisen Tonkotsu Ramen
Here’s one from the surprise package from Taiwan I got a couple months ago. It’s got a bit of history – the box that is. If you look at the end credits in the 2018 Top Ten Bowls video, you can see my kids hanging out in it!
#2934: Samyang Foods Big Bowl Seafood Flavor
Samyang Foods just came out with three varieties of these large bowls. Seafood, chicken and lobster. They definitely look to be export varieties – the nutrition panels are in English and French, which might mean they’re more tailored for Canada. Anyways, I’m curious about these – let’s have a look!
#2928: Nissin Cup Noodles Light Spicy Seafood Flavour
Here’s the second variety from Nissin Hong Kong’s new Light Cup Noodles line. Spicy is good – let’s give it a try!
#2926: Myojo Charumera Chanpon
Here’s another neat one from Zenpop.JP. Thank you! So Zenpop has all sorts of monthly boxes including ramen boxes. Nine instant ramen in one box for a good price – check ’em out and use coupon code RAMENRATER at checkout for a discount! Here’s what they had to say about this one –
#2921: Prima Taste Singapore Prawn Soup Wholegrain La Mian
Here’s one I’ve not tried before – the wholegrain prawn. I’ve tried the regular prawn, but not the wholegrain. This version married the thick and hearty wholegrain la mian with their prawn soup base. Let’s take a look and see how it is!
#2920: Yum Yum Authentic Thai Style Instant Noodles Tom Yum Shrimp Flavour
I’ve been a tom yum fan for a while now, however in my very early days of reviews I wasn’t so much. It was either too spicy or too this, too that… But now I love the stuff. Here’s a little about it from Wikipedia –
#2914: Itomen Shijimi Clam Shoyu Ramen
This is one that was sent by the Itomen distributor in Taiwan – thank you again! Clam shoyu eh? Sounds interesting – let’s give it a try.
#2890: Nissin U.F.O. Flaming Hot Seafood Flavour
So this one is made in Indonesia and I got it from Nissin Singapore – thanks! The last one of these I tried was ‘Japanese Sauce’ flavor – and definitely was very Indonesian in flavor and quite amazing. Very curious about this one – let’s take a look.
#2889: Sugakiya Nagoya Kishimen
Here’s one that came by way of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate – thanks! You can get nice boxes of instant noodles all the way from Japan to your door every month – check em out! Here’s what they had to say about these in the pamphlet that comes with the box:
Meet The Manufacturer: #2882: Miandom Tasty Asia Green Curry Shrimp Flavoured Instant Noodles
Today, we part ways with Miandom and their Tasty Asia range. I have a feeling green curry and black pepper crab might not be the only products we see from this new company. This is the green curry cup version. Let’s take a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2881: Miandom Tasty Asia Black Pepper Crab Flavoured Instant Noodles
Here we have a black pepper crab noodle cup from Miandom’s Tasty Asia range. Black Pepper Crab is another very popular flavor in Singapore – let’s see how it stacks up!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2880: Miandom Tasty Asia Green Curry Shrimp Flavoured Instant Noodles
Miandom’s Tasty Asia range currently has three options: a green curry shrimp pack and cup and a black pepper crab cup. Today I’ll be reviewing the pack version. You get 4 packs in this large bag. Green curry is good stuff! Let’s see how it does!
#2877: Super Cup Instant Noodle Seafood Flavour
Found this one at the Hi-Life store at the Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei, Taiwan. Notice on the image it says ‘improved taste’. Making this claim always gives me a bit of a laugh. You could also call it ‘different taste,’ right? Was it too watery before so the amount of liquid added recommendation changed? more of one ingredient? Less of another? Well, we shall never know because all it says is ‘improved taste.’ Also – improved for whom? Person on the left likes it, person on the right wishes it were like it used to be. Anyways, there’s no person A or B here – there’s just me and my tongue. Let’s give it a try!
#2875: Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood Ramen Noodle Soup
Well this is very nice to see. This is a popular variety in Japan. Cup Noodle Seafood has been around for some time. Well, Nissin USA has brought it here to the United States in a microwave form with no added MSG and no artificial flavors. Here’s a little tidbit from Wikipedia about Cup Noodle –
#2855: Yum Yum Tem Tem Tom Klong Pla Krob
A little while back, the kind folks at Yum Yum in Thailand sent me a box just packed with varieties I’d never tried before – thanks again! Today we’ve got one of them. What is tom klong pla krob you ask? Well, it’s a sour and spicy smoked fish soup. There, that wasn’t too hard, was it? Let’s pop it open and give it a try!
#2852: Sapporo Ichiban Nagasaki Chinatown Champon
This is another one from Zenpop is pretty cool – they have different boxes you can get – Japanese stationery, snacks, ramen… It’s quite a variety. They’re pretty cheap, too. Here’s what they had to say about this variety:
#2839: Yum Yum Authentic Thai Style Instant Noodles Tom Yum Shrimp Creamy Flavour
Oh man tom yum. I really like tom yum as lot – especially the creamy stuff. Here’s a little about it from Wikipedia –
#2837: Acecook Sapporo Shrimp Miso Ramen
Here’s another one from Zenpop.JP. Zenpop offers a lot of diverse Japanese boxes – lots of assorted things like ramen and also stationary among other things. Here’s what they have to say about this variety –
#2828: YumYum Tem Tem Tom Yum Seafood
This one was sent to me by YumYum in December of 2017 – thank you! Nothing I like more than getting non-export versions of products. Why? Well, they’re more exotic to begin with. The non export varieties are the ones that can be found on store shelves in the country of origin. It’s not like I can walk down the street and go to a Thai grocery store in Thailand, so this is very helpful for me. Here’s a little about tom yum from Wikipedia –
#2825: Yum Yum Instant Noodles Tom Yum Kung Flavour
I really the enjoy that I have the opportunity to review products from a lot of different countries. This really makes things interesting every day. Today, we’ve got one from Yum Yum of Thailand. This is tom yum kung – let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about it –
#2821: Sichuan Baijia Broad Noodle Sour Soup Fish Flavor
I picked this one up at the 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds, Washington a few weeks back. I hadn’t seen this Baijia variety before and I thought the graphic on the front of someone sleeping and dreaming about fancy cars, a home and lots of money was really quite compelling.
#2819: World O’ Noodle Asam Laksa Flavour Instant Noodles
Got this one at the Jason’s Market at the foot of the Taipei 101. Asam laksa – possibly a new taste for you. Here’s something from Wikipedia –
Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Shrimp Flavored Soup
Today, we head to the second half of this series with the shrimp pack version. Cups and packs, packs and cups. As you may remember, I was pretty impressed by the cup version. I’ve tasted shrimp flavor instant noodles in a few different ways. Sometimes, it’s kind of like as buttery broth which doesn’t taste like shrimp, but one that shrimp may go well in. – kind of the way that oyster sauce doesn’t taste like oysters. The cup version with this brand has a nice sweetness that you find in shrimp. Let’s see how it translates to the pack version.
Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Shrimp Flavor Oriental Noodle Soup
Sapporo Ichiban offers four standard pillow pack style noodles, four special varieties, and four cup varieties. It makes it easy to do a different one every day during this Meet The Manufacturer series. I have, however, reviewed them all before, but it was a very long, long time ago. I usually don’t like to do re-reviews, but I think in this case I’m very happy to make an exception. I’ve been wanting to do a Meet The Manufacturer with Sanyo Foods America for years and getting the chance to has been a lot of fun!
#2809: Acecook Shrimp Tempura Soba
Here’s another neat one from Zenpop.JP. Thank you! So Zenpop has all sorts of monthly boxes including ramen boxes. Nine instant ramen in one box for a good price – check ’em out! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘This healthy soba is low in sodium and moreover, it contains GABA, which helps lower the blood pressure, reduce the stress, and make you relaxed. Of course, it’s tasty too. Katsuo (bonito) dashi and shrimp adds a delectable flavor to it.’
#2808: Super Super Cup Signature White Curry
I was surprised to find this one in Taiwan – had seen it in images online quite a few times before but yeah – Taiwan! I got this at the Hi-Life store at the Nangang Exhibition Center. I really didn’t think Malaysian food would be popular in Taiwan, but actually I went to PappaRich over there – a chain of Malaysian restaurants. I’m pretty sure nowhere is immune to the White Curry craze! Strong flavors and spicy broth is pretty good anywhere you go. Let’s crack this cup open and look around!