Well it’s that awesome time of year again! February 1st will bring in the year of the Tiger! Prima Taste sends me some tasty treats every year – you might know them from their awesome Laksa and Curry La Mian varieties. But did you know they make a lot more than noodles? Prima Group is a big flour mill and makes anything you can make with flour as far as I can tell – noodles, bread, deli treats, etc. Let’s check out these treats and Happy CNY!
Category: Singapore
#3859: Prima Taste Singapore Prawn Soup La Mian – Singapore
Here’s one the folks sent all the way from Singapore for me – thanks! This one isn’t available in the United States. I’ve tried it before, but they included a special sachet of powder to give it more oomph. Let’s give it a try!
#3826: WhatIf? Foods Moringa Noodles With Sesame Garlic Seasoning – Singapore
This is the second of two varieties that were sent to me from Singapore. Not sure about what moringa is, but it sounds healthy. These folks are very into making healthy products – let’s check these out!
#3817: WhatIf? Foods Bamnut Noodles With Sweet Hot Seasoning – Singapore
I did a bunch of preliminary work with an interviewer from Channel News Asia a while back for a program they were developing. They chose to not include me in it, which does happen. I was disappointed, but the interviewer was really nice and connected me with a company who was to be featured on the show. The show was focusing on the trend of more health focused noodles around the world, and these are some from that company, WhatIf? Foods. Definitely a unique box! Let’s look within and give them a try!
Singaporean Product Samples From Prima Taste
After winning the 2021 Top Ten Instant Noodles for the SIXTH TIME IN A ROW, Prima Taste sent some new stuff to try out! Let’s take a look at see what’s going on inside this box!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition
After one very turbulent year, The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time is back. My mother died, we had an auto accident, the kids missed in-person schooling, and of course the pandemic. It’s been a really rough go but we’re back. Vaccines are rolling out everywhere and hopefully we can all get back together someday son. One thing I’ve found inspiration and enjoyment from during these times is a book I’d been hoping to find was sent to me by a noodle company exec called Momofuku Ando Speaks. It’s a book of quotes (kind of like the Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition if you’re a Star Trek fan) by the inventor of the instant noodle. I’ve been reading one on my show Instant Noodle Recipe Time every day – a lot of fun and a very interesting perspective. Little things like that have been really important as of late. Today, I’m proud to announce the show hits its 1000th episode!
#3732: Chillies Brand Hae Bee Hiam – Singapore
When I heard about this, I was immediately interested. Dried shrimp are a big part of this and I’m curious how ‘shrimpy’ the flavor will be. Let’s find out as I review the first variety from Chillies Brand I’ve tried!
Prima Taste Send My All Time Favorite Noodles
Every year or so, Prima Taste sneds over some samples. This is nice – especially since they’re so good. These have been at the top of my top ten for years now – it’s because they’re freaking wonderful noodles. Check it out!
Prima Taste Singapore Sends Some Nice Gifts
Every year around Lunar New Year, Prima Taste send some nice goodies – let’s see what’s inside!
WhatIf? Foods Send Samples From Singapore
Got these neatly packaged healthy noodles sent to me the other day! Watch to find out more about them!
#3651: Tasty.ly Cup Pasta Carbonara – Singapore
Here’s something a little different than I usually review! This is a pasta cup from Singapore. I am really curious – how will it taste? How will its flavor be focused for local people in Singapore? Well, let’s find out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition
This yeah has just been rough – for everyone I know. After the hardest part of it for me – the passing of my mother – I took a week off from walking after doing 1,000,000 steps on my Fitbit in June and dove in to working on top ten lists. I did four of them, all current as of review 3545. This list hasn’t been updated since 2017. I’ll be rolling out lists here and there for the next couple of months and maybe do this again a little ways down the road. Here’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition.
#3544: KOKA Baked Multi Grain Noodles Pepper Crab Flavour – Singapore
Here we have the last of the trifecta of the KOKA Baked Noodle series. I thought I’d give this a try today as it’s a Monday and I’m hoping to get through ten reviews this week. It’s been an uphill climb lately though…
#3499: KOKA Baked Multi Grain Noodles Five Spiced Duck Flavour – Singapore
KOKA released 3 varieties in this range and this is the second of the three I’m reviewing today. Duck is a bit of a mystery to me. I love duck and I feel that it is the most neglected meat in Western cuisine. In Asia I’ve had duck on every visit – it’s everywhere and it’s such wonderful, tasty meat.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition
Despite all the tumultuous and unnerving events of our current age,, I am happy to announce that I’ve got a new list for our year, 2020. In the past fe hundred reviews I’ve done this past year there have been some real standouts and of course many have remained. These are my absolute favorites of reviews 1 through 3487. It’s hard – I feel like I should be doing a top 20, or even a top 50 at this point, but the sheer amount of time that would take with being a stay at home father of two while trying to get in a few hours of exercise every day just isn’t in the cards. I’m hoping in the coming months to come out with the regular top tens and maybe some new ones, but it’s a tough juggle these days.
#3482: KOKA Baked Multi Grain Noodles Hot Mala Tofu Flavour – Singapore
I saw these on KOKA’s Instagram feed and thought they looked interesting! I sent them a message and in a couple weeks they arrived. These feature a non-fried noodle with different grains and purple corn! Let’s give them a try!
#3446 Prima Taste Singapore Black Pepper Crab Flavoured La Mian – Singapore
We meet again, black pepper crab! I tried this awhile back as a special pre-release variety, but this is the full-fledged version. Black pepper crab is considered of one of the top dishes of Singapore – here’s a little about it from Wikipedia –
#3400: EDO Pack Kumamoto Flavor Noodles – Hong Kong
Another one from Smart’n’Save in Richmond, BC’s Lansdowne Centre. Kumamoto flavor would definitely point towards tonkotsu; not a clue what else it could be. This is a product of Singapore, but labeling definitely makes it clear to me that it’s just for the Hong Kong market. Let’s check it out!
A Special Box From Prima Taste Of Singapore
Prima Taste has made some really top notch products. I should say, the top notchiest products since their Wholegrain Singapore LAksa La Mian has topped my annual Top Ten Instant Noodle Of All Time lists for the past 4 years. I got a package I wasn’t expecting from them yesterday – and we opened it!
KOKA Baked Multigrain Noodle Cups From Singapore!
I contacted KOKA in Singapore after I saw they had something new on Instagram! Let’s take a look!
Happy Birthday, Singapore! New Products From Prima Taste
Some new stuff just arrived! Perfect timing too, as it’s Singapore’s 54th birthday!Let’s check it out!
#3210: Prima Taste Singapore Prawn Soup La Mian – Singapore
Today I’m reviewing the third iteration of this variety from Singapore. I really like good prawn flavor and hoping this one blows my mind like Prima Taste’s other varieties. Let’s give it a try!
#3196: Prima Taste Singapore Chilli Crab Flavoured La Mian – Singapore
I was contacted recently by Prima Taste about their new Black Pepper Crab variety as well and a couple of recipe updates. This on’s got a new recipe – and the thumbs up on the pack denotes it being tasty. Far be it for me to avoid tastiness! Let’s check it out!
Top Ten Best Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019
This is my list of my all time favorites (compiled up to review #3132). These are the best and most memorable varieties – some you’ll be able to find easily, some you won’t. In the images you see, you’ll see garnished bowls of noodles. Note – reviewing is done BEFORE products have anything externally added by myself, and I follow directions on the package – for better or for worse. I should also note that going forward, the official last day for companies to submit varieties to be considered for the annual top ten will be January 31st. That’s enough – let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition
This is my list of my all time favorites (compiled up to review #3132). These are the best and most memorable varieties – some you’ll be able to find easily, some you won’t. In the images you see, you’ll see garnished bowls of noodles. Note – reviewing is done BEFORE products have anything externally added by myself, and I follow directions on the package – for better or for worse. I should also note that going forward, the official last day for companies to submit varieties to be considered for the annual top ten will be January 31st. That’s enough – let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition!
Prima Taste New Recipe Prawn Soup Samples – Singapore
I mentioned a second box from an Unboxing Time video I posted yesterday. Well, here it is! They’re updated the recipe for their Prawn Soup variety yet again and it’s supposed to be really great stuff. Let’s see what’s inside.
New!! Prima Taste Black Pepper Crab & Other Recipes – Singapore
I’ve already just posted the review for the new Prima Taste Black Pepper Crab La Mian, but here’s the video unboxing! It’s been busy and I really wanted to try it so here we are. I had an energy drink today so getting a lot of stuff done today! Enjoy!
#3096: Prima Taste Singapore Black Pepper Crab Flavoured La Mian – Singapore
Here’s something pretty cool – I was contacted by the folks at Prima Taste who said they had a new product. Now their Whole Grain Laksa has been number one on my top ten for 3 years now, so naturally I want to try something new from them. They don’t come out with new stuff often and never had anything I didn’t like.
#3007: Myojo Ramen Char Mee 100 – Singapore
Here’s one that was sent by Myojo of Singapore – thanks again! So, what’s char mee? I did a bit of research on Wikipedia about char mee. It was a little vague but I am hoping what I gleaned was right. So, this is like Hokkien mee without broth. Let’s see what this is all about.
Mooncake from Prima Deli – Singapore
So you probably know that I’ve been proud to place Prima Taste Laksa as #1 for the past three years on the annual top Ten list. I love it and can’t leave the stuff alone. Well, the company that oversees Prima Taste and oversees another company – Prima Deli. Prima Deli makes all sort of things including mooncake!
#2921: Prima Taste Singapore Prawn Soup Wholegrain La Mian
Here’s one I’ve not tried before – the wholegrain prawn. I’ve tried the regular prawn, but not the wholegrain. This version married the thick and hearty wholegrain la mian with their prawn soup base. Let’s take a look and see how it is!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2018 Edition
Hello fellow instant noodle enthusiasts! Whether for lunch or a snack, instant noodle cups are popular the world over for their convenience and ease of preparation. I’ve samples over 2,800 different instant noodle varieties, and a great deal of them are cups. Out of those, here are my absolute favorite varieties – updated for 2018! As always, if you’re an instant noodle cup (or otherwise) company, please contact me if you’d like to have your products reviewed! Hope you enjoy!
#2890: Nissin U.F.O. Flaming Hot Seafood Flavour
So this one is made in Indonesia and I got it from Nissin Singapore – thanks! The last one of these I tried was ‘Japanese Sauce’ flavor – and definitely was very Indonesian in flavor and quite amazing. Very curious about this one – let’s take a look.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2882: Miandom Tasty Asia Green Curry Shrimp Flavoured Instant Noodles
Today, we part ways with Miandom and their Tasty Asia range. I have a feeling green curry and black pepper crab might not be the only products we see from this new company. This is the green curry cup version. Let’s take a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2881: Miandom Tasty Asia Black Pepper Crab Flavoured Instant Noodles
Here we have a black pepper crab noodle cup from Miandom’s Tasty Asia range. Black Pepper Crab is another very popular flavor in Singapore – let’s see how it stacks up!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2880: Miandom Tasty Asia Green Curry Shrimp Flavoured Instant Noodles
Miandom’s Tasty Asia range currently has three options: a green curry shrimp pack and cup and a black pepper crab cup. Today I’ll be reviewing the pack version. You get 4 packs in this large bag. Green curry is good stuff! Let’s see how it does!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Miandom – Singapore
This is kind of embarassing. So I Wasn’t exactly sure what this box was when I was opening it up, and so I started recording the Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater video thinking it was from a different company! Well, it was open! I had to restart the video and pretend to open it! But it all worked out deliciously. Let’s havbe a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Miandom – Singapore
Unboxing Time: Instant Noodles Swag From Prima Taste
I saw some promotional events that Prima Taste was running and some of the neat stuff they did with giveaways and what the folks who were giving out samples were wearing. I asked if I could possible have some swung my way and they obliged! Thank you! Let’s open this boxc up and see what’s within!
Unboxing Time: Russian & S’pore Varieties Send By The Halal Food Blog
A few weeks ago, I commented on a post I saw on The Halal Food Blog‘s Instagram. Always really neat things to see there! Well, I saw a picture showing some instant noodles and that they were in Uzbokistan! I was immediately curious and they offered to send me some! Well, today I’ve got a box and it’s Unboxing Time, so let’s get to it!