Category: Singapore

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

Now for the third year, I’m coming out with the latest Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles list. Rice noodles have some benefits as opposed to their fried wheat counterparts. First, they’re virtually fat-free. Also, they’re not fried. Rice noodles are gluten-free by nature, although the ingredients in the sachets that come with these varieties might not be. People ask me for a gluten-free list often, but that would be rather difficult as I’d have to pore over every ingredient list on every review to do this. Well, let’s have a look at these great rice noodle varieties – the best instant rice noodles varieties of the almost 2,500 reviews to date! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2455: KOKA Creamy Soup With Crushed Noodles Sweet Corn Flavor

Meet The Manufacturer: #2455: KOKA Creamy Soup With Crushed Noodles Sweet Corn Flavor - Singapore - The Ramen Rater - corn in a cup

I often remember my experience with corn in Southeast Asia in the past, however it wasn’t involving a creamy soup. First off, you don’t see corn very often – definitely nowhere near as much as you see it here in the United States. What I did see what in the Penang International Airport, they had a little snack stand. I think they had ice cream, beefburgers (they call them that because ham is not taken by so many people over there and just calling it a beefburger makes sure there’s no confusion), and corn in a cup. Here, we have corn on the cob. However over there I saw this corn in a cup – I asked our host what this was all about. Basically, it’s not popcorn, but yellow corn in a cup with butter and seasonings. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2449: KOKA Delight Tomato Flavor Instant Non-Fried Noodles

Meet The Manufacturer: #2449: KOKA Delight Tomato Flavor Instant Non-Fried Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater - Tat Hui

Today we have one I have had the export version of in the past. This however, is the local Singapore version. One thing to note for the Vegetarian crowd is that these have that little box with the green circle inside. There’s two kinds – the green circle or the red circle. Green means suitable for Vegetarians and red means not suitable. Also, they’re steamed and not fried, and to top it off, there’s no added MSG, something people are always interested in. Well, let’s get started with this tomato variety from KOKA! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2447: KOKA Signature Stir-Fry Original Flavor Instant Noodles

Meet The Manufacturer: #2447: KOKA Signature Stir-Fry Original Flavor Instant Noodles- - Singapore - The Ramen Rater - Tat Hui Foods

Today we have stir-fry noodles. Curious about what these are going to be like – sweet? Spicy? Salty? I do like stir-fry, however it’s like a sandwich. You can put all kinds of things in a sandwich. But a grilled cheese is a long way from a Monte Cristo. Singaporean stir-fry noodles sound good though – let’s have a look! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2446: KOKA Creamy Soup With Crushed Noodles Curry Flavor

Meet The Manufacturer: #2446: KOKA Creamy Soup With Crushed Noodles Curry Flavor - Singapore - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

Here we have something new. So I usually only review instant noodles, not soups. However, this is a soup with instant noodles. Wait, what?! Yeah that’s what I thought too! I’ve never heard of such a thing – but it doesn’t sound bad. As I have always said, I love seeing innovation and something new. It definitely is a nice surprise when something unique and new crosses my desk and this certainty is that on both accounts. Let’s check out this cup of soup – with crushed noodles! ...see full post

Met The Manufacturer: #2445: KOKA Delight Laksa Singapura Flavor Instant Non-Fried Noodles

Met The Manufacturer: #2445: KOKA Delight Laksa Singapura Flavor Instant Non-Fried Noodles - The Ramen Rater - Singapore - Tat Hui Foods

I’m reviewing this on March 14th and it’s actually my birthday today! I just got done doing a really big project on spicy noodles and though maybe it would be nice to do a review of something curry. I was looking through the samples and saw this one and realized I do have laksa leaves in my fridge so I’d better review it. So, what’s Laksa Singapura? Wikipedia has this to say – ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Tat Hui 1

Meet The Manufacturer: KOKA Product Samples - Singapore - The Ramen Rater - Instant Noodles - tat hui

This big box was sent by the folks at Tat Hui, makers of KOKAS brand instant noodles in Singapore. A few years ago, I saw an article in a news feed about KOKA products at a trade show in the United States and it hit me: maybe I should contact the guy they mentioned. I also thought maybe I could interview him and ask some questions about instant noodles. This is how the whole Meet The Manufacturer concept was born. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Tat Hui Foods Pte. Ltd.

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

Well folks it’s that time again. This one’s a big deal – the list that people from around the world have been waiting for every year. Since the last list came out, I’ve reviewed over 400 varieties of instant noodles – a new record in one year for me. So many good ones this year! These are my absolute favorites of the over 2,400 reviews of instant noodles I’ve posted to date. There are some big announcements at the end of the video, so make sure to check them out! As always, I invite instant noodle makers to contact me so I can try your noodles! Now without further ado, The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition! ...see full post

#2404: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Noodle Soup

#2404: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Noodle Soup - Malaysia - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

Her’s one you may not have seen from MyKuali before. Actually, you have on here , but with different clothing. So this is what is now known and seen more commonly as MyKuali Spicy Prawn Noodle Soup. However, it is dressed differently for the Singaporean market. Curious about what Hokkien Prawn is all about? Here’s something from wikipedia: ...see full post

Prima Taste Ready Meal – Curry Chicken With Rice

Prima Taste Ready Meal - Curry Chicken With Rice

I know, I know – you don’t have to tell me that this isn’t an instant noodle, but the folks at Prima Taste sent me some of these neat meal pouches and I wanted to let people know about them. You cut a little slit in the side towards the top and microwave for 90 seconds. Boom – curry chicken rice!  Here’s a quote from the company: ...see full post

More Product Samples From Prima Taste

More Product Samples From Prima Taste - Singapore - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

When I get a package here, it’s turned into a kind of celebration. So the head of festivities is Miles – a box comes and he’s ready to beat on it like a drum! I think he’s going to be a percussionist when he grows up – which I’d definitely be okay with. However, maybe he’ll be a noodle reviewer and follow in my footsteps – who knows; he’s not even two years old yet haha! Let’s open the box! ...see full post

A Recipe Using Prima Taste Laksa


Prima Taste Laksa Rice

(click to enlarge)

I usually wake up at 5 in the morning, take a ton of pictures, edit them, get a post ready and then around lunchtime do the actual pictures and cooking and review. I’ve done it this way for a while and it’s a pretty good schedule for me, especially with a one year old in the house with his own schedule. Today I thought I’d take a day off and maybe have something different for lunch. ...see full post

#2169: Happy Family Vegetable Flavour Instant Noodles

This is one that the folks from Prima Taste sent me when I did a call for instant noodles to review when I was running low a while back – thanks again! I always love to find  new varieties to review – and what surprises many is that I like trying different store brands. Many will say ‘oh – these aren’t special, they’re common!’ Well, they’re often not common where I live – and if I’ve not tried them, they’re definitely diamonds in the rough! Let’s have a look at this one! ...see full post