Category: * Stars 0 – 1.0

#4509: Cup O’ Crazy Gummy Noodles United States

#4509: Cup O' Crazy Gummy Noodles United States

In December, we went to Party City. They had a new one opened up next to us and so we were getting stuff for our daughter Miriam’s birthday. Well, they had two candy noodle things and this was one of them. A Cup O’ Crazy. That’s pretty weird. It’s got goo, edible chopsticks, and gummy noodles. I really don’t like things like this so much but I have to review it of course. Qho knoqa; it could be masterfully crafted; like a jelly noodle with a sauce that’s made from fine ingredients and chopsticks of sweet coconut powder that melt in your mouth. But I wouldn’t count on it. Let’s commense this, the 4,509th session of my personal congress of noodling. ...see full post

#4504: Kikkoman Noodle Kit With Sauce Teriyaki Sesame – United States

#4503: Kikkoman Noodle Kit With Sauce Teriyaki Sesame - United States

This is a gluten free product we found at a local store. My wife does the gluten free thing, so making this for her today. It’s currently 23 degrees outside with a wind chill as low at 15. That’s pretty cold for these parts. I’ve got to go to the store to get some stuff, so I’ll probably be talking about how cold it is. Anyways, let’s cook this one up. ...see full post

#4471: Nissin U.F.O. Korean Hot Chicken Flavour – Singapore

#4471: Nissin U.F.O. Korean Hot Chicken Flavour - Singapore

This is definitely a challenge to the popular spicy Korean varieties that are so popular right now. I’m really curious if it will also bring a Singaporean savoriness. Logically, this will be formulated to appeal to Singaporeans; like how we have American Chinese cuisine here, perhaps there’s a Singaporean Korean cuisine there? I don’t know but I think I’ll find out shortly! ...see full post

#4469: Pran Mr. Noodles Instant Noodles Beef Flavour – Bangladesh

This is one of the waning varieties I found at a store called JD’s Market right between Edmonds and Lynnwood. I end up checking them out usually right around Halloween every year as it’s right next to the Spirit Halloween store. Usually something I’ve not tried in there and this year was great for something new as well. Let’s try this beef instant from Bangladesh. ...see full post

#4411: Nongshim Shin Green Mushroom & Fried Tofu – United States

#4411: Nongshim Shin Green Mushroom & Fried Tofu - United States

Big thank you to James from Lakesida, CA for sending these over! This is the second of two new Nongshim Shin varieties recently released. It’s Vegan friendly which appeals to a broader group as time goes on. I’m very curious – I really like their Vgean varieties quite a bit, but generally not a huge fan of mushrooms. So, let’s give it a try and see how it is. ...see full post

Cold As Ice: Frozen Ramen – Your Holiday Gift

Cold As Ice: Frozen Ramen - Your Holiday Gift

Today is December 25th, 2022. I thought the perfect gift to all of you nice people that look at my reviews and experiments would be to add a lot of stuff to a plastic bowl and put it outside and let it freeze. So, that’s what I did. It is your holiday gift! For free! You are very welcome! Hope everyone seeing this is having a great holiday season and that it ends soon and that 2023 is lacking a lot of insanity that the previous year contained. ...see full post

#4324: Simply Asia Spicy Mongolian Noodle Bowl – United States

#4324: Simply Asia Spicy Mongolian Noodle Bowl - United States

The last two days of reviewing have been particularly grueling. The kitchen has been pretty warm even before boiling any water; super humid. Not used to it and it’s really quite uncomfortable. But I will continue on of course. Well, the last one of these I tried was really quite odd and so having gotten three varieties in all, I thought I should trudge onward and do the other two. I’m really quite curious what a spicy Mongolian bowl will taste like. Only one way to find out. ...see full post

#4314: Simply Asia Spicy Kung Pao Noodle Bowl – United States

#4314: Simply Asia Spicy Kung Pao Noodle Bowl - United States

I’ve tried quite a few different varieties of domestic microwavable bowls that have been very lackluster; to the point of finding it to be a bit of a no man’s land of endless zero star fare. Yeah – I really didn’t expect that. Well, I’m hoping to find some nice things here – hoping. Let’s see what happens. ...see full post

#4284: Lotus Foods Spicy Kimchi Rice Ramen Noodle Soup – United States

#4284: Lotus Foods Spicy Kimchi Rice Ramen Noodle Soup - United States

Well, hmm. This is the third variety of these I’ll be trying and the first two did very poorly. They both got zero stars. It really bums me out because these folks make some amazing rice products, but I have to say the translation into ramen makes my palate wretch. Hopefully, this one will be better! Third time’s the charm? We shall see. ...see full post

#4269: Annie Chun’s Japanese Style Shoyu Ramen Soup Bowl – United States

#4269: Annie Chun's Japanese Style Shoyu Ramen Soup Bowl - United States

Lately, I’ve found myself in a slight pickle. I’m low on varieties of review… Well, it’s mainly my fault – I think for over two weeks I’ve been in such a good groove that I’ve been able to do three reviews a day and walk about ten miles per day as well. That’s a lot of unique varieties of noodles… So, I’ve had to resort to finding a bunch in a bit of a hurry. I found this one locally at the grocery store today. In fact, I found five different varieties. Let’s see what this is all about – it sounds a little bit interesting. Guess we’ll see. ...see full post

#4192: NeoStar Ramen Delight Savory Chicken – United States

Thank you to James of Lakeside, California for sending this. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I heard about this stuff and have really wanted to review it for a couple months after Stumpy of N Little Rock, AR told me about it. He wasn’t a fan and by the looks of things, I probably won’t find this to be the second coming either. But the thing is for me, my favorite instant noodle is the one I haven’t tried yet – and this is not only one I’ve not tried, but a brand I’m completely unfamiliar with. This is made in China. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#4174: 7 Select Cheese & Herbs Pasta Cup – United States

#4174: 7 Select Cheese & Herbs Pasta Cup - United States

This is the second of two instant cups found at a local 7-Eleven store. 7-Eleven is based in Japan and a mainstay throughout Asia. I remember check it out in Taiwan and holy cow – they have tons of stuff. People go there to pay their utility bills, make their car payments, and buy all sorts of stuff. This reminds me of the kinds of products they have overseas, but more localized for the US consumer. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition

Most of the time, instant noodles tend to be pretty good. Companies tend to create products that they think people will like; why wouldn’t they? Well, sometimes there’s a product that I can’t believe anyone would like. These are my least favorite varieties out of 4,120 reviews. This is definitely a list you really don’t want to be on. One thing to note is that many of these products have been on the market for awhile, so there’s definitely people out there that enjoy them. Everything on this list is reviewed before adding any garnish. Hope you enjoy The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition! ...see full post

#4091: immi Black Garlic “Chicken” Flavor Ramen Soup – United States

#4091: immi Black Garlic "Chicken" Flavor Ramen Soup - United States

As soon as I heard about this stuff I was curious. But that was a long time ago and I’d almost forgotten why I was so curious until I did the unboxing. This stuff is made with pumpkin seed protein! That’s definitely unique. 22g of protein and 6g of net carbs. Ah, I remember net carbs. So, for every gram of fiber, you can knock off a carb. This has a ton of fiber. I’m really curious. Let’s give it a try. ...see full post

#4048: Kailo Brand Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour – China

#4048: Kailo Brand Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour - China

Here’s one that came from an Exotic Noods subscription box! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount. I haven’t had anything by this brand in probably a decade – but I remember I liked this brand’s products. I remember that, but I don’t know where my keys are at the moment. Fascinating. Well, let’s give it a try! ...see full post