Category: * Stars 0 – 1.0

#1917: IbuRamen Mi Goreng Bento Noodles In A Box Hot, Sweet & Sour Flavor

The last time I had one of these, I found something fascinating inside. The sachets all say Mexi Ramen on them, a brand I have reviewed once in the past (actually it was my 500th review). The package said it was MexiRamen. This one is clearly mentioning mi goreng, a Southeast Asian delicacy, and Bento, a Japanese style meal. Let’s crack this box open and have a look inside. ...see full post

ERROR – RE-REVIEW NECESSARY – #1863: Sichuan Baijia Broad Noodle Pickled Vegetable Artificial Beef Flavor

NOTE: I assumed that all of the Sichuan Baijia Broad Noodle series were supposed to be drained. This was apparently was NOT supposed to be drained, hence the review score of 0 stars. It will be re-reviewed soon! Thanks to Bundi R. for bringing this to my attention. ...see full post

#1800: Crystal Noodle Soup All Natural Hot & Sour

Wow – review #1800. I must admit my surprise on how quickly I’m closing in on #2000. I haven’t reviewed one of these Crystal Noodle varieties in quite a while. I was talking to a friend of mine about instant noodles we weren’t particularly fond of and he mentioned his wife really liked these. We both agreed that Crystal Noodle was one of our least favorites. I figure though hey, you never know. This might be the one I really like! Let’s have a look. ...see full post

#1628: Azami Kimchee Flavour Noodle Soup

Here’s one I got from Justin M. from Winfield, BC up north of here in Canada! Thanks! Let’s see here: the instant noodle cup was invented in Japan. This one is sold in Canada under the name Azami and sold by Loblaw’s, a supermarket chain. It’s manufactured in China. The flavor is of kimchi, which is South Korean. Wow. I’ve got hopes that this will be a good one! Let’s check these Azami noodles. ...see full post

#7261: Earth Instant Noodles Natural Flavor

I thought today I would try this interesting variety. A lot of people are very health conscious these days and are looking for something that is also ‘Earth friendly.’ Well, here’s an option. This is a new brand I’ve never heard of before. There’s really no information about them online and their packaging has no information about where it’s made, nor a website to check out their company. Hmmm… Well, let’s have a look at this one – I’m really curious! ...see full post

#1609: Mitoku Brown Rice Ramen

Just finishing up packing for our move. By the time this one’s posted though, it’ll all be done (I’ve been doing a couple reviews every day. One thing that’ll be vexing about the move is the fact that the Internet won’t be up until a few days after we’re there. Gonna be tough to get posts out but rest assured, I will! Today I’m reviewing this Mitoku variety from Japan. It looks to be packaged for sale here in the USA – you can really tell by the bar code being 12 as opposed to 13 digits, as well as the distributor. I don’t know much of anything about this one, so I guess we’ll see how brown rice noodles compare shortly. Let’s check out these Mitoku noodles! ...see full post

#1604: Unzen Mushroom Honpo Shiitake Nutritious Noodle

So we’re moving. Seems like we just moved here a little while ago, but we’re moving again. I’m pretty glad too – new scenery is always nice and it’s closer to my wife’s work. I’ve been doing a lot of packing and throwing things away. During this I found this one that was under a couple of things. It was sent a while back by a reader – she was trying to find out how to get her hands on these as she really enjoyed them when in Japan. I figured it out and as a thank you, she sent me a pack! Translating this one has proven quite a task – I’m still not sure I’ve got it right in any way, shape or form. If I’m way off, let me know! Let’s look inside – I think it should be interesting. ...see full post

#1418: Ottogi Ppushu Ppushu Noodle Snack Grilled Chicken Flavor

Sweet – another noodle snack! I think we’re pretty close to an annual noodle snack top ten list soon – just trying to figure out a good time to release it… Halloween perhaps? Superbowl time? If you have an idea, shoot me a comment below! Anyways, here’s another one of Ottogi’s Ppushu Ppushu line. This is the first one I’ve seen that’s chicken flavored that I can remember from them. Let”s have a look! ...see full post

#1415: Chewy Instant Rice Vermicelli Original Flavour

I’ll admit, I have a problem. I have a TON of noodles waiting to be reviewed. Today, I went and put them all on the floor as sorted them by expiration date. No small task, that’s for sure! It took a little while, but everything’s all sorted out and ready to go in the most efficient way I can figure. Today I’m going to review this Chewy variety from Hong Kong. I got it up in Canada a while back – let’s have a look. ...see full post

#1403: Tesco Everyday Value Chicken & Mushroom Flavour Noodles

Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! Tesco’s a big grocery store chain in England. One thing I’ve found that is a little difficult are European nutrition facts on instant noodles. It’s odd; they like to do a per 100g showing, then a per serving. The number often seem ridiculously off; a lot of the time it’s a calorie vs joule issue (yep – they use a different measure of energy over there too). Let”s see how this chicken and mushroom flavor cup goes! ...see full post

#7431: Earth Instant Noodles Natural Flavor

I thought today I would try this interesting variety. A lot of people are very health conscious these days and are looking for something that is also ‘Earth friendly.’ Well, here’s an option. This is a new brand I’ve never heard of before. There’s really no information about them online and their packaging has no information about where it’s made, nor a website to check out their company. Hmmm… Well, let’s have a look at this one – I’m really curious! ...see full post

#1213: Nan Jie Cun Hot-Dry Instant Noodles Chilli Flavour

Here another one I got up in Canada at T&T Supermarket in Richmond, BC. Never have I seen this brand before and thought ‘hey – this in interesting!’ What’s more, it’s actually heavy! What’s inside this thing making it so heavy? It took me a bit of looking to find out about this brand and it’s products. Here’s a little something I read on Wikipedia about where the manufacturing facility is: ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time

So after sampling so many varieties of instant noodles over the years, of course there have been some that I didn’t like. There also were some that are so memorable for how awful they were. After people asked what my least favorites were a few times, I thought I should just make a list of them. I should point out that these are on the list because I couldn’t stand them. I’m pretty sure they are all still in production, and the only reason they would be is that people somewhere find them enjoyable. So who knows – you might have a completely different opinion on these than me, but I found them to be absolutely the worst of the worst. With that, here’s The Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time, 2013 Edition. ...see full post

#455: Baijia Single Noble Pickled Radish And Duck Flavor Instant Sweet Potato Noodle ( Cup )

Baijia. Probably the single brand with the lowest consecutive ratings I’ve given. But lo and behold, I continue reviewing them – I believe that at some point there will be something awesome from them! Perhaps this pickled radish and duck flavored sweet potato noodle cup will be the holy grail? We shall see… ...see full post