Category: * Stars 1.1 – 2.0

#1558: No Name Beef Flavour Oriental Noodles And Soup Mix

Here’s one I got from Justin M. from Winfield, BC up north of here in Canada! Thanks! This one’s rather fascinating to me as the brand name is literally ‘no name.’ It’s made in China for Loblaw’s, a Canadian grocery store chain. I’m crossing my fingers here; Canadian instant noodles haven’t really been my favorites – but this is a new one so we’ll have to see. With an open mind, let’s delve into No Name Beef Flavour Oriental Noodles And Soup Mix! ...see full post

#1544: Thai Pavilion Pad Thai Instant Rice Noodles & Sauce

I believe my wife got me this one for Christmas last year – thanks sweetie! What’s so nice about instant noodles is that they have such a long shelf life, and so they can sit in my noodle hamper for a while before I have to get to them. Anyways, here’s one that sounds good today – Thai Pavilion Pad Thai. This one is made in Thailand but made for the US market. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1512: Chewy Japanese Fried Ramen Noodles Kyoto Barbecue Sauce Flavour

I figured since I have some cabbage I need to use before it goes bad, yakisoba would be a good call for today. This is one of those interesting ones. The product is from a Hong Kong company called Chewy, made in South Korea, and a Japanese flavor. Yakisoba is great stuff – vegetables and meats fried with noodles and oil and some flavoring. Time to have some breakfast – let’s check out this one from Chewy. ...see full post

#1424: Sainsbury’s Curry Flavour Instant Noodles

Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! I think I’ve only got one more they sent – been fun doing these British varieties! Curry is a really popular British flavor. I’m calling it a British flavor, because there are so many interpretations of curry; the British make curry powders and cook with them – they’re usually less spicy and exotic than something you’d find in Southeast Asia. Anyways, I thought I’d make some chicken to go along with this and use some of the curry leaf that’s growing in my wife’s garden. What’s interesting is that curry leaf isn’t used in curry! It smells like curry powder though. Should be interesting! Let’s check it out. ...see full post

#1417: Sau Tao Oat Noodle Abalone Flavored

Here’s one I got up in Canada a while back. These noodles are made with oats. A lot of different ways to make noodles – different gauges, lengths, colors – and ingredients make them all different. Oats sound like a logical way to go – wondering if anyone has ever heard of a soybean noodle ever made? Hmm… I bet someone’s made one! Anyways, let’s try these ones – abalone flavor! ...see full post

#1364: Golden Wheat Korean Style Stew Pork Flavour Noodle Soup

Today we have a big bowl of noodles! These were found up in Canada for my birthday trip – last year. I must say that the shelf life of instant noodles is really quite amazing and helpful – especially when I review one every day. I’ve got quite a lot of instant noodles here, which should be no surprise! I remember in November of 2012 – I was in a bit of a panic. I did a bunch of re-reviews and had a real problem finding new varieties. Then boom – found tons and got a bunch sent to me. Anyways, let’s have a look at this big pork bowl! ...see full post

#1338: Batchelors Super Noodles Peppered Steak Flavour

Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! I’m getting towards the end of the noodles that they sent – been a lot of fun trying all sorts of British varieties! I usually get some cues on what I’ll ad at the end from a picture on the front of a package, but this one doesn’t have any ‘suggested serving’ or anything like that, so I have to go with my gut. I looked around on Google for ‘peppered steak British’ and found quite a few leads. The peppered steak there looks to be basically steak with a decent amount of black pepper. Sound simple enough. Of course, things like a dash of brandy aren’t readily available, so I think pepper is going to be my friend for this one. Anyways, let’s see what’s within. ...see full post

#1323: Golden Wheat Korean Style Mushroom Chicken Flavour Cooking Noodle

This is one I got for my birthday last year when my wife took me to Canada – thank you, Kit! I’m going to be blunt: I don’t have high hopes on this one. These Golden Wheat varieties are pretty good, as they’re JML products in camouflage. As you can see from this JML Mushroom Chicken bowl, the sachets are identical. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve really enjoyed a lot of the Golden Wheat and JML varieties, but I really didn’t like the Mushroom Chicken previously. Time to see if this one warrants a low score or if it’s a pleasant surprise. It’s go time. ...see full post

#1277: Vifon Mì Gà Tìm Chua Cay Hot & Sour Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles

I thought this one interesting; it says hot and sour chicken, but those are shrimp on there too. I decided I’d walk to the store and try something new. Fish balls! I’ve had them in hot pot before, but thought I’d get some golden fish balls with shrimp for this one. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1243: Nissin Demae Rice Vermicelli Chicken Flavour Instant Rice Vermicelli With Soup Base

Here’s one my wife got me earlier this year on my birthday trip to Canada! Thanks, Kit! Today I’ll be using the very last of the amazingly succulent and perfect turkey Kit made this Thanksgiving – trust me – it was absolutely perfect. That’s why it’s chicken flavored noodles today; I don’t think it’d be very logical to add it to shrimp or beef flavored. Maybe duck, but I don’t believe there’s any duck flavored in my stash. So the noodles were bought in Canada, distributed in Hong Kong and a product of Thailand – got all that? Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#999: Pot Noodle Tony’s Doner Kebab

Wow – here we are; this is the precipice of a very large psychological number! First things first – thanks to Joe & Gil of the UK for sending such a nice mix of interesting noodles! Okay so this is a Pot Noodle – they’re always interesting as the British seem to come up with some really interesting flavors to lend to instant noodles and this is definitely one of them. Doner Kebab. So, what is a Doner Kebab? Well, click here for the seriously huge amount of info from Wikipedia,. Basically what they’re saying is that you have a meat that’s roasted on a vertical spit and then sliced thin and garnished with tomato, lettuce, onion and other things. At least that’s what I’m getting from it. The packaging mentions this is lamb flavor, but beef is also common (and what I’ll use as a garnish). ...see full post

#970: Meet The Manufacturer: Annie Chun’s Noodle Express Spicy Szechuan

As we are starting to wind down the Annie Chun’s Meet The Manufacturer (there are only two left), we find the last Noodle Express I have – Spicy Szechuan. It mentions that the Szechuan sauce is made with gochujang, a Korean standard as far as spicy fare goes. Let’s check it out. ...see full post