Category: * Stars 1.1 – 2.0

#199: Samyang Chinese Soybean Paste Ramen Stir Noodle Noodle Soup Olive Oil Add

Wow – you know, sometimes it just so happens a package of ramen just has to many words on it. This is one of those occasions. I mean, look at that title up there. I like how you drain the liquid, but it says noodle soup – and you don’t add olive oil, it’s already in the liquid packet… ...see full post

#67: Maruchan: Ramen Noodle Soup Lime Chili Shrimp Flavor

So this looks to be one of the more exotic flavors out there as far as the more ‘domesticated’ ramens go. What I find curious is whether this is marketed towards the Hispanic or the Filipino populations. The combination of chili and lime are popular in both cultures and products marketed with a pepper and a green lime are very common. ...see full post

#53: Indomie Chicken Flavour Cup Noodles

Indomie: Chicken Cup
Stars: **
Notes: A little too salty for my taste; was missing some important things like really tasty flavor and seasoning oil. I suppose that’s the trade-off when having a small cup-o-noodles style cup. However, one of the coolest things in the ramen industry is the Indomie Folding Fork, which is included. It just folds and snaps into place! Sturdy too. So yes, it’s worth it for the fork. ...see full post

#34: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Shrimp Flavor

Maruchan: Noodle Soup – Shrimp Flavor
Stars: **

Notes: I don’t know why, but the ramen companies that cater to the U.S. customer really dropped the ball here – there’s only one packet and the noodles are of very poor quality. However, this type of ramen’s saving grace is it’s ability to be used to make a bastardized version of ‘Spaetzel,” a Scandinavian dish. Get it here.
...see full post

#21: Nongshim Champong Oriental Style Noodle

Nong Shim: Champong Oriental Noodles
Stars: **
Notes: First off, this was a pretty big package; more like very big. There was
a pack of dehydrated fish as well – octopus, cuttlefish, seaweed etc.
Also, the noodles were Udon style [extra thick]. After I made it, I
realized that the broth was quite dark and deep red. The octopus was
black too – and after the noodles, drinking the last bit of broth was
what I imagine a ton of fish blood and salt would be like. ...see full post