So after years of reviewing instant ramen noodles, here it is. Finally. Hold onto your coiffure taming device: oriental flavor. I have always considered this to be the most boring of all flavors as it really isn’t that adventurous. We’ll see if it stays in that realm of blandness as I review the latest instant noodles for
Category: * Stars 2.1 – 3.0
Re-Review: Nongshim Shin Ramyun
So these instant noodles are very prevalent in this area and I imagine easily procured anywhere in the USA. This is Nongshim Shin Ramyun Gourmet Spicy flavor and it was purchased at a regular grocery store.
#63: Nissin Souper Meal Chicken Flavor with vegetable medley
3 Stars
So I currently have a cold/giraffe flu and thought perhaps a liquid suspension of sodium and noodles would help. Being the microwave gourmet I am these days, I went for the big sucker pictured here. 1420mg of sodium and some Flonase and I’m starting to perk up! This was a marginal cup noodle. The noodles themselves are rather weak by comparison to Cup Noodle for example. Of course, one plus is the multiple packets. I’m a packet junkie as all Ramen Rater readers know. You get a little dehydrated veggie packet, one with soup base and then one that you add at the end with the mysterious beckoning ‘Finishing Touch.’ The veggies rehydrate quite well and provide a decent amount, but just like all other things, there’s never enough. As I said above, the noodles lacked gumption. As for the ‘Finishing Touch,’ its an oil – probably sesame. All in all, it wasn’t anything to call home about, but nothing to call the police about either. The whole deal surrounding this product is just that its enormous. Get it here. UPC bar code 070662007020.
#58: Ve Wong A One Bun Tom Shrimp Rice Vermicelli
A One: Bun Tom Shrimp
Stars: ***
Notes: This stuff was really good – had had a few beers beforehand and decided to
try it as a preventative hangover cure. Didn’t work all that great for it’s intended purpose, however it was good. The package contained a packet of dried green onions, seasoning oil and soup base. The noodles [rice variety] were strangely enough sealed in their own plastic bag. I cooked the noodles and green onions and dropped in a couple eggs and then dropped that mixture [drained of course] into a bowl with the oil and flavor base and stirred. Was a very burly dealio.
#57: Doll Instant Fried Noodle w/Chili Sauce [Box]
Doll: Instant Fried Noodle w/Chili Sauce [Box]
Stars: ***
Notes: A nice sqare box of noodles – hot chili flavor was alright – not too hot though.
One thing I found very unique about this particular bowl was that it came with a a little packet of tea!
#54: Hua Feng Noodle Expert Spicy Instant Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavor
Hua Feng Noodle Expert: Spicy Instant Noodles – Spicy Seafood Flavor
Stars: ***
Notes: This stuff’s actually quite different – it comes in a round cake of noodles, and fits quite snugly into the cooking pot. After cooking it, it really sucks up water and basically turned into a big bowl of seafood spaghetti! Wasn’t too shabby with some roman peasant bread left over from mother’s day.
#48: Indomie Rasa Kaldu Udang Shrimp Flavor
Indomie: Shrimp Flavor
Stars: ***
Notes: Not a bad bowl of noodles, although a little salty. Of course quite good when made with a bit of fried or scrambled egg on top. Get it here.
#46: Indomie Jumbo Meat Ball
Indomie: Jumbo Meat Ball
Notes: Strangely enough, this did have a slight hamburger-like flavor to it. It’s best quality is that it’s a jumbo pack – can’t get enough of this stuff! Basically very much like the regular fried noodles. Get it here in the regular size.
#40: Lucky Me! Pancit Canton Chili Mansi Flavor
Lucky Me: Pancit Canton Chili Mansi Flavor
Stars: ***
Notes: This is like the Kalamansi [Lime] flavor, but with a little kick. Perfect noodle to
go with gin and tonics. Get it here.
#39: Lucky Me! Supreme Bulalo Flavor Bowl [Beef Marrow]
Lucky Me: Supreme Bulalo Flavor Bowl [Beef Marrow]
Stars: ***
Notes: This stuff was really decent – tasted like good beef broth and the noodles stood
firm and potent. What this bowl needed was perhaps a packet of dried onions
with it – would have probably earned it another star.
#38: Lucky Me! Pancit Canton Citrus Flavor
Lucky Me: Pancit Canton Citrus Flavor
Stars: ***
Notes: This was something new for sure – citrus ramen? Well, it didn’t taste all that
extremely fruity. I ate it without any adulterants [veggies, chicken, eggs etc]
and found it to be quite good – was like the way lemon juice highlights a good
salmon dish. Was definitely lime juice doing all the marketing here.
#37: Lucky Me! Pancit Canton Hot Chili Flavor
Lucky Me: Pancit Canton Hot Chili Flavor
Stars: ***
Notes: I was quite ill with horrible seasonal allergies when I tried this flavor, but
it was about perfect. What I found odd was that since ramen packs that
say hot chili usually live up to the name – not this one – not hot at all. I
suppose it could be due to the fact that I was sick and couldn’t taste much…
#36: Lucky Me! Itnok Chicken & Egg Flavor Nutrition Noodles
Lucky Me: Itnok
Stars: ***
Notes: This is some really decent stuff. A very tasty chicken broth and very curious noodles round out this small bag. It seems this may be a children’s style of ramen also. I wonder what Itnok means – could it be the sound of the chicken emoting sheer joy being told it will be ground into a flavorful spice sack and packaged with a smiling likeness of itself? I’m hoping so, as if it were an unhappy chicken, Bock Bagok would be the name,
#35: MAMA Chand Clear Soup Oriental Style Instant Noodles
MAMA: Oriental Style Instant (Chand Clear Soup) Stars: ***
Notes: This stuff ain’t too bad. Definitely rice noodles. The broth was extremely good – a little spicy, but clear as it purports. Tasted like a celery soup. Did just fine with it even
though I have a severe unrelated gut-ache.
#25: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Flavor
Nissin: Spicy Flavor
Notes: This is the variety of noodles you see when you enter this site
and in the background. It lives up to its’ name as it is quite spicy. My only
issue with it is that the noodles are of the rice-vermicelli variety. Way too thin for me. Get it here.
#22: Nongshim Ansungtangmyun Noodle Soup
Nong Shim: Ansungtangmyun Noodle Soup
Stars: ***
This stuff was very odd – I enjoy odd things,
so that’s why the 3 stars. It was like an udon
style noodle first off, and came with a
seasoning packet that was enormous. I ended
up having jalapeno bread with it because it comes
out more like a hot flavor spaghetti than anything.
#19: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Noodle Soup
Nong Shim: Shin Ramyun
Stars: ***
Much better than the Neoguri but much the same.
This stuff’s pretty spicy and salty, and the noodles
are a bit better than Neoguri. Like Neoguri, they
are udon style and the noodles are in a condensed
round shape out of the package, easily dropped into
a small round pot. Get it here.
#18: Ottogi Jin Ramen Hot Taste Oriental Style Noodle
Ottogi: Jin Ramen – Hot Taste
Stars: ***
Notes:This is quite good – the noodles are pretty garden variety, but there’s a nice quantity of them. I made the noodles as per the instructions on the package, but I drained a good portion of the water off before putting them in my bowl, adding the hot flavor soup base and the veggies. I put a single fried egg on top and voila! A good, robust and filling bowl of ramen. Tasty stuff! Get it here.
#17: Quickchow Pancit Palabok
Quickchow: Pancit Palabok
Stars: ** 1/2
Notes: This is an odd one. I have tried quite a few Filipino ramens, but I would have
to say Quickchow is probably the best. This is a rather dry rice noodle ramen. The flavor
is interesting. Only way I know how to describe it.
#15: Samyang Pojangmacha U-Dong
Samyang: Pojangmacha U-Dong
Stars: ** 1/2
Notes: These were some interesting noodles. First off, they are called ‘u-dong’ and not ‘udon.’ Second, they had something called ‘sea tangle.’ I believe that the sea tangle is the true redeeming quality of this package. As far as the flavor, it wasn’t the best in the world. Wasn’t really seafoody… I dunno – didn’t really taste different – just ‘other’ seafoody, and smelled good. I mostly enjoyed the very exciting sea tangle.
#12: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Shrimp Flavor Soup
Sapporo Ichiban: Shrimp Flavor
Stars: ** 1/2
Notes: Wasn’t all that jazzed about this stuff – I do think I like the Maruchan Shrimp a
tad bit better. The difference however, is that this package of noodles is very
dense – lots of noodles! A plus, but not enough to make me stoked. Get it here.
#8: Tung-I Chinese Beef Flavor Instant Rice Noodles
Tung-I: Chinese Beef
Stars: ***
Notes: This was quite good – the base tasted like nothing I’ve tried before. Very much
like a Mongolian beef sauce – was really good.
#6: Vifon Nam Vang Oriental Style Instant Noodle
Vifon: Nam Vang
Stars: ** 1/2
Notes: This stuff wasn’t bad – basically a typical salty rice noodle snack ramen from Vietnam. It would not do well with an egg though, as the noodles weren’t the most strong and a lot of them turned to an almost gelatinous state – not from overcooking I assure you. Other than the weak fortitude of the noodles, the broth was fine as were the dried vegetables.